Member Reviews

This was my first book by Jenna Sutton and I really enjoyed it. You get two romantic stories for the price of 1 :). The stories are about Leo and Marco, two royal princes of Alsania. After all of the Harry/Meghan hoopla, these really fit the bill for me.
Leo is the "polar prince"-will Tessa thaw his heart?
Marco is the "playboy prince" -will Cassie be the one woman that does not want him?
I thought that I'd like Cassie's story better as it involved an unplanned pregnancy-I am attracted to that plot point for some reason lol. It was Leo's story that I liked a lot better though.

Thanks to NetGalley and Jenna Sutton for the ARC in return for my honest review.

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I didn't mind the first book. It was a little too fast pact but the characters were sweet. The second was awful. I had pregnancy tropes and the fact that he hid he was the father was only half the issue. She just went along with marrying a royal with no concerns. The dialogue was also a lot more cringeworty. The second book really ruined it for me

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This book brings in Royal Match and Royal Catch and features the royal brothers, Leo and Marco. Double your pleasure in this two books in one. Well written with captivating characters and an enchanting storyline. I read a reader copy and voluntarily chose to write a review.

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3.5 Stars

This was my first Jenna Sutton read, and I enjoyed it. Binging on royals has been my thing lately, which is why I picked this one up.

The story is two novellas that are based around the heir and the spare in a place in Europe. The stories were different, but both enjoyable in their own ways. I liked the first one more because of the instalove and the social issues surrounding the plot. It was sexy and enjoyable. The second one was ok for me, but I am not a fan of the trope. The characters were st likable and the chemistry was amazing, so it's still worth a read.

Much of the Royal lifestyle and nuances did not surface in these stories. It may have been due to the length. It didn't make the books less enjoyable, just less royal.

Overall, these are fun, sexy, quick reads that I recommend if you like a little royal with your romance.

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Novellas are not usually my favorite, but these two fit together so naturally, and were so fun to read, that I didn't mind this time. Jenna Sutton is fun to read, and I look forward to more from her!

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Two enjoyable Royal tales. Perfect with all the interest in the Actual Royal Wedding! Each story had the right amount of heart, sass and steam.

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This is an enjoyable, cute book sharing the stories of 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Both stories are good, but I liked the second one the best.

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Very cute read. Very naughty in places. Easy book to while away a few hours with a cup of tea. Thank you Netgalley for this copy.

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Major swooning here!!!! I am so head over heels for this book. Told in alternating perspectives, we get to really know the characters and what drives them. It was so nice to get to see their inner thoughts and how they each saw each other.

First off, i want to be best friends with Tessa. She is sweet and super funny in a sarcastic way heheheh KaBloom..just saying) ! Second, Leo is a major babe... even if people think he is icy, he is anything but.  I really loved how both of these characters play off one another. They both really help the other to be a better person and both really care for one another.. Its hard to see two people so stubborn in their own ways they can't accept love. Leo really shines through around her as he is himself.

Cassie and Marco were perfect as well. They both drive the story as long as well and I loved how you can tell they truly love their own respective families, while wanting to do whats best for each other. 

This is my first book by this author, but it will not be my last! super head over heels for this book! Ill just be over here swooning till I read the next title by this author!

4/5 stars

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Two royal brothers fall in love. Ms. Sutton has a smooth, flowing writing style that had me turning pages quickly to find out what the characters were going to do next. I loved how the characters were so lifelike, like they could step from the pages. I found the first novella very interesting and learned a little bit about living organ donations.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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These were well written stories about two brothers and two sisters. Both with rather unique premises. Leo and Tessa and Marco and Cassie. I will say that the sex scenes were very graphic and if that is not your cup of tea, you may want to pass on this book.

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Royal Mess by Jenna Sutton was two novellas about two brothers, Leo and Marco, princes of Alsania. Leo meets Tessa when he donates part of his liver to her, which meant if all went well, he would be saving her life. He decided to be a living donor as he needed to greatly improve his image to the people of Alsania. He was known as the Ice Prince. Cassie is Tessa's sister (these two sisters were both adopted) so she met Marco through Tessa. Marco was the playboy but that all changed when he met Cassie. Both stories were really great. This was the first I read Jenna Sutton books but won't be my last. Great story line. I received an ARC for my honest review through NetGalley.

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Lots of love and of course great sex but also it hits on causes that need to be brought to everyone's attention. Great book!

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A sweet romance between Leo (who saves her life literally) and Tessa. No major conflict between the two, though Leo wants to be loved for himself. And Tessa is falling hard and fast for the Ice Prince. Lovely story. I enjoyed the second book starring Cassie and Prince Marco, the siblings of Leo and Tessa. Their story was quite steamy. I voluntarily read this book via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I like the second story better.

Ooh. Mistaken identity.

Do people often come into her apartment and nose around?

That lemonade sounds good.

Leo still chooses his wife's clothes? Ew.

Trifle is yummy. So is salmon. Just saying.

He really should tell her.

What does she think, he has a magic penis?

The epilogue is really cute.

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Royal Mess by Jenna Sutton
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Royal Mess contains two novellas. Each featured two royal bothers who seem to be different but express the same emotions in very different ways. The first features Tessa Lulach and Prince Leo, The Polar Prince. Tessa needs a liver transplant and Leo offers part of his. This leads to a interesting love story. The second features Tessa's sister Cassie Lulach and Leo's brother Prince Marco, the playboy prince. They also have an interesting romance. Both are fun to read. If you cannot get enough of royalty these are a good choice.

I received a free copy of the book in return for an honest review.

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**ARC provided to NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

I'm really not a fan of the whole Prince/Princess story line especially with all the recent hoopala but this book had me changing my mind. Royal Mess is two novellas, Royal Match and Royal Catch. Royal Mess features Prince Leo Alsania and Tessa a florist shop owner and Royal Catch features Prince Marco and Cassie (Tessa's sister). Each book has a unique story line. chemistry galore and more sexy steamy encounters than you can count. This is the first book I've read by Jenna Sutton but it certainly won't be my last. This is definitely another author to add to the "must read" list.

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What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
Dual POVs

I look forward to reading more from Jenna Sutton.

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Two stories of brothers falling in love with commoner sisters. Royal Match is the story of Leo and Tessa., Tessa , meets Prince Leo at the hospital where he plans to donate part of his liver to her. Once his Father the king steps down, Prince Leo will be the king.. Prince Leo's nickname is the Polar Prince, somewhat cold and unpopular in the kingdom He is donating to Tessa to improve his popularity with the kingdom and to help promote organ donations.They are attracted to each other, but can be overcome his coldness and love her.

In Royal Catch, Cassie and Prince Marco, known as the Playboy Prince, are fiercely attracted to each other. She thinks he is a player and she has a boyfriend. One night two strangers meet in the dark and have a private moment. Cassie is pregnant. She breaks up with her boyfriend so the way is clear for Marco and Cassie but there's the pregnancy to consider. Will Cassie and Marco overcome their problems so they can have their HEA?
Both stories have some sex scenes. The stories are short but the characters are believable and I loved the way everything came together. I enjoyed this book. I received this book from Net Galley for an honest review.

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I received a copy of this book for an honest review.

Royal Mess is a cute story. Prince Leo's father has decided that Leo cannot be kind unless he gets his ratings up. In a drastic move, he decides to donate a piece of his liver to someone in need. When he meets Tessa the first time he knows she's special. After the surgery, they stay in contact. Then, Leo and Tessa begin to fall for each other.

Royal Mess had such great potential. Going into this story I think I had a lot of expectations about what this story would be. Sadly, Royal Mess did not meet many of those expectations I had.

I wanted this story to have a strong female lead and kind of cold prince. Instead, I got a female lead who I felt started strong and then just faded into unspectacularly. Her personality was just meh. The prince was just meh as well. Royal Mess just felt like a lot of wasted potentials.

Then there were the copious amounts of sex scenes. This book was all about the sex. Not going to lie, some of it was very swoon-worthy, but it took over the story and made the rest of the plot fall by the wayside.

Overall, if you're looking for a cut and dry romance with lots of hot sex scenes, this is the book for you. If you want a story with characters and a unique plot, you may want to find another story to read.

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