Member Reviews

Two princes are better than one. Jenna Sutton has doubled the reading pleasure in this two for one novella set. Two steamy brothers with titles, each in a heart throbbing story of their own.

Royal Match tells the story of Leo, the heir to the throne of Alsania. In a bid to improve his image and increase the public’s approval ratings Leo voluntarily added himself to the organ donor registry in his country. Prepared to do the publicity stints and drum up support for the worthy cause he was shocked to receive a call for live donation of a piece of his liver. Even more shocking was how captivating the recipient patient, Tessa, is.

Tessa can’t believe her luck when just in time a partial liver donor is found. She can’t believe it even more when the man is drop dead gorgeous and just happens to be next in line for the throne of Alsania. Of course being a small flower shop owner without the smallest drop royal blood the best she can expect from Leo is the chunk of his royal liver that’s going to save her life. Too bad she’s feeling all kinds of things for him that have nothing to do with gratitude for rescuing her like the perfect prince in a fairy tale.

In Royal Catch we get a stand alone story telling the story of the man next in line for Alsania’s throne. Prince Marco is every woman’s dream and every tabloids biggest story. The man has been on the cover for more crazy antics than he can recall over the years. Unfortunately for him, when his brother tied the knot the new queen of Alsania came with a sister who might be the one woman who Marcus would like to settle down with. Even worse his playboy antics aren’t going to win him any favors with Cassie.

Her sister may be the new queen, but Cassie is still living simply as a commoner and teacher. Her normal life doesn’t bother her one bit, but her attraction for her sister’s new brother in law just might pose a problem. When she makes a huge mistake attempting to put her feelings for Marco to rest, the one man who she’d been trying to expertise from her emotions might just be the one to help her out of her dilemma.

Both stories had me eagerly turning the pages and full blown laughing at times. Ms. Sutton weaves excellent romance that has you craving to find out how we will make our way to the happily ever after. I look foreword to reading more by this talented author.

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Royal Mess is a duet of dirty talking princes who are ready to set aside traditions to seek out love and emotional support to find their Queens.

I'm a little obsessed with Royal love these last few weeks. Royal Mess does a great job bringing the love to the forefront. Both novellas are similar but the Prince's are very different. Held together by customs and traditions while showing their naughty side.

Royal Match focuses on the heir, Prince Leo. He's not a favorite amongst his people but since he's next inline to the throne he's a little more stuffy then he could be. Lucky for him he's matched perfect with Tessa. She's sweet, shy but knows how to win the hearts of friends and acquaintances alike. The pair go on tour discussing the benefits of transplants and how vital they are for the world. Throughout their tour they form a closer bond, dare I say love, but they each have trust issue. They pair goes their separate ways for a bit only to realize what they had was real.
Despite being the Prince, he knows how to grovel to win her heart and love happily ever after.

Royal Catch is a novella about Prince Marcus, the spare. Known as the playboy Prince he's had a lot more fun than his brother but is ready to settle down. He's set his sites Cassie however she's seen his ways and isn't falling. She's always given him the cold shoulder despite her secret crush. Their connection is passion and lust but Marcus realizes that they need more if they are going to make it work.
The more that these two created was so sweet. I loved the ending to their HEA

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I was given a free copy of this book from the author.

I absolutely love royalty stories. This is a good one. It seemed like a short read when I was immersed in the story. I had a few issues with some references in the story. So that knocked of a star for me. I thought the story as great, otherwise.

These two Princes are vastly different personality wise. They love each other and look out for one another though. It's what I would think of how William and Harry are towards each other. One is series the other is the "playboy." Sometimes those persona's can bite them in the butt though...and boy can it.

The women in these stories are strong, no nonsense type sisters. They know what they want and they push through to their end goal. Though they didn't consider it being brothers much less royalty!

I hope you enjoy Royal Mess. This book definitely can live up to it's name. :-)

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This book contains two royal romances in one and both are unique to their characters. Prince Leo needs a major PR change and by donating part of his liver to Tessa his approval rating goes through the roof. This story was terrific and what a way to incorporate encouraging organ donation. The second story was about Prince Leo’s younger brother, Marco, and Tessa’s sister, Cassie. It was very different than the first story, but I enjoyed it also. I loved the epilogue included!

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Princes need live too. In Royal Mess, readers meet Prince Keo and Prince Marco as they pursue love with commoners. These novellas are quick, passionate reads. I enjoy this author’s work. Thanks to Jenna Sutton for ARC of this title via NetGalley.

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"Royal Mess" by Jenna Sutton

***a special thank you to Netgalley and Jenna Sutton for providing an ARC for this review!

Prince Leo’s icy demeanor has earned him an amusing nickname—the Polar Prince. Unfortunately, the king doesn’t see the humor. If Leo wants to secure the throne of Alsania, he must improve his image. Participating in an organ donation campaign seems like a good start. He expects to donate his organs on his deathbed, so he’s surprised to be matched with a complete stranger who needs his help now.

Tessa Lulach hates to admit it, but she’s a damsel in distress. When a handsome prince offers to save her with a hunk of his liver, she joyfully accepts. She can’t wait to feel like herself again and return to her beloved flower shop. Instead, her identity is revealed, and the quiet life she loves is turned upside down.

As Leo and Tessa deal with the nosy public and ruthless paparazzi, she realizes the Polar Prince is much warmer than he seems—scorching hot, in fact. He willingly gave her a part of his liver, but can he give her his whole heart?

***** book two *****

Everyone loves Prince Marco of Alsania, despite his reckless antics … or maybe because of them. So why does sexy schoolteacher Cassie Lulach prefer a boring investment banker over him? Wounded by her indifference, he has an erotic encounter with a masked woman at a royal ball who reminds him of the one he really wants.

After another failed relationship, Cassie is frustrated with immature, inconsiderate guys. Wanting to escape reality, she attends a masquerade ball and finds herself alone with a masked stranger. For the first time in her life, she acts on impulse, only to end up pregnant and absolutely clueless about the identity of her baby’s father.

When Marco learns of Cassie’s pregnancy and her plans to raise the baby alone, he promises to be there for her, hoping she’ll finally see him as more than just a playboy prince. But then he discovers she’s the woman from the masquerade ball and panics. Will the truth destroy his chance to win over Cassie, or will he convince her that they can have their own happily ever after?

Contemporary | Romance

I am shooketh with myself that I haven't read any previous titles by this author! Book one in this two part novel was an enjoyable romantic read that I was instantly in love with from the very start. I don't know If I just have a special spot in my heart for the "royalty loves the commoner" story trope, but this was definitely one of my favorites. I could read this title again and again, it's long enough to be a complete story, but short enough it stands as a quick enjoyable read for the craving of a simple romance. Book two, that one was just as beautiful. I love that this author takes common stories plots and leads them off into an entirely different direction. Well done! I highly recommend for any romance reader for sure!

Leo - the next in line to the throne and delicious hubby for this tale. I loved the interaction and care this character developed for Tessa. He was such a sweetheart throughout the whole story, he's completely infatuated and will do everything in his power to keep her comfortable and ... alive (wink, wink) this guy was the definition of prince charming. Five stars for this man taking me down the isle (dreams do please come true)
Tessa - Cute, charming, lovable . . . what more can one ask for. I really loved Tessa, she was unique enough to have a hear of gold while holding the most adorable innocence concerning the rules of commoner and royalty. One of my favorite things about Tessa was she calls Leo by his name rather than "Majesty" or something along the proper title between peasant and prince haha. It was beautiful to see these two bridge the gap that separates them.
Marco - Playboy Marco... such a sweet little bean this one is. I really liked seeing this character break from his womanizing ways to be the rock and key to Cassie. His growing protectiveness of her was indeed the greatest part of his character, I think he was by far the favorite of this series. He was lovely and beautiful, can I take him home with me?
Cassie - any mother willing to scarafice something in her life to a baby is well on my high list of respectable women. I loved her beauty and hilarity, she was both crass and accepting - the building realtationship between herself and Marco brought out a sensitive beauty for her. I loved the romance between the two.
(book one) I am honestly in love with the plot for this story, our main character, Tessa, is suffering from liver failure when prince charming comes to save the day with compatible blood type and an interest to boost his royal ratings. Now, would this next in line to the throne royal hubby have fallen in love with any ole' beauty he gave his organ to? Nope. This interesting and refreshing read was composed enough that it was the complete charm of the leading lady herself that wormed her way into his heart. I loved the relationship building for these two characters, the meddling of the parents, and the beauty of a cold prince learning to love. I myself found it nearly impossible not to love Tessa, she was so open and willing to help and provide, her heart is too big for her small little body and I loved her every waking moment reading this! Plus, what a steamy set of compatibility - hold onto your hearts cause mine was racing overtime those two locked lips ... oh boy!
(book two) the story of Marco and Cassia was just as beautiful and creative, an opps who got me pregnant is always a difficult line to build on and Jenna Sutton did it with flying colors! I loved the outside order of the characters relationship, and that it was more than just the baby that brought them together. It was their love and Marcos will to help this women with no baby daddy. His hope to become more of a father figure and support group for Cassie and they baby - even before the "oh shit thats mine" moment. While I enjoyed this story, and its uniqueness from the other tale- I did find Tessa and Leo's story to be more on my comfort lines. I loved their relationship, but I felt that Tessa and Leo had something that built better than the other two.

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Tessa had been notified by doctor Barehon they had found a match for her. He provided only three details- male, 31 years old, and in perfect health. The man would give her a large part of his liver was Prince Leo of Alsania. Tessa had been in the hospital for twenty two miserable days and and she looked even worse . Then the Prince was in Tessa’s hospital room . A lot of Tessa’s friends were obsessed with the royal family but Tessa was too busy being a commoner. The simple act of going to the bathroom exhausts Tessa. Tessa owns a florist shop and she had a good manager was taking care of her shop until she gets better. Tessa has a rare blood type and that was why they had problems finding a live donor for Tessa. Tessa had been adopted and her parents weren’t a match and her sister Cassie was also adopted but from a different mother so she also wasn’t a match. Leo had a brother Prince Marco who was known as the Playboy Prince, whereas Leo was known as the Polar Prince. Tessa’s personality appealed to Prince Leo. She was positive without being idealistic. Tessa asked Leo if he was afraid and he deflected her question but the truth was he was afraid for both himself and tessa. But helping Tessa was more important for Leo then his fear. It had been a week and so far everything was going as it should be successful for Tessa. She was finally going to be out of isolation It was amazing how much better Tessa felt though she was still sire. Leo doesn’t want Tessa to know he has thought of her all the time since he met her. Leo hadn’t slept with anyone in over a year and he physically reacted to but gets a little angry with himself this woman had been dying not too long ago. Leo’s approval rate had had been down since he got out of the service but since giving Tessa part of his liver and his approval rate had come up forty percent and that was huge. Leo became a little obsessed with Tessa and he doesn’t know why. He calls tessa every night around bedtime thear her say Leo to see how she was is but also to hear her say Leo it has become his guilty pleasure. Tessa get to Leo like no other woman had. Tessa has been in Helios over a month now -the country home of the King and Queen. Leo had flown planes while in the service but he could also fly helicopters and today he was taking Tessa up for a ride. Tessa was not used to so much free time.on her hands. Leo spent every night with her sleeping sexually together Leo would go back to his own room early in the morning as it was across the hall from her. Tessa already knew she cared deeply for Leo but she had no idea how Leo felt about her.
Book Two- Royal Catch
Cassie is with her sister Tessa at Helios. Now Tessa is the Queen of Alsania. There is a masquerade ball coming up but Cassie won’t bethere. She is going on her first trip away with Zac her boyfriend that she had been dating a couple of months now. The next step to their relationship is sex. Cassie isn’t sure she is ready yet, Marco had just returned from Germany on child trafficking. Marco and Cassie both loved kids. Cassie is a second grade teacher. At the masquerade ball the person Marco wants to be there isn’t there which is Cassie. He hates the fact that Zac had the right to touch Cassie Marcus had fantasized about Cassie since the day he met her. It had already been a year and Marco has been celibate.As Marco thinks about Zac and Cassie, lust, jealousy. And rage swirl in Marco’s mind. Marco is not sure he ever felt this crazy and certainly not about a woman. Marco never thought he would be in the position of wanting a woman who has no interest in him other than being a friend. Cassie had broke up with Zac as for the third time he canceled their plans for work and he told her work was more important to him. Cassie then decided to go to the ball as a bumble bee. Cassie had been feeling down when she felt the wolf was already gone. Cassie had sex with Marco as she thought he looked like Marco who she
had wanted for a while now. Then five weeks later she found out she was pregnant. Cassie and Marco were camp counsellors together and spent a lot of time together. One night Cassie told Marco about the one night stand-Wolf and Marco realizes he is the father of Cassie’s baby and what a mess he had made. Now he has to fix things but how?
I loved both of these books. I couldn’t pick a favorite. I do think I may have a new favorite romance author and hope to read many more of her books. I loved both Leo and Tess and Marco and Cassie together. For it to be two royal brothers with two adopted common sisters was a definite bonus as far as I am concerned.. loved the pace and the plot of both stories and didn’t want to put them down. I loved how protective Leo was of Tessa. How Leo went from a “ cold” person to the man he became in his love for Tessa. The same for Marco after his past to become celibate for a year and he thought Cassie only wanted him as a friend. I loved that Leo didn’t care what anyone said and he wanted and made Tessa his own and married her so she would forever be his. . I absolutely loved the ending of both these stories. I also loved how much the Playboy Prince fell for Cassie and had been celibate by choice until the one night at the ball and he had sex with the woman as she totally reminded him of Cassie. I happily couldn’t find anything to criticize in either book. I didn’t want to put either book down! I loved the characters and the ins and outs of both books and I highly recommend both books.

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I enjoyed these two stories. They had the allure of the current royal romance frenzy, but were enjoyable, entertaining reads all the same. I especially enjoyed Book 1, with Leo & Tessa's unlikely meeting and subsequent whirlwind romance. Book 2 was also quite good. That epilogue at the end? I loved it!

I also liked the way the author used romance to champion a worthy cause.

I recommend this as a very good read.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

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I can't not express how much I loved both of these novellas. I'm the first perseverance Prince Leo who is called the Polar Prince because hectares cold to everyone in the kingdom. When his advisors suggested signing up for organ donation he never thought hed be giving up half his liver by when he meets the woman who needs it he is all in. Tessa is dying with a liver and when she gets one but finds out its from Prince Leo she surprised. After the surgery works these two have a connection and an attraction that can't be ignored.
Cassie knows Prince Marco flirt with everyone so when he flirts with her she never takes him seriously. Marco is in love with Cassie but when she goes on face with her boyfriend he knows he needs to move on. He has a sexy encounter with a woman at a masquerade ball that reminds him of cassie but still he wants her. Cassie was that woman and gets pregnant and when he finds out he offers to be there for her not knowing at first that's he's the father. I loved these love story sweet and sexy perfect mix!

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This book was definitely steamy. Leo and Tessa had chemistry from page one and it burst though to the end. This was a shorter book, but I didn’t mind. This love story was intense enough and had the right elements to make it realistic. This was a first from this author, but she is one I will continue to read. There were a few elements I think could have been expanded on to lengthen the story and add a bit more substance, but I’m okay without them.

Leo and Tessa’s siblings get their own novella too. Marco and Cassie’s story has steam just like the book before it, but the problems were a bit more predictable. Now, don’t get me wrong, the predictability of the story does not take away from the enjoyment of this story. I found myself not wanting to put this book down and definitely recommend it.

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Just days before Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's big day, I can't imagine reading anything more perfect! Royal Mess is an absolutely delightful read! The duo of two standalone novellas is quick, but incredibly fulfilling. Both books broadcast the end results fairly clearly even the synopses are quite revealing. So there's not much of a surprise about the conclusion of the stories. But, they're incredibly enjoyable and satisfying nonetheless.

Prince Leo and Tessa's story is sweet and unique. The organ donation twist is an uncommon and refreshing addition to what could have been a staid and boring premise. Royal Mess is anything but stale. It's fun, fresh, and thoroughly charming!

Prince Marco and Cassie's story bucks the trends as well. You may initially think it's going to be another 'commoner falls in love with royalty' story. And it is that, but the surprise pregnancy trope makes it so much more! Marco and Cassie are a tad crazy, but completely perfect for each other.

Royal Mess delivers not one but two heartwarming and deeply satisfying stories. I am not sure which story is my favorite, I LOVE them both! And, I'm confident you will love them too!

An advance copy of this book was received from the author. Receipt of this copy did not impact the content or independence of this review. BFF Book Blog also uses a set of icon ratings. This book received a 4.5 rating and additional icons for: butterflies, romance, steamy, supporting characters, world creation and happily ever after.

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OMG!!! Jenna Sutton is such a creative writer that her books are filled with fast paced, strong, thrilling, compelling structure storyline and well developed characters in a exquisitely brilliant royal romance in this boxset which had such spectacular stories that it was impossible to put down at all. I loved every single thing about these stories, the storyline, the characters, the passion and romance but I’m not gonna spoil these stories but I will say that it was an absolute pleasure to read them both. I can’t wait to see what this author writes next, if anything like these two books then where in for some amazing treat, I can tell you. I would absolutely and definitely recommend this book to all book lovers out there, go get your copy today.

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Prince Leo’s icy demeanor has earned him an amusing nickname—the Polar Prince. Unfortunately, the king doesn’t see the humor. If Leo wants to secure the throne of Alsania, he must improve his image. Participating in an organ donation campaign seems like a good start. He expects to donate his organs on his deathbed, so he’s surprised to be matched with a complete stranger who needs his help now.Tessa Lulach hates to admit it, but she’s a damsel in distress. When a handsome prince offers to save her with a hunk of his liver, she joyfully accepts.
When I started reading I couldn't put it down I read the book in one day.Jenna is magnifysent writer.I cannot wait to read more of there books.Keep up the great work.You should definitely read this book.

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Not having read any other works by the author before, I didn’t know what to expect before reading this book and needless to say I was not disappointed at all. From the eye catching cover the intriguing synopsis, Sutton delivers a novella duology perfect for those that love royalty and romance.

In Royal Mess we get to meet twenty-nine year old, Tessa Lulach, a florist who is in desperate need of a liver transplant. Not only does she have a rare blood type, but that country in which she lives in doesn’t have a lot of people participating as donors. It has made it hard for her to find a match, until she finds one in non other than Prince Leo. He has agreed to donate a chunk of his liver, yet when they first meet he seemed a bit distant and reserved. Known as the “Polar Prince” for his demeanor, Prince Leo starts to open up with her when they’re in the hospital recovering together. Tessa tells him how she ended up needing a liver transplant and as the two start to get closer the more she sees the real Leo. He is charming and protective to her that she begins to develop feelings for him.

Prince Leo never expected to like Tessa the way he does after getting to know her well. He has put duty first for so long that he has forgotten about his love life. He knows that the public see differently, but he cares for his country that he will do anything to gain their favor. When his father suggest they go on a tour advocating for organ donations in his country, he does so with the help of Tessa. But it takes one kiss and a paparazzi ambush to change the course of events. Now they have to decide if pursuing a relationship is worth it or not.

I loved this story, it was fairly short but the author still managed to deliver a romantic story filled with steamy scenes to keep you reading until the very end. Leo’s protectiveness towards Tessa was sweet to read, he was definitely swoon worthy. Tessa is such a hard worker and a total trooper after finding herself in need of liver transplant. We do get to learn more about her past which was nice and the ending tied everything really well.

In Royal Catch we are introduced to Cassandra (Cassie) Lulach, a teacher who is ready to meet the one. After planning a trip with her boyfriend, things don’t go according to plan so she is decides to go to the masquerade ball that her sister and brother-in-law are planning. It is then that she meets a stranger that remains her of the person that she can’t stop thinking about and that is of Prince Marco. She has had feelings for him ever since they met, but she knows that he is a total womanizer and might not share her feelings. When she has sex with a stranger at the ball, she never expected to find herself dealing with so much more five weeks later. Now she has find a way to deal with changes in her life.

Prince Marco has the looks, title and wealth to get just about anyone that he wants, but he only wants one person and that is Cassie. He has been attracted to her ever since they first met and he doesn’t know if she shares his feelings. He has been trying really hard to escape his past, but being known as the “Playboy Prince” can attract the wrong type of women to his life and he doesn’t want that anymore. When he finds out about Cassie’s condition, he is immediately there willing to help with anything he can, but there are so many things changing that he has to make a choice about what he wants and if he is willing to fight for her or not.

This story was entertaining to read as well as steamy and romantic. Prince Marco knows how to woo a woman and he is willing to do anything to make Cassie his. I loved how the two communicated with each other, Marco knows about the things that she likes and he learns about them himself so that they can talk about them together. Cassie is such a strong and smart character as well. Although their decisions were questionable sometimes, the story felt a lot more developed than Royal Mess. I definitely loved the ending in this story, it was sweet and it fit them really well. I would highly recommend giving this book a try, you will not regret it! :)

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This was a cute read, but I felt like the books ended abruptly and then jumped really far into the future.
Overall, they were sweet, sexy and romantic.
I loved Marco and Cassie. I’m a sucker for a good accidental pregnancy and this was a fun spin in that!
If you like Royal Romance, pick this one up!

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This book had a ton of potential with the liver donor plot line but it was so far fetched that it fell short on execution. Not terrible, but not a favorite.

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This is my first book to read by Jenna and I am so happy with what I read! This is a two-in-one read: two stories in one book. The first story is about Leo and Tessa. The second story is about Marco and Cassie. So I'll write "two" reviews in this one.

From page one, the story captivated me. It was an interesting way to meet the characters and for the characters to meet each other. I thought this was a great read. It was well paced, sweet, endearing, sexy, with not too much drama. It truly was just a quick and light read. It was told in dual POV (which I LOVE), so that was a nice surprise!

I liked Tessa. She was strong, kind, caring, brave, loving, and loyal. When faced with tragedy, she took everything thrown at her with wit and love. She was a wonderful female lead.

Leo, aka the Polar Prince, was adorable. I liked how he was a bit stiff at the beginning, but we see him loosen up, show us his true inner feelings. He was sweet, caring, loyal, protective, and actually had a sense of humor once he opened up. He's a true "knight in shining armor" sort of guy.

All in all, this was a great read!


Similar to Leo/Tessa's story, this one captured my attention from the very beginning. It was well paced, not too rushed, sweet, sexy, with just the right amount of drama to keep me happy.

Cassie is a strong, independent, sweet, loving woman. Like her sister, when things go awry, she picked herself up and proceeded to deal with it (even if it meant going at it alone).

Marco had been labeled the Playboy Prince, but when he meets Cassie, he stops his old ways. He knows what he wants, but he doesn't push to get what he wants. He's a wonderful friend, listener, sexy, sweet, caring, doting, loyal, and has quite the dirty mouth. I love seeing him change his ways for Cassie, shows her he's changed for the better because of her.

All in all, this was a wonderful, quick, light read!

Thank you NetGalley for this copy. This is my honest review.

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I enjoyed these couples. I thought it was adorable how Prince Leo and Prince Marco fell in love with sisters, Tessa and Cassie. Tessa and Cassie weren’t only commoners, but they were also adopted and didn’t know much about their biological parents.

Leo met Tessa when he signed up to be a living organ donor and gave her a percentage of his liver; without the transplant she will die. Eventually that’s how they all met. Both brothers were smitten with the sisters but they were a bit hesitant because of who they were.

Tessa and Leo went into their relationship unexpectedly. Things were going great until someone made it seem like it was something completely different. Tessa was hurt and Leo was devastated but then he groveled and won her back. Their epilogue was emotional and beautiful.

As for Marco and Cassie, they secretly had feelings for each other but it was bad timing because she had a boyfriend and he had the reputation of being a playboy. But when it was their opportunity it was so unconventional. Then they were consequences. Their story was more interesting than their siblings. I wondered how they were going to resolve their issue. But then miraculously they put their differences and pride aside and made things work. Their epilogue was adorable.

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Jenna Sutton is a new to me author and really couldn't wait to read this book as soon as it was on my kindle because it sounded good.

This book contains 2 stories which I just absolutely loved. I loved the 2 couples .
This book is a quick read at under 300 pages and I read both stories in one day because I enjoyed the stories so much.
I admit that both stories do not feel rushed at all .

I give this 5 out of 5

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What a treat to get 2 books in 1! I was not expecting this to happen so I was little sad when the first story ended.
The first story is about a young woman (Tessa) who is dying from liver failure due to an allergic reaction to an antibiotic. Prince Leo – the future King – is a match for Tessa to donate a portion of his liver to her. He decides to do this in hopes of raising his appeal to the people of his country. I enjoyed reading this sweet love story and greatly enjoyed how it happened. These two seem perfect for each other.
The second book is about Cassie (Tessa’s sister) and Prince Marco (Leo’s brother). Both are attracted to each other but don’t think the feelings are mutual. While at a masked ball – one thing leads to another and these two end up having anonymous sex and Cassie ends up pregnant. She doesn’t know who the father is… is embarrassed when she tells her (now) friend Marco. Marco puts 2 and 2 together and realizes he is the father. I don’t want to ruin it for you, but let’s just say this one has a sweet ending as well.
This is my first book by this author. I look forward to reading additional books by her in the near future.

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