Member Reviews

Well, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding is almost here! I am super excited for this event and plan to be up at the crack of dawn to watch all the coverage. In the meantime, I have royal romance fever and I’ve been searching out fun books with a royal theme to try. This includes a new book by Jenna Sutton called Royal Mess which features not one but TWO royal romances! Talk about a happy ending for me.

Royal Match starts off this book. This is the story of the heir to the throne of Alsania, Prince Leo, and Tessa Lulach, the woman who matches him. In this case, he matches her liver and is able to donate part of his liver so she does not die. Tessa was prescribed medicine that reacted badly in her body, causing liver failure. Tessa is of course a bit surprised to learn that her match is the “Polar Prince” (thus nicknamed because of his stoic and icy demeanor) but she is of course not turning down this life saving organ match.

This close connection creates its own special link between Leo and Tessa that resonates with them both. Obviously this isn’t a love match in the beginning. Unfortunately, Leo’s good deed is made public and things change dramatically for Tessa, throwing her in close contact with Leo. It makes for very potent sexual tension. You’ll have to read their story to find out how they get to their happily-ever-after but it proves to be a joyful ride from almost the beginning (the donor stuff obviously is a bit more heavy).

Royal Catch tells the story of Prince Marco (Leo’s brother) and Cassie Lulach (Tessa’s sister). Marco has a reputation as a playboy and he doesn’t deny it. Lately though, he only has eyes for Cassie. Unfortunately, she doesn’t seem to see him at all. And if she does, it is as a friend at most. Marco wants to forget Cassie so when he meets a woman dressed up as a bumblebee for the palace’s royal ball who reminds him of Cassie, well, one thing leads to another and they have a quick rendezvous in the garden folly.

When Cassie discovers she is pregnant, she is utterly shocked. She has no idea who the father is, couldn’t place his face in a line-up even since she never saw him. He was wearing a wolf mask and that’s all she knows. She knows they used a condom too but unfortunately that did not prove to be protection enough. When Cassie shares her news with her sister who passes it along to Leo and Marco, well, Marco is floored. He sees his chance with Cassie as being over and done with. He is sure the father is the man she had been dating recently. Unbeknownst to Marco though, Cassie broke up with that man prior to the royal ball.

These two have a bit of a rocky road in front of them before they can be happy together but I can’t say I didn’t enjoy the spectacle. There is a lot of drama and big reveals in this story, not reminiscent of the great reveals TV soap operas have been dealing with for years. It’s an enjoyable story that definitely has a fairy tale quality to it in how Marco and Cassie finally come together, a Cinderella unmasking as it were.

I enjoyed both of these stories immensely and they definitely satisfied my craving for royal romance. Jenna Sutton hooked me in immediately!

Royal Mess is available now for purchase!

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Royal Mess is two novellas in one book, about prince brothers who fall for sisters.

In Royal Match, icy Prince Leo is in need of an image overhaul, and finds his redemption in being the perfect match as a liver donor to a pretty florist, Tessa. After the transplant, the two begin spending a lot of time together to raise awareness for organ donation, and.... we all know what happens next. I liked how Tessa saw a different side to Leo, and he just became a changed man around her. Leo's transformation is sweet, heartwarming and swoon-worthy.

In Royal Catch, Marco and Cassie explore their feelings for one another, after having met in Royal Match. Since Cassie has a boyfriend, the timing is initially off for the couple -- besides, he has a real reputation as a player. An intense attraction to a guy she meets at a masquerade ball leads to a wild one-night stand for Cassie (who has since broken up with her boyfriend) and a surprise pregnancy. Neither she or Marco have any idea that they've hooked up with the other, but when Marco figures it out and realizes that he is the father of her baby, he sets out to prove to Cassie that he can be the kind of guy she can depend on.

Both of the stories were short and sweet, but had the potential to be longer stories. It was easy to binge read these, though, because they are rather short. Royal Mess is the perfect escape: fairytales can come true.

I received an advanced copy and voluntarily left a review for Sunny Shelly Reads book blog

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H MY SWEET HEAVENS I ADORED ROYAL MESS BY JENNA SUTTON! We get TWO sigh/drool/heart bursting romances with Royal Mess and they were SPECTACULAR! I seen all the dreams I had as a kid about a prince coming to the rescue coming true in this AMAZING story. I fell in utter LOVE with both Marco and Leo. These two princes were incredibly different but they were both incredible stand up men and stunning heroes. And Cassie and Tessa were brilliant and strong heroines who deserved these two wonderful princes. Their stories are well thought out, will touch your hearts, make you believe in HEA and will make you fall in love with romance all over again. This is ONE OF THE MOST INCREDIBLE READS OF THE YEAR!

I haven't read anything by Jenna Sutton before but after Royal Mess I am EAGER to check out ALL her books! I have never felt such...such completeness or hope or had my feelings that were so mushy as I did with this book. Its a great feeling and one I want to feel all the time.


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**4.5 Stars**

Royal Mess is made up of two shorter stories involving brothers who are princes, and the journeys that they each took to finding and falling in love, with an added twist, sisters.

Leo and Tessa are brought together through a medical issue of Tessa's. While Leo was distant and colder at first, their relationship evolved and deepened fairly quickly. I adored Leo and Tessa together and enjoyed reading about their life as they navigated being royal and in the public eye.

Marco is Leo's brother and Cassie is Tessa's sister. Marco is a playboy princes who quickly changes his ways after becoming smitten with Cassie. Cassie and Marco find themselves in a very interesting predicament when Cassie finds out she is pregnant. Marco is completely swoon worthy in this fun, flirty love story. Their chemistry is seriously hot, and it is clear they are meant to be.

This story was well written and I really enjoyed how it was broken up into two smaller stories, encompassing four main characters. This was my second book by this author and I really enjoy her writing style.

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This is the first time I had read any books from this author. I received a copy of this book from InkSlingers as I will be sharing this book and review on my Facebook book review page. With all of the hype of the royal wedding, I figured this book would be like every other royal book. I was surprised with the storyline. It was a nice change to see Leo and Tessa meet as an organ donor. It was beautifully written and kept my attention until the end. I will be put more of Sutton's books on my TBR list.

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ROYAL MATCH – Tessa’s allergic reaction to an antibiotic has made it necessary for someone to donate a piece of their liver to save her life. Her perfect match is none other than the heir to the Alsania throne, Leo and he is more than willing to help as he believes it is the perfect way to improve his public image. Due to the media storm that ensues they end up spending time together and Tessa realizes there is much more to the Prince than she first thought but is there a happy ever after for two people from such different lifestyles.

ROYAL CATCH – Prince Marco has had feelings for Cassie for a while, but she has rebuffed all his advances due to his reputation with the ladies. While at a masquerade ball they share a steamy encounter, but they don’t know who the other is. When they find out Cassie is pregnant will the truth come to light and will Marco be able to convince Cassie that she is the only woman he wants?

I really like that both Princes were despite their position were relatable and not arrogant while the women they chose were modern working women. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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~Leo & Tessa~
Rating: 4 Stars

This was a perfect afternoon read, I loved Leo and Tessa and their romance was sweet but also packed with heat. They meet under unusual circumstances but their connection is instant. Tessa sees the man behind the royal title and public image. Leo is kind and generous to a fault and he also cares deeply about his country and his people. Falling for him is crazy and Tessa feels there's no future for them, not when he's next in line to the thrown and she's a commoner, a flower shop owner who never would have met him otherwise.

I read this in one sitting because I couldn't put it down and loved it from page one to that sugary sweet ending. Tessa and Leo were cute together and their story was fun and fast paced. A modern fairy tale with a sweet girl who gets swept off her feet by the charming prince and a HEA that left me smiling.

~Marcus & Cassie~
Rating: 3.5 Stars

This was a case of mistaken identity that leads to some angst and drama for Cassie and Marco. When Marco realizes that his mystery woman was actually Cassie the whole time, he's relieved and elated. (He’d been feeling guilty for that one night because he felt like he’d cheated, even though he and Cassie weren’t yet a couple). He struggles with finding the right time to confess to Cassie that he was the hook up that got her pregnant. He sees this small window of opportunity to prove to Cassie that he's not the carefree playboy anymore, but a man ready to settle down with the woman he loves and more than willing to embrace family life with her.

He was persistent, supportive, possessive and nothing but loving with Cassie. Definitely a swoon worthy book boyfriend. Cassie was also a cool heroine, she didn't send mixed signals or push him away. Their romance was touching even with the giant secret between them, I still fell in love with them as a couple.

I also really loved the fact that we get dual POVs. Knowing whats going on inside both MCs minds makes a huge difference in how relatable they can become. This is a new author for me but I enjoyed this book and will definitely be checking out more if this is an example of her writing. You can never have too many comfort reads with cute couples, simmering heat and romance this sweet.

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​​​​​Royal Mess by Jenna Sutton is a novella duology. The two books focus on two brothers who are princes in the small country of Alsania, and their father is the king. Their royalty and good-looks are attractive to most women, however, finding "the one" is quite difficult.

Royal Match

This story is about Prince Leo, the eldest brother and heir to the throne. Because Leo's approval rating is so low, his father has pushed back his abdication for the time being. Leo needs to improve his image in order to be the next king.

Tessa Lulach, a talented florist, is in need of a liver transplant. Luckily, Prince Leo has the same rare blood type as Tessa and agrees to save her life. Tessa is a lovely woman who finds Leo to be both kind and thoughtful, completely unlike his public persona. After the successful transplant, Tessa and Leo embark on a publicity tour to raise organ donation awareness. Their unique bond evolves into lust, love and forever.

This novella is both meaningful and inspiring. A five star read!

Royal Catch

This story is about Prince Marco, the fun and carefree royal. In spite of Marco's womanizing ways, the public loves him. Ironically, Marco is in love with Tessa's sister Cassie, and the feeling is mutual. Neither of them know about the feelings of the other. Cassie enjoys her job as a school teacher and would like to be in a loving relationship. During a royal masquerade ball, Marco and Cassie hook-up in the folly, which evolves into discovery, love and lots of babies.

If you enjoy a short story with a ton of hot sexy times, then Royal Catch is for you. A three star read!

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

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Royal Mess by Jenna Sutton

Two princes marry commoners in this delightful royal romance duology! Crown Prince Leo, trying to improve his image, plans to donate a portion of his liver to a commoner only to end up parting with his heart as well. Of course Tess also ends up in love with Leo and there is a happily ever…in spite of a glitch or two.

Marco, the spare prince, falls for Cassie but is stymied by her boyfriend and seeming disinterest. When an opportunity for him to show Cassie that his playboy days are over they, too, end up with a HEA…did love the epilogue of this one with the white wolf and bumblebee masks ;)

Both are fun easy reads that left me feeling happy so if you are looking for a royal romance or two to pass the day – give these two a try. Oh, forgot to say, these princes are definitely human and oh so very very very enchanting ;)

Thank you to the author for the ARC delivered through NetGalley – This is my honest review.

4 Stars

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What is better than one royal story? How about 2 royal stories in one book! I loved the tales about 2 princely brothers who find love. Each story was about a Prince, who could not be more different, Prince Leo’s icy and Prince Marco is warm and almost like a big kid.

Both find love and I loved every second of it. With the Royal Wedding coming up, I am on a Royal kick right now!

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I’m not a huge fam of insta love books however I still enjoyed both these stories. Perfect quick read for a summers day.

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With the Royal Wedding happening soon, Royal Mess was so very timely. The hero, brooding Prince Leo, has a demeanor of "ice." So, it comes to much surprise when he has the chance to quite literally save the heroine's life through a partial liver transplant. Passionate love comes later, but not without its fair share of trials and tribulations.

I very much enjoyed the premise of this book. I have to say that it takes royal romances to a new level. I would have liked to see more character development and the actual act of them falling in love with each other, other than it just happening instantly. However, some readers love instal-love! :) I will check out what Jenna Sutton does in the future with this series for sure!

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I thoroughly enjoyed both stories about two princes, one destined to be King, the Polar Prince, who has a problem with his popularity numbers and likability with his people, and the Playboy Prince, the younger one who has impulse problems until he is falls in love with the one woman who does not want him. Leo was on the donor registry but didn't plan on having to donate part of his liver while still alive, however, Tessa is dying of liver failure from an infection received when her doctor gave her an antibiotic her body could not process after cutting her hand. His popularity increases after the surgery but, of course, the King is not satisfied and wants more and leaks Tessa's name so she will do a media tour. Leo and Tessa have already gotten close in the hospital but close quarters everywhere else will they find true love?

Marco has been in love with Cassie since he met her. Hard to believe since he is the playboy who cannot settle down but he has been celibate for nearly a year but she doesn't want to give him the time of day. A mistaken identity hookup at the masquerade party leaves Cassie pregnant. When Marco figures out he is the father he does not give up until he convinces Cassie to marry him. He is over the moon with the thought of being a father but will Cassie feel the same?

Definitely recommend these fast paced stories that can be read in an afternoon!

**Received this ARC for review from the publisher via NetGalley**

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Love in it's finest moment. Jenna Sutton is a keeper. Royal Mess is a duet that pays homage to the classic fairytale, by putting it's own spin on things. Love can happen at the worst of times. Tessa and Leo are proof that a little bit of faith can end up going the distance. Ms. Sutton keeps the dream alive with irresistible men (Princes no less) and ordinary women driven to face some extraordinary circumstances with their ability to love intact. Royal Mess is what humanity should be. A person willing to lend a hand to another in need.

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This book is a nice treat and actually has two books! Both books involve a prince and a commoner...the princes are brothers and the heroines are adopted sisters! They are both novellas so they are not long...perfect for a relaxing afternoon! Of the two I especially enjoyed "Royal Match". It deals with organ transplants but doesn't come across as being "preachy". I liked how Prince Leo develops into a strong and likeable character. "Royal Catch" is about Prince Marco who is a notorious playboy but falls for schoolteacher Cassie. These stories are quite different from Jenna Sutton's Trinity Distillery Series...which I really enjoy. I look forward to each of her books. I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review..

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I loved both of these stories so much! Jenna Sutton is amazing, and I cannot wait for the next installment!

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I voluntarily reviewed an ARC from Netgalley.

This was a most enjoyable little gem. Both stories together only take a little while to read and both are entertaining. I've never read this author before, but I must say, I'll definitely be looking for more of her books. If you suspend belief, then in my opinion, I think you'll have an interesting read.

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Royal Mess comprises of two novellas based around two set of siblings. In Royal Match Prince Leo donates part of his liver to Tessa and a bond is formed that soon changes to love. In Royal Catch Prince Marco and Cassie secretly yearn for each other, but neither say anything. When Cassie becomes pregnant (by Marco, although she doesn't know it at the time), Marco sets about to win her over convince her he's no longer a playboy.

While I enjoyed these stories I do wish they could have been longer as it was a little difficult to connect to the characters in such a short period of time. Some of it felt rushed because of the length, too. I felt Leo and Tessa had a more natural chemistry and would love to see more of their story either during that time or after.

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Loved this book - two short novellas which are interlinked as they feature two brothers.

I liked how the stories were told, both were fast paced but made you care about the characters.

First books I have read by this author but looking forward to more!

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"Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review."

This was my first book to read and review for Jenna Sutton and I thoroughly enjoyed it. My favorite of the 2, is Prince Leo and Tessa's story. In their story, Tessa had an allergic reaction to antibiotics that caused her liver to fail, prompting her to need a liver transplant. Wanting to increase his public positive numbers, Prince Leo signs up to be a living donor, never thinking he would actually need to donate. Well, he was a match for Tessa. After the transplant, they become very close and quickly fall in love. These were amazing books and I recommend them to anyone looking for a good read.

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