Member Reviews

I LOVE Jenna Sutton, she writes wonderful stories that keep me interested and I love her characters. This is a royal story and they are both novelllas. They are also a romance between two brothers and two sisters and largely feature love at first sight. They also are in a fake/made up location where the king eventually rules the country.

The first one is about the prince who who will become king, Prince Leo. He is not well loved or likes by his country and he decides to donate and help with PR for the organ donation program. When he volunteers , he matches up with Tessa who is desperate for a liver. That is how the two meet and even after the surgery they stay in contact and fall in love.

The second story is about Cassie and Prince Marco, the prince falls into love with Cass but she is with another guy and so he has a one night stand at a party with a woman who looks like Cass. Cass meanwhile is broken hearted, her relationship has fizzled and she meets a guy who reminds her of Marco who she is in lust with and she has a one night stand at a party with.

I found this story a little too predictable but it is well written and I did like the characters. I just thought it was too predictable and there were no real surprises. It was not my favorite story but I still enjoyed it.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Jenna Sutton for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. I have to say that I have loved both books I have read by Ms. Sutton. This book was fast paced. I enjoyed both of the stories. Fun and different, and I love the fact that she has Leo and Tessa meet in such an unusual way.. Marco and Cassie's story made me laugh. I think most romance readers will love this book. If you enjoy reading about royal you will like this book as well. I rate it 4.5 stars!!

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*I was provided an ARC on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

Jenna Sutton is one of my favorite authors, and this duo of novellas does not disappoint! I sat down and read it in an evening while watching a hockey game, and stayed up way past my bed time to finish it. Can't wait for more Jenna Sutton books!

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3.5 stars

I'm on a royal romance kick with H & M's wedding coming up in a few weeks. These two stories were very enjoyable. Warning they're very steamy.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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This is the first book I've read by Jenna Sutton. I can't wait to read more. I really appreciate the fact that she includes both Leo and Marco's story in one book. The love that they have for their women comes through clearly.

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