Member Reviews

The Dragon of Ynys is a sweet, short fantasy story with a warm atmosphere, likable characters and consistently good discussion of conflict resolution and connecting to others. The fairytale tone and general style of the writing couldn't have been a more perfect fit.
Friendships are one of my favourite dynamics to read about, and the central one here was incredibly lovely and enjoyable to read about, in both their development as friends and as individuals. This was true for every character around them too, and I loved how despite the length there was clear, well-paced development for just about everyone, which felt both realistic and satisfying.
I found myself smiling constantly reading this book, not only because of it's tone and atmosphere, but also from small details scattered throughout. Some of my favourites of these were lines such as Snap being described as "stretched like a cat—or, Violet estimated, like a pile of about seven hundred cats" and the character names being related to flowers — it took me to the end to realize that Snap was named after a snapdragon, and just that alone made me want to reread it immediately.

This is a fantasy short story. It involves an asexual/aromantic main character. It has a moral to it and was a fairly quick read. The characters a developed and the pace is quick. Overall enjoyable.

The Dragon of Ynys was readable and pleasant enough. I did find a few parts were a little too preachy for me -- I prefer morals to be a little more subtle. The inclusion of such direct messages did leave me somewhat confused about the target audience. For the most part, this read like a typical middle grade book; in fact, some parts reminded me very much of the children's book "The Two-Headed Dragon".
But now and then the material was a bit on the adult side. Not because anything was inappropriate for children to read, just that the grown ups were talking about things grown ups care about, and it wouldn't necessarily be of interest to children. Since this was listed as a romance, I assume it was meant for adults (although children could read this without fear of encountering anything unsuitable).
So, overall not a bad book, just not one that hit the right mark for me.
Badass Female Character score: 5/5 - There were lots of women doing lots of things and bravery abounded regardless of gender.
Thank you to NetGalley and Less Than Three Press for providing me with a free electronic ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 5 stars out of 5
Every time something goes missing from the village, Sir Violet makes his way to the dragon's cave and negotiates the item's return. It's annoying, but at least the dragon is polite.
But when the dragon steals a person, that's a step too far. As Sir Violet ventures out to get the missing baker back, however, he quickly realizes things are not at all what they seem..
Ever read a story that made your heart smile? That left you feeling warm, happy, and with an urge to read it out loud to someone? Children, adults? Just because to wanted to spread the joy a special tale had given you? Well, The Dragon of Ynys by Minerva Cerridwen is that story.
After I finished it, I wanted to grab onto the author and publishers and beg them to put it out in a hardback version, complete with illustrations. One I could pick up and read to groups of children, no matter the age or even adults for that matter.
This book is charming, adventurous, and brings out the best in it's characters. Perhaps in its readers as well because it speaks to the heart in a gentle, kind, and humorous way. It has a dragon that steals things because it's lonely and wants companionship. And just maybe because certain things strike it as pretty or downright hilarious. It has a knight names Sir Violet who's nature is gentle and home loving. And a village that suits them both. I mean really, it's full of characters who are absolutely a delight to spend time with (as you will) and whose lives will pique your interest (oh yes, they do).
I can't remember reading any novelette I loved more recently.
I need to find more stories by this author. This story is beautifully written, concise, and yet it flows just as it should. The characterizations are perfect for the story. Would I mind a return? No. Do I need one? No. I think its marvelous as it.
Do you love fantasy? Here's a jewel you shouldn't miss out on. There is a romance but not the one you might be thinking of. Definitely no sex. I told you I would read this to children. There is a F/F couple, a dragon and knight to die for and so much more. I highly recommend The Dragon of Ynys by Minerva Cerridwen.
Cover art: Kirby Crow. I love it. It's perfect really for the tone of the story.