Member Reviews

3.5 rounded-up terrifying stars. The interesting this about this book, as opposed to all of the other Trump/Russia 2016 books released in the past 4 years, is that this one takes a GLOBAL look at how Russia is working to undermine democracy in the western world, in America, yes, but also in France, England, Germany and more. Nance lays out not just the WHY but the HOW, from spycraft to information warfare to kompromat. That insight, and the information on the rise of the "alt-right" at home and abroad, make this essential reading for our time in history.

I found the book to be in serious need of editing. I hope that the final edition had a number of changes as to not weaken the arguments made in the book. The author includes a great many details regarding the issues with Russia but not much that has not already come to light for an avid news reader.

I follow Malcolm Nance on MSNBC and on twitter and find him cogent, honest and extremely insightful about the state of politics and foreign affairs. This book is a thoughtfula and sobering analysis of how we got here and what we have to do to fix things. Please read!

Alarming and disturbing, riveting and captivating, Nance weaves a compelling proposition of possible-treason / probable-collusion. The narrative is best when providing background on the Putin and the history of Russia's place on the global stage. It weakens when tying strings of assumption and coincidence of Trump's team's collaboration with bad actors to win the presidential election. Granted, the circumstantial evidence is strong; yet, no smoking gun is ever revealed. Things I take away after reading: I have no doubt that US intelligence is the best in the world. I have no doubt in the author's established and proven expertise of Russia. I have no doubt that his suspicions and concerns are warranted.

This book perfectly distills the many commentaries and educated conjectures Ive read and heard from Malcolm Nance. It reads a little slowly because there is a lot of content to absorb. I believe Mr. Nance has the receipts to back up his theories and I think he does a really good job of putting difficult concepts into words that many will be able to comprehend. I am grateful for the opportunity to see the puzzle pieces fall into place. I cant say it's entertaining but it is definitely educational!

An extremely important book to read in this political climate. Malcolm Nance has done an excellent job of explaining the rise of Vladimir Putin in Russian politics, the beginnings of the Russian hacking agencies and the intersection between Russia and the ultra conservative movements in the United States. The last section is by the best and most engaging - so stick with it, and learn a lot.

This book is scary good. Malcolm Nance has been discussing the way Vladimir Putin used different means to mess with our elections and how he did it, this book is detailed and coming from someone that know what he is talking about. Malcolm Nance really out did himself with this very informative book.

Wow! This book should be read by all Americans whether they approve of Trump or not. Personally, I am not a fan of Trump and have always thought he was a shady person. This book gives background information on how Putin and his people manipulated the American people. The intensity of this plot reads like a spy novel, but unfortunately it is what happened during our last presidential election. I strongly believe that our Country should have stronger internet security, especially when it comes to official use, such as for registering to vote, etc. The author did an amazing job laying out the facts of what happened.