Member Reviews

This was a quick read. Pretty interesting if you're into this sort of thing but not particularly memorable.

'Genius Jokes' by Frank Flannery is a collection of nerd-friendly jokes, but don't worry if you don't get the punchlines. There are explanations included to clue the reader in.
The book is divided up among six sections including Math & Science, Philosophy & Psychology, and Grammar & Language. The jokes include some short story jokes, some knock knock jokes and some simple ones. Jokes like the following are what you can expect: "Why didn't the physicist trust atoms?" "Because they make up everything!"
There are some good jokes in this book, and there are some really bad ones. Bad as in not very funny. I like the explanations and the various quotes used in the book. I found a number I'd heard before, and I got a few smiles out of the book.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Quarto Publishing Group-Rock Point, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

What a humorous book! I had a lot of fun reading this solo, but I imagine it would be a lot more fun to read and tackle with a group of friends. It would be a great edition to game night! I'll be on the lookout for a few copies of this book for Christmas gifts!
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I truly appreciate it!

This book is filled with jokes meant for Academics however it also proved the point that if you have to explain the joke it is not funny. All of the jokes are explained so while you may learn something you will not leave laughing. It is a quick read and some of the jokes/explanations are interesting but I found the format to be tedious after a few jokes. This book is best read in small batches. Pick it up to learn something but not to laugh

It offered a few laughs. I was disappointed to find so many recycled jokes too. The title certainly boosts one's self-esteem.

Fun jokes appealing to the intellectual appreciation in all of us. Challenging, inventive and surprisingly historical. A hysterical heterogeneous collection of camp, clever quips and comical education - "Genius Jokes" has something to joke about in all topics. This one is a keeper, to be enjoyed day in and day out. Recommended!

When starting this book, I was a little nervous that I'd be left out of many of the jokes. I love many different academic disciplines, but didn't take many advanced classes, so I was sure that there would be plenty of geeky jokes that would go right over my head. But, the beauty of this book is that the jokes are all explained after the fact, so that even if you don't understand the references, you will by the time you finish the page! The explanations are quick and easy, nothing too complex, and nothing too detailed. Just enough to give you a basic understanding, and allow for a chuckle at each of the punchlines.
And as for the jokes themselves? They're actually pretty funny! I would definitely recommend this through reader's advisory to your favorite geeks, or to anyone who wants something academic and nerdy, but not too dry.

A few of these jokes were very interesting, especially the background facts. I did expect a bit more from this book, most jokes are not very deep or profound.

#GeniusJokes #NetGalley #Sciences #Comedy
The book should be in the library of anyone. The author took the job seriously and collected a great set of jokes addressed to intellectual. However, the book can be used by anyone because the jokes are explained well with their context. An unique and creative book to have. I highly recommend it.

As the book suggests, this book is for people with above average iq is what i felt. The first part of the book clearly was not in my league. The ones in literature were funny.
The pdf version was extremely difficult for me to work with. A page down or up took a minute on average. Kindle version would have been.

Some of the best humor is inside humor. Genius Jokes is full of inside jokes, jokes that you won't get if you don't have some specific knowledge or understanding that other people don't have. Frank Flannery has gathered jokes from math, science, history, literature, religion and other fields. Many of them make no sense unless you possess a bit of knowledge in the particular field.
Flannery doesn't leave us hanging, though. Each joke is followed by "What's So Funny?" which explains why, exactly, this is a joke. For example: "How did Jackson Pollock do in art school? He passed with flying colors." Flannery explains that Pollock is known for his abstract paintings, where "he would literally let the paint fly all over the canvas, dripping it, pouring it, and flinging it every which way." Now, if you know Pollock's paintings, you get the joke. If you don't, well, the explanation is easy to understand, but the humor is lost by a labored explanation.
Another quick example: "What do you call it when an elephant goes to a rock concert? Horton hears The Who." Of course this is a reference to Dr. Seuss's Horton the elephant and the classic rock band The Who. Not exactly a genius joke, but you have to know these cultural references to get the chuckle.
Many of these are more obscure, especially the science ones. But Flannery's explanations are helpful and informative. This is a fun book. Some of these jokes are worth remembering and repeating; others will be well outside your wheelhouse. It's an enjoyable collection.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the complimentary electronic review copy!

I loved the themes of this book! Especially the Language and Grammar section. The jokes were hilarious!

Some classics and some new ones I haven't heard before. All paired with an explanation of the science, literary significance or history behind the joke. Not quite genius but mostly pretty funny. Some of the later ones were a bit too cheesy though and a few explanations were a quite unnecessary and sounded a little patronising. Overall an enjoyable read.

Genius jokes is a collection of nerdy jokes and then breaks them down for you. I really enjoyed some of the jokes but the jokes I liked were ones I already understood. They say that if you have to explain teh joke, then you won't find it funny. This is very true especially for some of the math ones where I just passed after reading part of the explanation because I couldn't understand.
That being said I did share about three jokes with others in my life who would appreciate them. Genius Jokes succeeded in making me laugh and having those jokes shared with others.

This is a very educational joke book. There are different sections of intelligent jokes with explanations of the joke. This book was a good giggle and I learned a lot from it.

I liked the jokes on science more than those on arts&literature but I kinda wish the author didn't disclose "why it was funny". A relaxing read for any geek. For me, it made a working weekend more calm and relaxed so it has my thumbs up.

This was an interesting nice little book.
I enjoy reading it, although naturally i did not get all the jokes nor found all of them funny.
I liked that it was divided into themes, my favorites were the "Art and Literature" and the "Grammar and Language", the Dickens jokes were the best.
I also liked reading the explanation of the jokes, i actually learned new things and it was rather interesting, at some points more fascinating and funny than the joke itself.
I don't think i could use any of these in real life, but it was fun reading this book.

This is such a clever idea. Put all the jokes about math, literature, history all together. I understand some of the jokes and some of them i had no clue. ''What's so funny?'' parts are entertaining to read. And the puns are amazing !

Full disclosure: my family is a bunch of nerds, and we live for these jokes. The biggest obstacle in my family is the fact that I am a literary nerd, my younger sister a technology nerd and my older sister a biology/chem nerd.
This book can bring us together like never before! In fact, I am contemplating giving each a copy and starting a group text so we can make each other flip through the explanations. Family bonding at its peak.

An interesting and entertaining books that helps you to better understand the mechanism of jokes and humour.
Many thanks to Quarto Publishing Books and Netgalley