Member Reviews

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I have to say that I really enjoyed the beginning of this book. But half way through I lost interest, although I am not sure why. The story started to meander and I kept picking it up to read and then putting it down again. When I finally finished I thought, that was good. But I am not sure that I want to read the rest of the series.

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This is good, so good! It's thrilling, exciting, unique, fully immersive, a real page turner, a book that your will be flipping the pages as fast as possible to reach the end.
I have not read any of Ms Stratmann's work before, but I will certainly be seeking out her other books, I loved this, the story is so different to what I usually read, it is such a surprise and a real edge of your seat story that will keep you hooked right to the last page.
The development of the story and the plot, is wonderfully written it really takes the reader on a journey of discovery.

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I found Mr. Scarletti's Ghost to be an easy read that just wasn't memorable. The author does a nice job describing each event, but never really gets into any action. I did feel connected to the main character. All of the others just kind of blend into one person.

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Can a mystery have no mystery and still be compelling? Apparently, yes. With no murder or no evidence of theft, Mina Scarletti sets out to reveal the true nature of the spiritualists plaguing her small English seaside town.

I once had a writing teacher tell me, “Only a murder is worthy of a three hundred page mystery.” Well, I wish I could remember which of my professors that was because I would send him this book. The heroine, setting, and writing are compelling enough that even if the spiritualists had proved to be genuine, I would not have left disappointed.

This book is unconventional in nearly every aspect of a cozy mystery, but that is what makes it so endearing. Mina has scoliosis, which is a defining aspect of her character. There is no murder, and no one claims any crime has been committed. The cast of characters is quite diverse for a Victorian mystery. And the writing is hilarious–if you enjoy dry British sarcasm, which I do.

I would highly recommend this book and I look forward to reading the rest of the series.

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Thank you for ARC from NetGalley for my voluntary review and my honest opinion.

A quiet Victorian mystery/historical fiction, taking place in 1871, that is written fairly well, although I found at times it moved a tad slow. The plot was interesting as were the well-defined characters.
First of three books. Rating a 3 star because, while it wasn't a bad book, it just didn't excite me.

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A good read from an author used to writing about true crime. This gives her stories a "real" feel. Set in Victorian England, the main character, Mina, is unusual for her time. An outgoing, active woman with a physical handicap that should have left her housebound and hiding, she pushed forward to insure her mother and her friends are not being conned by a psychic claiming to put them in touch with their loved ones. Her discoveries are many and varied, keeping the story interesting and fresh. This is the first book in a trilogy setting the reader up for an enjoyable ride with Mina.

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Although this was a little slow moving at times, I found Mina to be a very interesting character and easy to connect with as the story picked up. I'm a fan of books about mediums and enjoyed reading about the different tricks they employed on their audiences.

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Linda Stratmann's latest offering, Mr Scarletti's Ghost, attempts to capture the fad of spiritualism as it was experienced by bored upper class English women in the mid 1800s. While Stratmann's descriptions of Brighton are accurate and evocative and her research is impeccable this reviewer is not a fan of Mina Scarletti or her adventures, add to this the hoaxsters who conducted seances and other mystical evenings for the rich and gullible and this book seemed to go on for ever. Although this story tends to drag on and has a predictable climax, it may have made an exciting short story. If you are a fan of the Mina Scarletti series you may enjoy this book more than I did. If you love to read exciting British historical fiction Linda Stratmann has many other better titles to seduce you.
I received a free copy of this ebook via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Brighton, 1871. One takes the waters, the vapours and, the fashionable society takes to seances with spirit mediums. Is communicating with the departed a fraudulent business or does it have a raison d’être for giving mourners some glimpse of hope? Mina Scarletti, deformed by scoliosis, is a determined young lady trying to prevent her mother being duped by the famous psychic Miss Eustace. Will she and her helpers be able to expose the psychic and save some gullible people from being fleeced by unscrupulous charlatans? A beautifully written mystery with well-defined characters - my favourite was Mina’s flighty brother Richard.

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Victorian cozy mystery with a fun cast of characters but the mystery itself was flat. This is book one in a series so perhaps the author chose to develop or introduce the main characters rather than create a compelling mystery.

Filled with religiosity and the occult if that's an interest check it out. Books two and three are out.

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Another strong Victorian woman solving mysteries when that wasn’t popular. Although Mina has scoliosis, she doesn’t let that stop her from living life and looking out for her widowed mother. Looking forward to reading the second one in this series.
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I'm sorry to say I just couldn't get into this book. I'm not saying it's not a good book, you might love it. It was just to slow for me. Thank you NetGalley for the free copy of this book.

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Mr Scarletti’s Ghost is the first Mina Scarletti Mystery. Mina is a feisty women sleuth in Victorian Brighton. Living with her mother, after the sudden death of her father, Mina is happy when her mother is finally drawn out of her year long mourning by Mr Bradley who she believes has the power of the churches healing. Born with scoliosis Mina try’s to not let this take over her daily life. Even writing her own horror stories. So she feels well qualified to investigate when her mother and friends are introduced to the world of seances and the medium who can communicate with the dead. Or can she? Her characters are very much of the period and gives you a glimpse into Victorian society life. This is a well written mystery and I would recommend following Mina into her next mystery.
I was given an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is advertised as a cozy mystery but it’s more like an old Victorian novel. I was drawn to the book because of the title. At times I thought it was really good but then it bogged down and became too wordy. I did like Mina but that was all.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the plot, atmosphere, and characters. I would recommend the book to friends and family for their reading pleasure.

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This one has been on my To-Read list for awhile and I absolutely loved this well crafted slice of life in the Victorian times and the fashionable rise of Spiritualism. When a new phenomenon in the form of a spiritual medium named Miss Eustace takes Brighton by storm, Mina becomes worried that her mother and her financially well off friends will become the victims of fraud, Mina sets out to investigate the woman, her intentions and her mysterious past.

Afflicted with scoliosis, Mina Scarletti isn’t expected to marry and have children, so she is free of many of the constraints and pressures that other Victorian women would face. She’s already a successful author of horror stories, and her skepticism of the Spiritualist sensation sweeping Brighton has her free to do a little investigating without arousing displeasure from her family or the townspeople. Practical, clever, sensible and creative, she’s fascinating and so gosh-darn likable. Along with her brother, Richard, friends Dr. Hamid and his family (Oh! Eliza’s storyline was so sad!) it made for a warm and inviting read.

I love the level of realism in this series, it reads like non-fiction. Beautifully researched and rich in detail, from the descriptions of the Brighton seafront to Miss Eustace’s demonstrations, it was brought to life handily and it was so easy to lose myself in the story. I also enjoyed that this was a clean no-murder mystery, just good old fashioned intrigue and deception. This is a a definitely a very highly recommended series for anyone who enjoys historical mysteries and a perfect pool read. Don’t miss this one!

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Interestingly this Victorian mystery is set in Brighton instead of the usual setting of London. The main character Mina Scarlett intelligent and independent despite suffering from Scoliosis the story is well written and easy to follow, would have no trouble recommend this to readers of Victorian mystery lovers

It will be interesting to see how the author will develop the character in future books

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Wonderful Brighton historical cozy mystery. Truly enjoyed it. Plenty of twists and turns. Looking forward to reading more by this author. I received a copy from NetGalley and this is my honest review.

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In Victorian era Brighton, the dead are only as far away as the closest medium or psychic. People will pay god money to converse with the dearly departed, which is why Mina Scarletti is skeptical. Her mother has planned a séance with the infamous Miss Eustace, so she can talk to her departed husband. Miss Eustace does have a legion of followers, but she also insists all her meetings take place in the dark, and her address is a secret. Wanting to protect her mother, Mina baits a trap for Miss Eustace, pretending to want to contact her long-lost father, when in actuality, she’s planning on exposing the woman as a fraud. Stratmann bring the Victorian era and it’s fascination with death and the Great Beyond to vivid and colorful life

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This is an excellent book to read during the vacations. It is like a time travel to 1871. The story is very good and easy to read.

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