Member Reviews

Thais is a Shadows Ops agent and the only woman on the team. Her mother taught her from a young age how to appeal to the other sex and that comes in handy for her job. She thought she found love once but all she found was betrayal and she has no intention of going down that road again.

Dunn is Miranda’s illegitimate son who was raised by his Scottish father. He understands why he was never part of her life but now that he is he will not allow any harm to come to her and that means working with Thais and the Shadow Ops as he has the connections and wealth to assist.

Both Dunn and Thais are introverts and don’t allow people close but they both feel a connection to each other. They may not have started out on the best of terms but as they worked together the trust they had in each other grew and as that happened they become closer and the sparks between them ignited. Full of suspense and twists this story will keep you on the edge until the last page. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.

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This story is about a couple of strong women and the men around them. There is Miranda who is running for office and helping her colleague get elected president. Of course in politics, there is always someone you have to step on. And Carl Davis keeps pushing her to get her support. He try’s to marry her daughter for political gain. When that doesn't work he decides Miranda needs to be killed. Then we have Thais Sinclair she is a tough as nails member of Shadows Ops. An under the radar government agency run by one man no-one tries to get to. But since he and his team helped Miranda get some very incriminating evidence on Carl he's been trying to shut them down. While trying to save Miranda from an assassination attempt Thais is arrested and put in a place no one can get to her or so they thought. From here the story just gets better and better. This finds herself with the one man she can not get out of her head. And when Dunn lets her know he feels the same way everything changes. This is a great story I highly recommend it.

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A rugged romance, with plenty of action to keep you guessing! I enjoyed this book, even though there were times I feel as though I would've understood more if I had read the previous books in the series, I was still able to keep with the story line and enjoy the ride.

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Wanted a fix from this genre with this one jumping out at me. This also happened to be a author who I had one on tbr so this was perfect. This one is also a reverse with the alpha female taking the lead but who crosses her path is very much her match it would seem. Thais and Dunn carry you through this one with special ops being in the forefront. This one also had a love hate thing for me because not having read any before this not sure if this is normal style. Suspense came through with drama filling in the edges. Chemistry tries to get in it but some of it a bit of a let down. It gives you plenty to follow with you engaged until the end.

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I would recommend reading the previous books in this series before reading this one. It can be read as a standalone but it will make more sense if you read the others first. This one is about Thais Sinclair and Dunn Bateson. Thais is a shadow ops agent who has been tasked with shadowing Dunn to make sure they aren't revealed to other. Dunn doesn't want or need Thais sticking with him especially when he realizes that he is attracted to her. What neither realize is that they both need each other, in ways neither are completely ready for.

I had a hard time with this one. I'm not sure if I just wasn't connecting with it but I almost felt like the characters weren't right for each other. Something just seemed off to me and I can't quite put my finger on what it is. It is still a decent read and it added to the overall story line, although I still feel like there are things that weren't fully explained. The writing is good, I just had a hard time getting into it. Thais and Dunn don't seem to have that connection that you would expect romantically-at least they didn't to me. Their characters themselves were good. I liked how their backgrounds are explained and how that made them the people they are now but the romance almost seemed forced to me. That being said, I'm sure that someone else might love it. It just wasn't my favorite of this series.

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It's been a long journey but the baddie finally gets his comeuppance in Don't Look Back. It was a group effort with some help in corners I least expected and almost the whole gang makes an appearance!

Thais and Dunn were well paired. They were both very ride or die, loyal to a fault, brave and ready to lay down their lives for the people they loved. I liked them as a couple and was happy to see them finally open up to each other but with so many things happening to them and all around them, the romance/love story seemed to be downplayed just a bit. It was all a lot of lust and insta-love for two people that danced around each other for a big chunk of the story.

There is plenty of action, suspense and hurling insults (at least from me!) at Carl Davis. To say I'm happy to see the last of this villain is a huge understatement. I'm definitely hoping Greer and his mysterious sister get their own books, they are characters that have piqued my interest.

Would I recommend? Yes, if you've followed the series this is a must read. I wouldn't consider it a stand-alone since there are a lot of recurring characters and events from past books are mentioned and play a large role in the ongoing plot. Even though the romance was a bit downplayed, the overall story wrapped everything up nicely.

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I did review Close To The Edge, an earlier book in this series by Dawn Ryder, and I didn’t enjoy it. However, a friend who is a big fan insisted I should give the author another try, so when Don’t Look Back appeared on NetGalley, I figured I’d give it another go. And my friend was right; this book was actually a lot better.

Some of the things I took issue with in Close To The Edge are still present; there is an awful lot going on which has been carried forward from other books in the series, so much of it that in fact the heroine didn’t even appear until 7% of the way into the story. Which was a real shame, because Thais Sinclair was absolutely badass and I wanted lots more of her. She gave no quarter, she asked for no concessions, and she called her hero, Dunn Bateson on his internalised misogyny and hypocrisy until he stepped back and took a good hard look at himself.

Dunn was the usual alpha hero, but he also respected Thais’ abilities and listened to her when she pulled him up on his natural instincts to put her safely out of the way of the action. The two of them working together were a formidable team, and their very similar pasts and attitudes towards dating and relationships made for intriguing conflict as they worked their way towards a solution which suited them both.

Regarding the plot, this book brought to a head the building conflict between the presidential candidate trying to shut down the special ops team and Miranda, the congressional candidate whose daughter is married to one of the team (and Dunn is her secret son, too). With several attempted assassinations, I did find my credulity stretched somewhat, especially with someone being able to carry a concealed and loaded gun into the presence of a presidential candidate, in a private interview, without being checked over by the Secret Service. Really? I mean, seriously? That’s absolutely an insult to the incredibly professional men and women of that agency, who would never let a breach of such magnitude occur. I can let a lot of things slide in the name of a good story, but that’s a step too far.

As a wrap-up for the series, this left a few too many threads untied. I felt like it was deliberate, possibly setting up some characters for a spinoff series - the sister of one agent said to have mysterious paranormal abilities felt very much like a setup.

As I said, I liked this better than Close To The Edge, but that was mainly because I enjoyed the characters a lot more. The messy plot let it down and the constant moving of PoV to characters who have already had their own book was a waste of words; I wanted more of Thais and Dunn, not a rehash of previous romances and plots. I still can’t give this any more than three stars.

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An awesome book. Extremely entertaining, captivating and interesting sexy read. I could not put it down. Wonderfully written with strong characters. I want to read more from this author. I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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I have emailed the publishers with my thoughts and how i did not connect with t he book as much as i had hoped for.…wly-releasednews/

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

Most books I read that are romantic suspense are heavy on the romance and light on the suspense and mainly focus on the one couple. This book has a large cast of characters to keep track of and is more of a suspense book with a great romance included!

I have not read any of the other books in this series so I felt like I was thrown into the middle of a plot as I didn't know who all these people were and how they were connected. Fortunately, there was a good bit of explanation as the book goes on that filled me in and helped understand the connections.

I really want to be careful not to give away any twists in the book as it was so much fun to read the book through and watch as the events progress and I don't want to ruin it by giving away surprises. I also did not read the last chapter first like I do with other books, I was so engrossed in the book that I didn't ever feel the need to get to the conclusion.

Thais and Dunn were so made for each other and yet they resisted that attraction until they were thrown together. It was fun to watch them fight that attraction and challenge each other. I loved the secrets that were revealed about Dunn and that Thais didn't see it, so he was pretty good at hiding things!

Now that I finished this book, I am intrigued about these characters and want to start reading from the beginning of the series.

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This is the sixth book in the Unbroken Hero’s series. This is the first book from this author that I have read and I really enjoyed it. I could follow the storyline without having read the previous books. The main characters have decided not to fall in love and it is fun to see them find out how they don’t have all the control over that emotion. I really enjoyed the suspenseful aspect of the story.

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Ok it’s a good book, with a new lovely couple. The story is intriguing and involve a lot of action. This is the finale book on this series and a good one at that.

I was given this ARC to give an honest review from netgalley.

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From the Goodreads description: “Shadow Ops Agent Thais Sinclair has sworn off falling in love for good. It’s what’s kept her calculated, steady, and on-task in a world dominated by men. She needs nothing and no one but her own wits and strength to guide her. But when she’s slated to shadow the one man who could reveal their entire operation, all bets are off. Dunn Bateson, illegitimate son of a Southern debutante, has always had to fight harder than the rest to get what he wants. Now, the last thing he needs is Thais following his every move. She is so strong, sly, seductive. . . No woman has ever captivated him so completely. Thais may only have room for her mission in her heart, but is Dunn up to the challenge of showing her that she’s worth every risk he is willing to take?”

Don’t Look Back is the sixth book in Dawn Ryder’s Unbroken Heroes series. This was a new-to-me author, so I had not read any of the previous books, and it was difficult to follow at times without knowing the history of the characters or previous events.

Don’t Look Back was fast-paced with a lot of action and danger and a solid plot line focusing on politics. It was engrossing and had me reading to the end. However, there are several flaws that detracted from my enjoyment. Almost all of the characters had unusual names, which isn’t usually a problem but in this story I found it distracting. The dialogue was often wooden or had the characters speaking like gangsters, also taking away from the basic story and action. The romance between Dunn and Thais was sweet enough and had you hoping they could somehow work things out and end up together, but the actual romantic scenes were not well-written, swinging from childish writing to crude and outright vulgarity.

I see there are many positive reviews for this book and the entire series, so perhaps it was just not for me. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing an ARC. I was not required to provide a review and all opinions are my own.

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Don’t Look Back by Dawn Ryder
Unbroken Heroes #6

As the finale of this series I felt a bit let down. Yes, there was romance, action, intrigue, a bad guy thwarted and a team saved from extinction with cameos from past characters from the series but I felt it was all wrapped up too neatly without the real reason behind the whole kerfuffle and angst and drama between Davis and the others really coming to light.

In this book Thais Sinclair, Shadow Ops Agent, finds her HEA with Dunn Bateson, wealthy millionaire and alpha hottie. The two seem to have danced around one another in the past - at least inferences are made that they have. I am not sure what the two have in common or why they are drawn to one another but they are and they seem to be happy together so glad they were able to get to a point where they can be together although, with her on the team and him a big hotshot running a huge company I am not sure just how that will work in the long run.

Did I enjoy the book? Yes
Will I read more books by this author? Yes
Is this my favorite book in this series? Probably not but I did want to see how it all ended

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3-4 Stars

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Thais was a great character who was an agent of Shadow Ops. She was a strong woman who had her own mind and a little bit of a past that interfered with relationships. Dunn was an illegitimate child of a debutant with a past of his own. When his mother is danger he comes immediately and gets involved. The two of them clash as they fight their attraction and end up with lots of sexy time and a great story. Lots of action with lots of little twist that kept me reading till the end. Loved it!!

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This is a high action, fast paced story with a whole lot going on. At times a little too much. I had to backtrack to catch up a couple of times to clear up my confusion. Thais and Dunn were both interesting characters although they were both annoying at times. Didn't really feel the chemistry between them either. This was a pretty good story that wrapped up the series loose ends nicely. I was hoping for something more grand for the series finale but this was ok. I'd recommend.

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4 for the great characters

Don’t Look Back was a fun romantic suspense read with a great cast of characters and a fantastic romance.

Thais Sinclair has no time for love and is instead focusing all of her energy on her job as a Shadow Ops agent. When her newest assignment has her tailing Dunn Bateson, the illegitimate son of a Congress hopeful, she’ll have to pull out all of her best tricks to keep him in line. Dunn doesn’t like being told what to do, but the sexy Thais has him tempted to listen if she’s the one giving the orders. When danger threatens, Thais and Dunn will be forced to confront the attraction simmering between them if they’re to work together to find those who would do them harm.

Thais loves everything about her job and how capable and strong it makes her feel. Thais was previously married to horrible man and so she treasures her ability to take care of herself now that she has the skills to do so. Her job does tend to force her to project a hard exterior and she wishes that she had someone she could let down her walls with. Thais doesn’t have a relationship with her family due to their role in her terrible marriage and because of the kind of people they are.

Dunn is a bit of a recluse as upon inheriting his family’s business he became incredibly wealthy which tended to attract the wrong type of people. He has a lot of trust issues when it comes to women as he has been used in the past because of his money. Dunn’s opinion of love is also soured by the fact his parents were forced apart due to his mother’s family and their expectations of her. He’s struggling still in how much to let her in now that they’re able to have a relationship.

Thais and Dunn have a bit of history prior to Thais being assigned to tail him which definitely affects their first few interactions in this book. There’s a lot of contempt and annoyance between them with their attraction to one another under it all. There’s a lot of banter in their relationship which I loved, but there was less of it as the book went on and their relationship became more solid. Their physical attraction to each other is incredibly apparent right from the start and their chemistry is off the charts. The sex scenes between them are fantastic with the perfect amount of sexiness and frequency.

Unlike a lot of books in romance series that tend to be more companion books, the plot of Don’t Look Back relies heavily on events from previous books in the series. As this book was the first book in the series I have read, I was lost for a while in terms of what was going on. The author does do a good job of filling you in on what happened previously, but I think it’s expected that you’ve read the other books if you want to know all the details. I am interested in reading the other books though as I liked the side characters and would like to know more about the political plot that runs through the book.

Overall Don’t Look Back was a quick and enjoyable read, but I feel like I would have enjoyed it more if I’d read the first five books in the series. I definitely hope to read the rest of the series at some point as I enjoyed the cast of characters and the author’s writing.

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This book had the potential to be a gripping story. Intrigue, suspense, action, and romance - all the elements are there, but none of it stands out. There is so much going on and so many points of view that it's all a bit convoluted. With so many character voices, it's hard to get a feel for anyone in particular or to become invested in anything going on. When I picked this one up, it was billed as a standalone in the series, but I wouldn't recommend reading it as such. For me, this one felt like the author was trying to tie up loose ends while throwing a romance. It just didn't work for me.

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Miranda Delacroix has made an enemy of Carl Davis. Miranda surrendered evidence to a Special Ops team implicating an associate of Carl's in a severe crime. Injuring his political career, Carl ordered an assassin to take out Miranda to safeguard his political goals. Don't Look Back by Dawn Ryder belongs to the Unbroken Heroes series. From the beginning, it was apparent this book was part of a series. Even though it was a bit disorienting at first, it quickly becomes clear how the characters fit into each other's pasts. All I needed was a basic understanding of past events, so I would say Don't Look Back could be read as a stand-alone novel. This book would be good for those who enjoy a political crime thriller, or romance novels.

The pacing of Don't Look Back is frenetic. Switches in the narrative produce just enough to advance the plot before diverting the action to other characters. This method kept me invested in the intrigue. Various players attempt to outwit each other for victory. It immediately drew me into the events of the quest to bring down the enemy.

The threat to Miranda's life brings her reclusive, billionaire son Dunn to the States from Scotland. The Special Ops team safeguarding Miranda have personal ties to her and her adult children. Thais, who is a member of Special Ops, and Dunn have a desire growing between them. Thais' assignment places her in position to guard Dunn and keep him from executing a premature move against Davis. When the two of them acknowledge the chemistry they share, they realize it is something they can no longer deny.

When their physical encounters begin, Thais and Dunn are unsure how a relationship will work for them. The author gives insights into the emotional connection the couple is forming and walls they have both built begin to crumble. Even though Thais and Dunn fear what is growing between them, they determine the passion they feel for each other is worth experiencing.

The injustice perpetrated by a political figure, assassination for power, was an act that one could argue hits a little close to home. Misdeeds in our government I absolutely believe happens. To the scale of covert assassinations, who's to say? Watching a group who could change things in this atmosphere, had me rooting for them. Witnessing Dunn and Thais' affection grow was a satisfying romance. They were sensual and intense. An alpha couple aptly paired. I most definitely recommend Don't Look Back by Dawn Ryder. I received an advance reader copy of this novel from Netgalley and St Martin’s Press for my honest opinion. I encourage all readers to reach their own conclusions.

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Three stars

I didn't realize this was so far into a series and felt lost and confused at times trying to follow the story. The characters were interesting but the sudden switch in narration added to the confusion. An interesting story otherwise.

I voluntarily read an advanced copy.

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