Member Reviews

**RATING 3.5**

DON'T LOOK BACK by Dawn Ryder is an action-packed, fast-paced story of danger, political intrigue, and romance.

Thais Sinclair knows that to succeed in her chosen career she must keep a level head and dedicate herself to the job and job alone. Romance and love only make things messy and Thais doesn't need hassle in her life. But when she is given the task to shadow Dunn Bateson, it throws many of her cool and calculated plans out the window ...

DON'T LOOK BACK by Dawn Ryder is the final instalment of this series and while it is described as possible to read as a standalone, I didn't find this to be the case. There were moments where I wasn't sure what was going on and I feel that reading the previous stories is a must to get the most from this novel.
​ That being said, I enjoyed the layout of this story with the narrative being told by different characters throughout, and while there is certainly romance, there is also a lot more to this plot with political power, deceit, and danger throughout.

DON'T LOOK BACK by Dawn Ryder is energetic and with plenty to sink your teeth into but as I advised before, read the series in order to really value this story.

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Interesting story ,politics and ambition and the lengths people will go to to achieve their aims . Good characters who interacted well.

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There was a lot going on and so many inconsistencies it was hard to keep up with so many voices I found myself confused at times. Not sure if it was the story or the fever ravaging my body but I tend to think it was the story. Thais seemed to be pulled in too many directions and not sure what she was ultimately supposed to be doing but Dunn definitely was seduced and doing the seducing. This is supposed to be the last of this series.

**Received this ARC for review from the publisher via NetGalley**

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Ms. Ryder has a way of creating a captivating tale with characters that evoke strong emotions. I enjoyed the encounters between Thais & Dunn. The chemistry between Thais & Dunn was intense & hot. Their exchanges were witty & bold. This was an engaging plot that kept me involved right up to the end.

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DON'T LOOK BACK is an action- packed, edge-of-your-seat read. There is so much happening that you just can't put it down, and if you do, you are thinking about what can possibly happen next. Thais is a tough woman, who had been wronged in the past and guards her heart religiously. Dunn is a mystery man with secrets, a man she must learn to trust or not only will her life be forfeit but the whole Shadow Ops group could be endangered.

I have to hand it to Ms. Ryder she knows how to make characters and situations that are spellbinding, a chemistry in not just the lovers but in the team dynamic and action that will have you ready to duck for safety.

~Annetta Sweetko, reviewing for Fresh Fiction

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Don’t Look Back is the sixth book in Dawn Ryder’s Unbroken Heroes Series. Thais Sinclair is a Shadow Ops Agent who has turned her back on ever falling in love. She is strong willed, calculating and task oriented in the predominantly male dominated world of politics and secrets. Dunn Bateson, the illegitimate son of a Southern debutant, is a reclusive man surrounded by money and secrets. He has worked his entire life to be stronger and better then all the rest in order to get what he wants.

Love was never in the cards, but when Thais and Dunn are thrown together for a job, the sparks fly and their chemistry is explosive. They are drawn to each other and struggle to main focused on the task at hand- staying alive, protecting the congress woman and stopping the bad guys. Will they surivive long enough to live happily ever after?

I discovered Dawn Ryder and this series while searching netgalley. I love alpha military romances, with lots of non-stop action and the cover and synopsis instantly grabbed my attention.

This book meets all my usually criteria for choosing a book, however, this story left me unsatisfied. I loved the characters of Thais and Dunn but Thais’ character rubbed me the wrong way at times. I also found the constant switch of character perspectives throughout the chapters to be disorienting and distracting at times. Not sure if I will read another book in this series. Time will tell.

All the books in Dawn Ryder’s Unbroken Heroes series contain a happily ever after and can be read as a standalone, however, reading it in order will give you a better appreciation for the characters and the series itself.

This is a voluntary review of an advanced readers copy from netgalley.

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Fast paced, steamy action packed romance

This is the 6th book in Dawn Ryder's Unbroken Heroes series and I think I might have enjoyed the book s little more if I had more of a foundation to the secondary characters, bad guys etc.
That being said it was well written and I liked Thais and Dunn as a couple, and the chemistry between them sizzles . I hope to read more books by the author in the future but will make sure I start with book 1.
I received an advance reader copy from Netgalley.

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For me this book left more questions then answers......I loved the suspense and the characters were great......the romance seemed forced at times....this could be because the store has to many voices trying to be heard.
I received this ARC from St. Martins Press.....this is my honest and voluntary review.

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Dawn Ryder immediately captured my attention with this latest foray into the exciting and intricately woven world of her Shadow Ops.

This story had a fantastic plot with amazing characters. As the only female member of the Shadow Ops team Thais Sinclair was a deadly threat. I've read the other books in this series and she had always struck me as being a cool under pressure ice queen type of character. In this book the author shoved Thais right into some hot water. She unraveled the ice queen and showed how she got that strong will. This mission was personal for Dunn Bateson. He was fighting to save not just Thais but his family as well. I loved that Dunn turned out to be such an alpha hero and still retained his vulnerabilities, like his secret fear of being rejected. Because of his past this became a bigger issue for his relationship with Thais.

This story had an incredibly suspenseful storyline. It was loaded with action and characters who weren't afraid to color outside of the box. It turned a bit dark, or gritty, at certain points, and seemed to leave a few open doors for possibly a new spin-off series. I think so at least. One thing for certain I will read whatever Dawn Ryder comes up with next.

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It was my first time reading this series and author, but I found myself captivated by the plot and the charming characters. The story is intriguing, suspenseful and intense, but as I was reading I felt I was missing something. The book was wrote as standalone, but you need some background to understand what's happening and why. The lead couple in this book, Thais and Dunn, is great but there are moments in the narration where they seem to be secondary characters because someone else steals the show. The romance part of the story is intense and sexy, difficult because of the past of the characters but hot as an inferno. The suspense part was nicely written and conducted. I would loved to have seen more action in the final chapters, because of the tension that was being built, but things ended and I felt again I was missing something. I suppose that now I have to read the previous books and give this one a new visit soon. Hope you enjoy it.

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Thais and Dunn have circled around each other for a while in these books. Now Dunn sees his opportunity to get Thais into his orbit. Dunn knows Thais thinks of him as an ordinary civilian who has money and plays with danger, but he is so much more. When his layers start being peeled back, Thais is stunned at what she finds. I gave Dunn credit because he figured out how to get Thais where he wanted her. He predicted her moves before she made them and didn't allow her to run too far from him. I had some problems with their insta-love suddenly coming to the forefront for both of them. Some of it was too contrived for me to fully invest in them as a couple.

The whole Carl Davis saga comes to its conclusion. Let's just say that Carl was not someone who should have been allowed to continue his power trip and/or reign of terror. I was kind of lost on parts of this book because I haven't read all the books in the rest of the series. I did feel the book would have been better for me if I had some more backstory on the side characters. Overall it was an okay read for me. I think if you have enjoyed the other books in this series, this one will be a good pick for you.

I received an ARC from St. Martin's Press for my honest review.

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A new to me author Dawn Ryder's sixth book in the Unbroken Heroes series, Don't look Back. Having not read the other books in this series I felt confused and felt I was missing stuff that wasn't in the book. I heard this could be read as a standalone so gave it a chance. I would advise it being read as a series in order. I did enjoy the romance parts of the storyline but not knowing more back ground took away from it.

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As a team member of Shadow Ops, Thais doesn't plan on getting involved with Dunn, a reclusive billionaire. When her job is to keep him out of their protection detail, this will be harder to do. I receive a free copy of this book from the publisher through Netgallery. This is my honest and voluntarily given review. Even though there are steamy scenes in this book, the emphasis is on action. This was the first book that I read in this series but I was able to pick up the story. Since the Shadow Ops stay off the grid, their activities are often in the gray area. The villains in this book are pure evil. This was a grittier book that I usually read. but the story kept me intrigued into the end. Due to that, this series won't be on the top of my to read pile, but I may go back and read more of the series.

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Don't Look Back (Unbroken Heroes, #6) by Dawn Ryder This is book 6 of 6 in the Unbroken Heroes series (Shadow Ops) Thanks to the publisher and #NetGalley for letting me preview this book. Thais Sinclair and Dunn Bateson are the main characters along with all the favorites and this ties up all the loose end of the series with plenty of suspense, intrigue, laughs, tears, love, sex and of course a HEA. i can't wait for Dawn's next series.

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Don't Look Back was an enjoyable read. That had pockets of action, suspense and some intrigue. Not to mention two likable lead characters, and I enjoyed the romance that developed between them. Which was packed full of heat.

Yet, I did struggle at times with this story, mainly because its part of a series which I'm not completely familiar with, having only one other book in it. And so that did have an impact for me, particularly as this story is based off events that happen in book five Close to the Edge. Plus, there are a lot of characters in this story and I had trouble keeping up with them all, and so I got a little confused as to what was going on at times and who was who.

But I was drawn into the story and I enjoyed it enough to want to go back and try it from the start. And I'm sure fans of the series will not be disappointed with how this all ends.

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Great read! A little slow in areas but it definitely got better! This is a fairly new author for me but I will definitely say I'm going to be reading her from on. I loved the characters. They were so relatable and likeable. The story was well written and suspenseful. I definitely want more!

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Terrific conclusion to the Unbroken Heroes Series, white hot, action, redemption and finding your soul! We finally get agent Thias Sinclair and Dunn Bateson HEA and boy do they have to fight for it, as it should be. So many bad guys get what's coming to them and a couple surprise redemptions too. The thought I kept having is "Sometimes you have to put a mad dog down".

Thias is the over-the-top sexy ops agent that seems to have no emotions. Oh she does, believe me, they're just buried deep to protect her abused heart. Dunn Bateson is an elusive international businessman that occasionally helps Shadow Ops. He's the illegitimate son of congress hopeful Miranda Delacroix. Miranda is from a powerful political family in DC that killed her politically dirty congressman husband her family forced her to marry. This book is centered around Miranda's run for congress and her support of Carl Davis' rival Tom Hilliard. Carl is a beyond dirty politician and is WAY out of control. His aide Eric knew what he was getting into, is reaching the end of his rope trying to reign him in. Carl's trying to stop Kagan's Shadow Ops by putting a hit on Thias and later one of Miranda's daughter Damascus, now wife of Vitus Hale of Shadow Ops. Dunn is hiding a secret that we finally learn reading the book that makes his involvement with Shadow Ops make sense. We even have a former bad guy find his soul and become a good guy. So many twists and turns in this book! Absolutely FABULOUS!

Thank you Dawn and St. Martin's for giving me the opportunity to review this story as well as most of the series!

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I haven't read anything by this author before and I found this story jumps around a bit too much for me. I had a hard time keeping track of the people. It may be because I hadn't read any of the others in this series. Thais and Dunn are two of a kind. Neither of them really know about true love, but after breaking down their walls, they decide to give it a try. The team has been trying to get enough on Carl to take him down and it finally happened in an unexpected way.

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I enjoyed the story, it was fun, fast and entertaining. I appreciated the way Ryder wove a complex and suspense-filled plot, chuck full of political machinations that had you loving and hating specific characters.

The romance didn't ring true for me. I felt there was too much explained and repeated internal turmoil, which always hits me wrong, and makes me feel slightly disconnected to the characters.

For a romantic suspense, the suspense was a really like and the romance was a like, so overall this was a 3.5 star read for me.

I received this ARC copy of Don't Look Back from St. Martin's Press. This is my honest and voluntary review. Don't Look Back is set for publication August 28, 2018.

My Rating: 3.5 stars
Written by: Dawn Ryder
Series: Unbroken Heroes
Sequence in Series: Book 6
Mass Market Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks
Publication Date: August 28, 2018
ISBN-10: 1250132746
ISBN-13: 978-1250132741
Genre: Romantic Suspense

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4 Star reviews of Don’t Look Back (Unbroken Heroes #6) by Dawn Ryder

Thais Sinclair is a shadow ops agent, a woman in a man’s world. She depends on no one and the last thing she wants or needs is a man in her life, especially Dun Bateson. Dun is rich and has had a tough past, he knows he has to fight for what or who he wants.
Although they try to fight it, neither Thais or Dun can fight the chemistry between them. The pace was quick and is certainly steamy.
Dawn Ryder is a new author to me and although I enjoyed this book, I have to say that I was totally confused at times. There seemed to be so many POV’s that I honestly got lost. To be fair if I had read the other books in the series it may have helped as I believe this is the last one and I am guessing that the author was also tying up any loose ends.
An enjoyable read and I will be looking at other books written by Dawn Ryder.
I received this book through the publisher and Netgalley.

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