Member Reviews

After being a part of my life for the last two years, it is with great sadness and heartbreak, that I have to say goodbye to the Shadow Ops series. A group of incredibly brave men and women, we have seen them fight evil and find love on the way. I honestly thought that there would be a couple more books in the series, but I suppose every good thing has to come to an end. However I really hope that Dawn Ryder will write Greer and his sister’s stories at some point. Maybe as some sort of spinoff.

Ever since the infamous bathtub scene, I have been anxiously waiting to read Thais and Dunn’s story. Thais is the only woman in the Shadow Ops group and ever since the first book I have been waiting to see what sort of man can capture the heart of a woman like Thais. A woman who is not only exceptionally beautiful and sexy, but who is also smart and strong, not to mention, a huge asset to her fellow agents. And yes, only a man like Dunn Bateson could win a woman like her.

Thais Sinclair has been raised to seduce and use her assets to be the perfect wife. In this book we finally find out her past and how she became a secret agent and what drives her. She may be the seducer everywhere she goes, but it seems that she can also be seduced. And the only man who seems to be able to accomplish that feat is non other than the wealthy Scottish industrialist and world renowned recluse Dunn Bateson.

Dunn Bateson has had a thing for the sexy secret agent ever since he first laid eyes on her. He knows that Thais has no intention of being tamed or controlled and there is nothing more that he wants than to make her his own - in every way possible. We had found out in the previous books that Dunn’s birth mother is Miranda Delacroix, now we also find the secret behind Dunn’s super secret agent like talents. We also find out that there is nothing that a man like Dunn will do to protect the woman or in this case, the women, he loves.

I must say that while reading this book, I kept wishing that this wasn’t the end of this series and I’m still hoping for some sort of spinoff. But having said that, I do believe that “Don’t Look Back” is the perfect ending to this exhilarating and steamy romance series. Goodbye to all the brave men and women of Shadow Ops, you will be missed. Until we meet again!

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It didn’t take me long to realized I’d stepped into a series and I’d missed a lot of character history. So, the review is a little incomplete, but I can say that I liked this book enough to go back and read the books in order, starting with the first.

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This was an okay read in my eyes but it could have been better for me if I have read the other books in this series before reading this as it was a bit more harder to understand. The redeeming factor in this story for me was the romance I loved the chemistry between the two main characters Dunn and Thais. I would suggest you read the other books in this series as I do not see it as a stand alone.
Go Read my full review on my blog Echoing Books :)

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#6 in the Unbroken Hero’s series. This is the first book that I have read by this author. I feel that this could be a stand alone novel but wonder how much I missed in the previous books. I enjoyed the suspense, action and strong main characters. Thanks to St Martin’s Press and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Kindly provided with an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review......

Dawn really writes some mind blowing plots of goodness !!. This was Dunn and Thais' s tale and boy was it action pact !!. Written from various POV and so I felt that added another layer of depth to the plot and story line. Utterly brilliant read. Did not disappoint.

Many thanks for this opportunity and spectacular read Dawn x

Later peeps x

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A fitting resolution to the political intrigue…

This is the sixth book in the Unbroken Heroes series that can be read as a stand-alone though it references past events and provides the final resolution to a plot that has crossed all the books.

Shadow Ops is more than a job for the beautiful agent Thais Sinclair, given a second chance at life after hers had fallen apart. She crossed a boundary that most would shy away from to do what needed to be done though for the right reasons, which made her perfect for the teams. She’s a femme fatale, trained by her mother to please men, she learned her lessons well and uses those wiles to her advantage. She’s a cool, calculating, and seductive operative who keeps her emotions under wraps, shielded by memories of betrayal that cut deep. No one gets under her skin, she works alone but has her team’s back. Thais is assigned to protect the one man who seems to fracture her composure, a sexy wild card civilian gone rogue to protect his mother from the political intrigue that wants her removed from contention.

The illegitimate son of an American political family, Dunn Bateson was raised by his Scottish father and has always known the reasons why his mother was forced to give him up. Now that she’s come into his life he’ll do everything necessary to obtain vengeance against those that tried to kill her. Dunn is highly secretive and reclusive with vast monetary resources, he knows the world that the Shadow Ops agents operate in; trained by a similar type of organization that is not public knowledge. When Thais saves his mother’s life, she’s framed and arrested for the attempt and used as bait by her handler to draw out the true assassin. Dunn takes exception to this, taking matters into his own hands. He’s had his own share of betrayals and is as closed-off to relationships as Thais but she elicits an intense emotional response in him that he can’t ignore and he’s not letting her be used in such a way.

In this series, Thais has been a most intriguing character, an intelligent, strong, lone female operative within a team of dominant men who have unexpectedly managed to find their romantic partners. But what man would do for Thais? In Dunn, the author has found the perfect complement, both with issues of their own that help them comprehend the other in ways most couldn’t. The sexual tension between them was palpable, the pushback between them was entertaining, each was determined to stand their ground and not get burned yet one has to take a chance to find what more there can be. With the right person, love can bring about much-needed healing. These two were great characters.

The fascinating, multi-layered, suspenseful, political intrigue that started this series has been slowly unraveled by Shadow Ops until there is just one man left, the insidious presidential candidate who will destroy the teams once elected with an executive order. Can they bring him down without disgracing themselves in the process? There was much action and suspense and a surprise fitting resolution, some characters even found redemption. The numerous points of view kept the reader engaged in all that was transpiring. This advanced version was not final and seriously needed clear demarcation of the change in scenes, character voices which made for a confusing read at times.

An advanced reading copy was obtained from the publisher via NetGalley.

4.5 stars

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"Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review."

Loved this book very much. It had just the right amount of suspenseful romance and the storyline was great! I highly recommend!

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I really enjoyed the suspense/ action of this book.Tense heart pounding action never lets up. I also liked that both leads were strong individually but even stronger as their relationship grew.
This author has an excellent word choice style. I enjoyed how the characters conversations flowed.
This book leaves you on the edge of your seat behind for more. Didn't want to put it down.

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For some reason, I thought that this was a stand alone book, but it turned out that it wasn't. Or if it was meant to be, then it was too confusing as it tied in very heavily to the main series. I found it difficult to follow or get invested in any of the character arcs until I went and read the rest of the series. After I did that, the book became more interesting and readable, but was still a tad chaotic in places. A nice diverting summer read.

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Don’t Look Back is a phenomenal work of art! To have the privilege to read such a masterful, high-octane story that kept me on my toes and guessing the entire time was such a wonderful delight to all of my senses. I love stories that pull every part of my heart and mind in without reservation or hesitation. This was a mind-blowing out of control train that barreled past my defenses and blew my entire world to smithereens in the best way possible. What a fantastic treasure that I will replay in my mind for a long time to come!

Shadow Ops Agent Thais Sinclair lives for the job. All she knows or cares about is her team and the next job. Love is something she extracted from her live for the sake of being the best agent and completing her work effectively and effectively. Nothing good ever came from it, so like a thorn in her side she removed it and left it dead in the past. Dunn Bateson is a true enigma to Thais and her team, and yet they need him and his resources for one all-important mission. When the reason for his help is revealed to him, Dunn can’t say no which only makes him more uncomfortable. There are good reasons he is known as a recluse, but Thais threatens to burn them all to the ground. She can’t divert her attention away from the tasks assigned to her, and yet she can’t deny the pull to Dunn. Will Dunn extract himself from this mission unscathed, or will the strength, beauty, and intelligence he sees in Thais bring his life and walls tumbling down around his ears?

I don’t think that anything can be done when two people are both unwillingly drawn and equally repelled by the other. Nature will take its course, but it will draw all secrets and buried emotions to the foreground. No one can hide when love will not be denied no matter how adamant or determined they might be. The heart knows what it wants, and it will fight dirty to get it. When life is determined to change despite what you want, you can either willingly give in or watch as everything you know is systematically transformed before your very eyes.

This is the first book by Dawn Ryder that I have read, and I am completely at her mercy. Her storyline was gripping and captivating while her stunning characters stole my heart and never let it go. I was completely and utterly lost to this world of secrets and shadows. This is a breath taking masterpiece that will live in my heart forever.

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So I know this is an unedited version, but I really found it hard to follow the chapters. They seemed very long & were cut up in strange ways that it was hard to tell you’d changed points of view or scenes until a couple of sentences in. I did like Thais & Dunn’s story & the way the series wrapped up. It just seemed a little convoluted for me. I would recommend it if you’ve invested your time into all of the books.

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Sexy hot alphas oh my. This book leaves you on the edge of your seat behind for more. Didn't want to put it down. Love Dawn's characters and how she sucks you in from the beginning.

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Will this be the end? Will the Shadow Ops team survive the final battle? You will need to read the series or else everything won't make sense. Can Kagan keep his team together long enough to make sure that Miranda keeps her life for awhile longer and that they can put Carl Davis down for good? Thais is used to been tough and always ready for action but she is wary been around Dunn as he calls to her very being. She has tried to keep her distance and to be professional but he just keeps on coming and after she is accused of trying to kill his mother Miranda he can't just leave her. He did what he had to and he will do whatever he can to keep her out of danger. Thais thinks she knows him but he is a hard man to get to know. He prefers to be alone but he can't allow someone to kill his mother and then blame his girl. Can they work together with the rest of the team to end this for good? We get to see Ricky again and he proves that he deserved a second chance. Miranda is a formidable woman who will do anything for her family and that makes her so special a really strong woman. Kagan was quiet in this book but it wasn't about him but I am glad how it ended. This has been such a wild ride loved all of the books and to see how all the characters have changed and grown. I was so lucky to receive a copy via Netgalley and the publishing house in exchange for my honest review.

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This story had issues. At first I was struck by the names. The characters had such unusual names that it kept taking me out of the story. Then I’d have to reread, but would get distracted by another name. I’m not saying everyone should be named Joe or Sam, but these were a bit over-the-top.

I really felt the lack of not having read the rest of the series. I sometimes had that feeling of someone telling a private joke...I knew the info was meaningful but not why.

And I have to say I wasn’t feeling the romance for about half the story. No chemistry. Then about Halfway through the story, it felt like the characters settled into their roles and finally meshed. After that I liked it, but I came close to abandoning the book several time by that point. I’m glad I stuck it out, because it ended up being a good book.

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Don't Look Back by Dawn Ryder is a hot as hell romantic suspense novel. I loved the characters. Thais and Dunn make the perfect pair. Both are tough, smart, and willing to take risks. Only Thais is willing to risk her life for her career. Dunn will not sit back and watch the woman her cares about get hurt. Dunn has issues but he's so attracted to Thais he can't stop thinking about her. Thais drives Dunn crazy by teasing him. Both are playing with fire. Thais is now in jeopardy due to the bad guys making her look like a murderer. A warrant is out for her and both her team and Dunn are working to keep her alive. The fun banters between Dunn and Thais is charming, intense, and sexy. These pages are smoking in humor, action, and danger. This one one romance book that I recommend to all readers. Dawn Ryder does not disappoint. 

I received this copy from the publisher. This is my voluntary review.

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I received a free, advance copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review.

It was one satisfying book. But then again, I was trying to figure out who was who...

This two has been brewing since book one, and what can I say, I love it!

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This is the sixth book in the Unbroken Heros series by Dawn Ryder. I have really enjoyed this series, but was slightly confused with Don't Look Back. It was a busy, chaotic book, with many characters, and too many different directions and situations in the book.. You could definitely feel the connection between Thais and Dunn. I wouldn't say I wouldn't recommend it, because this is the last one in the series, but I did have to reread a few pages a couple times to really understand what I was reading. I may have just had really high expectations ;)

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While this book is a standalone read, I would recommend reading the previous books in the series to get the full experience of Carl Davis. So, Thais and Dunn? I loved Dunn’s character from the previous books and I still love him. He is a bit mysterious and a recluse and oh yeah, does he have military experience? Thais was always the tough girl in the group of Shadow Ops and she still is even though she has fallen hard for Dunn (she does not realize it though). Their back and forth, the who will be after them next, and the non-stop action keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time reading the story. I enjoyed reading how Thais wants to keep it just as a friends with benefits type relationship but finds it harder and harder to resist the oh-so-sexy Dunn. The only thing I would have liked to have seen is more of their ending…it seemed a bit rushed. All in all, a great ending to the series.

But…does it leave it open for a possible spin-off series. What happens to Eric, Miranda, Kagan, and yes, even Ricky?

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I voluntarily reviewed a copy of "DON'T LOOK BACK" Shadow Ops Agent Thais Sinclair has always had to be strong and keep her wits about her working with dominating men she was going to be taken seriously that's why she only focused on her work no distractions. Dunn Bates on was the illegitimate son of a Southern debutante and always had to fight for everything he got he didn't like being shadowed by Thais but they had to work together to protect his mother this was a great read my first in this series it would have been good to read the stories before this book to make a better understanding of some of the characters but I did enjoy the intrigue, suspense, drama hot steamy scenes. I definitely would recommend to read this book my first by this author Dawn Ryder and it won't be my last.

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This is the sixth book in the Unbroken Heros series and can still be enjoyed without reading the previous books. “Don’t Look Back” was a wild ride of suspense, romance, longing and chemistry that was off the charts! Throw in an alpha male and a feisty heroine and you’ve got the recipe for a five star story! Read this!

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