Member Reviews

Thais and Dunn are a perfect match. Together they make a kick ass team.
About the only thing I don't care for in this book is that there is no breaks in a page indicating a change of topic. One minute it could be a conversation between Thais and Dunn then the next paragraph is Carl and Eric (the bad guys) talking about who they are going to kill. It was way confusing more than not.

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Don't Look Back by Dawn Ryder is the sixth book in her Unbroken Heroes series and also the final one. Although I wonder if the ending had a teaser for a new series maybe? It wasn't my favorite one but then again it was the most action filled story yet. I'd highly recommend reading the books in order before this one because there are a lot of character story lines back and forth. Plus it starts at the end of the previous book and the attempt on Damascus's life.

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This has to be my least favorite of the series. I speed read the first half. There were too many voices talking, and Thais was annoying. Dunn wasn't much better, but at least he had a reason. Then the ending was not that great considering this was the last book in the series. At least all the bad guys were taken care of in the end. I was hoping for one more with Kagan.

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So glad to have ridden this series out- great finish!

Thais and Dunn were great together! Loved all the drama and intense suspense. Thais is one tough cookie and Dunn is ready to protect her at all costs. Problem is, Thais doesn't think she needs protecting.

With the evilness of Davis out there she does need his help, as everyone must come together to finally defeat the jerk.

I think the other books in this series are necessary to file get this book, but they are well with the read as well.

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**I received a copy of Don't look Back from St. Martin's Press and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review**

Don’t Look Back by Dawn Ryder is the final book in a series and you can be read as a standalone novel, however, I found it hard a little hard to keep connect with the backstory and some of the secondary characters. I think if I had read more or all of the other books it may have helped.

You can defiantly feel the chemistry between Dunn and Thais. I loved their relationship. This was a pretty fast paced book, but I do feel it jumped around a bit, from one person to another person and from one location to another.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to read this. 

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I will not be reviewing this book as it was choppy and difficult to follow. Sad, because I have read this author's books before and, loved them.

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Thais is a Shadow Ops agent who often has to use her gender to succeed. The end justifies the means when you're on a mission but reclusive billionaire Dunn doesn't like it. There is something about Thais that intrigues him and he is determined to learn more about her. But first he has to help the Shadow Ops group protect an important political figure, his mother. Great romantic suspense, memorable characters, and red hot romance make this 6th book in the Unbroken Heroes series a winner.

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This is an adventure filled book where there was always something exciting going on. Dunn and Thais try to deny that they have a thing going on but aren't successful at staying away from each other. The story is filled with many interesting characters and has some twists and turns. I enjoyed reading this book and would definitely read others by Dawn Ryder.

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Great romantic thriller! Tense heart pounding action never lets up. This author has an excellent word choice style. I enjoyed how the characters conversations flowed.

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3 1/2 Stars
Don't Look Back isn't a stand alone novel. Even readers of the series might need to go back for a refresher of the different characters the endless bad guys and who is whom.

The story is very basic and very predictable which is why the story get 3 1\2 stars.
The story bounces between characters, time, places and where everyone is located making it very confusing even for a reader who has read the series.

Thais I expected to be more bad and instead she came off weak. Dawan Ryder wrote her to be very strong at times the character felt untrue to the woman at the beginning of the series.

Dunn Bateson background is full exposed though out the story but something seem off about this characters that pulls this reader out of the story.

Most of the characters from previous stories return as the story comes to a head with Shadow Ops team and Presidential Running Mates.

The story jumps all over the place between characters, whom is talking and what Thais is suppose to be doing? Most of the time she is having sex with Dunn which might turn off readers.

Thank you to Netgalley, Publisher St. Martin's Paperbacks and the author for the advance copy of Dawn Ryder Don't Look Back.

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Don't Look Back By Dawn Ryder is the 6th book in this Unbroken Heroes series.
I received a early copy to review, apparently you can read this as a standalone, but no. NO you can not! I tried and I thought what on earth is happening here, I didn't know the characters and the over all story arc was confusing for me to follow. I feel like to get a better idea of the story you should probably start with book 1 with this series, just like any other series.

2,5 confusing stars

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*Book was received through Netgalley for free for my honest opinion*

This was the first time I've read this author and this series. It definitely can be read as a stand alone book. However, it makes you want to read the other stories. I think that says quite a bit about the author's writing. The writing was amazing. It kept the reader wanting to read more. The character's names were quite unique.

The chemistry just jumped off the page between Dunn and Thais. I absolutely fell in love with this relationship. The story line moves in a fast paced manner and you can't put the book down. There are a lot of different side stories going on but in the end, they all make sense. There were several sexy scenes in this book (which I am not complaining about) but I wanted to point out how well the author wrote these scenes. Each sexy scene was like a new experience and was kept fresh. Even though the characters were together more than once in this book, each encounter was like new. Nothing seemed too repetitive. I think that is a great aspect to have when writing a book.

This book was definitely fast paced, sexy, and full of chemistry. This was a great read!

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I have to give this a low score as you can not understand the storyline just from reading this. Between not understanding what was going on, weird jarring jumps to a new location and just not sucking me into the characters I dropped this book.

This is a voluntary review and I do not get paid for this review.

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A well written perfectly paced story pulling you in from the start. Full of twists and turns to keep your interest and easy to follow along. The action was just enough detail to keep you guessing how it was going to end. Loved this one so might just have to pick up the rest to find out how everyone fits together.

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Thais loves her job and thinks that's all she needs to be happy. She also has an attraction to her current target that she is determined to ignore. Dunn is attracted to Thais but knows she is dedicated to her job. They both have sworn off love due failed past relationships. While trying to examine their feelings and decide whether to move forward, they also have to try to stay alive and keep Dunn's mother alive.

A story that keeps you wondering what will happen next.

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I like the writing and feel like I could become invested in the characters but unfortunately I am.not very familiar with series. I found my struggling to piece things together. This is definitely a series you need to read in order to get the full impact. I did find the storytelling compelling enough to want to start the series from the beginning.

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**I received a copy of Don't look Back from St. Martin's Press and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review **

Don't Look Back by Dawn Ryder is the sixth book in her Unbroken Heroes series and also the final one. Although I wonder if the ending had a teaser for a new series maybe? It wasn't my favorite one but then again it was the most action filled story yet. I'd highly recommend reading the books in order before this one because there are a lot of character story lines back and forth. Plus it starts at the end of the previous book and the attempt on Damascus's life.

Dunn Bateson is a Scottish recluse but he's always known who his mother was and why she gave him up to please her political connected family. But when he meets Thais Sinclair the sparks fly between them even though she is considered a Shadow Ops agent she works alone. Dunn will rescue her from Homeland when she's wrongly accused of trying to kill Miranda and even use his connections to keep Carl from winning the presidency. But can they keep their hands off each other?

Thais Sinclair is a lone wolf agent who when asked by Vitus, Saxon and Kagan ask her to guard Miranda she doesn't hesitate. But she's got ghosts of previous ops as well as being hurt by her ex-husband so it's going to take a lot of work for Dunn to convince her to let him work with him. Even with all the men and women guarding Miranda as she runs for a political office and the greed of Carl Myers with his presidential bid plus hit men trying to take out everyone on Carl's orders the story goes back and forth a lot. I grew to love both Dunn and Thais's love story as well as Carl's aide Eric finally having enough of Carl, thus the ending is fantastic.

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This is the last book in this series but can be read as a stand alone. I have not read the other books in this series. There are too many points of view and unnecessary story lines. I was confused and lost for a good majority of this book. In the description this book had a lot of promise but just fell short for me.

*I am voluntarily reviewing this book via Netgalley.

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Don’t Look Back by Dawn Ryder is billed as the final book in a series that can be read as a standalone novel. To me there was way too much not explained for it to work well as a standalone. In addition, this book is billed as a romance between Thais and Dunn, and while the romance part of it is interesting, it’s only part of a story told from at least twelve points of view. The story constantly switches from one character to another within chapters that go on forever. It also gets incredibly confusing about just what exactly Shadow Ops wants to do with Thais. Do they want her in custody, do they want her with Dunn, do they want her in custody? This part of the story isn’t consistent, which is disappointing because the relationship between Thais and Dunn should be top billing, but often spends time relegated to the backseat as the author wraps up what I’m guessing was a storyline across the whole Unbroken Heroes series.

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Thais is an agent with a Shadow Ops team, they do what others can’t or won’t. She killed her husband and brother in law because they were horrible men. Instead of being put in prison, a man offered her a deal to work with his team.
Dunn is a Scot and very rich. He had a rough upbringing with no mother but he knew the reasons she wasn’t around and accepted it. Now as a grown man he is considered a recluse. When a hit is taken out on his mother, he comes forward and will do anything to keep her safe.
Thais and Dunn find they can’t fight the attraction between them. Both have been burned in the past but little by little they tear the walls they’ve put up around their hearts. They have to stop a crazed presidential candidate from killing Dunn’s mother and disbanding the Shadow Ops team.
Action packed story with steaming hot sex. It doesn’t just tell the sides of Dunn and Thais but everyone mentioned in the book. It can get a little confusing at times but will keep you on the edge of your seat.

* Voluntarily read and reviewed this for Netgalley *

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