Member Reviews

I received an ARC copy of this book for my honest review. This way my first book by this author and and a continuation of the series. I really enjoyed the suspense/ action of this book. I also liked that both leads were strong individually but even stronger as their relationship grew. While the bedroom scenes were not numerous you definitely felt the heat between the leads (Dunn and Thais) and the scenes that were there were pretty steamy. Not reading the previous books in the series did not effect how I felt about the book as major points from the past were summed up so anyone can enjoy even if you’re starting new like me. However, there were some typos and grammatical errors scattered in the book which can annoy some people. My major irritation was the lack of spacing between scenes. The chapters are long (very long) with multiple switching of scenes, between different characters speaking and totally different story lines and nothing to distinguish the change.. I think some strategically placed stylized section breaks “~” would greatly help the flow. Overall it was enjoyable and I would recommend this book for others to buy. 4 stars

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Thais Sinclair is used to being used as bait, a distraction and using her feminine charms on targets. She may not always like it but it gets the job done. She has armour around her heart and refuses to let anyone in, even her team mates are kept at arms length. She didn't exactly have the best childhood and was groomed by her odious mother to be a bit of a femme fatale. Well she got the fatale bit down pat, she killed her hubby and his relatives when they might have got away Scot free!

Dunn Bateson always knew who his mother was. He knew why she had to give him up and he loves her anyway. Now that the new presidential hopeful is gunning for her, he'll ring his unlimited resources to the Shadow Ops table.

Dunn and Thais circle each other like vultures LOL. Dunn has been hurt by gold-diggers in the past and Thais can't see herself as much more than that. Dunn is way more than your typical playboy and it doesn't hurt that he is a sexy Scot - got to be patriotic and love the home grown lad! Thais did take a while to warm up to but it was a great conclusion to the series!

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Great beach read. Dunn and Thais are strong willed, supremely confident individuals. They are good at their jobs and not likely to take orders. Dunn has been watching Thais from afar. He is a reclusive, wealthy business owner with a mother who was forced to leave him at birth. I really enjoyed them getting to know each other and the ongoing evolution of the other relationships. And that brougue is to die for. Highly recommend this book and the entire series.

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This book is part of series however can be read as a stand alone. With that being said, I highly recommend that you read the others in the series first in order to get a better grasp of the backstory and secondary characters in the book.

I enjoyed this action packed story. The romance between the two main characters was steamy hot. I would recommend this book.

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I enjoyed this book and found it a worthy addition to the Unbroken Heroes series. In this novel, we finally learn Thais's story, and, while compelling, it didn't draw me in in the same way that the prior books in the series did. We also learn more about Dunn and his back story and I was surprised by it (in a good way) - he is totally swoon-worthy.

This is a stand alone novel, however, I think you'll enjoy it more if you've read the prior books in the series. Fans of romantic suspense will want to put this one at the top of their TBR list. The author is on my must read authors' list.

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I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley.

This was my first read from the author. Even though it can be read as a stand-alone book, I feel like I would have had a better grasp of the backstory and side characters if I read the previous books in the series.

The story has action and political intrigue. However, it just seems a bit gonzo to me. There was so much going on in the story that it was a bit hard to keep up with. The romance between the characters was hot but the hesitation between them go a little repetitive. It was a fun weekend read but I would probably suggest reading the others in the series to get a full picture.

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