Member Reviews

Cowboy, Cross My Heart by Donna Grant is a story and passion and desire. Their story captures you mind and heart from the beginning till the end.

Really loved it and recommend it to all readers.

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Cowboy, Cross My Heart by Donna Grant is a good fit for readers looking for a lighthearted, contemporary romance set in the world of Texas rodeos, centered around a strong-willed new adult photographer and a rugged cowboy who teams up with her to protect her friend from a stalker.

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Great romantic read with low drama. Fast paced novel with a great build world. Perfect read for an afternoon. Arc provided by Netgalley

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Insta-love Cowboy romantic suspense. Brice falls head over heals for Naomi while they try to solve the rodeo pageant mystery. Quick read. A little unbelievable in parts, but I loved the storyline.

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First let me say I hate heat and I'm ready to move to Texas! These books and Ms. Grant's writing about her cowboys makes me want to take my boys to learn and my daughter to find one. It makes me think if I were a bit younger I'd want to find one of my own!

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Apparently I didn't pay attention to the order of books in the series, because I read book 3 first, book 4 second, and book 2 third. In the end it didn't matter because this book, like the others can be read as a standalone. I liked Brice and Naomi, and they're effort to work together while fearing for their lives to figure out who is terrorizing women on the rodeo circuit. It's a cute cowboy meets cute girl who realizes Texas is home, and Brice is a part of that. And I loved the scenes with Jace eating nonstop.

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I have always been skeptical of when a beloved author, one that has become so entrenched in my library and my reading habits, suddenly branches into an all new world. Sometimes it works out beautifully and sometimes the trauma of the experience even makes me hesitant to return to their “normal” work. Luckily for me, Donna Grant’s departure from paranormal romance and into the sexy and romantic world of Texas cowboys fell into the former category and not the latter. The first story in her series was a good read, with an amazing story of a young man in way over his head and the hero who took him under his wing and in the process feel in love with the young man’s older sister. This new story in the series is about that young man himself who has grown into an amazingly sexy and accomplished rodeo champion and cattleman. Brice has worked long and hard to make up for the mistakes of his past and model himself after the older brother he acquired in that first book and he has done well in both regards. When he comes across a woman, who that he previously felt and intense connection with from far away, being attacked there was no way he was not going to intervene to save her. But little did either of them know that by saving her from the attacker, they would both be put into the crosshairs of a sadistic and dangers group of men, bent on protecting their sick way of life. Naomi has returned home for a long visit with her best friend who has made it to the top in the rodeo pageant circuit to finally find herself the queen, but in doing so she discovers that her friend has changed dramatically and there is something not quite right going on around the rodeo. Together Brice and Naomi are pushed into danger again and again and finally, working together with his family and friends, they come to understand that this danger goes back a long time and they need to so everything they can to stop it, before someone else dies. I Loved getting to know this adult version of Brice and seeing him in action. While Grant glossed over his time in the military, it was obvious the skills he learned there and from his brother-in-law made him into the great man he became. Sexy, alpha, and willing to do whatever it takes to protect his woman and family—honestly what more could any woman ask for in a mate? Naomi herself was a bit of an enigma in the beginning, but I came to like her more and more as she showed her spunky and sassy side, while defending herself and her loved ones from danger. I have to use the cliché but here it just fits, you might take the girl out of Texas but you can’t take the Texas out of the girl. Naomi’s return home reminds her of just what is important in life and that she is strong enough to stand up for what is right and what needs to be changed in the world. The passion between these two is palpable every second they are on the pages, even when it is just their eyes locking before their first official introduction, and though their feelings developed quickly, it is obvious their feelings for one another run deep and true and will last a lifetime. I am dying to read the next story in this series and see Brice’s younger brother fall in love. I suspect I know who will steal his heart, but until I get to read it myself I will just keep hoping I am right. Another magical cowboy moment, Donna, keep ‘em coming!

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I'm loving this whole series and am looking forward to the next one. This was such a great addition to Ms. Grant's books. I loved the characters and the storyline.

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Loved the cowboy aspect with the horses and the ranch lifestyle, and I enjoyed the suspense. There was a great connection between Naomi and Brice; a really sweet romance. Loved how much Brice was there to support Naomi. Plus, it’s super cool how much Brice’s family is all there for each other as well. Naomi knows there’s something going on with her friend, Whitney, but Whitney isn’t being very forth coming. When an attack happens, Naomi is saved by Brice, but Naomi doesn’t stay safe for long. Whitney really should’ve asked for help and stood up for herself more; I agree with Naomi when she said something along the lines of it’s just a crown, but I do see the danger that Whitney saw. Overall, entertaining story with some good suspense, sweet and sexy romance, and enjoyable characters. Looking forward to reading the first book in this since I haven’t read that yet, and any other books in this series.

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#2 in the Heart of Texas romance series


Plot - 4 stars - We are now able to follow Brice, all grown up and buying his own ranch, thanks to the support of Clay and sister Abby, from Book #1. When he meets Naomi, a former rodeo participant, there's an immediate mutual attraction.

Writing - 4 stars - I very much enjoyed the first book in this series, and now I'm back for more. Grant writes easily and well, and I feel as though I'm being drawn right back into the same pleasant dynamic. Grant sets up a good romance, but she also includes a mystery that follows throughout the book, keeping things moving forward. She does both quite well.

Characters - 4 stars - These are excellent main characters. Naomi is a professional photographer, visiting from DC to see the rodeo and her friend Whitney. She's caring and warm and thoughtful. I liked her relationship with her mom. Brice is a strong male hero. I'm a sucker for a guy with strong family ties, and Brice constantly shows that he is very close to his sister, brother, and friends. My only problem was that Brice was the 16-year-old problem child in Book #1, and it took me a while to readjust my thinking now that this book is 10 years later.

Title - 3.5 stars - Well, it's definitely about cowboys, but I'm not sure why the title includes "cross my heart." That would imply a promise, and I didn't really think that was the focus of the story.

Cover - 4.5 stars - I think an author is smart to hide the faces on a cover, and this book is no exception. With the cowboy holding his hat, with his head down, you can see the attractive man but not detract from your own imagination of what the character looks like.

Overall - 4 stars - This is a good series, primarily because of the strong main and supporting characters. With an underlying mystery and a well-written romance, this book/series definitely keeps my interest and moves forward quickly and pleasantly. However, there was just a bit of confusion on my part, perhaps because of over-editing or just my missing something. But I felt there wasn't enough information leading me to the specifics of Whitney's problem until suddenly everyone was discussing it as though it had already been explained. Other than that, this book was very enjoyable, and I look forward to continuing.

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I’m always down for a cowboy romance and Donna Grant brings it!
This is only my second read from this author and I’m looking forward to even more.

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Brice would not stand by When he knew Naomi could be in danger. He was ready to protect her no matter the cost to his own safety. A danger lurks in the shadows catching them unaware as the search for answers continues. Naomi’s return home is filled with danger as someone is desperate to kill her for the knowledge she may possess. A suspenseful tale that will draw you in with each word.

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*4.5 stars*

All grown up…

Brice Harper is back! And he is grown up and ready to show Naomi exactly what he is made of. And that is all pure, pure cowboy….

Naomi is a photographer and so when she happens to bump into Brice while at the rodeo with her bestie, she can appreciate his fine form and soon, so much more… The connection between them was so strong right off the bat. It was quick but it felt just right as they bonded over gooey eyes and danger that soon cropped up around them. There was mystery and suspense, and secrets that had to be uncovered. And of course through it all was family being supportive and nosy all at the same time.

I was so happy to see Brice again – and catch up on the Harper/East family. The Heart of Texas is wiggling its way up to fave series spot by this author and that’s got some stiff competition!

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It takes place 12 years after the first book. It is instant love for Naomi and Brice when they meet at a rodeo. There is some suspense as Naomi and her friend are attacked. It was an entertaining read.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the eARC

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I voluntarily offered to review this book with no obligations and my opinions are honest!
It was a great book!
Naomi was just taking pictures and having fun.
It didn't hurt that she was surrounded by yummy cowboys.
Then somebody try to steal her camera.
Brice comes to the rescue.
The attraction is off the chart.
Now Naomi and Brice are falling in love while trying to solve the mystery of who is trying to hurt Naomi.
Loved the characters + the storytelling!
It has all the ingredients that you need for a great book!
I can't wait for the next book in this series.

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The second book in the author’s Heart of Texas series is just as engrossing as the first!

Cowboy Cross My Heart by Donna Grant is an addictive piece of romantic suspense. It’s the second installment in the author’s Heart of Texas series, but works perfectly well as a stand alone read if that is your preference. It tells the story of cowboy Brice Harper and photographer Naomi Pierce with a heavy side of danger and suspense.

If you have read The Christmas Cowboy Hero as I did, you will be familiar with some of the cast including this tale’s hero. However, this story takes place a few years after the former book and Brice and his brother, Caleb, are all grown up now. Readers will learn that the brothers have since served in the military and are back home in Texas and at the top of their game in the team roping competition on the rodeo circuit. As a bonus, fans of the series will enjoy catching up with previous favorite characters, including ex-Navy SEAL Clayton East, the first book’s hero, who took Brice and Caleb under his wing when he fell in love with their sister.

The heroine herein is an accomplished former rodeo competitor herself. She was so good that, years after walking away from the sport, she still holds the barrel racing record. But, she left all that behind to move to Washington, D.C. to attend college after losing a dear friend in a tragic accident. She then stayed there to establish her photography business. As this story opens, she’s returned home temporarily to support her best friend who is competing for Rodeo Queen by chronicling her journey in pictures. Naomi certainly doesn’t expect to be swept off her feet by a fine-looking cowboy, nor does she expect to be caught up in a nightmare that threatens both her life and her friend’s. Thank goodness, a gallant knight with spurs is determined to protect her at all costs!

The hero and heroine stole my heart from the beginning. Admittedly, it may have helped that I remembered Brice as the troubled youngster from the first book. It did take me a wee bit to adjust to his new mature persona. But… there’s no question that I liked what he’s evolved into - a lot - as he’s grown into full-blown hot hero material. That becomes evident quickly when he doesn’t hesitate to spring into action to rescue Naomi when she’s attacked by a shadowy figure on the rodeo grounds. Naomi is no wallflower herself as she fights back - for herself, her friend and for the other vulnerable wanna-be rodeo queens.

Following please find a few of my favorite lines from Cowboy Cross My Heart:

“She was what he’d been craving. Brice deepened the kiss, letting the taste of Naomi fill every fiber of him. His body burned for her, and she fanned those flames by returning his kisses with such fervor that his knees went weak.”

“There are a great many things I regret, but being attracted to you isn’t one of them.”

Her beauty might have caught his attention, but it was her strength, steadfastness, heart, and authenticity that kept pulling him back to her.

Donna is one of my favorite authors. I discovered her with her Dark Kings series and am so glad I did! Not surprisingly, this story is well-plotted and pulls you in from the first. Be aware that this sexy tale is much more than a Texas romance as the mystery and deadly danger elements take center stage and worked well to keep this reader on the edge of her seat through-out! I shouldn’t have been surprised as the first book also included a mystery and some fast-paced action– though I don’t remember it being quite as intense as this one. Honestly, you won’t want to put the book down until you’ve read every word. I will add that I found it very interesting to read about the behind-the-scenes of rodeos.

Now, I can’t wait to read the next book in this series, My Favorite Cowboy, which is set to be released in Feb 2019! I’m hoping it’s Caleb’s story, but I’m in regardless!

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Naomi ran away from where she grew up and moved to DC when she graduated high school and really didn't look back. Abby, Brice, and Caleb are brother and sister but Abby raised the boys since she was 18 and they were 10 when their mom left them and left them with a lot of abandonment issues. When Naomi comes back to visit her mom and her best friend bad things start to happen and Brice gets shoved into the middle of it. Families come together to help and make sure nothing happens to this sweet family and their friends. There are a lot of outside forces that are trying to tie up loose ends and Brice and Naomi are part of this. This is a cute cowboy romance with a HEA. Received this book as an ARC for my honest review.

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Second book of Heart of Texas. This Abby's younger brother Brice's story.
Now Brice is all grown up and ready to move out from Abby and Clayton's Ranch. When he enter's another team roping competition, he hears someone's voice and he meets that mystery voice again.. Brice meets that mystery voice Naomi. But when they meet again at the rodeo in different circumstance. He rescues her from an attack and that starts suspense for both.
Naomi is back home to see her Whitney and it brings lots of memories for her. She has been working in DC and been happy until she was back in Texas again. But she finds her best friend in danger, she couldn't sit back. While she is trying to help her, she was thrown from her seat to the arena and almost trampled by the horse.
Brice feels strong pull toward to her and is willing to help Naomi no matter what. But it is not a simple to solve all the mysteries behind the pageant.
Everyone from Brice's family is willing to help them and it brings brothers closer than ever. Plus Brice and Naomi falls hard for each other. Mysteries are not solved until the end.
It was great to see Abby and Clayton again. It was great series even though Brice's relationship was quick. I can't wait to read the next one.
Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's press for ARC in exchange for honest review.

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This is the second book from this series from Donna Grant, and while it helps to have read the first book its not mandatory to enjoy this book. In this book, Brice Harper is all grown up and a rodeo star. Naomi returns home, and as a photographer, is at the rodeo to photograph her rodeo queen BFF when the infamous Brice catches her eye from the field to the stand. Even with a hint of attraction, Brice and Naomi and unintentionally thrown into a suspenseful situation where Brice and the whole East family help Naomi and her friend. During the entire situation, Brice and Naomi grow closer together while attempting to figure out the mystery of what is happening.

As having read the first book in this installment, I really enjoyed seeing Brice as a grown man and how he is both respectful of friends and strangers alike, and fiercely protective of those he loves and falling in love with. It was also great to see Abby and Clay back in the story, and to see how the East/Harper family has grown. That aside, this book was another great book and I can't wait to read the last book in this series.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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I was hooked with the first book so was excited to read more with this book.

Brice and Caleb instantly took to the ranch with their older sister being with Clayton. And now that a few years have passed, it's time for Brice and Caleb to spread their wings on their own. However, that doesn't mean there won't be any trouble involved.

Naomi is back in town to visit her family and best friend but she stumbles into a bit of trouble taking a picture of the wrong person at the wrong time. Thankfully Brice and his family are there to help her wade through this new landmine.

Naomi and Brice are another instant love match and it also works for them as well, like it did in book 1. This book was filled with passion and suspense. It's a solid read and keeps you captivated from beginning to end.

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