Member Reviews

Yes, Please cowboys!

This author is still new to me, I enjoyed the story and at times didn't connect with the characters. but hey, sometimes that happens. I liked the plot,

overall 2.5-3 stars.

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Wow what a great love story. This is the second in the series. You can read this by it’s self all though reading the first will help you know all the characters better. The cowboys in this story will melt your heart. The story has danger,suspense and some not so nice bad guys. Brice and Caleb jump right in to help Naomi and Whitney and help solve all the trouble with the Easts joining in. Just an all around great read

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Naomi left her home in Texas for greener pastures. She began a photography career in Washington, DC and has returned home to visit her mother and best friend Whitney, the reigning Rodeo Queen. Whitney hoped this title would bring her more opportunities in pageants and would open doors in her career. While walking together at the rodeo, the duo was attacked, and handsome cowboy Brice Harper stepped up to help the women out. Earlier, Brice had noticed Naomi in and among the rodeo crowds and was almost immediately taken with her. After this event, Naomi tried to figure out what is going on, but Whitney remained silent on something that appeared to be going on. Thus, Brice, who now teas up with Naomi to figure things out, and Naomi find themselves right in the middle of a mystery, searching for clues and answers about what was going on, while Whitney remained somewhat uncooperative, not telling all she knows. Though Naomi was quite content with her life in Washington, DC and her photography career, being with Brice prompted her to begin re-evaluating things, wondering whether it was time to think about returning home to her family, her earlier life, and Brice.

This is the second book in a series, which I did not know when I began reading it. However, sometime has passed since the first book, so that does not surprise me. Nevertheless, this one can be read as a stand-alone, though the author has peripherally brought in some characters from the first book. Though chiefly a romance, there is a definite element of mystery and suspense in this one, which only has added to its value. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Brice and Naomi work to unravel the mystery of what exactly was going on, while, at the same time, watch them get to know, understand and appreciate each other. This is a good book for those who enjoy romance, with a bit of mystery and suspense thrown into the mix to spice things up—as if the romance between Brice and Naomi is not enough! Having read and enjoyed this, I am now going to go back and read the other book in the series. I received this from NetGalley to read and review.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and St Martin's Press for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. I did not know this was a series until I checked at the end. So it does read well as a stand alone. I enjoyed the book, but didn't buy into it. Brice and Naomi have an instant attraction, I got that, it was the "mystery" that I just couldn't by into. I know nothing about rodeo pageants and quite frankly was appalled that her best friend felt she had no recourse. Why did she continue?? Maybe I am naive but it seems to be your choice to run for rodeo queen of whatever. I didn't get that part at all. If you can ignore that, then the story is quick. I give it a 3 star rating.

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I loved this book, it is the second book of a series but i had not read the 1st book yet i do not feel as though i missed out on any of the back story as it was neatly interwoven throughout this one.

Naomi comes home to Texas to take some pictures of her best friend Whitney at the Rodeo. She is having a good time when she gets attacked and someone tries to steal her camera. She yells out and local Cowboy Brice comes to her rescue. She shakes it off and goes back into the arena to take some more pictures when she is pushed out of the stands onto the arena floor where she is rescued just in the nick of time by Brices brother Caleb. Someone is trying to kill her and she has to figure out why. Along the way the brothers Brice and Caleb become involved, and a dark secret is uncovered that could get them all killed.

Now i thought this was going to be a basic bot meets girl, falls in love ranch story but it was totally different from what i expected it to be. I really liked it and would happily read any others in the series, i hope the next one is about Caleb.

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Donna Grant hist another 5 star rating with this one. She opens it with a hit to this readers roots. with a big dose of patriotism.
She takes the Rodeo and brings it into your mind where you are figuratively sitting at the end of your seat watching it play out in your mind.
If you are a fast reader you need to seriously think about slowing down. This one will race in turn around those barrels and before you know it it is at the finish line.

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I love a sexy cowboy! This story has such a nice pace that really kept me interested. I loved the level of steam mixed in with the suspense. There was a nice balance there. I really like Brice and Naomi and their crazy journey to love and was truly rooting for their HEA.

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I read this book from start to finish in the same day. I loved the suspense story line that parallels the romance between Brice and Naomi. I was glad there was an epilogue, because I like to hear what happens to the characters as the “happily ever after.” This was another good-read by Donna Grant!

*This book was a copy that I received from NetGalley and I am voluntarily writing a review.

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Book 2 in the Heart of Texas series takes us back to the East Ranch. It brings us Brice Harper's story, one Abby's little brothers from book 1. However, you can absolutely read this book as a standalone and understand everything that happens from start to finish.

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Naomi is a former rodeo barrel racer who is now a professional photographer. Brice is a rancher who enters roping events in small town rodeos with his brother Caleb. Sixteen years have passed since the events of the first book, when Brice was caught up in a horse theft ring and Naomi’s best friend and rodeo queen competitor was killed by a drunk driver. The third young woman in their friendship trio, Whitney, is now a rodeo queen with terrible secrets. Really terrible secrets.
As Naomi and Brice find that their attraction for each other blossoms into true love, they also begin discovering the facts behind Whitney’s secrets. For years the men in town have been assaulting young women and taking advantage of their powerful positions in town and in the rodeo circuit. Now that Naomi has returned to her Texas roots those secrets are coming out and Whitney’s life is in danger.
The only thing about this story that rings slightly false is that a small town rodeo can hold so much power over young men and women for so many years. You have to suspend belief in order to stay with the story, but if you can do that you will find a great novel here.
I enjoyed the book but wish it had more of a ring of truth to it.

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Cowboy, Cross My Heart is book two in the Heart of Texas series by Donna Grant. It has been twelve years since the first book, The Christmas Cowboy Hero, where we met Abby Harper and Clayton East. Her brothers, Caleb and Brice are all grown up now. And this is Brice’s story.

Brice Harper and his brother Caleb are participating in the team roping competition at the rodeo. He first spotted her in the stands behind her camera. She stood out in the crowd like a light was illuminating just her in the sea of faces. Then later, as he was walking through the rodeo, it was her laughter that drew his attention. When he saw a man attacking two women, he didn’t think twice about running to their aid. He quickly realized that one of the women was the very same one he had noticed earlier. It seemed he was destined to be put in this woman’s path today.

Naomi Pierce had left Texas for Washington, D.C. for college and then just stayed to begin her career in photography. Now she is back home visiting her mom and her best friend, Whitney. Whitney is reigning Rodeo Queen and is hoping the title will help her to progress through bigger pageants and open doors for bigger opportunities. As Whitney and Naomi are walking, it becomes apparent that Whitney is nervous. When they are attacked, it’s the handsome cowboy Naomi saw in the ring earlier that comes to their defense.

It’s obvious that Whitney knows more about their attacker than she is letting on but she is not talking. Something is going on and Naomi is determined to figure out what it is. This isn’t the Whitney she left behind. That Whitney was a fighter. Something has happened to her friend and Naomi won’t rest until she’s able to figure it out.

“Her beauty might have caught his attention, but it was her strength, steadfastness, heart, and authenticity that kept pulling him back to her.”

Naomi and Brice find themselves thrown into a mystery that proves to be dangerous for not only them but their families. His brother, Abby and Clayton, and his two closest friends jump right in to help them and to keep everyone safe. Whitney has given them a few details but not the most important, the identity of the bad guys. At the same time, the connection between Naomi and Brice grows stronger. Brice has never felt so protective of any woman before and Naomi feels safe with him. Being back home and being with Brice is making her re-evaluate her life in D.C. Being back around the horses, being back with her closest friend, and the growing bond between she and Brice all together are making her think that perhaps it’s time to come home.

Okay, first, I want to say that as far as the dangerous part of this story goes, these were some very, very bad men. I loved the way that Brice’s family came together with no hesitation to help. And seeing Abby and Clayton again and getting to see how their life turned out from the first book was amazing. I loved the first book so much. For some reason, though, I just couldn’t find that same connection this time. I did enjoy Brice and Naomi. I just didn’t get any real emotional pull for them. To be honest, the character that stood out the most was their crazy friend, Jace. He was so hilarious. I also admit I know nothing about rodeo pageants. These women most certainly take it seriously but in this case, I couldn’t accept the price they were willing to pay for their success. So while the danger was intense and I loved the family closeness, the romance didn’t really stand out like I wished it would with this book. Still, I enjoyed it.

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Ah Ms. Grant - you never fail to impress. Another great steamy book from you and as always I wait for the next one with bated breath. Write faster :)

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This author is a born storyteller and whether it's her heated paranormal stories or her cowboy romances I know I'm always going to get sucked in .
If like myself you've read Christmas Cowboy Hero than the cast here will be familiar but the author has cleverly gone a few years into the future meaning Brice and Caleb are all grown up. Yes the somewhat naive brothers are now out of the military and back home in Texas but perhaps it's time for them both to stretch their wings ? Well Brice sure thinks so and has bought a ranch but maybe he should have discussed his plans with his brother first .
This story took me by surprise as it delved into what can happen when it comes to those who live for the rodeo circuit. If honest I've only read stories that feature the cowboys who live that life so I thought it extremely interesting that the author took a very different approach. Yes it's essentially a romance but it's woven around a story featuring mysterious shadowy figures taking advantage of those who are vulnerable.
I've no wish to spoil the fun but if you want a couple who quickly fall for each other amidst a backdrop of ranching with added suspense then this book delivers exactly that.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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Cowboy, Cross My Heart by Donna Grant is the second book in the contemporary romance Heart of Texas series. This second book has switched the main characters in the story so it really could be read as a standalone. However, for those that have read the first book the characters do carry over into this story so you get to see where they are now.

Naomi Pierce grew up in TX but moved away for college and stayed away to get her career started as a photographer but now she’s returned home for a visit. While Naomi is attending the rodeo to support her best friend she gets the feeling that something is bothering her and as the pair stroll around visiting the animal stalls a man jumps out and attacks.

Brice Harper is a local cowboy that had been in the rodeo and is packing up to head home when he hears a scream nearby. Rushing off to help Brice comes across Naomi as she is struggling with the man that attacked so of course Brice jumps in and runs the man off. Brice and Naomi have chemistry from the start but when they find themselves in danger Brice vows to do whatever he can to protect both ladies and help find who is behind it.

Having read both books in this series I can honestly say I’m quite the fan. These really border closely on romantic suspense as there’s definitely a lot of action and danger involved as opposed to two people just meeting and falling in love. I would warn though that this is a rather fast paced relationship build while in the face of danger so those that prefer a more slow build may be disappointed but with sexy cowboys saving the day in the face of danger I’ll definitely be back for more in the next installment.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Cowboys, rodeo clowns and beauty queens and one small town in Texas full of corrupt high power men makes a great suspense story that has you sitting on the end of your seat....Loved it!!

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While I really liked and enjoyed Cowboy, Cross My Heart I did struggle in the beginning. Cowboy, Cross My Heart takes place 12 years after the first book in the series where Brice is only 16. So it was a bit of a difficult transition that now he is this hot 28 year old guy. Especially because I read these back to back because I received an ARC for Cowboy, Cross My Heart and I hate jumping in the middle of a series, so I started with book one. Literally yesterday Brice was 16, so like I said it took me a little bit to get used to the idea. Once that happened I did enjoy the story. It was captivating trying to figure out the whole whodunnit thing.

Brice and Naomi were good together, great chemistry together and both develop well across the story. We get a great supporting cast, and get to see where Abby and Clayton are in life ( from book one).

I’m not usually a fan of insta-love, but Donna Grant pulls it off well. I’m looking forward to book 3.

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Oh my Cowboy! This will make any girl want to run out and get herself a cowboy! The characters were well thought out, and the dynamics between the main characters was steamy! The rest of the supporting characters were done very well, and I hope to see them in future books. The story was well paced, with just the right amount of description to put you 'there' with them. Of course there were some very touching moments, and I don't mean that in the physical sense. There was a nice "who done it" feel for part of the book, and I couldn't wait to see the bad guys get what was coming to them! At the very heart of it all, is the love and tenderness that developed between Brice and Naomi. They are a well suited couple which got their happy ending.

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This author is new to me and the story had promise and I was engaged, however, I found myself disconnected to the characters at times and I'm not sure if it is due to the many characters or that the plot needed more. Suffice it to say, it was a good story with strong themes but needed a little more.

The story centers around Naomi who is back home for a short stint and she is meeting with her best friend who is also a rodeo queen. Her friend, Whitney, is committed to the role and responsibilities, but she has a secret, and Naomi gets a hint of it on her first day of their reunion. The two are attacked but soon rescued by rodeo champ, Brice, who happened to notice Naomi early on. Both are not seriously hurt, but rattled, but Naomi and Brice suspect they were targeted, but Whitney won't tell.

Brice and his brother and their friends and family are determined to keep them safe as Whitney's secret is revealed and they discover through other mysterious events that time is running out for them. Brice and Naomi are a team with their investigation and are drawn together by their undeniable chemestry. While the ending was predictable, it still had the ability to draw you in.

I liked the pace, it was easy breezy and a quick read....enjoy!!

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Brice Harper is a cowboy and former Marine. He and his younger brother enter the bull roping event at the rodeo. While there, Brice rescues a beautiful stranger from being mugged. Brice discovers there is more to the incident than he or Naomi expected. When the situation turns deadly, Brice enlists the aid of his friends and family to help keep Naomi safe. Can Brice protect Naomi and her friend from the unknown threat? Or will he lose more than just his heart?
Naomi Pierce is a photographer, who sells her photos to companies and individuals. She returns to her Texas hometown to visit her mother and best friend. Naomi is no stranger to the rodeo life. When someone tries to steal her camera, a devastatingly handsome cowboy comes to Naomi’s rescue. Brice Harper tempts her into remaining in Texas, permanently. Accidents follow the two. Can Naomi help expose the culprits behind the rodeo circuit’s dark underbelly? Or will she fall victim?
I remember Brice from the first book. It is nice to see how the East’s influence has shaped his life in the span of twelve years. I adore Brice’s willingness to help a woman in need, even at peril of his own safety. It really shows how much he grew up and matured over the years. But, what I like the most about Brice is how upfront and honest he is with Naomi about his abandonment issues. Talking with her about it helps him understand his brother Caleb more.
Naomi steadily grew on me the more I learned about her. She is no stranger to loss. Instead of allowing grief to weigh her down, Naomi keeps their precious memories close to her heart. I adore her tenaciousness and steadfast determination in helping her best friend. Distance may have separated them for a time, yet she refuses to let whatever is troubling her friend continue. What I like the most about Naomi is how she helped Brice understand the root of his brother’s anger.
COWBOY, CROSS MY HEART is book two in Donna Grant’s cowboy-themed romantic suspense series, HEART OF TEXAS. I love that the author returned to the East and Harper family. I also enjoyed reacquainting with Abby and Clayton, the couple from the first book, THE CHRISTMAS COWBOY HERO, and Caleb and Shane. The only qualm I have with this book is that I felt one of the bad guys gave up too quickly for his personality type.
COWBOY, CROSS MY HEART is a heartening, small-town tale of two people fighting corruption for the people they care about. I cannot wait to find out which cowboy the next book is about.

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Brice and Naomi’s eyes met across a crowded rodeo and they were smitten. Add this to a pretty far fetched mystery and you have Cowboy, Cross My Heart. I wanted to like this book, but it was just too far fetched. Brice and Naomi’s story needed to be better developed to invest readers in their relationship. Using a mystery to help develop their story would have been a terrific strategy if the mystery would have been realistic. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case here. I found it very difficult to become invested in a couple who declared themselves in love a couple of days after they met. In my opinion, this book needs a significant rewrite before publication.

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