Member Reviews

I love the name Brice Harper in this book, makes me think of the baseball player, who is hot by the way! Really creative story line and it was overall a sweet love story. Towards the end I wanted more drama and excitement when Larry snuck on the property. Naomi and Brice go together like peanut butter and jelly, they just fit so perfectly in this story. He is such a gentleman and wears his heart on his sleeve. Overall, good book! I love the tightness of the family and how welcoming they are to everyone!

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I loved Naomi and Brice together. They had amazing chemistry and were great together. The story line was well written and had a great suspenseful plot. Can't wait for the next story.

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Naomi Price has been away from her hometown for a long time. Now she’s home visiting her mom and best friend-Whitney. Whitney is a rodeo queen and Naomi and her have been best friends since they were in grade school. Being back in Texas is making Naomi rethink her life and why she’s stayed away so long.

When Naomi and Whitney are hanging out after the show they’re attacked and in steps Brice Harper to save the day. Naomi and Brice have an instant connection and now that Brice knows Naomi’s in danger, he’ll do anything to keep her safe.

I don’t want to give too much away so I’ll cut the little summary there. This book was beyond what I expected. I’m not into cowboys or rodeo books all that much- so I didn’t go into this story with high expectations. Not a great way to start a book, but that’s what happened.

Cowboy, Cross My Heart was a lot more than a romance and had an amazingly interesting and unique plot I didn’t expect. There’s mysteries and danger and death. Did not see that coming at all. It kept me at the edge of my seat, flipping pages as fast as possible to figure out what was going to happen.

Donna Grant did a great job with this story and I would like to see where she takes the rest of the series. I will definitely be going back to read the first book in the series. You don’t need to read the first book to understand the characters or really know what’s going on. I liked that I could just pick this story up without being confused.

Cowboy, Cross My Heart was a fun, interesting, and unique read. While I didn’t love every aspect of the book- for personal trauma reasons more than anything, I will say it’s a great story. This book at least for me- had some triggers that I had a difficult time coping with. That’s most likely the only reason this book doesn’t rate higher for me. That and cowboys….just weird lol.

Rating: 3.5-4 stars

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Donna Grant has been hit or miss for me - but I did enjoy her last couple of releases. I first read her Sons of Texas series (with book one getting two stars from me, book two getting three, book three getting four and leaving me wanting more for that series), and then decided to give the first book in this series a try. The Christmas Cowboy Hero was pretty good. So I was looking forward to this one.

But it took me three weeks to read Cowboy, Cross My Heart. THREE WEEKS.

I wish I knew how to quit books when I’ve read another from that series. I really need to learn.

Because nothing about this book worked for me. Not the romance. Not the suspense. Not the reason for the suspense.

All I kept thinking for the first half of the book was it reminded me of a grown-up version of Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, where people are in danger, crimes are committed, the police are never called, and all the friends and family are playing amateur detective to figure out who the bad guys are and what they want.

And I know the #metoo movement is front page all the time now (as it should be), but as it played out in this story it just seemed over the top and contrived. All these bad guys are working together? And then the henchman just rolls over right away when he’s caught?!?! Are you kidding me?

Add to it a relationship that went from love at first sight to undying love in four days, and there was not a single thing that seemed even remotely realistic about this story.

Yeah, yeah. It’s fiction. I get that. But I like my stories best when they resemble real life. Or at least don’t try to use current events to spin a story that attempts to be relevant but misses the mark.

I know I’m in the minority here. Lots of people are loving this book. But not me. I really, really didn’t.

* thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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Wow! I loved this book, once I started I couldn't put it down. Brice and Naomi were fun, loving and relatable characters. The banter, romance and the twists and turns of this book and me laughing, crying and on the edge of my seat, from begging to end. I haven't read Clayton's book yet, but it is now at the top of my list to read. Thank you Miss Grant for a great book!

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This book has cursing (including f-bombs) and on-page sex. Although neither is over-done in this story, if those things will cause you to leave a bad review, you should skip this book.

While this book is technically book two of the Heart of Texas series, you do not have to have read the first book to enjoy this one – there is enough background that you understand how special the Harper family's relationship is and it completely stands alone. That said, you really should because it gives you great background on the Harper/West clan and it's such a good story.

Cowboy, Cross My Heart is the story of Brice Harper who was an impulsive teenager in the first book and has grown into a solid, dependable man who is just the kind of book hero that I like to read about. Brice was strong and solid without being the typical “alphahole” that so many authors are writing these days. Instead of being a jerk, he was respectful and protective, and he treated Naomi like an equal, even while he was trying to keep her safe. Naomi was also a great character – I liked how strong she was despite the terrible circumstances she was in. The mystery plot in this book was a little more difficult to read about, parts of the book which were told in the “bad guys” POV made me very uncomfortable, but in this day and age it also felt like something that could be far more realistic a scenario than any of us would like to imagine.

I would recommend this story to anyone who likes a well-written romantic suspense story – especially one with a strong, sexy cowboy hero. I am very eagerly awaiting Caleb's story.

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Everyone who has been visiting my blog regularly knows that I love a good cowboy story. So when I finished reading my previous book, and received an email about a review request of ‘Cowboy, Cross My Heart’ I couldn’t resist and started reading. I was definitely in need of a nice cowboy filled romance novel.

In ‘Cowboy, Cross My Heart’ we meet Naomi Pierce. Naomi visits her old hometown in Texas after being away for a long time. Naomi is visiting her best friend, the rodeo queen, when a handsome cowboy captures her eyes. When Naomi and her friend Whitney get attacked the handsome cowboy Brice Harper can’t stand back and comes to their rescue. But unfortunately it doesn’t stay with one attack. Soon Naomi and Brice are forced to hide and make plans to find there attacker. And although it starts getting more dangerous, they also can’t deny the chemistry between them.

‘Cowboy, Cross My Heart’ is a nice romance and suspense story. It’s not a very hard to follow story, and there are definitely some very predictable moments. The writing was very descriptive, and I found myself finding the story moving in a, sometimes to fast, pace. One moment Naomi and Brice see each other for the first time. The second, Brice is very protective of Naomi and acts like he is already in love with her.

But that doesn’t mean I didn’t like the story. I enjoyed reading it. I like the main characters Naomi and Brice and I enjoyed reading about their romance. But I definitely missed the ‘build-up’ romance part. It just moved way to fast and I just didn’t really believe there romance as much since I felt like it just happened in a second. Brice is immediately very protective of Naomi, and his friends and family can see immediately that there is something going on.

The suspense part was definitely fun to read. But also very disturbing and in the end it came to a conclusion unexpectedly fast. This also just felt to rushed to me. This story just had more potential if you ask me.

Overall, I enjoyed the read and the author was able to make me want to keep on reading. But there was a lot that could have been a little better if you ask me.

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From the very first chapter of Cowboy, Cross My Heart, you cannot help but like Naomi and Brice and the journey they go through to not only fight for justice, but also fall in love.

Naomi is not 100% happy with her life in DC, but comes home to Baxter County (for work and a break) to watch her best friend Whitney compete for Miss Rodeo Texas crown, but when Naomi is attacked for unknowingly taking a photo of one of the men abusing the contestants, she is relieved that Brice Harper comes to her rescue, but unfortunately it puts him and his family in to the attackers path! Together with Brice's family, Naomi and Brice are determined to catch the perpetrators, while trying to keep everyone safe.

This is the second book I have ever read that was written by Donna Grant and I have to say that I really enjoy her writing! Her plots are well-thought-out and are practical in there execution. I'm also totally ashamed to say that I didn’t read book 1 of this series, but it didn’t matter, as it can be totally read as a stand-alone, but believe me, that book is in my future! Well, it is an excuse to read Cowboy, Cross My Heart again!

Cowboy, Cross My Heart is a fast pace Western romantic suspense that keeps you on your toes, grips your heart and soul and by the end of the book, you just begin it again! That is until the next book in the series is out.

I give Cowboy, Cross My Heart 5 stars!

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In a departure from her usual fare of dragons and druids, Ms. Grant takes us to modern day Texas and the Rodeo to reveal the ugly behind the Rodeo Queen beauty pageant while giving us a wholesome love story. Naomi Price is back in her Texas home town on a rare visit when a trip to the local rodeo plunges her into a grey world that is hiding behind the glitz and glamor. Can local cowboy Brice Harper keep her safe from those gunning for her and her friend?

I very much enjoyed The Christmas Cowboy which is the first book in the series and loved catching up with the characters. Brice and Caleb are now all grown up and veteran cowboys work on the East ranch. Brice is looking forward to setting up his own spread of cattle and plans a surprise for his brother Caleb which back fires on him. Even as he's trying to work his way through this mess he rescues a beautiful young photographer at the rodeo. Soon Brice, Caleb and their friends and family are plunged into a hornet's nest that Naomi has inadvertently stirred by taking some pictures around the rodeo.
it appears that there is something nasty afoot with the Rodeo beauty pageant with some very powerful men who have a lot to lose should any part of this come to light. Naomi along with Brice and his friends soon become the center of the storm as they try to stay safe digging into the details. Fortunately they are backed by the very powerful Clayton East, Brice's brother in law.
I enjoyed the action and adventure along with the family dynamics of the story. I am looking forward to Caleb's love story.

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Another great love story! This story continues with Abby's brother, Brice Harper. Brice and his brother Caleb are now rodeo champion riders and Brice notices Naomi, a photographer, who is there to visit her best friend Whitney. As the story unfolds Brice and Naomi become closer together and there is a mystery going around involving Whitney. All of them together Clayton and Abby along with Brice, Naomi and Caleb help to thwart the bad guys. Great action, very well-written sweet loving story. 4 solid stars!!!

*****ARC provided by St. Martin's Press thru NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*****

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Hot cowboys, rodeos, tight Wranglers and Stetsons are just a few things that will make you go hmmmmm in this steamy western romance. Any fan of Donna Grant knows that anything she writes is guaranteed to make you blush and hot and this series is no different. This is the second book of the series and is about Brice Harper and Naomi Pierce, a cowgirl who has tried to cut her ties with her small town but finds that no matter how hard she tries she will always be a Texas girl at heart, especially when she meets Brice Harper ;)

Brice Harper lost his father at an early age and then was left by his mother. His older sister took care of him and his younger brother Caleb and when she married into the East family, he finally found the family and support he lacked. And it seems that he has now found a woman who not only caught his eye, but who is also in danger of capturing his heart.

Naomi Pierce has come back to Texas to see her best friend Whitney. While taking pictures at the Rodeo she sees Brice Harper and is captivated by him. But when her camera captures a picture that puts her life in danger, she finds herself in the middle of a conspiracy that has held her best friend Whitney in its clutches for years. Will she be able to not only keep herself safe, but also save Whitney? Of course having Brice Harper and the Easts in her corner doesn’t hurt.

A thrilling story of cat and mouse that also has sexual assault in the forefront. Unfortunately this subject has been very popular this last year and I am glad that romance novels are also writing about this subject which isn’t sexy or romantic and yet unfortunately is a very real issue.

I’m guessing that Caleb’s story is going to be the next book of the series and I just can’t wait to see who will capture the heart of this striking cowboy ;)

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This second installment of Heart of Texas is a romantic suspense novel with danger, intrigues and romance. It's an addictive read that had me glued to the pages.

Naomi left her hometown to persue a career in photography as well as getting away from the tragic loss of a close friend. During this visit to support her best friend, Whitney, a rodeo queen, noltalgy hits her and she realises how much she loves this life.

Brice played a big part in the previous book where he was a young lad, brother to Abby, the main character. He is now a man and a sight for sore eyes. He is looking to better his future despite the psychological scars left by his estranged mother.

When Brice notices Naomi taking pictures of the event, he is instantly drawn to her and there is something about him that calls to her. There is an attack on Naomi and Whitney that evening, and Brice comes to the rescue. None of them managed to see the face of the assailant, but it would appear that Whitney is keeping secrets. There is another attack on Brice and Naomi and knowing what the problem might be, Brice decides that he needs to protect Naomi. Whitney remains tight lipped, then there is a nasty accident which convinces everyone that they are in a dangerous situation. Can Brice keep Naomi safe and catch the guilty parties?

The mystery behind the brutal attacks makes for a compelling read. The interactions between Brice and his younger brother Caleb show their love for each other, even when they are in dispute. The obvious attraction between Brice and Naomi gets even stronger as the story develops. I absolutely love Abby and Clayton whose love is stronger than ever. Naomi's mother is one of those characters who brings fun and laughter in this otherwise dangerous story where those in power get away with murder! It's very well portrayed and the vivid descriptions of the places and events made me feel part of the whole thing. I would love to see Caleb, Jace and Cooper get their own stories.

I was kindly issued with an eARC and the views expressed are my personal opinion.

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Naomi Pierce isn’t the type to let a cowboy sweep her off feet. It’s not her first rodeo, after all. But when she returns to her Texas hometown, she can’t help but be swept up again in the rough-and-tumble world of hard-riding, bronco-busting good-ol’-boys she loved as a girl. She might be here to photograph her Rodeo Queen best friend. But it’s one fine-looking cowboy who really captures her eye…
This book started out good and fast-paced and it just kept getting better and better. I couldn’t put it down until it was done. I particularly liked Bryce Harper after meeting him as a stubborn youth in his sister’s book. I liked the man he became and loved the his story with Naomi. I also liked the different side characters and I can’t wait until we get a book for his brother and each of their friends!! I highly recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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*5 Stars* 

Copy kindly received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was my first Donna Grant book, and it certainly won't be my last. I was hooked from the get-go with this one, and I instantly fell in love with the characters.

This was more than a romance novel. It was a mystery/romance kind of novel and that really makes it hard to put down. Two of my fave genres wrapped up into one neat little bow. Although, it does mostly feel like a mystery novel and there isn't too much depth explored with the characters feelings.

The things that immediately start happening and bring Brice and Naomi together, had me on the edge of my seat and wanting to find out who the culprit was. Things slowly unravel and unfold, the story gets more serious. Whilst this is a serious storyline and novel, there are some great characters and great strength and support to it all, which makes it a really nice read.

I love all of the characters in this one (at least, the ones we're supposed to love), and I definitely want to go back and read the first book. Of course I will also want to read the next one in the series as well.

Definitely recommend.

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Naomi comes to her hometown to support her best friend on a rodeo pageant but what discover is some disturbing things that are running behind the scenes. In all that she discovers that she loves her hometown and a very interesting man Brice in which she fell in love. The characters were ok, but I really had a problem with the whole plot it was not particularly realistic it was hard to believe that something is even possible especially because the pageant I assume is running through the whole country and not just their town. But the story was readable with suspense and great chemistry between Noemi and Brice.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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4.5 Stars

“No one said darlin’ quite the way a Texan did.”

Donna Grant delivers in this fast-paced installment to her Heart of Texas series.

Brice Harper has come a long way! We’re first introduced to Brice in THE CHRISTMAS COWBY HERO (Heart of Texas #1) where he’s a young teen arrested for stealing cattle from a prominent Texas ranch. Now he’s an educated cowboy who served his country in the Marines and has plans to own a ranch with his younger brother Caleb. He also loves his family and is fiercely loyal to those he calls his. I fell in love with Brice and all the characters from the first book of the series. It was such a joy catching up with them!

I really enjoyed Naomi’s character as well. She’s a strong woman and fiercely loyal as well. She’s compassionate, caring and her heart’s as big as Texas. Naomi paired well with Brice and they had beautiful chemistry. The secondary characters were also amazing, and I hope each and every one of them gets their own book!

What really glued me to the pages was the intense, fast-paced mystery aspect of the story. While Naomi is spending time with her friend and rodeo pageant contestant Whitney, she is attacked. What turns out to be a harmless photo Naomi took, opens the door to a powder keg full of secrets, lies and cover-ups someone would do anything to protect. And I do me anything.

I really enjoyed reading COWBOY, CROSS MY HEART. It has romance, rodeos, suspense and mighty fine cowboys!

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Thrilling suspense and treacherous adversaries draw readers deep inside the Texas rodeo scene, where danger and desire ride side by side. Naomi Pierce and Brice Harper are two strong, convincing characters that readers can easily fall for as they are pulled into their story with a magnetic attraction that holds them hostage once they are in. The romance between Naomi and Brice is full of sizzling electricity and red hot passion although the relationship is threatened by the situation that they find themselves ensnared in. There are plenty of emotional turmoil to accompany that situations as well the kind that goes along with any newly forming relationship to keep readers engaged with the characters.

While thrilling suspense and exhilarating danger ensures that that they keep turning the pages as the search for a stalker makes Naomi and Bride targets of manipulative and powerful enemies. Surprising twists, family issues, friend issues, a budding romance and adrenaline pumping events guarantees that there is never a dull moment and since the author paints such vivid imagery and has created brilliant characters the readers has no problem becoming caught up in all the thrills and romance.

The steady to fast paced plot is further enhanced with believable and realistic issues faced by the characters and the well developed world is enriched by the loyalty and courage of the characters in the Heart of Texas series which enthralls readers and assures that they keep coming back for more.

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Good romantic story with mystery and suspense. The setting revolves around the rodeo world to a certain degree, but this is also a story about a growing relationship between the two main characters, Naomi and Brice. Naomi's best friend is a Rodeo Queen and dealing with the threat of a group of influential men in the town. This brings a level of suspenseful menace and keeps you on the edge of your seat as they try to discover who these men are and then how they can expose them. This was the first book I have read in this series, but I definitely plan to pick up the first book and look forward to reading book three (Caleb's story). I was given a copy of this book for review and can honestly say that I very much enjoyed Donna's style of writing and look forward to reading more of her books.

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I have a sweet spot for Donna Grant’s cowboys. Caring men with hearts big as the country they’re living in. Don’t forget the cowboy charm… oh my!

For this second book in this series, let just say that the drama was definitely worthy of a suspenseful intrigue taking place in the Texas rodeo scene.

Naomi Pierce was visiting her best friend until she discovered something so much bigger than she would have imagined. Recognizing the weird atmosphere and noticing the strange things happening, she put herself in danger. When I was talking about the southern charm, let just say that she was going to cross path with one of them. And it took one look to trigger a powerful connection.

Brice Harper, a Texas cowboy who went through a lot younger and finally finding his place, with his brother and his sister who raised them. When he met Naomi, he felt a sense of protectiveness he’s never felt before, especially for a woman he barely knew. A man of honor who wouldn’t let someone helpless but what he didn’t know that Naomi was just as fierce and strong. They team-up and they made a great job to find out the truth, about a sordid affair.

But these two together, intense and sexy going from sweet to smoking hot in a few. They had an incredible chemistry. I was definitely melting there. I appreciated how honest they were towards each other, and trying to be constructive. Having such feelings in a short time was scary and a bit overwhelming for sure but I did believe in their story and the strong connection they shared.

It was a compelling story. I adored the first one in the series, The Christmas Cowboy, when we’ve met the Harpers but also the East family. In each book, the author managed to provide a heartwarming story, with united characters who fought for justice and to stand against any adversities on their way.. Danger and desire melting perfectly.

Just Cowboy, Cross my heart!!

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I am beginning to like country western romances. I wasn't a huge fan of them when I started reading. I didn't see the appeal in them. Then I started reading them and started to see exactly why women like these books. Something about a man in tight jeans who is an Alpha male is appealing to 90% of women. Me, included. So, yeah, I started liking them. And if I continue to get books like Cowboy, Cross My Heart, I might be completely won over by them.

Cowboy, Cross My Heart is Naomi and Brice's story. Naomi is back in town after years of not being there. She still carries the guilt of a car crash that killed one of her best friends when she was a teenager. That guilt kept her away from her hometown. But she is back to support her other best friend as she competes in a Rodeo Queen competition. She catches the eye of Brice while he is competing. Naomi is attacked by the animal pens by a man who is trying to get her camera. Brice, hearing her screams, swoops in to help her. That isn't the end of the attacks. Brice is attacked and is roping hand injured shortly afterward. After talking to her best friend, Naomi realizes that there is something sinister going on with the Rodeo Queen competition. Something that has put Naomi in the crosshairs of a ruthless group of men. Men who will do anything to silence her. The only thing standing between her and those men are Brice and his family. Can Brice protect Naomi? Will their new relationship hold up under the pressure? Or will everything come crumbling down?

I am going to be honest, I didn't feel that much of a connection to both Naomi and Brice. While I liked both of their characters, there was nothing there to make me think "Hey, they would be cool to hang out with" or "I would date him". They weren't as fleshed out as they could have been. They didn't feel real life to me. I couldn't imagine them in my world, interacting with people. Which disappointed me because I wanted them to be more fleshed out. I didn't want them to be so blah. That had a huge effect on my rating for this review too.

There is Instalove in Cowboy, Cross My Heart. My stance on Instalove has become more forgiving but I still don't care for it. The connection that Naomi and Brice was wonderful, though. I wish that the author spent more time exploring that connection instead of having them fall in love with each other after a week.

While the sex scenes were hot, I had a disconnect with them. Mainly because I was disappointed that they slept with each other so soon after they met. Don't get me wrong, they were wonderfully written. I couldn't picture Naomi and Brice going at it like rabbits.

The whole suspense angle of the book was great. The author didn't hide who was behind the attacks on Naomi and Brice. You knew who was doing all the ordering. What wasn't clear was why those men started doing what they did. I also was expecting them to be more dangerous than what they were. Other than that, I liked it.

The secondary characters were great. I did think that Whitney acted like a witch with a b towards Naomi. But when it was revealed what happened, I felt awful for her. I also loved Abby. Having had 2 high-risk pregnancies myself, I understood how irritated she was. Ms. Biermann, I didn't like from the beginning. So I wasn't surprised when it was revealed that she was involved with everything that went down.

The author did a wonderful job of combining all the main and secondary plotlines at the end of the book. I will say that I thought something different was going to happen. There was no twist either.

The end of the book was fantastic. I was happy with how the author ended the story. There is a surprise in store for the readers. Not going to say what but I had a huge smile on my face at the ending.

What I liked about Cowboy, Cross My Heart:

A) The suspense angle

B) The secondary characters

C) The storyline

What I didn't like about Cowboy, Cross My Heart:

A) Little connection with the main characters

B) Instalove

C) Sex scenes didn't do it for me

I gave Cowboy, Cross My Heart a 3-star rating. While I liked the book, I had almost zero connection with both Naomi and Brice. Because of that, I felt that the scenes were off. And there was Instalove. What kept me from giving this book a lower rating was that I enjoyed the suspense angle, the secondary characters, and the storyline.

I gave Cowboy, Cross My Heart an Adult rating. There is sex. There is violence. There is language. I would recommend that no one under the age of 21 read this book.

I am on the fence if I would reread Cowboy, Cross My Heart. I am also on the fence if I would reread this book. I would be willing to read other books by the author.

I would like to thank St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Paperbacks, and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review Cowboy, Cross My Heart.

All opinions stated in this review of Cowboy, Cross My Heart are mine.

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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