Member Reviews

COWBOY, CROSS MY HEART is the Second instalment in Donna Grant’s contemporary, adult HEART OF TEXAS romantic, suspense series. This is rancher and rodeo roper Brice Harper, photographer Naomi Pierce’s story line. COWBOY, CROSS MY HEART can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary. COWBOY, CROSS MY HEART fast forwards the series several years.

Told from several third person perspectives including Brice and Naomi COWBOY, CROSS MY HEART follows the building relationship between rancher and rodeo roper Brice Harper, feisty photographer Naomi Pierce. Naomi Pierce’s return to Baxter County finds our heroine longing for days past when she, herself, was the champion roper. Naomi is only in town for a few days to support her best friend and pageant queen Whitney Nolan until Naomi is attacked by an unknown assailant. Enter Brice Harper, and the man with whom Naomi will fall in love. What ensues is the building romance and love between Naomi and Brice, and the fall-out as Naomi, and thusly the Harper family is targeted when Naomi gets too close to the truth.

Naomi Pierce’s love for photography has captured the attention of the wrong people in Baxter County. Knowing her best friend Whitney is hiding some important pieces of information, Naomi will find herself the target of a powerful group of men forcing Naomi into hiding with the man that she loves. Brice Harper had no idea the woman he rescued would be the woman that called to his heart. A series of on-going attacks against his family and friends finds the Harper-East clan waging a war of their own.

The relationship between Naomi and Brice is one of immediate and mutual attraction. Confined together to ensure Naomi’s safety, our couple begin a slow dance of seduction leading towards a happily ever after. The $ex scenes are limited but passionate and seductive.

The colorful, strong and charismatic secondary and supporting characters include Naomi’s best friend Whitney Nolan, and Whitney’s chaperone Ms. Biermann; Clayton and Abby (The Christmas cowboy Hero #1), Brice and Abby’s brother Caleb; Brice’s friends Jace Wilder, and Cooper Owens; ranch manager Shane, and local sheriff Danny Oldman. The requisite evil has many faces.

COWBOY, CROSS MY HEART is a story of romance and suspense; betrayal and power; family and friends. The character driven premise is inviting and imaginative; the characters are spirited and sassy; the romance is intimate and heart warming. COWBOY, CROSS MY HEART is a dramatic tale of mistrust and corrupted power.

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Heart of Texas #2, In the first book, The Christmas Cowboy Hero, we met Abby Harper and her two teenage brothers, Brice and Caleb. Some years have past and now the brothers are all grown up each served in the military and are now working the rodeo and at the East Ranch. This can be read as a stand alone, but the first book is so good I recommend reading it. Naomi Pierce use to ride the rodeo she was so good no one has beat her high score in barrel racing but after the death of a very good friend Naomi left the rodeo and Texas all together and became a photographer. She back now to visit her mother and her best friend Whitney who is the Queen of the Rodeo this year.

Things start to go bad when someone attacks Whitney and Naomi and try to steal Naomi's camera, luckily Brice wasn't to far away and helps them out. Brice noticed Naomi when she was in the stands and she noticed him back an instant attraction. When Naomi asked Whitney about the attack Whitney clammed up, told Naomi to drop it which just made Naomi even more suspicious. The next day after Naomi developed some of the pictures she was taking right before the attack she gave some copies to Brice to see if he could help her identify the guy, Brice is wacked upside the head and had his hand smashed and the picture stolen and at the same time someone pushes Naomi in the arena and is almost killed by the wagon race. Still Whitney says nothing. With the help of Caleb, Abby, Clay, and their friends Jace, Cooper, and the Sheriff they are able to make an educated guess about what has been happening but who is involved and how deep does the corruption goes is still a mystery. It isn't until a guilt trip from Naomi does Whitney finally tell her what exactly has been going on and for how long. They press on further with their investigation making the guys behind it all very nervous.

Brice and Naomi don't have a normal courtship but the feelings are there and it's too strong for either of them to deny. Even with all this going on they still manage time to fall in love. It was a fairly easy romance with a few bumps and complications but the main focus of the story was what was happening within the rodeo pageant. Overall, I loved the story and the characters, I inhaled this book. Donna Grant is a fantastic writer I can't wait for the rest of the series.

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“Cowboy Cross my Heart” is a feel good, contemporary with a Texas rodeo theme. The H&H, are attractive and we are cheering for them to live through the threats of the bad guys, and find their way to love.

One small quibble is that the novel is cast in a “Christian”, family values, (white American) forward slant. Isn’t it time to acknowledge that “rodeo” includes minorities and perhaps even people of different faiths? Just saying!

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This is not my usual genre but when I received the offer to read this book, I decided to give it a try. I'm so glad I did! I truly enjoyed it. It was not what I expected of a cowboy romance....there was romance and smexy times, of course, but there was also a mystery, danger, and suspense. I loved Naomi and Brice, the secondary characters, and how everyone came together to put a stop to everything that was going on.

I haven't read this first book in the series but I'm going to look for it and I plan on reading the next book in the series as well.

*Possible trigger warning: This book features women who have been abused and the men who did the abusing. Also, there are scenes where the men discuss the abuse.*

I received a copy of this book from the publisher St. Martin's Press, via NetGalley. My thoughts and opinions are my own and without bias.

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I had trouble connecting to the story and the characters. Naomi and Brice were decent and they had chemistry but neither was ever really explored enough to warrant the insta-love and smexy marathon they indulge in while in the middle of such a life or death situation. Then there was Whitney. I had a really hard time understanding why she was so adamant and stubborn about keeping quiet about the guys who were trying to murder her and her friends. I would think that after finding out they were out to kill her, she would finally cave and rat those bastards out but she doesn’t. I really hated thinking that she allowed these disgusting animals the use of her body all in the name of a beauty queen crown. That is just so wrong, on so many levels.

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Cowboy, Cross My Heart by Donna Grant is book Two in the Heart of Texas series. This is the story of Brice Harper and Naomi Pierce. I have read the previous book, but feel you can make this a standalone book if you wish to do so.
Naomi used to live in Texas but moved away for college and work, so she knows the not to be taken by a cowboy. But when she returns to support her best friend and take pictures she is taken back by her instant attraction to Brice. Brice notices Naomi from a far when working the rodeo but takes a instant like/love to her when close up. But the ladies find trouble which leads Brice to step up with helping them.
Really enjoyed this book....Loved it!

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Mystery and a stalker follows Naomi and her friend and so Cowboy Brice steps up to protect them.
Good and exciting story with interesting characters
I received a copy from Netgalley and I am voluntarily leaving my own honest opinion

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Now wasn’t I excited when I saw the boys had grown up to be cowboys! Some cowboy loving with a lady photographer, rodeo funning, and a dose of darker suspense stir things up nicely in this latest Heart of Texas entry.

Cowboy, Cross My Heart is the second book in the series. It can be read out of order in a pinch as it takes place several years after the first book and has a self-contained main plot. However, it does have strong family ties with book one that connect the pair of stories.

Brice Harper is all grown up now and he’s ready to step out of his sister and brother in law’s loving care to follow his dreams. Unfortunately, he screws things up with his brother and lands in the thick of a dangerous situation all in the same day. But, on the bright side, he’s enchanted by a woman’s laugh and realizes he’s long over his ex-girlfriend.

Naomi Pierce is a city girl now- or so she thinks- until one visit to the rodeo to take photos of her Rodeo Queen best friend. One look at a blue-eyed cowboy sets her back on her heels. Right when the attack out of nowhere comes in an attempt to steal her camera for the pictures she just took, there is Brice to drive him off. If they can survive the danger, maybe she’ll give Brice and Texas a chance.

I didn’t realize who the hero of Cowboy Cross My Heart would be when I started reading. To be straight, I didn’t do more than notice the fact that it was the second book after I really enjoyed the first one. I loved that the author picked back up the family story with the next Harper after Abby got her happily ever after with Clayton. Brice and Caleb are all grown up and Clayton and Abby run the ranch and have a cute family. But, all is not smooth sailing when Brice wounds Caleb unintentionally and stumbles on a dark mystery when he gets involved with Naomi.

The story opens with a bit of rodeo action and then mystery even while things slowly heat up between Brice and Naomi. Naomi is an engaging heroine and is forced to take a look at her life with an ex-fiance’ and her safe life back in the city versus where her heart tells her she really wants to be. She’s confident and a good friend and she doesn’t make a big deal of it when she starts to feel attraction for Brice. Ha! She’s the most low angst heroine I’ve come across in a while, but it didn’t make things boring. On the contrary, the author revealed layers to her and took the opportunity to let her and her best friend, Whitney, sort out the past and present and then her and Brice pursue their attraction and friendship. Loved how it was all handled.

This has a strong suspense element that unravels slowly with some heart-stopping action and mystery until about midway when the author switches things up and lets the villain tell part of the story which is what clues in the reader and adds some more tension knowing how bad the danger really is. I was startled by the climax and enjoyed the denouement and epilogue.

All in all, this was another fabulous outing with the Hearts of Texas series and I am all in for Caleb to get his story. In fact, keep ‘er rolling with Cooper and Jace getting some romancing too, please. I can definitely recommend this for those who like slow-burn contemporary western romance blended with a strong dose of suspense.

My thanks to St. Martin’s Press for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a light and sweet romance with a twist of suspense to keep the pages turning and did they turn quickly. Naomi Pierce is back home to visit her friend and taking pictures at the rodeo when a cowboy catches her eye or at least they catch each other's eye. Brice Harper spots the photographer as soon as he enters the arena. Later that night he happens upon her and her friend being attacked. This puts him in the line of attack and the next day he is also attacked along with Naomi at the rodeo. There is danger lurking and it seems they are now caught in the crossfire. What brings them together is just part of the story when there is a romance to be had and watching Naomi and Brice come together and Naomi come to grips with being back home in Texas where she belongs is the real love story. I didn't read the first story in this series and did not find I was lost so I deem this a standalone but I am looking forward to the next one in this series since I really enjoyed this one. Great world building! I felt like I was on the ranch. Great characters!

**Received this ARC for review from the publisher via NetGalley**

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Naomi is back in Texas to takes some pictures of her best friend who is rodeo queen. Whitney is hiding a secret and when Brice lends a hand, sparks fly between Brice and Naomi. This is a fast-paced read with lots of drama and suspense. I love the characters and they chemistry they shared. I was hooked on the story from beginning to end. I loved it.

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It's been a bit more than a decade (story wise) since we met Abby, Clayton, Brice and Caleb in The Christmas Cowboy Hero. Abby's younger brothers are all grown up now, and making their own marks in the world. I don't often do warnings unless the subject matter is totally not obvious from the cover description blurb of the book. In order to avoid spoilers, I cannot go into details (or rather I could but I won't). Some of the happenings in Cowboy, Cross My Heart could be ripped from recent news headlines. There are some very, very bad men in this story. I loved this story, was drawn in and held captive to the suspense and romance throughout... yet I could not continue with this review without some comment about the bad guys of this story.

I happen to love a series where we get to also see what has happened in previous couples lives since we last met. In this case, it's been a long while between stories and Brice and Caleb are all grown up, strong men in their own rights and ready for that next adventure that may bring them the love of their lives.

Naomi and Brice seem almost destined to meet since Brice has been aware of Naomi in various ways throughout this rodeo day. When he hears a woman's scream, Brice sets off to help and discovers Naomi and her friend Whitney being harassed and assaulted by a man. He runs the guy off and gets the chance to be in Naomi's life, for the moment at least.

Naomi had left her small hometown to go off to college and establish her photographer career. She's back to photograph her best friend as she is the current Rodeo Queen. What she never expected was the danger her friend is in or the handsome cowboy who steps in to help and along the way captures her heart as well.

Cowboy, Cross My Heart is a compelling Romance that borders more on a Romantic Suspense story. There are very bad guys here, and we'll watch as not only Brice and Naomi set out to solve this mystery but Brice's entire family will pitch in to help. That gives us the chance to catch up on lives from the previous book and get a feel for the family dynamics today.

I was totally swept up in this story, in not only the romance of it but the suspense as well. If you love a really good cowboy love story with a large dash of suspense and a mystery to solve, then you'll enjoy Cowboy, Cross My Heart.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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I received a free, advance copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review.

This is the second book of the series, and I must say, I had to read book one. I mean, I was like, " Wait, What?!" then after reading the last chapter of book one I was like, oh...

Honestly, it was confusing, because it took a while for the details to fully be absorbed by my brain. There were some lapses on my part, I had to re read the whole page just to understand what was happening. Do not worry, the story line was pretty interesting and so far more shocking, that I had to stop reading at some point.

As for the romance? I like the way it was laid out, but, there was something missing. No, i do not know what I was looking for, but I liked how things ended.

The best part? Clayton. He is the that bad** guy that I fell in love and so protective. It was such a good way to see how Abby and him after the events of book one.

I look forward in reading the 3rd book in this series.

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Naomi heads back to Texas to visit her best friend, who is rodeo queen. She is there to document her reign with photos. While taking pictures she notices a handsome cowboy. Later that day, Naomi and her friend are walking around the rodeo when they are attacked and are rescued by Brice Harper the very man she noticed before.
Brice Harper and his brother are rodeo roper champions. What is it about this women he feels the need to protect her after her attack. It won't be the first time, he steps in to help her. More attacks are just around the corner.
Naomi is determined to find out what is going on with her friend and who is stalking her. The mystery in this book was well done.
I found this to be a quick read. and my only disappointment was how quickly things wrapped up. This is book 2 of a series but is a can be read as a standalone.

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This was an amazing, action-packed romance!

Naomi is just back in town to hang out with her best friend and add some country pics to her photography portfolio. When she stumbles into a conspiracy targeting her friend, her own life is threatened as well. Brice Harper happens by in time to save Naomi and Whitney, and soon it takes his entire family and friends to keep them safe.

The action is non-stop in this story, and the characters are relatable and well-matched. The romance between Naomi and Brice develops slowly, with plenty of deeper emotional moments that show their intense connection that goes beyond the immediate danger.

I was completely immersed in this book and couldn't put it down until I finished. I loved every bit, and highly recommend it to anyone who loves contemporary cowboy romances. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

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3.5 STARS!!

Cowboy, Cross My Heart is book two in the Heart of Texas series by Donna Grant, a new to me author. The story is well-written, fast paced, suspenseful and action packed. Bryce and Naomi are likeable and delightful together. However, their insta-love didn't felt original or 100% believable.

The story is enjoyable nonetheless, but there was something that didn't felt right or my brain couldn't adjust and lost track here and there with some of the characters.

All in all, was a good read.

ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange of an honest review.

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3.5 stars

Cowboy, Cross My Heart by Donna Grant is a quick and enjoyable read.

The writing is well done, with an interesting plot and well developed characters. There are some twists and turns that add interest, as well.

Overall a good addition to the Heart of Texas Series.

*Thank you to the publisher via Netgalley for the advance copy*

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Cowboy, Cross My Heart is book two in the Heart of Texas series by Donna Grant. This is Naomi Pierce and Brice Harper’s story.

Wow! This story had me hooked from the beginning to the end. A fantastic read with suspense, wonderful characters, and hot chemistry. I loved Brice and Naomi’s characters. The supporting characters add so much to the story. Looking forward to the next book in the series. This was a fun and entertaining story that kept me on the edge of my seat.

FYI, contains mature content. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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Feel the heat of the sun, the grit of the dirt and the scent of the animals as you enter into the "rough-and-tumble world of hard-riding, bronco-busting" and experience just how intense the action can be. Brice Harper is one cowboy who seems to have it all figured out - the looks, the walk, and definitely the fans. But will one small lady be who sets his sights higher? Will her attitude give him the incentive to be more than he is? A fun and exciting story about two people who have faith in themselves and learn to trust outside of reality.

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I found this book to be a very enjoyable and entertaining read! The good storyline and great characters grabbed my attention from the very first page and I stayed totally enthralled until the turn of the very last page!

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ARC for honest review with no compensation received from NetGalley and St. Martin's Press

This is book 2 in the Heart of Texas series and is my first book by Donna Grant. Will certainly be reading more of her books and this series!!

Naomi Pierce is a world class photographer who has come back home to take pictures of her best friend and Rodeo Queen but while talking with her friend she gets the vibe that not all is well with her friend. Though she questions her friend she isn't talking. A while later sitting in the rodeo stands taking pictures of the events Naomi sees a fine looking man riding who catches her eye. Now she has to find this man...

Brice Harper is a rodeo cowboy, tall, handsome, full of muscles with lots of heart. While in the arena getting ready for his event he scans the seats and finds a beautiful stranger with a camera in her hand pointed at him. Something sparks inside him and he is determined to meet her but before he can find her he hears a call for help and runs to the rescue. Who does he find but the beautiful stranger, Naomi and the Rodeo Queen. What he thinks is a simple rescue turns out to be something so much more.

Lots of mystery, danger in the dark, shadows, laughs, romance and sexy times make this book so worth reading!!

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