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I have read a few Donna Grant books however I have not the first in this Heart of Texas series.

I feel that I probably would have connected a bit more with this one if I had read the first book, even though this is a pretty good stand alone.

I was expecting a girl being swept away by a cowboy romance, however Cowboy, Cross My Heart was more of a suspensey mystery story with a dash of romance thrown in for good measure.

I didn't really feel the thing between Naomi and Brice - probably because there was so much else going on around them. I did like them, I liked most of the characters, I just didn't feel the love between them - but that's probably just me.

I liked Brice's brother and sister and their families and friends, they make up a lovely family group.

So whilst I didn't love Cowboy, Cross My Heart, I did like it and I will go back and read the first book before diving into the 3rd.

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Donna Grant does it again! I love, love, love cowboy heroes, and this one is a military veteran too! *swoon* The thing I love most about Donna Grant's books is that she creates such engaging, genuine characters that are people I want to know better, even after the story has concluded. In many books, as long as there is a HEA, I am satisfied. But with Grant's books, I always crave more.

Brice Harper competes in rodeos with his brother, Caleb, but he is ready to settle down and run a horse ranch. Competing in what may be one of his last rodeos, his attention is caught by a beautiful woman with a camera, taking pictures of the contestants. When he saves her from an assault hours later, he knows that it may be more than his attention than has been caught. Naomi Pierce left the rodeo circuit a long time ago after a car accident cost her friend her life. Coming back to visit is with conditions - she's not staying long and she's not getting involved with a cowboy. Unfortunately, upon realizing her friend is in trouble and she's now in the middle of it, she may be staying longer than expected. And the cowboy who is determined to protect her is impossible to resist.

I was so proud of both Naomi and Brice throughout the entire story! Both characters were brave and stayed on the path of justice, even when it would have been easier to let it go. Naomi's friend, Whitney, has gone through something horrific for years, and even though she initially tries to get them to leave it alone, they want to help her regardless. When Naomi and then Brice become targeted by Whitney's abusers, not only does Brice care more about Naomi's safety than his own, but both Naomi and Brice still pursue what is right even while they are bruised and bleeding. It was inspiring to see the story unfold, both on the side of romance and also with the mystery of who is attacking them. Donna Grant balanced the romance and darkness really well and inserted levity when it was needed most, keeping the story from getting too deep in the sadness. I am always happy when authors tackle tough subjects with respect and honesty, which is exactly what Donna Grant did.

I'm anxious to read the next book, which I assume will focus on Brice's brother, Caleb! These cowboy veterans are hard to resist.

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Naomi Pierce returns to her hometown to visit her, 'Rodeo Queen', best friend after a number of years away.

As a photographer, Naomi is capturing images, and the attention of others, as she navigates her way through the local rodeo.

Brice Harper competes with his brother at the local rodeo as well as working at his brother in law's family ranch when his attention is captured by a stranger's laugh.

Although unwilling to talk about it, Naomi's friend is hiding something and is frightened for her safety and following a couple of incidents, Naomi and Brice , as well as his extended family, decide to investigate what is happening in their town.

During the course of this investigation, Naomi and Brice's relationship develops as one would expect given their attraction to each other.

The investigation uncovers a series of crimes and an abuse of power and Naomi, Brice and all the others are determined to uncover the identity of the person responsible and bring them to justice.

The crimes committed during Naomi and Brice's story, at times, leave a bad taste in your mouth and makes the reader wonder if there could possibly be a measure of truth to the 'story' told. Sadly, I believe that it's highly probable!

Even though this is the second book in a series it can be read and fully enjoyed as a standalone although I suspect most of the characters have been introduced previously. I look forward to finding out about them in the future.

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This book is about finding your way home. Naomi has come home to see the rodeo and support her best friend Whitney striving for Rodeo Queen. Sitting in the stands, memories come back to her. Memories of her uncle who was a rodeo clown, her dad, barrel racing and the atmosphere. She finds she is missing horseback riding. The way cowboys tip there hat as a sign of respect with a ma'am attached. Through the lens of her camera she espies Brice Harper and the air suddenly becomes hard to breathe. Brice is the kind of cowboy to come to the rescue of a damsel in distress. From the moment they meet and he sees she is OK, Naomi feels like she has found the one. Coming home she has brought family, friends and true love into her life.

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Cowboy, Cross My Heart is the second book in the Heart of Texas series by Donna Grant. This story picks up twelve years after the first book, The Christmas Cowboy Hero. A great follow up the story was engaging and the character dynamics amazing. I look forward to reading more by this wonderful author

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3.5 stars - This book was a surprise to me. It was a good entertaining story with quite a mystery involving the rodeo pageant & it’s contestants. The plot drew me in quickly & did keep me interested. It isn’t a deep plot but moved quickly while staying on the surface of things.

Naomi has come home to visit her mom & her friend Whitney for the first time in years. It doesn’t take her long to realize that something is up with Whitney. She can’t get her to talk though until someone tries to kill Naomi, snatch her camera & hurt Brice when he tried to help her. Things escalated quickly.

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Rodeos, cowboys and cowgirls - so much activity and excitement! Brice Harper and his brother Caleb are at the rodeo to defend their team roping championship title. Naomi Pierce, photographer is at the rodeo to take pictures of her best friend Whitney Nolan who happens to be the Rodeo Queen. Naomi and Brice see one another in this festive atmosphere and form an attraction to each other. Strange things are going on at this rodeo and both Naomi and Brice find themselves in danger. They decide they should band together to keep themselves safe and investigate what nefarious things are going on at the rodeo.

Cowboy, Cross My Heart is the second book in author Donna Grant's Heart of Texas series. This story is jam-packed with action, excitement and suspense. The storyline flows swiftly and Donna Grant keeps a pace that is just right. This book is a definite page-turner that keeps one reading just one more page, just one more chapter until the reader has finished the book. I really enjoyed this book and can't wait for the next one.

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Little did Naomi know that a visit home would lead her both to danger and to love. When her friend Whitney is attacked by a creep, Brice comes to the rescue. He's one hot cowboy and a good guy. I had not read the earlier book(s) so I came to this fresh- but I enjoyed the family (I gather there are lots of Abby fans out there) and the fact that this can be read as a standalone. There's some suspense due to the Whitney stalking plot and a lot of love. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. This is a nice easy read with good characters.

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4.25 Stars
Naomi Pierce isn’t the type to let a cowboy sweep her off feet. It’s not her first rodeo, after all. But when she returns to her Texas hometown, she can’t help but be swept up again in the rough-and-tumble world of hard-riding, bronco-busting good-ol’-boys she loved as a girl. She might be here to photograph her Rodeo Queen best friend. Brice Harper is all man, all muscle, and all heart. From the moment he rides into the stadium, he can’t help but notice the beautiful stranger with a camera watching him from the stands. It doesn’t take a zoom lens to see the sparks of instant attraction.
This is book two in the series. It is Brice’s story younger brother of Abby from book one & now he’s all grown up. This is so much more than a cowboy romance although Brice & naomi fall for each other from the start there's suspense, stalking centring around the Rodeo Queen competition. So if you like a romance with mystery then sit curl up with this, you’ll love it - I certainly did
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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Naomi Pierce is back in town just in time for the rodeo! Her best friend is the rodeo queen and she has a problem that she won't tell anyone about. Naomi stumbles into this "problem" that may prove to be deadly unless she can get some help. Enter a handsome cowboy, Brice Harper who tries to help out. Naomi and Brice become close as they tackle the problem and try to keep their friends and themselves alive! I really enjoyed this well-written mystery, romance and thriller all wrapped into one huge story! Great characters and plenty of surprises make this a fabulous read for all!

Cowboy, Cross My Heart by Donna Grant will be available August 28, 2018 by St. Martin's Press. An egalley of this book was made available by the publisher in exchange for a honest review.

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3 Stars
This is a little different with a cross of solid Cowboy/Romance with some Suspense thrown in to give it depth. Our gal comes back home to support her friend who is on the Rodeo Queen circuit by taking professional photos of her. While in the stands watching all the action... she see some action she wishes she was having, a hot cowboy.

The Cowboy and the photographer cross paths, a bit if insta need/lust and then the best friend turns out to have a stalker. This guy moves too close to the women causing the cray cray and our guy is there to protect them.

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I’m enjoying this series, it’s sweet & sexy full of very hot cowboys, as well as an edge of your seat not wanting to put the book down suspense. The Harper saga continues when Brice comes to the aid on Naomi at the annual rodeo. Naomi, home for a visit is thrust into a mystery involving her best friend Whitney & the rodeo pageant. The connection between Brice & Naomi is swift & very intense, which has Brice wondering is she the one he’s been looking for. Brice & Naomi burn up the pages as they try to figure out who’s trying to kill her & her best friend. I enjoyed how author Donna Grant keeps the pace going & keeps us on the edge of our seat wondering what will happen next. I can’t wait for the next book...I’m hoping it’s Caleb. Definitely recommend this book.

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Naomi is back in Texas for a short visit with her mom and friend Whitney, who is participating in the Rodeo pageant. While walking with Whitney, Naomi feels her anxiety and before could prob her, they are attacked by a man.
Brice and his brother were packing up to leave when he heard a woman’s cry, he ran to check and found Naomi fighting off a man trying to take her camera. Their connection is so instant that after rescuing them, he feels the need to keep her safe at all costs. But first they need to find out who are the men who have targeted her and why ?
Cowboy, cross my heart is my first book by the author and she has me hooked. It is a fast paced read that keeps you entertained with action, drama and romance. Loved the family dynamics and the bond between friends. The first book in the series is on my TBR list and I can’t wait to see who’s next in the series.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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Cowboy, Cross My Heart is another hit by Donna Grant. I couldn't put it down, it was a page turner and truly captured my attention.

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Cowboy, Cross My Heart by Donna Grant was an excellent story that pulled me in and didn’t let go. It was a romantic suspense story that had all the elements of a great book. I laughed, cried, wanted to hug some characters and punch others. I highly recommend this book!

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Naomi comes back home, after years away, to photograph the hometown rodeo and hook back up with her best friend. She sees Brice, one of the cowboys in the rodeo and, sparks immediately fly between the two. Toward the end of the rodeo, Naomi and her friend are walking near the stands, her friend is looking over her shoulder then, suddenly, her friend is pushed away and, Naomi is pushed down and someone is trying really hard to steal her camera! Brice comes to her rescue and, they start to realize that something insidious and horrific is going on in this town and, someone is after Naomi!
Brice and his extended family decide that they are going to protect Naomi. Naomi decides that she is going to find and take down the people who have hurt her best friend!
Fast-paced, non-stop action with steamy breaks in between!

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Strong Storyline
I really enjoyed this story, hot cowboys, rodeo, mystery and murder - I couldn’t put t down. Characters relateable and you found yourself rooting for them. Highly recommended.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was an entertaining romantic suspense title set in Texas. Naomi Pierce left after high school and made a good career for herself as a photographer. Now she's back home visiting her mom and her best friend Whitney. Whitney is involved in the whole Rodeo Queen thing and has changed a lot since Naomi left. She seems frightened by something but won't share what is bothering her with Naomi.

Naomi meets her at a rodeo and takes lots of photos while rekindling her love of the whole rodeo scene. When Whitney and Naomi are attacked and her camera is broken, they are rescued by Brice Harper. Brice and his brother Caleb are involved in team roping.

Naomi is determined to help her friend and quickly develops and prints the pictures she took. She has a picture of their attacker but she can't identify him. She shows the pictures to Brice and his friends to see if they know who the attacker was. Then Brice is attacked, the pictures are stolen, he has a head wound and a stomped on right hand. While that is happening, Naomi is also attacked. Someone pushes her and she lands in the arena just as the chuckwagon race is getting close. She's saved by Caleb.

Whitney is still afraid to share information about the attacker. She knows why she was attacked but is afraid to tell anyone. When she confides in Naomi that she is being sexually abused by a group of powerful men, Naomi is outraged but really can't do anything since Whitney isn't naming names.

Then another attack comes and Whitney is almost killed. Brice and Naomi who have fallen in love band together to keep Naomi safe and find the group of men who are preying on the beauty contest participants.

This was a nice romance and a nice suspense story. Both Naomi and Brice were interesting people and nicely developed characters. I thought their romance happened awfully quickly though.

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Suspenseful and twisty with a romance mixed in. I love reading about cowboys and all their sexiness. Their family values and how they take care of each other are quite impressive.

When Naomi comes home and finds herself a victim of an attack, she realizes that something horrible is happening in the rodeo circuit and she’s determined to discover the truth. All the while she’s getting sucked in by a hot cowboy named Brice, whether she wants to or not.

This book definitely kept me on my toes. It was fast paced and had plenty of heart stopping moments. I am loving this series. And I’m curious to see which cowboy is next in line to fall in love.

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Cowboy, Cross My Heart (Kindle) by Donna Grant ....I could not put this down I read it in one day... This is my second HEART OF TEXAS book..I also loved THE CHRISTMAS COWBOY HERO. I am glad Clayton, Abby and Caleb were a big part of this book...but it also could be read as a stand alone book. Thanks to the publisher and #NetGalley for letting me preview this book. Naomi and Brice are perfect from the beginning ..she comes back to her hometown to visit her best friend Whitney (Whitney has a big problem...can Naomi help?) Brice comes to Naomi's aid and never leaves... There were a lot of hard subjects, laughs, tears, danger and love and steamy sex all getting us to a very HEA. I can't wait for MY FAVORITE COWBOY 2/19...will this be Caleb's story?

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