Member Reviews

Naomi Pierce left Texas in her rear-view mirror a few years ago to tackle her college dreams, now she is a successful photographer in Washington and has never been happier. When her friend Whitney contacts her in hopes that she will return home and take a few photos of the newly crowned rodeo queen, Naomi doesn't think twice about heading home for a visit. She can spend a little time with her mom and friend, and get a little change of scenery from behind the lens, but nothing could of prepared her for the handsome cowboy who wanders into her view. Brice Harper is something to be appreciated with his strong, masculine presence and undeniable good looks; he definitely speeds up the heart rate and spawns a little swooning. But before she can really get too caught up in her new muse, her and Whitney find themselves coming face to face with an attacker who seems to have it out for Whitney. Lucky for them they also have caught the attention of a handsome cowboy who has every intention of keeping them safe.

Brice Harper never expected that his day at a rodeo would lead him to a gorgeous woman in need of saving; but when he sees the intriguing photographer and her friend Whitney trying to fend off a dangerous attacker he knows he needs to get involved. This one little gesture leads to a lot more danger, and a lot more quality time with the beautiful photographer who captured his attention and makes his heart speed up with just her smile! But her stay in town was only meant to be temporary, so he knows getting involved with her could only lead to heartbreak... that is unless he can give her a good reason to stay!

Cowboy, Cross My Heart is a suspenseful and emotionally rich tale that is sure to steal the hearts of romance readers; with it's engaging story line, and endearing characters you just can't go wrong with this one!! This is my second visit to the series, and I have to say once again Ms.Grant has won me over with her handsome cowboy and well written tale; it was downright addictive, I just could not part ways with it until I had devoured every word! Highly recommend this one, if you like toe curling romance, with a touch of mystery, and swoon-worthy cowboys this one will be right up your alley!

I requested an advanced copy of this title from NetGalley, and I am voluntarily leaving my honest opinion.

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Cowboy Cross My Heart is a different kind of rodeo story from the norm of rodeo romances. It is not about a cowboy dilemma of love or second chances rather it is one of a dangerous group of men who prey on the Rodeo Queens, threatening them and demanding sexual favors.
Naomi Pierce make her way back home to discover that all the great pageantry of the Rodeo Queens is not all it is made out to be for her best Friend, Whitney. People get murdered to storp the discovery of what is going on behind the scenes. Brice Harper and Naomi work to uncover the culprits and not get killed while on the hunt.

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I thought I was getting a cowboy romance and it ended up being much more than I anticipated. Cowboy, Cross My Heart was a romantic suspense...and heavy on the suspense part.

Dangerous characters, deeply depraved antagonists and dramatic circumstance led to some white knuckle reading.

I found Cowboy, Cross My Heart engaging and entertaining but I missed that special character connection that I love in my reading time. I found quite a few of the secondary characters did grab me and made Cowboy, Cross My Heart a really enjoyed read.

I received this ARC copy of Cowboy, Cross My Heart from St. Martin's Paperbacks. This is my honest and voluntary review. Cowboy, Cross My Heart is set for publication Aug. 28, 2018.

My Rating: 4 stars
Written by: Donna Grant
Series: Heart of Texas
Sequence in Series: Book 2
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks
Publication Date: August 28, 2018
ISBN-10: 1250169003
ISBN-13: 978-1250169006
Genre: Romantic Suspense

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Gifted read for an honest review by Netgalley.
Not your typical cowboy romance. The storyline and the suspense held you captive. The topic behind the suspense...Horrific! I won't go in to detail as it would be a spoiler. All I'll say is these men got off too lightly for my tastes! When Naomi had the chance, she should have castrated Larry as was threatened! Every man involved should receive an eye for an eye treatment imo!
This is a romantic suspense novel heavy on the suspense with a few sexy scenes thrown in done very tastefully! This is Naomi and Brice's love story, but it's so much more than that! It's Whitney and all the other girls story and I'm so glad justice prevailed. Even if I thought another justice ( cut their balls of and feed it to them) was a better punishment! Again IMO! Continued characters from previous book and some new ones. I hope Caleb's story is next.
3.75 stars, points taken away because of the quick ending to all the drama and weight was lighter than subject matter deserved! Again IMO!
No ow/om
No cliffhanger
Good story
Great characters and secondary characters
You don't have to read in order but it'll make more sense when reading that you know some background.
...still 😠 over "justice" these perverted, sick men received!
#eye for an eye, what horrible deed you do will be returned to you ten times worse!

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Cowboy, Cross My Heart es el segundo libro de la serie Heart of Texas y han pasado como 12 años entre estos dos libros. Brice, que en el primer libro tenía 16, ahora es todo un hombre que, como su cuñado, estuvo en el ejército y regresó a Texas y quiere hacerse de una vida propia. Ya hasta compró su propio rancho. Naomi también regresa a Texas pero ella solo con la idea de ver a su mamá y a su amiga que está participando en concursos de belleza en los rodeos del estado.

Desde que se conocen hay química y cuando Brice salva a Naomi y a su amiga Whitney de ser atacadas por un hombre, se toma muy en serio su papel de protector.

Nunca me imaginé que me gustarían los libros de vaqueros y aunque no he leído muchos, hasta eso que si me han gustado. Cowboy, Cross My Heart me sorprendió porque creí que sería solo una novela sencilla, romántica y ya, pero trató de un tema bastante grave que es el abuso del poder de algunos hombres. En esta novela hay un grupo que abusa de Whitney y sus compañeras de los concursos. Estos hombres tienen puestos en el gobierno y en la junta directiva de los rodeos.

A pesar de tratar un tema tan serio, el libro se centra más en la relación entre Brice y Naomi. De hecho a veces sentí que no se enfocaban lo suficiente en resolver lo que sucedía. Sé que trataban de respetar la decisión de Whitney de no hablar y aunque no estaba buscando que la obligaran si hubiera preferido que la presionaran un poquito más.

Me gustó volver a ver a Abby y a Clayton (los protagonistas del libro anterior) y saber que siguen felices y que él continúa adorándola a más no poder. También me gustó que ese carácter de ser tierno y todo un caballero se le haya pasado a Brice. Este hombre también es caballeroso y trata muy bien a Naomi. Su relación, a pesar de que todo avanza algo rápido, fue muy disfrutable. Naomi se me hizo una chica inteligente que no era una damisela en peligro aún cuando tenía un príncipe azul a su disposición.

Otra cosa que me gustó fueron los amigos y el hermano de Brice. Cooper, Jase, Caleb y Brice tienen una gran amistad y eso siempre me gusta mucho, Siento que el próximo libro de la serie va a ser protagonizado por alguno de estos vaqueros y no puedo esperar a leerlo.

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I loved this novel. I didn’t think I would because I wasn’t a huge fan of the first one, The Christmas Cowboy Hero. That one fell a little flat for me but this one certainly didn’t lack in any department. It had intrigue, mystery, hot scenes, and loving characters. I do have to say though that if you have a problem with reading anything that has to do with sexual abuse this may not be the book for you. The characters don’t perpetrate this but they do go after the scum that do. That’s just a trigger warning.

The book takes place 12 years after the first one so the Harper brothers are all grown up. It follows the oldest brother, Brice, and how his life has changed for the best since the first novel. Honestly, once I got into the book it was hard to put down. Naomi is a spit fire and Brice isn't your typical Texas cowboy. This novel takes on the rodeo scene and what can happen behind closed doors. I highly suggest it for anyone that is a fan of Donna Grant or love some cowboy romances.

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Cowboy, Cross My Heart is the second book in the Heart of Texas series by Donna Grant and even though it is part of a series, it can easily be read as a standalone. I have not yet read the first book in the series but I was easily able to follow along with the storyline and characters without feeling lost. It seems the first book introduced all the main characters in the series and was Abby and Clayton’s happy ever after and this book is happening twelve years later and is Brice’s story. You get to catch up with friends and family in this installment as they all band together to help Brice and Naomi solve a mystery involving Naomi and her best friend, Whitney.

Naomi moved away several years ago to go to college in Washington D.C. and decided to say and build her career in photography. She is currently back in her Texas hometown visiting her best friend and current rodeo queen, Whitney and to spend time with her mom. While visiting she gets the feeling something is wrong with her friend from her odd behavior. This is not the strong, determined, face things head on friend that she grew up with and Naomi is determined to find out what is going on; especially after she and Whitney are attacked in the stalls at the rodeo and someone tries to steal her camera. Luckily someone hears her call out during the attack and comes to the rescue. Also, as luck would have it, it happens to be the same sexy cowboy she locked eyes with during a roping competition. His quick actions help deter the attacker but he gets away in the process leaving many questions to be answered. And seeing as Whitney seems to know more than she is sharing about who attacked them and why, a mystery unfolds with dangerous and deadly consequences. However, even thru all the danger being home in Texas just feels right to Naomi and it awakens all the good memories and feelings from her past and well as new possibilities for her future. Having a sexy cowboy at her side is certainly not a hardship either. But can she and the others figure out the mystery before it is too late for her or her friend?

Things are going well for Brice Harper. It has been a lot of years coming but his dream is finally within reach. He, his younger brother Caleb, and their older sister Abby (who was more mother than sister) had a hard upbringing but after they crossed paths with Clayton East and his family, things started changing for the better; especially after their sister married Clayton and they all move onto his family ranch. Providing the three siblings with a safe environment full of love, encouragement and support the brothers grew up to be strong, brave men who each served their country then came back to the East Ranch to build their lives. Cattle, horses, rodeo and ranching is in their blood and Brice and Caleb have always had a combined dream of having their own place and building a future in ranching. With that dream close to becoming a reality, things could not be better and having great friends, a loving supporting family and a job you love just adds a new level to their enrich their lives. While competing in the roping completion at the rodeo, Brice notices a new face in the crowd and he is drawn to her beauty and hopes for the chance to see her again. Then later, he hears a laugh and is drawn to the owner only to notice her again and realizes he needs to meet her. Finally, he answers a call of distress that happens to be the lovely stranger again, along with her friend, and now he knows it must be fate. He was meant to meet her. Aside from their instant attraction, when he finds out the danger lurking in the shadows for Naomi and her friend he can do nothing else but offer his help. There is a huge conspiracy and shroud of danger surrounding the rodeo pageant as well as Naomi and her friend involving people in town with a lot of power and influence. After an attack and an attempt on Naomi’s life as well as his, Brice and his family and friends are determined to help keep the girls safe and solve the mystery. With his future dreams so close to reality will a misstep with his brother and the danger lurking in the shadows end his plans or will they get a happy ending after all?

The characters were enjoyable and the storyline intriguing, filled with danger and suspense that keeps you guessing and wanting more and there are plenty of laughs and some romance mixed in. I really loved Brice and Naomi together and the secondary characters, especially Jace, were a hoot! The entire book was awesome and kept me glued to the pages from beginning to end. The only thing that bugged me a little was the romantic tryst in the midst of imminent danger. Having multiple attempts made on your life, friends fighting for their lives, family attacked and knowing the bad guys are coming for you it just seemed odd to me to take time out in the middle of danger to have some sexy time. It just felt like the wrong place in the story for this to take place. Even though the attraction between Brice and Naomi was instant, I enjoyed the friendship and getting to know each other stage as well as the sizzling chemistry between the two. I would have liked it better though if the sexual aspect of their relationship had waited until things were resolved rather than secluding themselves away and enjoying each other before they themselves and their family and friends were out of danger and the bad guys caught. Aside from that, I loved the story and characters and plan to go back and see how it all started in the first book to catch up so I am ready for the next installment, which I am hoping will be Caleb’s story.

*I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and am providing my honest review. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are completely my own.

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After years away and making a new life for herself, Naomi Pierce has come back to Texas and the rodeo circuit not only as a photographer, but to support her best friend, and Rodeo Queen. Little did she know she would find herself caught up in a nightmare that would threaten her friend’s life, as well as her own. Nor did she plan on falling for the hotter than blazes cowboy who became her knight in blue jeans.

Rough and tumble cowboy, Brice Harper came to Naomi’s rescue when she is attacked in the shadows. Could she have gotten the villain on film? Is her best friend in danger by the competition?
As their attraction grows, so does the danger, a danger that Brice is determined he will stop. Will they ride off safely into the sunset together?

Donna Grant’s COWBOY, CROSS MY HEART combines an insta-romance with suspense and good old Texas hospitality as Brice and his family stand together to keep Naomi safe because just maybe, this Rodeo Queen competition has gotten deadly, very deadly.

I think I would have liked a slower burn on the romance, especially given the danger involved. Great family dynamics, two very likable characters and some supporting characters that scream “give ME a book!” A quick, light read that stands alone, in spite of being part of a series!

I received a complimentary ARC edition from St. Martin's Paperbacks!

Series: Heart of Texas - Book 2
Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks (August 28, 2018)
Publication Date: August 28, 2018
Genre: Contemporary Western Romance
Page Count: 304
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
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Can you save your best friend? Naomi has come home for a visit to see her mom and best friend Whitney but it won't be plain sailing. Whitney has been hiding a secret and she knows that if anybody finds out the truth that they will be harmed so how does she keep Naomi from finding out the truth? The men involved will stop at nothing to continue with their sick games and if that means removing witnesses then they will. Naomi has the protection of the East family and Brice Harper will do whatever it takes to keep her safe even putting himself in danger. Can Naomi help Whitney by finding out the truth before it is too late? She knows Brice has her back and that she can see herself coming back home to start a life with him. Will Brice be able to keep his family safe and help getting justice for Whitney and all the other women that have been treated so badly and will he get her to stay with him? A good read love the East extended family and seeing how they have all grown and meeting new characters. Abby still is boss and she is a fierce protector and that is what has given her two brothers such a strong will to help anyone in need. Hopefully Caleb will find what he is looking for. I was lucky enough to receive a copy via Netgalley and the publishing house in exchange for my honest review.

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This was the first book I have read by this author and I LOVED it!!!!

This book was absolutely amazing. It had everything a great book should have. The thing that caught me the most off guard was that is a romance book all wrapped up in suspense. I'm talking about the kind of suspense that makes a woman climb into bed to be near her husband as he sleeps because she can't put the book down but she has to know how it ends all the while it is putting her on edge.

I felt like the romance between the two main characters was handled brilliantly. One of my biggest pet peeves is when a couple is in a really dangerous situation where say someone is chasing after them but yet they have time to make out for a ridiculous amount of time. This author didn't do that. The author showed two people who have unbelievable chemistry that they can find their other and cling to them as their world is falling apart and draw on that.

Another aspect of the book that I loved was the family aspect. There was this whole subplot between Brice and his brother. There were feelings and emotions that was heartbreaking to read. There was also Brice's pregnant sister and her husband and their roles. It just showed this solid family that was willing to go to great lengths to help their family out.

I would highly recommend everyone read this book. I plan on reading more from this author!

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This is a sweet romance that has a lot of things that I enjoy to my stories.Brice and Naomi's story is full of drama, action and suspense.I didn't get bored .Brice and Naomi were good together, and they have a great chemistry.

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Cowboy, Cross My Heart is the second book in the Heart of Texas book series by Donna Grant. This can easily be read as a standalone novel but once you read you will be drawn into a world of steamy romance and you will want to read the first book. An engaging read that is full of love, family, drama, and a few unexpected surprises along the way. Cowboy, Cross My Heart is a perfect read for anyone who loves to read steamy contemporary romance.

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I have never really been interested in romantic suspense but I read, and loved, the book in this series. So I was very excited to see that the second book was coming out with many of the same characters from the book (and I was sad about the ones that were missing). Set twelve years after the first book it was so great to check with characters that I had really cared for and see that the love and loyalty in their group has carried on. The group of family and friends in this book was probably my favorite part of the story.
I really liked Naomi and Brice and was on board for their romance from the first time their eyes locked at the rodeo. I did find it odd that they would be able to lock themselves away and spend a day in bed when everyone around them was in mortal peril but that is just me. When my best friend is in the hospital fighting for her life I would find it hard to focus on much else, regardless of how hot the cowboy it.
The mystery at the center of the story was certainly much darker than I expected and really could have been an interesting plot but there was not a lot of depth outside of the salacious over view and it was tied up too neatly. Again though, suspense is not my genre.
I like the way Donna Grant writes and I have a huge amount of affection for her characters so, while I liked this book less than the start to the series, I am hoping there will be a book three.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This isn’t the typical run-of-the-mill book about cowboys. The author presents the reader with an intricate, deep story about an independent woman, Naomi, who once was a champion barrel rider, meets a no-nonsense cowboy. Brice, who is a current champion. Brice helps Naomi when someone attacks her and breaks her camera. But that’s not all. This one incident yields more attacks, which only further cements their resolve to find out the truth as well as strengthen their relationship. My only caveat is that the publisher and/author be sure to state that there is rape and sexual assault that may produce triggers in some people. I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Donna Grant is one of my favorite writers. Whether she is writing fantasy or contemporary. I can always depend on her for a great romance!

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This is the second book in this series but can be read as a standalone you will not be lost. I liked it but didn't love it but with that being said it is something to past the time. We have Naomi who comes back home to spend time with her best friend Whitney while doing that she discovers that someone is stalking her and Naomi plans on finding out who. I always like friend books and Naomi was a true friend that won me over. While back home she meets Brice and for me I found it be an insta-love situation. Brice also gets involve trying to find out what is happening, they get on a roller coaster of situation..Enjoy!

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I love Donna Grant - Donna Grant + Cowboys! Sign me up!! The sweetness of the romance in this book was a really strong counterpoint to the truly terrible things that happened during it. I loved the characters - and the ones in the background. The strong sense of family and friends as our chosen family permeates this book. My only complaint is that there was a LOT going on and some of the actions were a bit implausible.

Finding love - returning home - and finding your place as an adult in the world were all beautifully written.


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n this second book of Donna Grant’s Heart of Texas series, Brice and Caleb Harper are grown up young men who have been in the military and returned home to the East ranch where their sister, Abby, and her husband, Clayton, live and are raising their kids. Naomi Pierce has come back to the area to visit family and friends. Her best friend from high school, Whitney, is a rodeo queen has become involved in the dark underbelly of pageantry. Powerful men are forcing her and other women on the circuit to become essentially slaves to serve their needs.

When Naomi Pierce captures a picture of someone causing harm and earns herself a stalker at a rodeo event, Brice comes to her defense. He is interested in being more than a gallant cowboy having felt drawn to Naomi the instant he saw her in the stands. They are both determined to find out who is responsible for Whitney’s duress; however, that puts Naomi and Brice in danger as well.

Some of the story is a bit predictable especially where the bad guys are concerned. This is a sweet romance coupled with the issues surrounding the female rodeo participants who have suffered at the hands of influential men. Readers who liked of the first book will likely enjoy this one as well although it can be a standalone.

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Cowboy, Cross My Heart by Donna Grant is a strong read. There are issues of sexual harassment, rape, and unlawful men abusing their power status. The emotional journey was a roller-coaster ride. There were just as many ups as there were downs. I cried for the women being abused by men who should have been trusted. It was sickening reading how a strong character broke into a frightened women for her life. Until her best friend came back to visit her and start investigating into what was happening…the young lady would have been drowning in a miserable life. Their friendship was unbreakable and held them together. The men, aka the cowboys, who came to the rescue made my heart melt multiple times. I fell in love with each cowboy who swore to protect the women and their family. Also, the theme of family was strong here. It showed how one family who went through abandonment survived. Their love and support for each other made me smile. Their were parts that were funny, charming, and romantic as hell. Other parts were intense, dangerous, and scary. Donna Grant provided a lot of action-packed scenes. This made the contemporary romance novel a quick read. I loved it. Overall, I would highly recommend this title to all readers. Plus, it provided an inspiration for women to stand up for themselves.

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Picking up with the suspense right from the start, Donna Grant gives a lot of Texas lovin' to her second book in the Heart of Texas series. I wasn't expecting this book to be Brice's story, but was thrilled with how Donna Grant went in that direction.

Naomi and Brice encounter one another at a rodeo when she can't take her eyes off the hot cowboy and he is mesmerized by her laugh. They are actually thrown together in a suspenseful mystery surrounding Naomi's best friend, Whitey, who is on the pageant circuit of the rodeo. The intriguing story line surrounding the women of the pageant is heartbreaking and sad. While an unfortunate group of men have decided to use the women as play things, Naomi stumbles upon the evil ring and puts herself as a target when the group feels threatened.

Brice and the gang back at the East Ranch don't literally ride up to the rescue, but theses cowboys are determined to save the day. While we get caught up on the mystery, there are many twists and turns and wrecks to wreak havoc the entire read. Need a little family drama? Well, Brice and Caleb are sure to deliver only to realize they each are suffering ill effects of their mother's abandonment. These cowboys sure know how to tug on the heartstrings. But WAIT! Naomi is no damsel in distress and makes it clear that she can handle herself when the going gets tough.

Great story and I anticipate Caleb will be the next cowboy to melt our hearts.

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