Member Reviews

Warning: In case you did not know. This book is not for readers under 18 years old. Also, it has descriptive scenes between two males so if that's not your cup of tea, you probably shouldn't read it.
The premise of the story was compelling and attractive enough for me to pick the book up. It doesn't hurt that I adore M/M romances when they are well done, I find them sweeter than regular M/F romances because it's not something I read or see every day.
Right from the beginning, I had an issue with the way this book was presented. I would have enjoyed it more if it has a good amount of actual dialogue. Mostly was told in a descriptive way and that just put me out of the characters heads and prevented me to get too close. I'm an emotional reader mostly and I couldn't connect as I would have loved to do because of this fact.
The writing was well done. I didn't find anything wrong with it and the actual story was well developed too.
For those of you that don't know, this book has a lot of sex scenes and that's ok for me, considering one of the main characters Matthew is new to his bisexuality and with Joel they are experimenting. This is the part that I actually liked a lot because of the way things were progressing, it made me feel like the author didn't rush this part at all giving time to the characters to do what they had to do, so they could learn what they liked and what they didn't.
Overall I have to say I liked the characters and the story. I would recommend this book to those that love MM romances but with the caveat that there is more narration in this book than dialogue, in my opinion.
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book provided by Netgalley. The opinions expressed are my own.

his one didn't work for me. I really hate that, because it's an ARC. I want every ARC I read to be a five star.
I actually stopped reading this one at 15%. Normally I wouldn't review a book I didn't read. But again, it's an ARC so I feel obligated. But more importantly, what doesn't work for me may be exactly what another reader is looking for. I'm sure I'm not the only one who gave a book a try based on a review that spelled out reasons the reader didn't like it.
So, for me, this one didn't work because there was too much sex. Go ahead. Run to one-click it. I'll wait. ;-)
As I was saying, sex, sex, sex and more sex. Remember I dnf'd at 15%. 😱
However, it does stand to reason since one of the MCs has recently discovered his bisexuality and is eager to explore. Fortunately for him his bff introduces him to her childhood friend who just so happens to be gay.
It goes something like this (sarcastic paraphrasing follows):
Meet Cute:
"Nice to meet you"
"You too."
"Wanna fool around?"
"No strings?"
"No strings."
"You clean?"
"Yeah. You?"
Sexual escapades follow.
Now I do understand that the romance will likely happen later in the story and I didn't give it much of a chance. But, my goodness, I felt like I was reading a how to manual for gay sex. Insert, rub, pull, come. Repeat.
Sorry, I'll stop. I know I'm going overboard with the sarcasm. The reason it wasn't working for me is likely the POV it was written in. I always seem to have a problem with this one. I believe it's called "third person", but I'm not entirely certain. Here are a couple of examples (and, sorry, I did try to keep the sex out of the quotes, but there wasn't much to quote otherwise):
Matthew slips his hands into Joel's jean pockets and grabs; Joel responds with a low groan and dirty thrust of tongue.
Matthew cries out, his thighs jolting at the unbelievably good feeling...
Whatever that kind of omniscient, looking from the outside in, writing is...it never works for me. Yet I know there are many people who prefer it. So, if you like it, go on, get this book. For me, it just takes me away from the characters and makes me feel removed from the story.
So sorry folks. But I'm a romance reader. You know, romance where the MCs make googly eyes at each other. Where they feel that undeniable chemical attraction. Where they find each other cute and funny and endearing, not to mention supportive. Where they have the best sex of their lives not because the technique is good but because their feelings are so strong for each other. Yeah, that kind of romance reader.
So this one didn't work for me from an early point in the story. But it may be just what you're looking for.

4.5 Stars
Matthew and Joel are introduced through their mutual friend, Sarah, who promptly informs Joel that Matthew has recently come out as bisexual, and suggest Matthew and Joel hook-up, so Joel can teach Matthew the ins and outs, quite literally, of gay sex. (pun definitely intended)
Matthew and Joel quickly take Sarah’s advice and begin to have sex, lots and lots and lots of sex. Over the course of the next few months, Matthew’s feelings for Joel deepen and evolve into much more than just friends with benefits, but he tries to push those feelings aside, scared he’ll push Joel away if he confesses his true feelings.
I’ll be honest, this is pretty much pure erotica, with just a little romance on the side, and I ate up every word of it. I loved watching Matthew explore his newfound sexuality, something that’s he’d barely scratched the surface of in the past, with just a few awkward encounters. I not only loved watching him explore the physical side of their relationship, and becoming more confident in himself and what he wanted, but I also enjoyed watching him work through his deepening feelings for Joel. Although, in the end, I kind of wanted to smack him upside his head and tell him to open his eyes!
I loved both Joel and Matthew and their chemistry was out of this world. Seriously, I thought my iPad would combust from the heat between these two. This was a well-written and extremely sexy story, filled with page after page of smoking hot sex and a sweet ending that left a smile on my face. Very recommendable!
*copy provided by author/publisher via NetGalley for my reading pleasure, a review was not a requirement*