Member Reviews

Another wonderful adventure book starring Winston Churchill. I love this series, and this book is better than the one before it!
Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to review this book. I really enjoyed it.

The second title in the authors’ series of thrillers featuring Winston Churchill. As equally engrossing as the award-winning series debut, the Parsifal Pursuit is set in spring 1930s as a life-and-death struggle is playing out between factions supporting Kaiser Wilhelm II and radicals backing Hitler in Germany. Highly recommended!
Thanks to the authors, First Edition Design Publishing and NetGalley for the review copy. Opinions are mine.
#TheParsifalPursuit,AWinstonChurchillThriller #NetGalley

"The Parcifal Pursuit" eBook was published in 2018 (original paper edition was published in 2011) and was written by Michael McMenamin and Patrick McMenamin (http://www.winstonchurchillthrillers.com). Mr. McMenamin Sr. has authored or co-authored 12 books. Mr. McMenamin Jr. has authored or co-authored 6 books. This is the second in their “Winston Churchill 1930s Thriller” series.
I categorize this novel as ‘R’ because it contains scenes of Violence, Mature Situations, and Mature Language. The story is set primarily in 1931 Europe. The primary characters are Mattie McGary, Churchill's goddaughter and a reporter for the Hearst newspapers, and Bourke Cockran a law professor, former US Army MID agent, and the son of one of Churchill's former mentors.
There is a plot in Germany to assassinate President Hindenburg and restore the Kaiser to power. Part of this plot also involves finding the ancient Christian artifact, the Spear of Destiny. Churchill and Hearst send McGary to find the Spear and return it to the British Museum. Separate forces acting for the Kaiser and Hitler are also after the Spear. Making things even more dangerous, members of a new Knights Templar are sworn to protect the Spear.
Simultaneous to this, Cockran is in German with his lovely new client. She is being pressured to sell the tabulator company she just inherited from her father, who was murdered. She and Cockran are confronted by Nazi thugs trying to force her to sell. Cockran must call on old friends from Ireland to help him.
As the plot develops Cockran and McGary are thrown into one desperate situation after another. Their romance is threatened by Cockran's lovely new client as well as a distinguished German that is accompanying McGary on the search for the Spear. Both McGary and Cockran must also contend with enemies that are not so obvious as the uniformed Nazis.
I thoroughly enjoyed the 11.5 hours I spent reading this 442 page period thriller. While not a novel set in World War II, it deals with events and figures that will soon play important parts in that conflict. I like the characters created for this series of novels. While this book could be read stand-alone, it would be best to start with the first book in the series "The DeVelera Deception". I like the cover art. I give this novel a 5 out of 5.
Further book reviews I have written can be accessed at https://johnpurvis.wordpress.com/blog/.
My book reviews are also published on Goodreads (https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/31181778-john-purvis).

It’s been two years since Mattie, Bourke, Churchill and Michael Collin’s Apostles managed to stop the arms trade to the IRA. Mattie and Bourke were not sure how long they could be together but now, here they are, two years later. Paddy, Bourke’s son likes Mattie and Mattie too likes the kid. Bourke plans to propose Mattie on their romantic trip to Vienna. Their Vienna trip is almost canceled when Hearst, Mattie’s boss asks her to visit Germany for a one-to-one interview with Hitler. Cockran decides to take up a case in Europe and he and paddy pack their bags and leave for Europe.
The story has a gory start – 9 soldiers are killed in cold blood while the tenth one is beheaded. While the first book in this series – The DeValera Deception had descriptions of rape, the second book has descriptions of beheading.
The Nazis are now powerful, with SS guards and thugs beating and killing innocent people, mainly those of Semitic origin (Jews).
Mattie remembers the first time she met Hitler, back in 1923. She remembers Hitler giving her a cold stare, the one that can send shivers down the spine. Hitler is considered to be “Unstable and dangerous” by The Geneva Institute For Scientific and Industrial Progress, also known as The Geneva Group.
Bobby Sullivan, one of the Apostles, who was trained by none other than Michael Collins plays a major role in this book. From being an assassin to warm-hearted, Bobby is a hero when he once again disappears in search of Mattie, just like he did the first time, two years ago.
Bourke and Mattie’s relationship turns sour when Harmony decides to create trouble between them. What I find interesting about the Churchill Series is the mention of airplanes. In the first book it was Ford motor planes while in this book, it is the autogiros. With Kurt and Mattie having a brief fling to Kurt realizing as to why he and Cockran are so much alike, it is nice to see a character grow. The friendship between Bobby and Bourke deepens too. Mattie’s confusion and doubts, her love for Cockran and her respect for her father and godfather are highlighted in this book.
Oodles of history, mystery, and action make this book a must-read for all those who love fiction.