Member Reviews

Really really enjoyed this one, fantastic crime story and need I mention the super hot sex scene, she made it quite realistic compared to a lot I read, loved the characters , I don’t read many British books so it’s really nice when I get one in my clutches especially as good as this one, my only gripe is that I didn’t feel any chemistry between them but still this deserves positive praise, I’d definitely recommend this book.....
4.5 stars

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‘Alias’ packs a punch from the get-go. A badly injured woman with no memory finds herself in a race to find out why she ended up next to a dead woman in a crashed car in Wales. Detective Bronwyn Pryce may be her only hope to find out. The story is full of suspense and mystery and never lets up. The first person narrative is perfect as we find out what is behind it all at the same time as the woman. Cari Hunter has the most impressive turn of phrase and her use of language adds to the reality of the story. It is funny and true and the characters are expertly imagined. There is also a tenderness and vulnerability that is pitched perfectly. It never wanders into sentimentality but feels real. This is yet another winner from Hunter and it deserves every publishing industry accolade.

I was given this ARC in return for an honest review.

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I can't imagine waking up after a serious car accident and nit remembering anything. I don't even want to imagine it. Some injuries heal and you remember again.
It went a tad slow for me. Nothing ever grabbed me and sucked me in. It was ok.

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“Alias” is a wonderful new crime thriller from Cari Hunter, but one that I find doesn’t easily slot into a specific genre. It does have crime, and medical drama, and intrigue it’s true, but it also has a slow but real romantic storyline that is integral to the story.
Ms. Hunter’s books remained on our “to read” list for far too long I’m ashamed to say, but they have all become real favourites and each novel has brought her closer to the top of the favourites list. I found the story of “Rebecca” and Pryce to be entirely satisfying and entertaining, and after reading Alias I will have no hesitation in seeking out any of her books in the future.
There are so many good things I could say. I will praise the skilled use of character observation and the vivid location descriptions. There is a great contrast between the beautiful and wild country around Snowdonia, and the deprived post-industrial heartland of Manchester and its surroundings. I will praise the carefully crafted plotline and the way recovered memories are suddenly but carefully introduced, resolving one snippet of the mystery but revealing another. And as much as anything else I will praise Cari Hunter’s mastery of the vernacular! Being a Brit abroad and having spent some considerable time in both Manchester and Snowdonia, I truly enjoyed the use of language and I could hear the voices of the whole cast of characters clearly in my head.
The only perhaps slight issue, and I really hate to even call it that, is that the vernacular may just be a shade too much for those who don’t have a native British English ear or familiarity. For any such reader, don’t let this put anyone off as the realism adds interest and really helps make this story.
On another note, the wife and I are relatively new to audiobooks but with the rich regional language I am certain sure this one will be worth one of our Audible credits.
I have no hesitation in highly recommending this book.

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Alias is a excellent story. This is my first Book of Hunters that I read and loved it. I’ll definitely be checking out more of her books. I loved Rebecca and how she processes everything in regards to finding out who she really is and how she comes to trust Pryce. I devoured this in a day and was shocked in at the ending. I think it goes to show you that you may never know who to trust and those that you find yourself trusting the most in might backfire.

I like how Pryce helped Alis find the answers that she was looking for about herself even when she was unsure about her story. How she struggles to do the “right” thing or be by the book.
I highly recommend checking out Alias.

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I have conflicting feelings towards Cari Hunter's books: sometimes her stories are a bit gruesome for my taste. The problem is she's a great writer, probably one of the best mystery authors, and her books are engaging, well written and exciting to read. So I always end up reading them. In the case of 'Alias' the gruesome scenes were almost absent so I'm really happy to have read it.

A woman wakes up in a car accident next to a dead body. She doesn't remember her name or how she got there. As she is recovering in hospital from her injuries, she discovers some facts about her identity which leaves her with more questions than answers. She realises that her life is in danger because she knows something that might implicate someone... but has no idea what or whom. The only person she trusts is Browen Pryce, the smart and beautiful detective who rescued her from the car wreck. Will they be able to solve the mystery before it's too late?

'Alias' is written in first person from the point of view of the amnesiac woman (I won't mention her name to avoid spoilers) which gives us perfect access to her headspace. Amnesia is quite a common occurrence in book plots sometimes to the verge of credibility. This is not the case as the events seem very realistic. Along with the characters, the readers slowly bring the pieces of the puzzle together. We suffer and get frustrated with the slow progress in reconstructing the events, the plot teasing us with incomplete memory flashbacks. Even though we know all that the character learns about herself, and without playing tricks on us, Ms. Hunter manages to deliver a twist at the end. This is mostly a mystery/thriller story, definitely not a romance but as usual in Ms. Hunter's books there is an intense emotional connection between the main characters. Even though the romance doesn't take too much space in the plot, it has a strong presence and the chemistry between the mains works very well.

This novel has a definite British feel and Ms. Hunter is unapologetic about her references to British popular culture, food and language. So much so that despite that I've been living in the UK for sixteen years, I was clueless about some of the regional words from the north of England and Wales. I'm glad that her latest books are less edited for the American market. It provides an authentic feel and aren't a burden to understand. For the most obscure words, there's always Google.

Overall, another excellent book by Ms. Hunter. A real treat for lesfic mystery fans. 5 stars.

ARC provided by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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An entertaining and engaging mystery. From the beginning, this read pulled me in with the car crash and a women that did not survive and another badly injured. Detective Bronwen Pryce is articulated as a no nonsense police officer that is intriguing and someone the reader wants to know more about and Hunter does a good job of providing the information bit-by-bit. "Rebecca" does not know who she is and it was interesting to read how Hunter eases the reader in on who she is. the supporting characters were also nicely presented.

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Rebecca wakes up to find herself in a smashed up car with a dead woman. She’s not sure how it happened, where she is or who she is. Detective Bronwen Pryce is first on the scene and once she’s been taken to hospital, Rebecca has a sense she can trust her even though she has an uneasiness about everything else.

This is a riveting mystery and suspense novel set in Wales and Manchester. Rebecca’s journey of recovery, with her fragmented and intermittent memory, is hampered by the overriding feeling that she’s in danger. Romance took a backseat for most of the novel and I was okay with that because the rest of the story was engaging and powerful enough without it. In fact, for me, there was a much greater sense of realism in portraying someone who has just been in a crash, resulting in broken bones and stitches, as more interested in recovering their memories and staying alive than falling in love.

Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

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Wow, I'm still slightly baffled by this book but in a really good way. Let me put it this way; I got a free review copy but I've gone and bought it as well, that's how good it is and how many times I anticipate rereading this novel. There was just something about it that got under my skin and I was caught between wanting to go over sections again to make sure I hadn't missed any tiny but potentially crucial details and staying up all night to finish it! Whatever your reading style, it's excellent and well worth your time and money; well crafted characters with depth, very atmospheric setting (as always with Cari Hunter) and a plot to keep your mind and heart racing.

So...when's the next book out Cari?

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Hunter is really reliably good at what she does. Before the pace picked up one final time there was a brief period where I wished she’d get to the point already, but overall it was a well paced mystery, no complaints from me.

And I know I’m repeating myself, but I’m so glad that BSB is finally letting their English authors just run with their Englishness. Such a joy compared to novels where place and language often show a rather generic US.

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This is the first title that I’ve read from this author and I am so hooked. Alias is one of those crime drama-mystery novels that you get sucked into almost immediately. It’s told through Alis’ first person POV, and if you’re not a fan of that type of storytelling I implore you to give this marvelous story its due chance. The intrigue and suspense begins from the first pages when Alis regains consciousness after a serious car accident. Her disorientation and memory loss coupled with horror and tremendous physical pain are all blended expertly to immerse you in the terror of her abrupt circumstances. I truly enjoyed getting to know this character with her snark sense of humor, strength and determination, as well as her vulnerability as she slowly falls for Pryce. I appreciate the author immersing us in the local Welsh and Manchester,UK mannerisms and colloquialisms. I found myself Googling slang terms and locations multiple times and came away smiling with a greater knowledge of that delightful part of the world. The mystery itself paced itself in a way that was unpredictable, and there were moments I was so worried I was practically yelling at the pages. The romance tied in just right, but definitely plays a secondary role to the suspense and mystery. I would have loved more pages devoted to their attraction and there seemed to be valuable chunks of their love affair edited out in favor of the mystery. Overall, this is one of the best books I’ve read in 2018 to date, and I look forward to more of what this author has in store.

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I have read and enjoyed many of this author's previous books and I can't believe she wrote this one. The first and last 10% of the story was very interesting and exciting. But I felt the 80% in between very slow, confusing and basically uninteresting. There is very little story and it drags and drags. The lead character's lack of memory, dreams etc I thought was annoying and sometimes confusing. And the format is VERY English. I felt like I was guessing at all the abbreviations of law enforcement...MMP, SOCO, SMIU, TPU??? Then there were the "braying gobshite", "high-spec clobber" and "crab goch". I didnt warm to any of the characters until the very end of the story. The relationship warmed it up a bit. And, I realize the English don't carry guns but I would assume they do get training to handle and shoot a gun if they are ever issued one. Yet the lead was hopeless in a perfectly defendable situation. That frustrated me. This book was nothing like her other books. And I would not recommend it.

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It is amazing how this author manages to describe the environments in which her books are developed in such a way that you almost find yourself there. Because the weather play as important a role as any of the characters in their stories. And also she discovers to us the plot gradually and without tricks or deceptions, which is welcomed when you face a mystery or thriller.

So this story begins with a car accident in which a woman dies and another is badly wounded and with amnesia. And from here, little by little, we discover parts of the past, at the same time that the protagonist is remembering them, until completing a history of police corruption and delinquency, well paced and that keeps you guessing and waiting for more.

There is a bit of romance in the middle, which does not bother at all and which complements well the moments of tension and action of the story. But it is mainly the police plot that keeps you in suspense.

It has been a very entertaining and recommendable book.

<i>An ARC was sent to me from Bold Strokes Books through NetGalley for an honest review </i>

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Cari Hunter gas a new book out, Alias. You don’t need to read further to know that this is a damn good book. It was written by Hunter, a damn good book is guaranteed each time she puts one out? I will expand because this is my review, DUH :), but one thing you can count on is that when you pick up a book by Hunter it is going to be awesome. She is an amazing author that weaves intricate tales and keeps you right on the edge of your seat.

Alias introduces us to a woman, Rebecca Elliott, who has been severely injured in an automobile accident. She has large gaps in her memory and has no clue who she is and how the accident happened. The passenger how was riding with her is deceased and the Welsh police are asking questions about what happened on that fateful night. The clues just aren’t adding up, something is definitely off. I won’t go into more details, I’ll just leave you with this Rebecca is not who she seems and there is a big ol’ can of worms about to get opened.

Detective Bronwen Pryce was the first one the scene. She has a gut instinct that this automobile accident is way more than what it seems. Nothing fits and something continues to niggle at her mind. Pryce refuses to let things go and write this off as an accident. She needs to know more about Rebecca Elliott and why she was headed out of town in such a hurry.

In Alias, I loved the mystery, crime, suspense of the book. I thought it was done fabulously. Perfect if you will. What nags me about this book is I thought the romance was misplaced, ill-timed and surprisingly unnecessary. If it wasn’t a romance it would have been better, it just didn’t help the book at all. It felt like an afterthought that was pasted into the book and didn’t really jive with the characters or the flow of the story. It would have been so much better if the characters had a moment in the end when everything was squared away and all the I's were dotted and the T's were crossed.

Overall a fabulous mystery that I highly recommend. 4 stars

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Absolute perfection. A very exciting crime novel that kept me reading on. I hurried so much that I might have missed some elements, but I'll be reading it again, or better yet, listen to the audiobook version.
Cari Hunter at her best (she keeps getting better if it's even possible).
The novel is in first person narrative that took some getting used to but it worked well.

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Alias was actually the first book I read by this author, and it was very good. I loved how the two main characters developed over time, especially from stoicism and mistrust to braving true emotions. I also enjoyed the characters’ tone and the author’s use of certain phrases associated with her character’s ethnicity. This added to the realism of the story along with the very descriptive settings of England and Wales.
The plot was very entertaining. As more characters came into play, the mystery deepened and the engagement level heightened. The main characters were very likable, but you also felt their extreme need and drive for answers, closure, and justice.
This was a great read and I look forward to reading other books by this author.

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I love this author and this is another action packed story which grips you from page one. A wee bit of romance added in and this amounts to a great book -I highly recommend.

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'NetGalley ARC provided by The Publisher in exchange for a honest review'

**'The most beautiful stories always start with wreckage..Go deeper into your story than you ever thought possible--and then go deeper still..'

Prodigious story!
Though certainly a tearjerker, ALIAS is deeply intense,poignant,unique,has that touch of the classic Cari Hunter writing style,and a perfect balance for any reader. With plotlines that could be taken from today's headlines,combining sensitive handling of impossible decisions with realistic descriptions of the fear & anger one feels when they are about to loose everything (life/freedom)--when put in any dangerous situation. Although this book is not so much a serious thriller,Ms.Hunter does a remarkable job of maintaining the suspense & mystery as the storylines converge and we/readers get to learn what did happened to the bold,feisty and strong-will Alis after the accident. Few authors can reveal such a dramatic switch early on and still maintain the mystery & intrigue. Her pacing is bolstered by her use of four narrators: Alis,Pryce,Jolanta,other supporting characters, each with their own voice and driving passion to move this storyline along. Hunter's ability to write such distinct backstories for these characters plus the incredible plot twists and intense fighting scenes was the highlight of the book for me,as it gave a real insight into most of what really took place while Alis was UC for all those months--allowing us/readers to keep track of this development while reading. Kudos to the author because she has clearly done her research and it shows in every chapter with all the careful word choice: UK Law enforcement etc.. Additionally some of her once complex characters must also face thorny situation to make their own happy ending. ( Cheers to Lex's review also!) Recommended!

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4.25 Stars. It’s a Hunter book need I say more? I’ve been impatiently waiting to read this since I heard about it months ago. I’m a Hunter fan and truly believe she is one of the best lesfic crime writers out there. I’m happy to say this was just pure entertainment.

A woman wakes up in a car that has been in a horrible accident. She doesn’t know who she is or the dead passenger next to her. Detective Bronwen Pryce is called to the scene of an accident to find a woman barely conscience. Pryce can’t prove anything but something about this accident and this woman is telling her much more is going on. Can a woman with amnesia and the detective find out all the answers before it is too late?

I’m always a fan of an amnesia storyline in crime/mystery/action books. It makes it so surprises can be at any turn. I also liked that this was first person POV with the amnesia character. We find out everything as she does so the clues from the mystery unfold really well. Also being in her head you really felt everything her character was going through.

I enjoyed the setting of England and Whales. I like that Hunter doesn’t dumb things down for us American readers. There were phrases and items I had to look-up but for me that made the book feel very authentic.

My one tiny complaint was the sort of romance was a little lacking. I would have liked to have felt there were more feelings between the two characters before they jumped into bed. Sleeping together just because is fine, but if I’m going to believe these two might become a couple, I need a tad more. It’s a small complaint in comparison to how enjoyable the rest of the book was.

This was an entertaining read with mystery and excitement. If you are a Hunter fan definitely grab this. If you are a crime-mystery fan don’t pass this one up. This is the kind of book that I’m sorry when it’s over. I wish I was back at the beginning instead of the end.

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