Member Reviews

I believe this book is of more value for a health professional than a normal mother ( which I am). Some information was useful but it was too much details for me. I skimmed read most of the book so I cannot write a well informed review.

Interesting book - I did find myself skimming through the earlier sections as my child is past that age. The checklists were useful, and I think as with all parenting books, there are bits I'll learn from and some bits I'll chose to ignore

This book was full of specific and helpful info. I even bought one of the products mentioned by the author. I do think I would prefer this book as a paperback rather than an ebook. The checklists would have been easier to read and use.

As a mother of 3 young children (the youngest 6 months old), I found this book extremely helpful and enlightening. I am excited to come back to it at each developmental stage to go through the developmental checklists and help make sure they have appropriately met each item. Bahr has laid the material out so intuitively and fluidly that it was extremely enjoyable and easy to read.
I learned a lot of new things from this book and really liked how she covered both breastfeeding and bottle fed babies. While I breastfeed during the first year, I know many mothers are not able to or choose not to. Fortunately, this resource is just as applicable to them. She covers appropriate feeding positions for both and details what can go wrong during feedings and why.
The book was unexpectedly, though pleasantly, more science oriented than I anticipated. While I thought it would detail more what to feed your baby, it actually specifically indicated HOW and what to do to avoid various problems, including but not limited to: sleep disordered breathing, reflux, sinus and ear problems and picky eating later.
Citing is used appropriately throughout and the book seems very well researched.
Definitely a great essential for any momma!

Why I wanted to read this book: This book claims to be for all types of baby feeding, from breastfeeding and bottle feeding, into the introduction of other liquids and solids. I am a fairly new mother, and breastfeeding didn't work for us, so I wanted to see what tips this book might provide to better feed my child (angle, timing, mixing, whatever), and to get ideas for what to look for in the next couple of months when it comes time to introduce non-formula liquids and solids.
Why I don't recommend this book if you are a bottle feeding mother: This author is EXTREMELY judgmental toward bottle feeding parents. While the summary says its for all types of feeding, and the introductory paragraph to the chapter on breast/bottle feeding states that the author does not want mothers to feel guilty for not breastfeeding, the entire chapter then goes into detail about how bottle feeding ruins a baby's development, and even if you are breastfeeding, if you are not "properly" breastfeeding, same ruining applies. I did not pick up this book to be judged, or to find out how things would be so much better if I were to breastfeed. But throughout the book the author doesn't let it go. If I weren't reading this for a review, I would have dropped the book immediately.
There is some detail that I appreciate, which is why this isn't getting a lonely one star review. I look forward to my baby's feeding development and appreciate the tips on proper high chair seating and introduction of various tools (like spoons), though again, the repetitive judgement about things like sippy cups was frustrating.
Would that the author could offer up research and facts without judgement, this could have been an entirely different review.
However, the book could use another round of editing. Many of the early lists and explanations of said lists were just copied and pasted with little additional explanation, and there is an odd section about tummy time right in the middle, which seems misplaced in a book about feeding. Additionally, the author frequently refers to another book she has written, which feels like this book is just meant to be a marketing hook for her other one.

#FeedYourBabyAndToddlerRight #NetGalley
description: The majority of our eating and drinking skills are developed in the first two years of life. Parents can help with this process by using appropriate feeding techniques from birth. Every three months from birth, your baby will have a growth spurt in the area of feeding. Parents often receive very little instruction on ways to feed their children, yet good eating and drinking skills encourage the best mouth development and set up patterns for life. This book reveals secrets for better breast and bottle feeding, and feeding development for babies from birth to the toddler years.
This is an all encompassing book, from development to food to teeth to where your child should be at which age this is a great book and tool for any parent!!
I received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review.

Feed Your Baby & Toddler Right: Early Eating and Drinking Skills Encourage the Best Development by Diane Bahr is an informative and useful guide.
The author has been a speech and language therapist for around 40 years and has collected a wealth of knowledge to help both professionals and parents with some common problems around eating and drinking. She believes most common problems could be avoided with more information and training in feeding and mouth and airway development.
With this book she has two aims to develop:
“Good mouth and airway structures that support overall health
Appropriate eating and drinking skills throughout life.”
The book contains developmental checklists with tick boxes and is broken down into sections according to the babies age. It also has handy pictures and diagrams to help illustrate certain key points.
Diane Bahr has set the book out in manageable sections based on certain key things and based on what she feels is the most useful research.
There are also sections featuring help for some common problems.
I think this would be a useful book for both professionals and parents of babies and toddlers.
My only issue with this book is that the author comes across as very judgemental when she talks about mothers who bottle feed over breastfeeding.
“Unfortunately, many families are encouraged to bottle-feed their babies, particularly if the baby does not immediately breastfeed at birth. Bottle-feeding is an unnatural, medical way of feeding a baby. It’s a very different process from breastfeeding.”

Excellent book on the specifics of how to feed your baby and toddler correctly. It provides lots of information on child development, bottle and breast feeding, and answers questions that every parent has about what to feed a child and when. Every parent would benefit from reading this valuable guide.