Member Reviews

Oh my gosh! This was so cute! The illustrations were great! Dyslexia isn’t something I have given much thought this far but this story was well done.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this book for free in exchange for my review! All opinions are my own.
As someone who lives with a disability that is sort of related to dyslexia, I really enjoyed this book. I am glad in this 21st centutry more books are being written about children with health conditions and learning disabilities and I think books like this should be required reading in elementary school classrooms. I really loved this book and 100% recommend it!!
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Knees: The Mixed-Up World of a Boy With Dyslexia" by Vanita Oelschlager is a touching and insightful exploration of dyslexia from the perspective of a young boy named Alex. Through Alex's experiences, Oelschlager skillfully conveys the challenges and triumphs faced by individuals with dyslexia, offering empathy, understanding, and encouragement to both children and adults alike.
The book follows Alex as he navigates through a world where words seem jumbled and letters dance on the page. Through expressive illustrations and heartfelt narrative, readers are invited into Alex's world, where he bravely confronts his struggles with reading and learning. Oelschlager sensitively portrays Alex's frustrations, fears, and moments of self-doubt, capturing the emotional complexity of living with dyslexia.
What sets "Knees" apart is its emphasis on empowerment and resilience. Rather than portraying dyslexia as a limitation, Oelschlager highlights Alex's unique strengths and talents, showing how he learns to embrace his differences and find his own path to success. The book sends a powerful message of acceptance and inclusivity, encouraging readers to celebrate diversity and appreciate the individuality of every child.
In addition to its emotional depth, "Knees" also serves as an educational resource, offering valuable insights into dyslexia and its impact on learning. The author provides clear explanations of dyslexia and its symptoms, demystifying the condition for young readers and promoting greater awareness and understanding.
Overall, "Knees: The Mixed-Up World of a Boy With Dyslexia" is a compassionate and uplifting story that celebrates the resilience of the human spirit. With its engaging narrative and beautifully illustrated pages, it is sure to resonate with children, parents, educators, and anyone touched by dyslexia. This book is not only a valuable resource for promoting empathy and understanding but also a source of inspiration for all who dare to dream and defy the odds.
Rating: 5/5

This book helped my children understand others with intellectual disabilities better! I highly recommend checking it out!

This is such a sweet book. I love how it includes so much information in a palatable way for kids-especially the famous people who had dyslexia. I also Liked the part where it talks about having friends and that he is good at other things. Overall, I think this book will be incredibly helpful for explaining dyslexia to other students and got encouraging students who have dyslexia.

Loved the illustrations! I will recommend to family and friends. I can’t wait to read more fr this author

"Knees: The Mixed-Up World of a Boy With Dyslexia" by Vanita Oelschlager is a heartwarming journey through the eyes of a young boy navigating the challenges of dyslexia. In this beautifully illustrated children's book, Oelschlager weaves a tale that is both enlightening and empathetic.
The protagonist, Knees, invites readers into his world, providing a glimpse of the struggles and triumphs he faces as he copes with dyslexia. The author skillfully combines a compelling narrative with vibrant illustrations that capture the essence of Knees' experience.
What sets this book apart is its ability to educate without feeling didactic. Oelschlager effortlessly incorporates empathy and understanding into the narrative, making it a valuable resource for both children and adults. The story not only fosters awareness about dyslexia but also encourages inclusivity and compassion.
"Knees" is a delightful and essential read that sparks important conversations about learning differences. With its engaging storytelling and thoughtful approach, this book leaves a lasting impression, promoting a world where every child feels seen and understood.

Dyslexia means that letters and/or numbers aren't seen in the same order as most people see them. This makes learning difficult. The boy once known as King Louis the Third has dyslexia and felt bad about himself. There are many famous people who have dyslexia, but he felt discouraged. His dad told him "We are all good at something. You just have to find it." After a number of tries, he accidentally found the very thing!
A wonderfully encouraging story delightfully illustrated by Joe Rossi!
Well suited for reading WITH someone of any age, great for gifting to anyone, but especially to a school or your public library!
I requested and received a temporary electronic copy on Adobe Digital Editions from Vanita Books via NetGalley. Thank you!

A cute and adorable book of a boy Louis who has dyslexia. It explains how dyslexia is in brief through illustrations which can be easily understood. This book will help those who have dyslexia and those around them to understand it better.
Overall a good graphic illustration book. Definitely recommend it.
Thank you Netgalley and Vanitabooks for ARC in exchange of an honest review.

This book has a great message of perseverance. The boy finds his one thing he is good at doing and this gives him motivation for things that are harder for him. With dyslexia being an issue for many kids these days this is a great book for them to relate to. Also the illustrations are crisp and fresh and very well done.

This book was so adorable, I loved everything about it, the illustrations were so well done, they suited the book perfectly, the story was amazing as well, even thought is very short I could really connect with the characters and feel theirs struggles.
I’m sure the kids are going to be just as enthralled with this amazing book as I was.
I will definitely recommend!
Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this early copy

Adorable book! Love the illustrations! Would highly recommend. Hope there will be another by this author. Just adorable.

Written and presented in a format that can be read even by dyslexic people (and other reviews confirm the same), this book is an age appropriate introduction to dyslexia. It shows the various struggles that a dyslexic person goes through as well as gives examples of famous dyslexic people. With its simple text and drawings, it imparts information and the knowledge that we can each shine in our own way!
Thanks to NetGalley for the digital review copy of the book

I really enjoyed this book., it is educational, fun and appeals to not adults and kids alike. I read this with my son shortly after he was diagnosed with dyslexia and we both found it helpful.

"We're all good at something. You just have to find it'
I loved Knees, and it's not just because I'm a 33 year old who is a sucker for a book that rhymes. I thought the illustrations were simple yet fit the story and vibe of the story. I always love that there are so many messages and take-aways from reading a childrens book that you aren't expecting- picking up a book titled 'Knees' I would not think that I'd dive into a story about a little boy who has Dyslexia and still shows humor & perseverance with the help of friends, family and his teachers. While I was expecting the outcome to be directly related to the dyslexia, I liked the overall message about finding what you're good at, trying and practicing against all odds.

KNE3S is a book about a boy, Louis the Third, who is in the 4th grade. It is not about his knees but about his dyslexia which he describes as a “mix up between eyes and brain” such that his words come out backwards, like this-SDRAWKCAB. Except that not only are the letters in reverse order, but the letters are also backward. When you see a b, he sees a d.
Obviously, this makes functioning in life difficult, especially reading and writing, even talking. Fortunately, he has parents, a teacher, and friends who understand and support.
In this book we don’t learn much about the condition of dyslexia, but the author shows us what it is like to live with dyslexia. He learns the key to living with dyslexia is finding an activity he is good at. And after trying several activities, he finds a surprising one he excels at.
You might be surprised how many hyper achievers have dyslexia- Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney just to name a few that are mentioned in the book.
The illustrations are simple pencil sketches that portray Louis almost as a comic strip character; the strong clean lines keep Louis from getting lost in detailed color pictures, keeping us focused on him and his daily struggles with dyslexia. Louis is the star of this book.
I reviewed a digital PDF copy of the book provided by the publisher and NetGalley but the author explained the hard copy was printed on cream colored paper to be easier for people with dyslexia to read.
This book is fun, entertaining, educational, and inviting to kids and adults.

I thought that this book was excellent.
The story is simple and easy to follow and that is what makes it so good.
The book covers the topic of dyslexia and it can be read by those diagnosed with it, or those that have friends with it who want to know more about it if it affects their friend.
I loved the message from the dad in the book and how positive it is.
It is 5 stars from me for this one - very highly recommended!

A story of a little boy, Louis, with dyslexia. First of all I found the illustrations super cute. The book has a powerful meaning. I recommend it to every parent and every child that cope with dyslexia because it explains in a fun and entertaining way what dyslexia is and how it affects people lives. "We are all good of something. We just need to find it",

I can see much value in this book. It's great for understanding and accepting dyslexia, for both kids and adults alike. It also has great illustrations that are just crying out to be coloured in!
My thanks to Netgalley, publisher and author for the opportunity to review a digital copy.

I really appreciated this book explaining dyslexia and showing a young boy who has it. I also enjoyed his basketball journey, and showing that limitations don't have to limit you from your goals. Lovely illustrations!