Member Reviews

Wow! How did I miss the first 3 seasons of Bookburners?
I won't say too much because I don't want to give anything away... but this story drops you right in and ramps up from there. Two disturbances result in teams being dispatched to opposite ends of the earth - one off the shore of New Zealand and one in Spain.
Since I didn't read the first seasons, I had to figure some situations and people out on my own, but that was okay. The story was so engrossing that I really didn't care!
Can't wait for the next installment!
Thank you NetGalley and publisher, Serial Box, for the opportunity to read this ARC.

Salt demons from the salt mines of Poland
Spoiler-ific review
I got this book for free in return for a review. It comes out June 13th.
This is the first 'Bookburner' episode I've written. To explain, this story is told in a self-contained serialized format, with each novel containing 10+ individual episodes written by different authors. This episode was a novelette in size (about 10,000 words if I were to guess).
Set in a semi-post apocalyptic Europe where magic has returned, and it's up to the Bookburners to burn the spellbooks causing it before people get killed. London is a magic-infested wasteland, and the salt-mines of Poland are filled with people who have been turned to salt a la Sodom and Gomorah.
The characters are all well developed and internally consistent. I liked how they related and interacted with one another. The author clearly has writing skill, and the worldbuilding was very interesting.
I was a bit confused reading this. Like the first episode of a TV show season, this story has a plot of it's own while also setting up the rest of the season. However, this is season 4. I feel like I should have started with season 1, because I had no clue about a lot of what is going on.
Stay Sunny!

Bookburners is back! I may or may not have been checking daily for this for a couple of weeks...
And it's a great first episode. I do wish we'd been given a couple of stories from the team's time on the run, rather than a recap - but the ending we built towards was exceptional. And no spoilers, but...FINALLY!