Member Reviews

That was certainly original. Lots of new terms for vagina. But not humorous to me at all. I heard all about Pres. Trump's grabiness, and don't condone it, but this book isn't justified. Maybe Trump bashers will enjoy it, while I'm not a fan of Trump, I'm not a fan of this book either. Fell flat for me. Sorry.

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I got an ARC of this book.

I want to preface this by I have a giant sign in my office that says "grab this" and has a black cat between grab and this. It was a gift from a coworker who retired. She was amused that I would want to hang it in my office. I agreed with her politics and I am the owner of a vagina, though my full beard may not make the Trump's type, I stand behind the chants and the marches.

The book is a short little picture book. It is one of those books that looks like a kids book, but is very clearly for adults. It takes just looking at the title to know. It didn't rock my socks with humor and wit, but I did snort a time or two. My favorite little rhyme mentioned how people let him win at golf. I couldn't help but snort at that. It was this little blow to his ego, but it was also a huge point. Trump cares more about his image than he does other people. Other people know it and are sure to bend to his will so not to face his wrath over some petty slight. This author did not bend. 

I will be one of the many men with vaginas who fight for women to not live in fear of being sexually abused and harassed by anyone. I will behind every woman, with and without vaginas (since that distinction still seems to matter for some strange reason), who want to have equal rights. This author used human and cute paintings to make the point that there are so many ways to say one statement: Keep your filthy hands off my body without consent. Even if you are not super politically minded, you may just learn a new word for vagina so that is a bonus.

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This book made me laugh out loud and I was so disappointed at its short length. I have read it several times to fully enjoy the word play and the art work and the book continues to delight.

The authors have created clever and witty poems mocking the president about topics such as: taxes, golf, electoral college map, KFC, popular vote, Fallon hair fluffing to name a few while emphasising not to be grabbed by the pussy in various funny synonyms. The book is to 'inform' the president about his confusion regarding grabbing women - a funny way to deal with an unbelievable situation. The art work accompanying each poem is beautiful (Laura Collins artist). This book is perfect for every 'Pussy hat wearing' feminist, young or old, male or female.

Thanks to Animal Media Group for an early viewing in exchange for an honest review.

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@NetGalley #partner

Thanks to #NetGalley for the review copy of Please Don't Grab My P#$$y. All opinions are my own.

Let's face it, you pick up this book because you know what it's about. So if you support Trump, read at your own risk.

The author of this book of poems is calling out our president for his crude remarks about women's bodies (You know the one). She presents him with a list of other things he can grab (a flight, a remote, etc.) instead of our lady bits. Each rhyme also includes a new name for vagina.

This book did have me entertained. Most of the rhymes were catchy and made me giggle. A couple did seem forced and there were a few terms that I had never heard of (And will never use again). However, I definitely think the author got the point across. Too bad it won't help....

#ARC #reviewer

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It’s hard to review this book.

I’m thinking the the rhymes could have been better. Or funnier.

Or am I just missing the point?

I mean, I <i>loved</i> the concept of this book. And I completely agree with everything the author said. And I liked learning new terminology!

I just didn’t love the book like I thought I would.


<i>Thanks to NetGalley and Animal Media Group for a copy in return for an honest review.</i>

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A quick and fun read filled with great art, Please Don't Grab My P#$$y is a great response to the man in office.

Each verse features accompanying art, as an added bonus to getting the point across to a man who doesn't seem to understand boundaries.

It's a fun book for those who share similar political positions but may not please their friends on the other side. It's also unlikely to be a repeat read for most of us.

If you're looking to get the point across to someone who just can't help but defend offensive behavior, a copy of Please Don't Grab My P#$$y may be just the thing they need.

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I loved the illustrations and the idea of the book. However, it was too long and the rhyming scheme didn’t quite work for me.

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This book manages to mock Donald Trump, stand up for women, and provide some beautiful illustrations! It's a quick and entertaining read that would make a perfect gift!

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We live in a country wherein our leader makes decisions and statements on the regular that demean women and emboldens others to follow suit. This book is simply a response by the author via the avenues of comedy and illustration.

An incredibly short read, Young's poem is a collection of things that President Trump can grab as an alternative to a woman's private parts presented in a manner akin to a children's book. Yes, it's clever and yes, it's funny. There's a line in here about Mike Pence that almost killed me.

Let's be real here: The reader shouldn't be the least bit surprised by the content. The cover and the title do a first-rate job of previewing every facet of the book.

The author could have gone a number of less inspired routes in expressing her feelings about the issue, but we're given a cheeky rebuttal to a very unfortunate and nasty incident. Young's voice is clear; she's authored a piece of work that decrees in comedic fashion what a normal person should know, understand, and respect. Sure, the style of humor (it's definitively NSFW) might not resonate with a reader, but I think Young's work digs a little deeper and should be viewed as more than funny words that rhyme with accompanying drawings. It's a solid recommend from me.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Animal Media Group for the advance read.

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Sadly I didn't enjoy this one at all, and could only force myself to get through half the book.
It's a collection of crude little poems asking that "he" not grab us by the P.
Look, I'm a pink pussy-hatted tree-hugging liberal lesbian, but this book did nothing to add to my life.
The poems aren't anything special, the illustrations weren't amusing.
We are all at different points in our journeys of living through this time, so the book may speak to others in a different way. For the purpose of reviewing from my own feelings though, I can't give it a recommendation.
Meanwhile here's my own poem:

A message to Trump
I can shout with great ease:
“Don’t You Dare Grab my P#$$y!”
Notice I didn’t say “Please”.

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Would be funny if it wasn’t so damn depressing.

This is a list of things you can grab
And yes, I’m gonna sound pushy
For once in your life, listen up

In this picture book-for-adults, NYC-based comedians Julia Young and Matt Harkins combine irreverent poetry with powerful illustrations by Laura Collins to call out Drumpf for his long and shameless history of sexual assault, rape, and general harassment of women.

Their cheeky and sometimes weird sense of humor disarms the reader, all while imparting an important message about consent: namely, DON’T EVER FUCKING GRAB MY PUSSY!. Instead, they provide a handy list of things Drumpf can grab instead: his golf putter, the remote control, his favorite shade of crayon – Caucasian, natch. Tragically, none of these suggestions involve a live wire or the testicles of a very angry and untethered grizzly bear.

To be perfectly honest, some of the euphemisms the authors employ for vagina threw me off; certainly these sound made up, I thought. But I googled a few and, sure enough, they are all slang variations of pussy. (*shaking head*) Although I must admit a certain affection for “dildo hotel.”

PLEASE DON’T GRAB MY P#$$Y: A RHYMING PRESIDENTIAL GUIDE is good for a chuckle or two, tempered by the odd dry heave and stifled sob; it would be so much funnier if our current reality wasn’t so damn depressing. (The painting of Hillary being sworn in cut like a katana to the heart.) Still, it’s a necessary and dynamic piece of activism.

(Full disclosure: I received a free e-ARC for review through NetGalley.)

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Let's be really don't pick up this book without knowing what you're going into, and anyone who says they did is full of $hit.

That being said, you'll either love the book or hate it. I am hoping that the number of people who take the time to review it fall into the first category. The illustrations are great...a few of the poems are a tiny stretch but the meaning is never lost. And even I learned new terms for vagina.

Definitely adding a few of these as stocking stuffers next Christmas.

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Let me start this off by stating I am not a Trump fan. Not at all. I most definately dislike the man.
This book however, felt a bit like jump-on-the-bandwagon-and-bash-Trump.
If it had been written funnier, or wittier, the authors might have gotten a thumbs up from me, but it felt a bit 'mweh' overall.

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This type of humor is usually up my alley, but I felt like there was something lacking here.

Each page is a different quip about p$$y grabbing with a fun euphemism and illustration. They were funny, but I don't think that they were enough to warrant a whole book on. Perhaps if they preceded a short essay on the topic(s) or the book had a larger compilation I could see enjoying it more. As it stands, I think this book would have been better as a web comic.

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The problem with humor is that everyone perceives it differently. Something that I find hilarious, others just scratch their heads at. And likewise, while others are laughing their heads off, I am just thinking, oh, that is supposed to be funny, eh?

So, I think it is like this with this book. The concept is that each page says, in a slightly different way, how the President Trump should keep his hands off their pussies.

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-520" src="" alt="" />

So each page has rhymes like these:
<blockquote>YOu can grab the remote and put on Hannity.
That guy is one loud talker
Tell him to unfollow me on Instagram
But please don't grab my meat locker.</blockquote>

<blockquote>You can grab your brand new putter
Wow- you got five under par?
You know everyone lets you win, right?
But please don't grab my web bar. </blockquote>

Each page is like that, followed by an illustration. It was slightly amusing to see so many euphemisms for private parts. If that sort of thing makes you laugh, then go for this book. That sort of humor did not work for me, however.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.

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