Member Reviews

Chastity Riley is an interesting new character to the pantheon of tough female prosecutors. Set largely in Hamburg, it's also very atmospheric German noir with a topical plot line. Note that this has an unusual structure which you will quickly adapt to as it moves the story quite well. The German criminal justice system is also (surprise) different from the US and UK so you might find yourself double-checking things. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. This is a fairly short novel so there's room for more character development in the next books- which I hope will also be translated into English and published in the US.

Thank you so much for allowing me to review this book. This was definitely a really good book. It reminded me of a lot of cop shows which is a guilty pleasure of mine. This book was one of the ones that got me out of a reading slump. Wonderful. Thank you

Thank you NetGalley, Orenda Books, and Trafalgar Square Publishing for this ARC.
This is a real gem of a book. Set in Germany, it's character-driven throughout the entire story. With each chapter, you find out just a little bit more about each person and how they eventually connect.
It's one of those suspense novels that keep you turning the pages. I found myself limiting myself to just a few chapters a night as I wanted to make it last as long as possible.
The main character is Detective Chasity Riley. Apparently in prior books (unfortunately not translated to English yet but if you read German you're in for a treat) she got into a bit of trouble and is now working in victim witness protection as a result. A rather dull job really. Lots of handholding and not much else. But somehow her victim turns out to be someone who doesn't need much handholding rather is more likely to cost her one of her hand holding hands.
As with all the characters, he is fleshed out with paragraphs of prior years. It is hard to say who is the bad guy and who is the good guy as they seem to take turns. There is a very satisfying ending that wraps the story quite nicely.
Oh I do hope there is more Chastity Riley and friends in my future. Even if I have to learn German to make it happen.