Member Reviews

I went in with an open mind and found myself really surprised by what I found. The first thing that stands out is the writing style, which is solid, engaging and draws you right in. That and the fact that you find out the identity of the suspect right in the beginning. Talk about unusual! But somehow it The Confession it really works. Because while you know the who, you are completely left in the dark about the why until the very end. Plot twists and false leads will take you on a journey through the lives of both suspect, victim and those trying to solve the case. Very cleverly done! I had my guesses about how it all fitted in, but I definitely didn't see the final reveal coming. The characters themselves are not exactly likeable, but well developed and feel real. My only problem would be with the cops Moody and Gallagher, who I both found to be arrogant and frustratingly annoying (especially Gallagher). And despite other minor annoyances, this was still a very solid psychological thriller. Well crafted, clever and creative... Three little words will make you want to keep on reading until the very end: WHY? Not your typical psychological thriller, but oh so good.

Thank you to the publishers for letting me read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
The Confession is one of those novels that will suck you in from the beginning, as it delves into three specific characters lives' and how they intermingle with one another.
I am not a big fan of giving feedback and ruining the story for future readers, this book will definitely stick with you after reading it!

I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. It is being published on September 11, 2018.
I had been looking forward to getting my hands on this book for months and it did not disappoint. The book opens with married couple Julie and Harry having a quiet night in watching television. Suddenly an intruder appears in their living room with a golf club in his hands. He proceeds to start bludgeoning Harry until he is a bloody pulp while Julie looks on in shock. The intruder then drops the golf club, leaves the house and promptly turns himself into police. He confesses his crime but states that he “just snapped” and did not know the man he assaulted. It is hard to imagine someone committing such a violent crime and not know the victim. So, do the perpetrator, Harry and Julie know each other and if so, what is their connection and why did he assault Harry? I read this book while on a cruise and I found it extremely difficult to put it down in order to go out on tours and exploring. Loved this thriller!

The Confession By Jo Spain
Crooked Lane (11 Sep 2018)
Settings / Time Periods: Present day Ireland, Dublin area, mostly.
Point of View: 1st person, with 3 different narrators
Narrators: Julie, an infamous banker’s wife who’s made some bad choices; Alice, a Guardia Detective Sergeant with a lot of questions; JP, a man who’s had a hard life and who may have had a mental break that resulted in someone’s death.
Plot: A man with no discernable connection to or knowledge of a wealthy couple walks into their house one evening and bludgeons the husband near to death with his own golf club. Why? Through flashbacks and investigation, we learn about exactly who everyone involved is, and where their connections – and loyalties – really are.
Comments: I found this book hard to read, in part because of the often-switching perspectives. It took a lot longer to read than similarly-sized books usually do. Several of the characters are quite interesting, although there are places where the connections and motivations seem strained. The ending was… less than satisfying.
Is there violence in this book? Yes. It starts with a gristly bludgeoning murder described with some detail. There is additional violence in several places, including more murder, and there are multiple aspects of sexual assault.
Is there romance in this book? By some definitions, maybe, sort-of. But not in any sense of what is usually meant by romance in books. All pairings are hetero.
How does it rate on the tests?
Bechdel? Sort of.
Mako Mori? Not really.
Ellen Willis? No.
Tauriel? Yes.
Racial Bechdel? No.
Deggans? No.
Vito Russo? No.
Did you enjoy reading it? Not really. I wanted to find out the ending, but it involved a bit more work than pleasure to get through.

Rich banker Harry McNamara is relaxing at home with his wife Julie when a man calmly walks in and clubs him to death while Julie looks on in shock. So begins this mystery told from various viewpoints involved in unravelling the mystery of not who did it but why.
The different viewpoints works well in this page turner and the writing is accessible without being banal. The plot is interesting and compelling. A good holiday read.

First and foremost, a large thank you to NetGalley, Jo Spain, and Crooked Lane Books for providing me with a copy of this publication, which allows me to provide you with an unbiased review.
This is my first venture into the writing of Jo Spain and it will surely not be my last! Spain offers a well-developed novel that mixes the thrill of a mystery with the intrigue of a multi-voiced narrative that seeks to explore an act of extreme violence. While Harry and Julie McNamara are watching television one evening, someone discretely makes their way inside and repeatedly strikes Harry across the head with a golf club. A panicked call to the authorities after the attacker has fled finds Mr. McNamara taken to the hospital, clinging to life. Detective Sergeant Alice Moody takes the lead on the case, trying to ascertain who might have wanted to attack McNamara, a rich Irish banker. With Harry clinging to life in a coma, the reader discovers one John Paul “JP” Carney has been arrested in conjunction with the attack, though he seems not to remember the event, or have any reason to have approached the McNamara manse. The story offers a present-time narrative through the eyes of DS Moody, who is trying to build a case and discover a motive that Carney may have had. Julie McNamara and JP Carney offer up their own perspectives, both as backstories and with flashes of present-day, as it relates to the larger McNamara crime. Was the attack on Harry McNamara completely random? How might JP have ever run in the same circles as a powerful banker? Why has Julie been so hands-off since a suspect was detained? All this and more fills the reader’s mind as they push through this novel. Spain leaves the reader wondering until the very end as they, like DS Moody, slowly peel back the proverbial onion to see the core of the crime. Perfect for those who like mysteries that slowly develop and then come together with a BANG!
This being my first venture into the world of Jo Spain, I was not sure what to expect. It would seem that she has quite the following, with an established novel series already, but I cannot help but feel that this standalone novel could convince many to take a gamble on more of her work. Spain does a masterful job of using her characters to propel the story forward, in that interesting ‘multiple perspective’ narrative. This allows the reader to develop a closeness with Julia McNamara, JP Carney, and DS Alice Moody independently and as a larger whole. There is much backstory, as mentioned above, for the latter two characters, while Moody seeks to keep her chapters in the present and focussed on the case. The reader can feel more of a closeness to Julia and JP, thereby helping them to have a better idea as to the foundation of the attack that saw Harry McNamara injured so grievously. Taking the time to develop these characters in short order fuels the momentum of the story and enriches the narrative for the curious reader. The story proves to be quick paced and is a mystery that has little downtime as the authorities race against the clock to gather needed evidence. How could an attack on a wealthy gentleman who has no ties to the attacker have played out? What role, if any, did the wife have to the man who came in wielding a golf club? Who was Harry McNamara, away from the headlines he generated because of his profession? All this and more enters the fray in a narrative that flows through short chapters jammed with information. The dedicated reader will surely polish this off quickly, but be left with a wonderful residue as it all comes together, demanding more of Spain’s work in short order.
Kudos, Madam Spain, for a wonderful piece. While it was my first of your novels, it will surely not be the last!

Absolutely love Jo Spain's books and this one didn't disappoint! Superb read from start to finish... definate 5 star book!

I received an advance copy of The Confession by Jo Spain in exchange for an honest review.
Late one night, Julie and her husband Harry are watching TV. They are a very wealthy couple and Harry owns the biggest, richest bank in Ireland. Suddenly a man enters their house and without a word beats Harry to death while Julie sits there and watches. He then whispers something in Harry’s ear and leaves the house. Meanwhile, at the local police station a bloody man enters and confesses to killing someone. He claims he doesn’t know who the man was or why he killed him. This is an intricate tale of greed, lust, jealousy, and revenge. Why was Harry murdered? Did Julie know anything about it? Who was the man who killed him and why? Through a series of flashbacks and back stories we learn the truth. I thoroughly enjoyed this book in the slow reveal of the motive. I will look forward to more books by Jo Spain.

This is a riveting tale of murder and mystery. Kept me guessing til the very end. Every little thread is pulled and pulled until the truth is completely unraveled.

Wow what an amazing book - It starts out with a bang and kept me turning pages. Can't wait to read more from this author! Excellent read

A terrifying scene starts out the book, which quickly turns into a thriller that keeps you wanting to know what happens next. Several different types of characters keeps you held on throughout the story. I felt unsatisfied at the books end, but overall liked it.

I received an advance copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
Wow! I love books like this that have you looking back at the end and saying, "oh, I get the title now!" This was a psychological thriller. The characters were well developed; the foundation was strong, and the storyline progressed in a realistic manner. I really liked the way the different points of view were expressed. I enjoyed the characters and even liked the way the author showed the interaction between the different 'classes.' I finished the book rather quickly because I found myself wanting to pick it up every chance I got (thank goodness for Kindle so I could always have it on me!). If you like psychological suspense, you don't want to pass this book up!

Talk about addictive! The Confession kept me turning pages until the big, final, unexpected shocker of a conclusion. Julie’s rich but disgraced banker husband is brutally beaten to death in front of her while she looks on. Is she paralyzed by fear? Or is there something else going on? Her husband Harry may not be the so perfect after all. The story is told from the alternating points of view of Julie, JP, the killer (not a spoiler, he gives himself up from the beginning) and DS Alice Moody, in charge of the investigation. Julie is not a bad person, but she may have become one after all these years with her not so ethical husband. JP is damaged and has no one in the world but his sister Charlie. DS Moody is simply one of the most original and likable characters I’ve read in a while. Overweight, sarcastic but compassionate and very determined. The way the plot is structured makes it a quick read and the twists are completely unexpected.
I chose to read this book and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased. Thank you, NetGalley/Crooked Lane Books!

Spain constructs a top-notch thriller with this exciting read! Great characters and plot will leave you guessing until the final page!

Characters were well developed. The plot was intriguing. Loved the descriptiveness of the book. I would like to read more from this author

Julie is witness to a terrifying attack on her husband Harry and yet does nothing. A strong opening to this novel by Jo Spain. I had seen The Confession advertised and was intrigued.
I read this book quickly and was surprised to find myself 75% through it in such a short time especially as I didn’t like any of the characters.
I was frustrated with Julie and on occasion really struggled to understand her motivations. JP also gave me cause to grind my teeth.
All in all a good read and an interesting inclusion of the Irish economic situation over recent years.

This book starts out by giving you the information that you usually wait until the end of the book for. The husband Harry who was attacked and beaten , the wife Julie who witnessed it and the attacker who turned himself in, J.P. At first you think the attack on Harry was premeditated but it turns the attacker J.P. did it at random. The book has some twists that I enjoyed. The writing was a little bland for me but I liked the character descriptions. I did receive a copy from netgalley in exchange for my review. I would read more by this author.

The Confession starts out from the very first page with the crime. The rest of the pages tell a dark and twisted story leading up to the crime. The book is very well written and I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough! I received an advance review copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed The Confession. It's a quirky satisfying mystery with good characters and a satisfying conclusion.
A complete stranger walks into the home of Harry and Julie McNamara and bludgeons him to death. JP Carney turns himself into the police immediately, claiming to have acted impulsively with no motivation for the attack. The police are certain there must be a reason. After all, a lot of people hated McNamara--a corrupt banker who maintained his wealthy lifestyle after the collapse of his company. Many investors lost everything, so a lot of people wanted revenge--but not Carney, who claims that Harry was a random victim. After an investigation, Carney is confined to a mental institution where he is expected to be released quickly--much faster than if he'd been convicted of murder and sentenced to prison.
Was it really a random crime or was there a reason Harry McNamara was killed?
This was my first Jo Spain book and I enjoyed it enough to read some of her other books. It would appeal to the readers of other psychological police procedural novels. Fans of J.D. Barker's The Fourth Monkey might like it, although the tone is quite different.

I found this book to be quite a slow starter, and it took me quite a while to invest into the story line. However, I am so glad I persisted - I absolutely loved this book! Fantastic twists and turns, and became really emotionally invested in both JP & Julie’s stories. I personally found it harder to be interested in Alice’s chapters and found myself quickly scanning through so as to not miss anything to rush back to Julie/ JPs development. I don’t particularly feel the story gains anything from Alice and the cops view.
Definitely will recommend!