Member Reviews

I really loved that one. It's pleasant and warm with optimistic feel. Exactly what I have expected from it.
Definitely recommended for young adults but older readers will find it funny as well.

This was a delightfully non-erotic New Adult genre read, with four different PoV characters who all sounded incredibly different.
Caleb is this amazing kid with ADHD, which is diagnosed and somewhat well managed. There were parts of his points of view where I was cringing, I won't lie, but I also loved the unabashed energy that he brought to the book. He was also an excellent choice to start the novel with as well, because his excitement in the first year at college made the reader excited for the college experience and the novel itself.
Jun is basically Caleb's polar opposite. He is overly intellectual, not just smart, and has an obsession with astronomy to the point where he considers almost everything going on around him through the lens of various celestial bodies and facts he's picked up. Also, he is under socialised and awkward as hell and I just kind of love that kind of character.
Andrew is Caleb's assigned roommate. He is somewhat between Caleb's extroverted energy and Jun's monosyllabic nature. He is shy and overly mindful of his recent high school bullying over having been gay, but he's also open to new experiences and much more willing to be swept up into Caleb's unrelenting orbit. I was kinda hoping this would be a polyamorous romance between these three, but I was also happy with how it did actually pan out.
The fourth point of view is from Piper, Jun's housemate. Like Jun, she is a bit older than the two freshman characters. She's in a committed relationship with Lizzy and the interactions she has with her parents throughout the novel are some of my very favourite parts--not because they're easy to read, mind you, but because the arc is incredibly satisfying.
If you can't tell, this is an incredibly character driven story with multiple romantic arcs running through one entire year of a college experience.

While I fell in overwhelming love with the characters of this book, and the hints of worldbuilding that exist behind the scenes, I felt like the pacing could use a good deal of work and ultimately the ending left me wanting more.

Whoa. Can we talk about Caleb? Dizzyingly necessary force in this story for he is holding the plot together more than the planetary metaphor. He's a fun character who casts a long shadow despite being described as tiny. If you like treating metaphors like Silly Putty, this story will work.

Well this is a somewhat strange position I find myself in. In 2016 I read and loved a book by this author. In 2018 I reread that book and loved it again. I’ve now read two more works – both of which I read today. Didn’t love the short story, but it was a good enough way to pass the time. This brings us to this novel here – which I somewhat unexpectedly find that I also loved.
Unexpectedly? Well . . . there’s like 80 (no, there’s just 4) point of view main characters in this book. All of them young adult college students. It is somewhat harder for me to love a multiple cast point of view book. Not impossible, just harder. Plus – I had been eyeballing this book for a while now, and kept not getting it because of the sample – Caleb, the star of the beginning chapter, seems a pain to be around – a super hyper super-selfish extrovert type who has great trouble sitting still for longer than three minutes, and brings unrelated books to tutor sessions in case he gets bored. He seemed . . . annoying when I first glimpsed him in the sample. Then he made me laugh a few times in that sample, so I got the book.
So that’s Caleb – super hyper short slim dude who is an extreme extrovert, wants to be friends with everyone, and is quite pushy in getting people to do his thing – oh and he can be quite . . . dramatic. He is also 18 and a college freshman and the roommate of another main point of view character, Andrew.
Andrew, also a freshman, is also probably 18, though the one and only time his age was given, it was 15 – but that was also an unexpected flashback.
That happens a lot in this book, by the way, flashbacks. Also – merged . . . um sessions. There were times when a character, in the present, would be doing something and have thoughts of the past – detailed thoughts. There were also times when a flashback would occur – and then there would be italicized text – thoughts from the present. That was . . . different.
But I was on Andrew and got distracted.
Andrew, when he first appeared, was dressed all depressing like and .. . well, I forget the exact words Caleb used. Emo? Goth punk? Something in that range. Andrew’s life is art, and that’s why he’s at college – to get an art degree and do art. He is also, unlike Caleb, gay. And a little bit (or more) lusting after Caleb, who reminds him, personality wise, of his great lust-person of high school years (Daniel, the name was Daniel, right?). Andrew kind of became the fifth well in this book, even though there were only four points of view. But, eh, whatever.
As I mentioned, Caleb is quite pushy and gets his way a lot. I mention this because, the first day Caleb and Andrew move in on campus – Caleb drags Andrew to a club mixer thingie. Which I mention less to mention Caleb being pushy, but so I could mention that that is where the two meet Jun. Sitting at one of the club tables (Astronomy).
Jun, unlike freshman Caleb and Andrew, is a junior – studying for a bio-chem degree (degrees?, I forget if that was described as ‘bio chem pre med degree’, or bio chem degree and pre med degree or . . something). Jun is the third point of view character in the book. He is very studious to the point he rarely does anything else. When he was 7 his family moved from Japan to the USA, which I mention because the transition was such that he lost the ability to make friends, or something like that, and so went a different direction – taking on a persona of hiding, and being studious and not pursing friendships and social interactions.
Jun is roommates with the final point of view character, Piper. Who pulls in Lizzy, though Lizzy, oddly, doesn’t get a point of view in this book. Lizzy and Pipper are seniors and girlfriends. Jun was a last minute addition to their apartment, as they figured that having another person in the application would increase their chances of getting the apartment. Piper is into Computer Science, while Lizzy is into dance. Piper’s the one who pulls in the family (though Caleb’s mother is mentioned and very briefly seen in the opening chapter) – for the mother, Piper’s that is, keeps opening stating things like how Piper’s going through a phase and stuff, by dating women (though . . . eh, let’s not give everything away).
There’s a slight disconnect between me and the characters involved. Possibly due to there being so many to follow, possibly for other reasons. That doesn’t mean I didn’t feel them at times – like, again unexpectedly, there were moments when Piper and Lizzy’s story-line made me vaguely teary eyed.
So, young adult book. Many characters. Three men, two women. Mix of LGBT characters. Multiple LGBT couples in the same book. Mix of MM and FF in same book. Lastly: the only thing graphic was kissing.
Enjoyable book.
Rating: 4.78
June 25 2018

I fully enjoyed this book It was one of those books that surprised me. I really loved it. I also LOVED the cover!!!!

Caleb joins many clubs his first semester to find his calling. While Jun has a passion for astronomy, he is following the pre-med path to appease his parents. Andrew is a quiet artist trying to escape his past high school experience and is dragged out of his comfort zones by his overactive roommate, Caleb. Piper is in her final year of college and must confront her mother when Piper is ready to take her relationship with her girlfriend to the next level.
The story is told through the perspective of four college students who are in different years of their college experience. With each chapter, the personality and values of each character shines through helping to create their own distinct voice. I never got confused on who’s perspective I was reading. I also found myself relating to many of the character’s in the book (Andrew’s quiet personality and Jun’s solitary lifestyle).
The romance was believable and easily relatable. There are no overdramatic hurdles the characters must overcome. The hurdles are realistic that the common person has probably experienced something similar. There were sad moments, funny moments, and frustrating moments that completely captivated me. I was eager to find out what would happen next.
I should mention that the book is LGBTQIA with more emphasis on male/male and female/female relationships. This was a fun romance book that my only nitpick is that I wish there were more Andrew chapters.

This book was absolutely adorable, pure sweetness and cuteness. I liked it more than I thought I would. I thought it was going to have drama it luckily didn't have. There were some misunderstandings but, getting to know the characters, you saw it was perfectly normal and things were going to be just fine! I sure hoped everything was going to end okay so I kept reading without stopping, without snacking, so that I could finish it as soon as possible. Only then I could exhale and relax. It was truly marvelous.
I loved Caleb with all my heart, the cutest and craziest boy in the world! Super hyperactive and never stopping because of his ADHD, always looking to making friends, making himself known, flirting with everyone and everything, stopping only (and barely) to sleep. Caleb was precious from beginning to end; when he was being confident and going to 27 clubs, to when he was having an existential crisis about liking Jun more than just as a friend, to coming to terms with his bisexuality and his feelings and brooding like a pro. Caleb was everything and his journey throughout his first year in college was refreshing and exhilarating, ups and downs and everything in between.
I loved Andrew and his backstory. Emo art lover. Caleb orbited his life and changed it. Caleb changed a lot of people with his bubbling personality and contagious smile. Andrew went from “don’t bother me I want to draw” to “I’m confident and I understand what’s healthy for myself”. I loved his friendship with Caleb. Destiny put them together for a very valid reason.
Jun! What can I tell about Jun that will make you understand how precious he is? Nothing! His personality is a mess, caused by a wide variety of things from his childhood, a personality that was built to protect himself from people and their drama. But somehow he finds himself being the center of Caleb’s attention and things become pretty confusing. Jun is precious and he is very logical, introvert and very asocial. Caleb won’t have it easy trying to understand him, even after realizing he likes LIKES him, not only as a friend. I loved Jun and was never angry even when I didn’t agree with his decisions.
Piper’s story was frustrating not because she was ever confused about her feelings for her girlfriend Lizzie but because I was angry at her mother and how she makes he feel about her sexuality. Piper and Lizzie are a very solid couple, super sweet, super caring, and they are pretty important for the developing of the weird friendship/relationship/pining of Jun and Caleb. They are also caught in Caleb’s randomness and he becomes part of their everyday lives. Piper and Lizzie’s story is calm and hopeful and I had a big smile on my face every time they were being sweet girlfriends.
The ending was fantastic, I’m still grinning so much, it was so lovely. I just loved Caleb and I loved the influence he had on each one of them, the way they changed, how everyone changed and got to enjoy college life in a very different and improved way. I loved the sweetness, the fact that they didn’t rushed anything. I love when the happy ending is delivered little by little; you feel it in your bones. When you have instalove, you know something extra dramatic is going to break someone’s heart, right? Then after so many tears, the happy ending will arrive. Well, here that doesn’t happen. You’re in for a journey of growth, of first times, of putting yourself out there and try new things.
I love astronomy and the stars so I loved it even more because of Jun’s chapters! I loved every single part of it. I already want to read it again! This review is a mess; I wanted to say so much without really spoiling anything and I don’t know if I succeeded. There is so much I haven’t said so if you decide to read it, as you really should do, you will be in for a lovely surprise!

I really enjoyed this book. It was not my usual romance book so I was a bit hesitant but I am happy I decided to go for it. It's a great story about love and friendship and just how important the people you meet in college are! I would recommend this book to anyone who likes Romance.