Member Reviews

Fun with light humor and a dash of murder is the perfect recipe for this book.

In this series, Supper Club Mysteries, a group of small town residents, with a little bit of a weight problem, decide to form a supper club to learn to eat right and get healthy. Little did they know, they would become the town sleuths as well.

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3.5 stars

Another fun, light read for this series (which every book seems to not be written by the same author??), maybe the last one in the series since it's been a few years since this one was published and there aren't anymore? It was a bit predictable, but there was, I think, a good balance between the mystery portion and catching up on the day-to-day lives of the recurring main characters, the members of the Supper Club. This time the Supper Club is trying the Mediterranean Diet, though not all of the recipes at the end seem to fit those guidelines. The recipes sound yummy and are ones that I'd love to try! The dishes that correlate with the recipes are woven into the story fairly well without being forced in the way they're mentioned. Since the recipes aren't included until the very end of the book, you don't know which dishes mentioned will be ones that have recipes included and there are several dishes mentioned that don't have recipes for them. There's a lot of action going on with the lives of James and the other Supper Club members as well as the mystery. I actually liked the characters' stories more than the mystery. This is an easy, entertaining read with not a lot of depth/heaviness to it. If you're looking for a lighter mystery, this series is a fun one to pick up to read, plus the recipes for the delicious-sounding dishes!!

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Brought to you by OBS reviewer Andra

I am happy to continue with the series, A Supper Club Mystery, with James Henry – the town librarian and his supper club crew in Pasta Mortem – the seventh book in the series. I have always enjoyed this series and am happy to report that I enjoyed this book as well. The story centres around James Henry, the impending birth of his second child and of course the struggles with weight loss of the Supper Club members. Oh – and of course – the solving of a murder 🙂

Pasta Mortem fuses current time with events that happened in the past. The story is set just before Valentine’s day and the anticipated birth of James Henry’s second child – a daughter. Quincy’s Gap is the scene of a 25-year reunion of the television show ‘Hearth and Home’. All the original cast members come to town and stay at the B&B where the show was actually filmed. To muddy the waters, a money hungry real estate developer/mogul also comes to town – wanting to make Quincy’s Gap the next hot tourist town! Needless to say, the two groups mix like oil and vinegar. Much to the chagrin of the Supper Club – a murder occurs (the real estate mogul is the victim) and when one of their own, Murphy Alistair, is charged with the crime – the Supper Club members find it hard to believe (regardless of her past shenanigans) that she would murder someone. So what do they do – get on the case to find the real killer and prove that Murphy is innocent (at least of this murder anyways).

I found the murder investigation by the Supper Club well thought out with many twists and turns. Additionally, the integration of James’ current life events very well done. There are a number of side stories which added further depth to the book overall and I was intrigued to see how each storyline would play out.

I quite enjoyed one of the mundane story threads – James having a barely running vehicle and a reluctance to give up on the car. It still runs after all. But with a very pregnant wife, he had to face reality didn’t he? The ole Bronco was nearing its end of life. I felt that James’ reluctance to trade it in and get a bigger vehicle had more to do with him staying in his comfort zone with the family the way it was (himself, his wife and their son) and not specifically with the actual vehicle itself. Life was changing all around him with the new baby and at least he could control when to obtain a new car. By the way – really enjoyed the new mobile mechanic – Ace. He was priceless.

The cast members of ‘Hearth and Home’ provided a wide variety of suspects. The intertwining of their lives, both past and present, certainly added depth to the story as well as many possible red herrings???

This reader also got a bit more in-depth look at Lindy’s “new” newlywed life and what (or should I say who) is giving her and her husband Luis so much grief. The problem solving there worked out – providing a mini – happily ever after (or let’s hope so). I did enjoy the smattering of updates on the lives of the remainder of the Supper Club members, even though the prominent protagonist was James.

Definitely another enjoyable story to the Supper Club Mystery series. And the chuckles I got over their seemingly feeble attempts at dieting (the diet de jour – Mediterranean diet). I feel their pain. Diet is after all a bad four letter word (at least in my world).

A definite plus for Pasta Mortem, I did not figure out “whodunit” until the end. And once it was revealed, I thought, why did I not think of this person? Way to go! Keep this reader guessing. I cannot wait to go back and read a couple of other titles in this series that I have missed. 🙂

*OBS would like to thank the author for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*

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**3.5-stars rounded up**
Oh, what a delightful treat to be back with James Henry and his jovial Supper Club!
In this, the seventh installment of the Supper Club Mystery series, we return to Quincy's Gap, Virginia at a time when the town is gaining a bit of unwanted attention.
A well-loved, no longer running television show has decided to host their 25th-year reunion at a local B&B, where the show used to be filmed. This brings actors and fans alike to the once quiet town.
Hot on the heels of the acting types and those who love them, comes an ambitious real estate developer who has his sights set on a couple of large Quincy's Gap properties. A few of the local residents, including James, are more than dismayed to hear of his plans for the town.
The interactions between the locals and out-of-towners are tense, with many just wishing things would go back to normal. Before that can happen, the real estate developer ends up dead. Bludgeoned to death in his bed at the B&B. The prime suspect, resident nosey reporter, Murphy, has had run-ins with the Supper Club members in the past. Although they do not trust her, they also don't believe her to be a murderer.
So, as they do, James and the gang set out to discover the true culprit.
I have read every book in this series and I just adore them. The characters are so fun and I love how they interact with one another. This one did feel a little more serious than some of the others as far as tone but I still really enjoyed it.
The humor wasn't as prevalent but regardless of that, it is still a really solid cozy. You do not necessarily have to read them all or in order but I think you gain the best reading experience from doing so. Over the course of the series, you watch the different members of the group grow and change. It's lovely.
If you are a fan of cozy mystery series, love food and like to laugh, you should definitely check this series out. I highly recommend to my cozy friends.
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a copy to read and review.
It was a ton of fun!

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Another mystery solved by the flab 5! This is such a nice, clean series. It’s refreshing to have characters who are realistic and struggle with their weight.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book, which I voluntarily chose to review.

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I believe that this series is just getting better. The characters are continuing to develop but are still remaining consistent to themselves. The mysteries are top-notch and I found that this book captured my attention from the first chapter. It's well-written and easy to read. Although I think that this series is best read in order, this one could stand alone.

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Pasta Mortem (Supper Club Mysteries #7) by Ellery Adams
*Courtesy of Beyond the Page and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The gang is back and this time it's nostalgic. Everybody's favorite TV family is having a reunion in Quincy's Gap. The cast of Hearth & Home are in Quincy Gap the site of the original filming for a reunion show. Everyone is excited, the gang...not so much. Everyone has something else on their minds, like James who is an expectant father. Even with everything on his plate he and most of his friends still find time to help Murphy, the bane of their existence. Murphy is difficult and while they would all like to "kill" her for using their lives to write a murder mystery novel that does not cast them in a good light. There is no way Murphy would have killed her lover and business partner. There are plenty of other suspects who did not want Murphy's Gap to become the next tourist trap and over developed town. Besides, it's almost Valentines Day and love is in the air or is it hate? There is a fine line and so many of the characters are walking on it. This is an excellent series and I even read them in reverse order by mistake so things made better sense after reading Black Beans & Vice, nonetheless this was a fun story and another great series which includes awesome recipes for any palate.

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This series, Supper Club Mystery Series keeps getting better and better. Book 7 has the Flab Five meeting to discuss Murphy's magazine article about Quincy Gap being a hidden gem in Virginia and now a major developer is interested in changing the town into a tourist mecca. This story ties up and updates some of the romances with James and Jane eagerly awaiting the birth of their baby girl. Bennett and Gillian are getting closer, Lindy is married and Lucy is dating another deputy. I received a copy of this ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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This 7th installment of the Supper Club mysteries is by far my favorite because we see so much growth (not necessarily their waistlines) in the characters. Tricked by Murphy into being photographed, supposedly for an article in the town newspaper, the club members realize that she has used them again to advertise her next book as well as her new project with developer Ray Edwards, to change small town to resort town. At the same time, there is a reunion of a popular TV series (originally filmed in Quincy Gap) but the actors aren't all what they had appeared on screen. When Edwards turns up dead and Murphy the prime suspect, James and the Supper Club know they have to find the real killer. They may not like her, but know she's not a killer.

While all this is front and center, in the background James is dealing with a 10 year old vehicle that is having issues and a wife ready to deliver in the middle of February. I'm sure you can imagine the problems that arise.

Looking forward and hoping for another Supper Club Mystery!

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I simply adore this series! Yummy food, delightful characters, all mixed with a great mystery to solve. This series keeps getting better and better and I can’t wait to see what Ellery Adams cooks up next.

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I loved this book. The story was interesting and the characters were great. If you want a good cozy mystery, I recommend this book and author.

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I just love this series. James and all the gang are some of my favorite characters.
I've enjoyed watching the characters grow and move on with their own lives, but yet they still band together when a murder takes place.
I really recommend this great series.
I volunteered to read and review an ARC of this book provided by the publisher and NetGalley.

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Pasta Mortem is the 7th in the Supper Club series. Great storyline, great characters, it has it all. It is written quite well and is just plain fun to read. I like the way it was written - mysterious but not intense. The characters are written very well too, I am going to read the other books in the series now and look forward to more.

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I kind of forgot that reality type shows have been around as long as they have been. The reunion of cast that is coming to Quincy's Gap to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the taping of their show. Real estate developers aren't far behind and that makes for a bit of a hubbub in this small town. I particularly like the characters in this series, they have that wonderful small town vibe and sense of family you find in long running series. This was an enjoyable read.

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Another crushing success for the superclub, James and the gang had a thrilling and exciting time, rooting out the murderer only to have the moment compounded by an overzealous and fanatic fan. A most exhilarating and intriguing book, with a new baby in the works James had his hands full but was still able to devote his time and effort in helping his former girlfriend. This book had rich moments of love, sadness, and some almost missed opportunity, but as usual, the Superclub came out swinging.along with sad but intense moments

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Cozy mysteries are good reads when you want to just enjoy and Pasta Mortem by Ellery Adams and Rosemary Stevens does just that. With solid characters and enjoyable dialogue this cozy reader was fun and fast. I would like to add this title to a book display for mystery and foodies who like a little murder with their meal.

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I think this has to be the best book yet in this series! Just everything about it, the mystery itself to the characters' personal relationships just shines.

It was close to mid-February in Quincy's Gap and the town was buzzing for a couple of different reasons. A beloved TV show from the late 80s was having a reunion party in a neighboring town and one of the cast members just happened to be editor of a southern type living magazine that had just published an article on why Quincy's Gap was one of the most desired small towns to live in. The five friends were pretty livid about this as was the rest of the town. For one thing, nosy reporter and newspaper owner Murphy who had acted like she was their friend but had written some murder mysteries with them all as characters, had been going around taking everyone's pictures claiming she'd use it in one of her newspaper articles. Instead it was part of this magazine spread. Citizens were not happy since it would me overcrowding of schools and just generally overcrowding of everything. The people in Quincy's Gap liked being a small town and wanted it to stay that way.

When Murphy's new real estate partner was killed in that bed and breakfast, the police of course turned to Murphy as prime suspect. The five supper club friends were torn about working on this case since Murphy hadn't been so nice to them just recently. They all decided she could be nasty but she was not a killer. This mystery had a lot of fun twists and turns. I sure never saw the reveal coming. The very ending was probably the sweetest most awesome thing I've read in a long time!

I liked how the characters' personal lives all had something similar going on. The couples were having issues with their couple lives, just like real life people do, and they had to figure out how to fix that while working the case. I admired how they did put their family and personal problems first though. By Valentine's Day, everyone had a very satisfactory solution to their issues and all five friends could truthfully say they were very happy.

I really hope there are more books coming in this series. I would be sad if this series did end but I think this book was so good that if for some reason that happened, we have some great closure and memories of our friends knowing they're all doing well. More books would be better though so being an optimist, I will keep hoping! If you love the recipes in this series, you'll love that there are nine of them at the end of this book.

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Why haven't I found this writing duo before? The characters were well written and the mystery murder was a good one. I was very happy that love conquered all for one couple. The recipes in the back of the book was a wonderful surprise. Yes I would recommend this book plus the rest of the series.

I received this book to give a true review.

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Librarian James Henry is enjoying life in Quincy's Gap. He and his wife Jane are expecting their second child. James is still a remember of the supper club and fighting to lose those extra pounds.
Excitement rises in town when the cast of the old Hearth and Home TV show gather for a twenty-fifth reunion at a local B&B where the show was filmed. But the reunion is tainted when ambitious real estate developer Ray Edwards is killed. Edwards had plans to turn Quincy's Gap into the South’s hottest new tourist destination. Edwards' business partner and girlfriend Murphy Alistair is the prime suspect. It looks like an open-and-shut case to the police but James and his friends are convinced about Murphy's innocence. With time running out before the actors leave town, James and the rest of the supper club members have limited time to catch the killer. The story concludes with a Valentine's Day ending that James Henry will never forget.

This was a quick, fun read and a welcome return of the characters in the Supper Club mystery series.

I received an eARC via Netgalley and Beyond the Page Publishing with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and provided this review.

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Fun little mystery but it ran a bit slow at times. There was misdirection and I did think I figured it out (which I did) pretty early but there were a lot of details that did make me question my guess. They eventually met a literal dead end. The ending was something I did not see coming at all. The book is clearly not close to the beginning of the series but it caught me up on the dynamics of the members of the supper club without me feeling like I was being lectured to. It was very natural. Excellent recipes at the end are something I'm looking forward to trying.

Thank you to NetGalley, Beyond the Page Publishing, Ellery Adams and Rosemary Stevens for allowing me the opportunity to read this story and share my thoughts with others.

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