Member Reviews

The Girl They Left Behind was a whirlwind of a novel. It deals with very difficult decades in Romania–the Nazi regime followed by the Soviet occupation. Natalia’s life is not an easy one. This novel, though heartbreaking, is so easy to read. Natalia is a character who jumps right off of the page and into reality, as do the other characters in this story. Her story is so vibrant and incredibly moving. Veletzos has written this historical world so beautifully. Time moves quickly, and so the story moves quickly. It is an easy, but very engaging read. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Natalia’s story. Any lover of historical fiction will enjoy this book. It’s the perfect novel to cozy up with next to the fire as we head into towards winter.

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Really enjoyed this book. Some moments were hard to follow but overall it kept me interested in finding out what happened to Talia and her family. Would read another book by this author.

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Love, love, love this. There are so many little historical novels out there, it's really hard sometimes to sniff out the good ones. Especially if a large proportion of them are good. This is one of those that I feel will just slide under the cracks. It's emotional, and poetic, and your heart aches for these characters. How many books take place in Romania? Not very many. I used to really despise learning about the Cold War, truly. But in the past few years it has really grown on me, and when I saw that this book takes place in Bucharest during Soviet occupation, I immediately added it to my Want to Read shelf. There's a special deepness to this book that is very hard to come by, and a genuineness that is so earnest that it keeps you aching for more information about the lives of these characters, and your heart yearns to know that their lives improved and they received their happy ending. It may seem like your typical post-WWII historical novel, but the little details are what make it unique, and you will love it, if you would give it half a chance. The fact that it is partially based on a true story makes it all the richer an experience, and I thank the author profoundly for sharing her mother's story.

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I thought I was picking up an inspirational (Christian) historical fiction novel. However, it was still very clean.
I enjoyed reading this book very much. I don’t often read first hand accounts, but I thought this one was very well done. My only critism would be the head hopping. It was hard at times to keep up with who’s head I was in.
My favorite thing about this book was the inspiration. The story was inspired by the author’s own story, however, because the it is unknown how the girl came to be left behind, that’s where the fiction began.
I would definitely read this author again.

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Based on a true story The Girl they Left Behind is a beautiful story of a little girl left behind when her Jewish parents flee war torn Bucharest to escape the Germans who are rounding up Jews. Their hope is that she will be taken in and loved. She is put in an orphanage where she is adopted by a Romanian couple unable to have children. This book was so different from other historical fiction novels set during WWII and was a very inspirational read . Thanks Net Galley for letting me read the advance copy

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This book didn't really work for me. I enjoyed the beginning of Talia's story however I thought the middle of the book was confusing and only really sorted itself out just before the ending. It didn't work for me but don't let that stop you from giving it a try.

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I requested this book because I loved Lilac Girls and Sarah's Key. This time period is my favourite to read about, and though I have read countless books set in WWII Europe- I did not have much knowledge about what happened behind the Iron Curtain. So, not only did I learn a lot during this read, I became completely engrossed in the characters, namely Natalia and her future. The beginning of this tale is heart-wrenching and unimaginable, but not out-of-the ordinary for Bucharest during the Soviet Union occupation. The very idea that desperate parents could be left with no other choice, but to leave their only daughter on the steps of an apartment building in order to give her a chance to survive. She had a better chance without them. I cannot fathom this decision. This book read like a story, but I could tell it was well researched, and personally rooted. Her writing style is so eloquent and visual, I felt like I truly had a glimpse into Natalia's world. When I got to the end and found the story behind the connection (and photos), it was such a powerful way to finish. (The emotional ending also contributed to these emotions). I would definitely recommend this book!

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A riveting, and deeply moving story based on fact of a young girl left behind. It takes place in Romania, early 1940, the country deeply oppressed under Stalin’s rule. The Jewish family, knowing they were doomed if they did not escape, felt their chances of escape meant leaving their young daughter behind. They left her on the street at night, heartbroken. She is soon found and taken to an orphanage where she is adopted by a childless couple. They are so joyous and dote on the child. The parents on the other hand are tormented about leaving her behind. The story gives an insight of the hardships and rigid structure of the Stalin regime. It may bring tears to your eyes at times with its descriptions of life back then and there. Excellently written, you can tell the author has spent many hours researching facts, but also brings her own memories of her grandparents stories into her writing. Highly recommended.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster Canada for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This story is heartbreaking and uplifting all at the same time. . About a little girl left in the dark streets of a city in turmoil during a terrifying night of a Jewish pogrom.. Left by parents who hoped to give her a chance for survival when they thought all hope was lost. Her life changes when she is adopted by a couple desperate for a child but unable to have one of their own. She lives a life of privilege which won't always be the case as the war progresses.

I didn't know much about the history of Bucharest during WWII going into this novel. How the fortunes of residents changed after the Russians took over the city is astonishing. I was fully invested with the characters in this novel and then to find out the events were actually based on a true story dragged me emotionally deeper.

Absolutely fantastic story for anyone who loves historical fiction.

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Powerful and inspiring, The Girl They Left Behind is an important, heart-wrenching historical fiction novel based on true events that left me feeling incredibly grateful for my life and children.

"In anguish and despair we release this child into the hands of God, with hope and faith that she may be saved.”

Based on true events, The Girl They Left Behind is an emotional story that begins when a concierge finds a four-year-old girl alone in Bucharest, January 1941. I teared up many times while reading this, and enjoyed every single second.

Anton and Despina are a wonderful couple who face many challenges, and even when they don't agree they find a way to always respect each other. Stefan and Maria are another great couple who adopt Natalia. I didn't enjoy Victor's character until later in the story. He just is...just...ugh I don't want to give anything away. He's just great.

The beautiful writing tells the story of family, war, heartbreak, loss, grief, resilience, courage, survival, hope, freedom, and peace.

"In his long stare, Natalia saw a trace of sadness and something she had never glimpsed before: fear. Perhaps he had always feared this moment, this exact moment when he would have to reckon with his past and be forced to make amends, excuses. But she would not be the one to give him redemption."

I liked the pacing of the plot, except that the middle felt a little bogged down. There are some mentions of women "obeying" and being "delicate" without much said to counter the sexism. However, I understand this story takes place in a different time. It didn't affect the story for me, so it won't affect my rating either.

Deeply moving, The Girl They Left Behind gave me goosebumps. Highly recommend this to readers thirteen-years-old+.

Plot: 5/5
Characters: 5/5
Writing: 5/5
Overall: 5/5

Thank you to Netgalley and publisher for the complimentary copy in exchange for my honest review.

*Quotes taken from an ARC copy and subject to change*

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The Girl They Left Behind is an emotional family saga and a love story filled with tragedy yet written with hope that drew me right in one of my favorite types of stories.

Roxanne Veletzos passionately and vividly weaves her family’s story, some history of WWll Romania with a fictional side to some of this story. She starts the story off by vividly capturing the desperation of Jewish parents who left their daughter behind in hopes she will be safely taken care of and survive the violence surrounding them. We are taken on a heartbreaking journey with her grandparents’ story that she changed very little of. I appreciate how Roxanne Veletzos filled in the mystery to some of this story with her fictional account to the story. Making this such a hopeful and satisfying story to read right to the very end. I highly recommend!

Thank you to Simon & Schuster Canada for my ARC to read and review

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4 stars! A beautiful and heart-wrenching story about family, love, loss and letting go.

“In anguish and despair we release this child into the hands of God, with hope and faith that she may be saved.” This was the note that was left in a little girls’ beautiful velvet dress on the day that her Jewish parents fled the city of Bucharest, Romania leaving their young daughter abandoned and alone on the streets. This little girl was the author, Roxanne Veletzos’s, own mother and this is her story.

The main character in this engrossing novel is Natalia, a four-year-old Jewish girl. Natalia’s parents went into hiding, leaving their young daughter behind, in the hopes that a loving family would find and care for her until they could safely return and bring her back home. Natalia is placed in an orphanage and quickly adopted by a loving and wealthy couple who do not have children of their own. Natalia is an unforgettable character – she really got to me. We follow her journey through childhood and then adolescence and beyond where her curiosity stirs and she begins to question her birth parents decision to abandon her.

This wartime novel is heartbreaking, shocking and emotional. I truly felt for this family and what they endured. There were many pieces of history revealed that I had not known about which made the book so much more impactful for me. The fact that this novel is based on the authors’ own family was a jaw dropping revelation. I finished reading the book with tears streaming down my face.

This book is split into three parts. I found Part 1 and Part 3 the most captivating and moving, with my attention wandering slightly during Part 2. The writing was excellent, the storyline at that point felt a bit drawn out and less impactful. Regardless of this, the ending made up for any lack of spark I felt in the middle section.

This is a powerful and deeply moving book that will sit on my mind long after writing this review. This was a Traveling Sister read that I shared with Norma and Brenda. We all enjoyed it immensely and highly recommend it.

Thank you to NetGalley, Atria Books and Roxanne Veletzos for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

The Girl They Left Behind is available now!

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This is the story of Natalia, found abandoned in Bucharest during World War 2, loosely based on a true story. This is also the story of her parents and what it was like to live in Romania during and after World War 2. One of my favourite books for 2018.. Review based on an ARC received from NetGalley.

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I really enjoyed learning about Romania's history in WWII and all that happened after it. There were so many tragedies that occurred in this country that I didn't know about before. Having Natalia's story develop along with these events made for a very interesting read.

I liked the characters well enough, but I didn't feel as connected to them as I wanted to and it was difficult to feel completely invested in their stories. The book was a tad long and I lost focus of the main points of Natalia's journey a few times. Some of the chapters had dates at the start, and I think it would have been beneficial to have these with all the chapters, as I was confused about when some events were happening.

As for the plot, I mostly enjoyed Natalia's whole story, but there were parts that were a little boring. I really liked her relationship were her parents and how much love they shared. Victor definitely wasn't my favourite character... The last couple chapters were amazing and really brought the whole book together.

The little bit of family history at the end and the true story that this book was based on were lovely and such a great reason to write this story. Preserving family history in this way while also adding a fictional element to it was beautiful.

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This was a fascinating story based on true events that takes place in Romania towards the end of WW2 and the communist occupation in the 40's and 50's known as the Iron Curtain. Although I have been to some of the Berlin museums that detail the horrible circumstances many Germans were forced to endure in East Germany post WW2 and behind the Iron Curtain, this was the first time i have read about what happened in Romania.

The author notes at the end that the story is based on her mother, having been left behind by her Jewish parents during the holocaust in order to protect her. The descriptions of her mother's adoptive parents are described by the author as accurately portrayed in the book. The elements of survival and desperation rang loudly for me as i devoured the narrative. The powerlessness of being able to provide for and protect one's child was heartbreaking.

What i most enjoyed was the historical details and the impact on the main character Natalia and her family. The author also does a nice job weaving in some romance although that piece left me a tad unfulfilled. I wanted to hear from and understand Victor a bit more.

The story comes full circle, which I will leave at that to avoid spoilers. It was a beautiful way to end an incredibly tragic tale. The writing was good although there were times when I found myself wanting more dialogue development between characters and less descriptive narrative. All in all an engaging and heartfelt story that gives the reader a good idea of what it was like for people living behind the Iron Curtain and the deterioration of their quality of life.

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A huge thank you to #NetGalley and #Simon&Schuster for granting me my wish and allowing me to read this book. I finished it yesterday and have thought a lot about it since then. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

I have read many books that are set in the time period of the Second World War. In many ways it was a time period that shaped my life as my parents and relatives lived through it (except for a few) and it affected them in ways that trickled down to my generation. This story in this fact-inspired novel began during the war but continued on afterwards to a time period that I do remember living through and though it was set in the past, the story told resonates deeply with what I see happening around us in this present era as well.

The story begins in Romania. I haven't read a lot about the war in Romania so I found it fascinating to discover what life was like for the people there at that time. In 1941 during the time of the Bucharest pogrom, a young Jewish couple escape from their home while the local police are waiting to take them away. In order to survive themselves and offer a better chance of survival to their young daughter, they are forced to leave her out on the streets. She is found by a caring woman who takes her to a local orphanage and eventually Natalia (as she is called) is adopted by a well to do young couple (Despina and Anton). Despina and Anton were unable to have children of their own and Natalias's entrance into their lives brought them tremendous joy.

The incredible incapacitating grief of Natalia's parents at their loss is well described. It was hard to read at times because I could identify as a parent with the huge sense of loss they would have to have been feeling and yet Natalia blossomed over the next few years and life was good until the war came directly to Bucharest and the bombs began to fall.

This story took me through so many high's and lows. Extremely well written, it is dark in tone at times because the war was dark and life was not easy and when the war ended, life did not go back to what it had been before. As the Russians took over Despina and Anton lost pretty much everything they owned except their lives and their daughter. Even their lives were at stake at times. Throughout, their love for their adopted daughter was so great that they were willing to sacrifice themselves on her behalf.

I was crying as I finished reading the book - tears of sadness and tears of happiness, and in the author's after posts I discovered that much of this was the real life story of her grand-parent's who adopted a young girl during the war. There are wonderful photograph's that put faces to their names. What stood out to me in this book was the depth of love that both of Natalia's sets of felt for her and showed her. There are parents in our world right now who are forced to give their children up as they try to escape to a better place. Sometimes it ends well - sometimes it doesn't. The lessons shared in this book are ones that we need to take to heart and remember. Natalia could be any one of us. Thanks to Roxanne Veletzos for putting this story to paper.

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A great historical fiction story. Very well written and this will be one I will be reading again in the future.

I do highly recommend

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A poignant story. Disturbing to some degree, as stories set in Europe during the war usually are, but touching. Hard to put down.

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I read a lot of books set in the time period in and around WWII but this was the first I’ve read that is set in Romania. I didn’t know until I finished the book, but it is partially based on the life of the author’s mother who was left as a child, but never found out the truth of her birth parents. This novel gives a fictional answer to that unknown. To me this added a real element of truth and strength to this novel.
The book follows young Natalia after she is left behind by her Jewish parents who are fleeing persecution in Bucharest. They hope that by leaving her behind she will have a better chance at life and she is adopted by a kind, loving, wealthy couple. We follow Natalia and her adopted family through the years of the war and their life behind the Iron Curtain after the war is over.
Although the novel centers around Natalia, it is told through many alternating perspectives; though mostly through Natalia and her adoptive parents. The book gave an intimate perspective of life in Romania during this time and captured the hardships and struggles of life. This book was beautifully written and utterly captivating with characters I am sad to leave behind. It really explores the love between a parent and a child and the lengths we are willing to go for the people we love. This a beautiful coming of age story of love and family and sacrifice. I highly recommend picking up this book when you get a chance!

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Roxanne Veletzos has written a engaging, informative and heart-felt story based on her mother's early life during WWII and later during the Soviet occupation of Romania. During the 1941 Pogrom in Bucharest, Veletzos' grandparents made the difficult choice to leave their three-year-old daughter, Natalia, on the steps of a building hoping to give her a chance to survive. Sent to an orphanage, she was quickly adopted by a wealthy couple who were devoted to her and gave her life of privilege.

Veletzos provides vivid descriptions of Bucharest during WWII and afterwards when the Soviets took control, a time when life for many Romanians continued to be fraught with uncertainty and danger - especially those who didn't support the Communist regime. She includes the lesser known history of Romania during these times and blends her personal family history into a riveting, fictional read.

This is a captivating, sometimes heart-wrenching story about family bonds, resilience and hope. I highly recommend The Girl They Left Behind to fans of Historical Fiction that enjoy getting a different perspective in the popular WWII Historical Fiction genre.

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