Member Reviews

I received an advanced reading copy from Sunbury Press, Inc. and NetGalley. Thanks!

I stopped reading at page 65 of the 188 pages in my ebook. I wanted to give this book a fair shake, but I simply could not finish it. The book switched between a female character who I think had replaced Sariel as Death at some point before the novel began, and regular humans. I enjoyed the chapters with the humans more; in the chapters with Sariel I felt as if I had jumped in in the middle of a series and was missing a bunch of backstory. In addition, the language in the Sariel sections was oddly stilted and unpleasant for me to read.

I wish I had something better to say about this book, but it simply was not a good reading experience for me.

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In this book, you can hear the story of Sariel who is the angel of Death. He has been doing his job for several millennia by now, escorting souls of the dead to the other side where they go to their correct places for them to spend their eternity. It doesn't touch much on exactly what those places are, other than the slice of Hell that Sariel inhabits. Sariel is on a quest to find out more information about himself and goes digging through his archives which hold books on the lives of each person and details their virtues and sins. He finds his own book, and through it, his own link to the fallen angel named Apollyon. There is a bit of havoc where Sariel, fed up with simply serving the dead souls with no direct purpose or contact with other angels who don't work alongside him, tricks a young girl into taking over for him. She makes some mistakes along the way that Sariel gets blamed for, which begins the whole mess with Apollyon, Asmodeus, and Aguares.

I first checked out this book because I'm very interested in books about the supernatural, especially angels and Death as a person. I found that this was extremely hard to get into and hard to keep up with the characters. It seemed almost as if we were already supposed to know both everything and nothing about the characters at the same time. It is always describing them, using the same language each time, but then with other parts of the story, it seems as if we're already supposed to know what's going on as no backstory is really given.

I also found several grammar errors that really stood out to me such as missing quotation marks or the name of someone not even in the scene given as someone who spoke in a couple of locations. It was, overall, a good story if it was fleshed out a bit more but with the difficulty in keeping up with what was going and the grammar errors, I felt like I couldn't rate it more than 3 stars.

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