Member Reviews

Ok, I really wanted to like this book. A New Orleans Threesome seemed like my kind of naughty adventure, and just look at that cover -- for sure that chick is getting some action, right?

Well, yeah, I guess eventually she does. First, though, you'll have to get through a couple of m/m scenes where her only involvement is as a voyeur standing in the hallway looking in. Then there's a scene where she finally joins in, but all the action is directed at the men - when one of the men attempts to return the favour, she bolts away from the action. I seriously almost threw my tablet across the room at that point.

Somewhere around the 75% mark there was *finally* some sexy-time action for our witchy heroine, but for me it was too little, too late and I was already fed up with the repetitious plot.

For the genre, this written at an above-average level, but it was a bit plot heavy for my tastes, especially since it took so damn long to get to what I thought was going to be juicy action throughout the book.

2.5 stars rounded up to 3

Badass Female Character score: I don't even know how to rate this. I mean the chick's a witch and does lots of bold witchy things. But she was also pretty annoying, so I dunno, maybe 3/5.

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Whew! I just got back from a steamy and exciting visit to New Orleans, where I met Lily, Trevor and Lawrence. Picture this: A werewolf and a vampire, two very sexy males who provide lots of hot and steamy vibes all on their own, decide to rescue the damsel in distress, Lily who is having bit of a personal crisis, and invite her into their lives. With me so far, because that part is easy; all three are then caught up in some emotional turbulence and Trevor and Law have to decide if they want to mess with their relationship dynamic and Lily has to overcome some issues. Needless to say the romance part of this threesome starts off a bit rocky and heats up to blazing hot with some really hot sex scenes including mm, mmf, mfm scenes. The relationship is not the only thing that keeps readers glued to the pages, there is quite a bit of suspense and thrills added when the demon who haunts Lily nightmares turns out to be real in this steady to fast paced plot.

This visit to New Orleans turned out to be quite exciting as I kept up with this strong, captivating characters and since Louisa Bacio painted such vivid imagery, it was very easy for me to believe I was actually there. In fact the only thing wrong with this visit was when a couple of times during the dialogue, I felt as if I missed something, not sure what or why and it didn’t stop me from enjoying the book, so I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series when it re-releases.

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Lily leaves California to find answers in New Orleans. If she doesn’t get help soon she may kill herself or someone else. All of her dreams are coming true, and that's not a good thing. The only good things are Lawernce and Trevor. Lily can’t help the sexual pull she feels toward them. At 30 she is still a virgin. Her sexual encounters have never worked out because of her. So she finds herself becoming a voyeur. Trevor and Lawerence know she's theirs. So when she's asked to join them everything changes. Submitting to them brings her dreams and nightmares to life. Lawrence getting injured brings a voodoo priestess into the mix. But her help comes at a high price. Now they discover that she is a link to a mother Lily thought was dead. As she teaches Lily to control her powers learns it will take the three of them to survive.

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Figuring out what Lily is!

Lily Anima is turning 30 and knew she needed help controlling her powers and understanding what she was by moving to New Orleans for answers. Lily was drawn to a book store run by Lawrence Justice and Trevor Pack and knew that they would be able to help since Law was a vampire and Trevor was a werewolf and knew many of the paranormals in New Orleans to find out her powers and figure out what she was.

Lily, Lawrence and Trevor have to solve several mysteries including what Lily was and more about her background and why a demon was after her but Louisa Bacio answers them all. Law and Trevor move from a couple to a true threesome with Lily after the questions are answered.

Received an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A New Orleans Threesome by by Louisa Bacio is book Two in The Vampire, The Witch and The Werewolf Series. I haven't yet read the previous book, so for me this was a standalone book.
This is the story of Lily Anima, Lawrence Justice and Trevor Pack.
Lawrence and Trevor are friends but more importantly they are lovers. They have been together a long time only bring in a women briefly for entertainment. When Lily comes to Trevor wanting help he is drawn to her and thinks she will make a great addition to their relationship. Lawrence is a little slower to get on board but he does go with Trevor in wanting to help her and later making her a permanent part of their relationship.
This book is a re-release, so it was a nice chance to get to this book if you have missed it previously. I couldn't really connect with the characters in this book so for me I ended up rating slightly lower than normal.

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A novel that initially sounded promising, A New Orleans Threesome was not without its faults. Though the story drags, the tone feels. There is little to no explanation for pretty much anything as the reader is dragged from one scene to the next without having all the answers they need. There is suppose to be some mystery involved but it’s obvious from the get-go so there is little mystery to be solved and no surprise when the story comes to a climax.

Overall, the story and its characters have a lot of potential. The most interesting aspect of the story is the characters and their interactions. Had the story and the writing been more refined, it could have been a great novel.

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This is one of those books where the author had a vision for what sounded like a good idea--let's have a woman enter an already established male couple and form a threesome. Let's have it be a witch, a vampire, and a werewolf! Fun! But none of the characters seem particularly motivated or interested in anything. There is no engine in this plot, just an idea. Not much makes sense, plot-wise. The only "conflict" is figuring out why Lily is a 30 year old virgin and feels she "can't" have sex AND why she's been plagued by horrible nightmares of being hunted by a demon. This book is basically them talking and reading books before they finally figure out that getting laid will cure Lily of this curse. Which, really?

So, you know, books without a lot of external plot can still be saved with good intra-personal dynamics and conflict between the characters. But there's not much of that either.

I also cannot believe...CANNOT BELIEVE...that any publisher, even in a book this silly, would publish the following sentence: "Many of the foolish human tendencies towards racism didn't exist in New Orleans." I don't even have words. Especially since in the next paragraph the vampire who speaks those words mentions "free people of color"---BECAUSE THE REST WERE ENSLAVED, YOU KNOW, A BRUTAL REGIME OF FORCED LABOR THAT WAS BASED ON RACISM? It was galling. There was a lot of mediocre bland nonsense in this book, but I ended up just furious.

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I actually went back to check who the publisher is because IMO this needed another round of edits. There are several times words are used incorrecly/oddly, there is a lot of repetition, the dialogue is stilted and there are numerous sentence fragments. Besides the grammar I found the pacing to be off. It was extremely slow in parts and rushed in others. The characters were all flat and the dialogue was often cringe worthy. The sex scenes felt awkward. It was like the book had an identity crisis. Was it erotic or PNR or UF? Whatever it was it wasn't for me.

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I am really enjoying this book, I'm half way through it and I love the relationship between the wolf and the vamp in this story, they are so loving towards one another and it's such a lovely way to show two traditionally scary characters in a loving relationship. The only thing I hate is having virgin sacrificial women characters - no matter how strong willed they are.

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It was a good book but now great. It seems like the author didn't know if she wanted to write an erotica novel or just a paranormal fiction novel. The plot was okay and it had potentials for more. The world building was magnificent. I loved the New Orlean of the book and i caught myself wanting more of the world. It was so beautiful and well written. The characters had depth and was well written, except the protagonist Lily, she was more flat than a paper sheet.

To sum up, i enjoyed this book and i would read it again, especially to rewatch the Trevor/Lawrence romance. I am so invested in this ship, you can't imagine how.

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I enjoyed this book, however it was slow to develop and at times I lost interest. Those were the times that I set it down for a min or two then came back. It did pick up pace but I was disappointed in the ending. No spoilers so will just have to read. I did read this one in an afternoon and it definitely had heat to it. This one left me wanting more story.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book and my thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I’ve never been one to read a novel of this type. I’m not sure I could let myself fall into the dimensional world that exists like this. Boy was I shocked. This strong willed adult, everlasting love story, and the demon! After visiting NOLA myself, this book had me!!! I actually think I may be able to read more!! Can’t wait to hear about the family bond!

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A New Orleans Threesome is a terrific paranormal romance. There is action, adventure and love. I love that NOLA was as much a character in the book as Law, Trevor and Lily. This book is a sweaty romp.

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A delightfully naughty romance featuring a virgin witch, a "cock-blocking" demon, and a long-term couple, a vampire and a werewolf, who are more than happy to add a third to their already hot as all get out relationship. Especially if it means their sexual prowess can help banish the witch's demon forever.

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2.5ish Stars

I am not sure how I feel about this book. On the one hand, I adored the New Orleans setting and think the author did a fantastic job of giving us a feel for the city and its' history. I also enjoyed the plot (for the most part). That said, it also had a few pretty big issues. I found the first half (maybe more) slow. It took way too long for these three to get together. On top of that, the plot had some pretty big holes to it and felt quite underdeveloped.

The book was a relatively quick read, so I expected the relationship to move forward a little faster. And speaking of relationships, none of them jelled for me here. Law and Trevor are a couple, but they have an open relationship? Law feeds on other people because Trevor isn't enough? Is that going to continue now that they have Lily? Who knows, as it is never brought up. On top of that, who waxes poetic about a dead love three seconds after you just had sex with your current attachments? Law does apparently. I just never felt a real connection between any of these characters. Even the sex scenes were not that hot for a menage book.

Last, the ending of this one was SO frigging rushed. All the action takes place in the last two or three chapters and everything is resolved so easily. So yea, a little bit of a mixed bag. It probably sounds like I hated it, but I didn't. It was really thanks to the setting that I kept reading.

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his seemed to have all the right ingredients for a great story, but it just fell short for me. I feel like it was written to be a couple hundred pages longer, but then they went in and cut a whole bunch of scenes.

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I enjoyed this book. The storyline grabbed me and I enjoyed the chemistry between the characters. Plenty of drama and hotness, a great quick read.

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A M/M/F paranormal romance set in New Orleans and is about a woman finding her powers, discovering love, and decoding her nightmares.

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Lily has powers she can't control or understand. She goes to New Orleans to get help in controlling her powers and to find out what she is. She is drawn to a bookstore that Law and Trevor own. They are a couple but very attracted to Lily. Law is a vampire and Trevor, a werewolf. Lily is having dreams of something chasing her and it shows up one night to claim her since she is a virgin. Law, Greg and Lily become lovers. Will they be able to save her? There's a voodoo priestess involved in everything. Hot sex, hot guys. Great story and plot. I received this book from Net Galley for an honest review and no compensation.

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Haunted by paranormal abilities she can't control and plagued by nightmares about a demon that seeks her soul, Lily Anima travels to New Orleans in search of salvation. She enlists the help of an unlikely couple: a vampire, Lawrence Justice, and a werewolf, Trevor Pack. The attraction is immediate and fierce.And whatever paranormal problem she's having is what has kept her that way. Every time she's tried to do the deed, something stops her.Together, the trio encounters magic and unspeakable evil, and Trevor and Lawrence attempt to help Lily turn her powers into a gift rather than a curse. Ultimately, to get the demon off her back, Lily's men will have to show her all the wicked ways the three of them can come together.When I started reading I couldn't put it down.Louisa
is magnifysent writer.I cannot wait to read more of there books.Keep up the great work.You should definitely read this books.

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