Member Reviews

MAYBE FOR YOU - Nicole McLaughlin

#3 in the Whiskey & Weddings romance series

SWEET - 4 stars

Plot - 4 stars - When Alex and Jake travel together on the Stag Wagon to do promotions and marketing, the inevitable happens and they get together. With Alex's issues about her fiance and Jake's reputation as a hook-up, it doesn't seem possible that anything permanent could be in the cards.

Writing - 4 stars - McLaughlin writes a very good romance with scenarios and potential problems that make sense. The HEA is warm, and the supporting characters are all loving and caring.

Characters - 3.5 stars - I liked these characters despite myself. Jake has always been the devil-may-care hot single guy, but we always knew there was a solid personality underneath. He knows his job and is good at it, but he has self-confidence problems because of the difficulties he had in school and his reputation as less than intelligent. Alex has always been the little sister who has has so many losses in her life. We finished the first book with Dean consoling her over the loss of her fiance, and now we get to know her better. She's strong and intelligent, but she definitely has a weak spot around her insecurities. I could understand her feelings, I guess, but it seemed as though she was always talking about herself, always harping on her problems, and I wished that she would get out of her own head.

Title - 3.5 stars - There is definitely a theme with this series, and this title fits quite well.

Cover - 3.5 stars - This is a beautiful, eye-catching cover. The only problem is that it really doesn't have a lot to do with the actual book. It fits the overall theme of the series, but it doesn't reflect Alex and Jake's story.

Overall - 4 stars - This series has been enjoyable, and I especially like the tight group of characters that McLaughlin has built. The "whiskey and weddings" theme worked perfectly for the first book in the series, but it's only worked loosely for the rest, although I appreciate the fact that the men work closely together and have a strong bond through their friendship and their work. It was great to finally get to know Alex. Painful as it was to watch her deal with her loss, I enjoyed that Jake was there to help her grow and overcome her grief. They worked together well, and their romance made sense. I was definitely rooting for their success. Overall, this has been a very enjoyable series, and I plan to look for more from this author.

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I liked the story, but I probably should have passed on this when I saw the couple was going to do the whole no strings thing; I just find it so stupid when characters do that. Also, I'm not a huge fan of the whole dead spouse scenario either. I did like the chemistry between Jake and Alex; they are sweet together and have some good spice. Also, I do like the whole best friend's sibling trope; I like the forbidden aspect to that. I also liked that they were on a bit of a road trip; enjoy the whole forced proximity scenario. The ending wasn't the best, but overall, an interesting, cute romance with likable characters.

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I can't wait to read the rest of the books. Loved this wonderful love story. Loved how Alexis dealt with grief of losing Nate, her fiancé, just before the wedding. Loved how Jake helped her through that tough time, just by offering his friendship and being a good listener.

Jake was such an amazing guy. Yup! super handsome, too! He and Alex didn't look like they'd make a good match at first glance. She was super smart while he had learning disability. His family hoped he could just graduate from high school and make a decent living. But he worked hard and used his gift of interpersonal relation to become successful. Not sure if his family ever let him know that they were proud of him!

Loved when Alexis accompanied Jake on a Stag cross-country promotional tour. That turned into a romantic getting-to-know-the-real-you tour for both of them.

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I loved the characters and the storyline development of this book. It was absolutely one of my favorites so far and I can't wait to delve in to the next one that this author writes. The storyline was simple, enjoyable, and entertaining.

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This was such & sweet & heartwarming story. I enjoyed every page of this book & would definitely recommend reading it!

She’s never had a no-strings fling. He’s never had anything else. But maybe this time will be an exception?

After a year of mourning her fiancé, Alexis Parker has worked hard to rediscover what she wants out of life. Fresh out of the military and back stateside, her brother offers her a marketing job at the Stag Distillery. Ready for a new challenge, Alexis agrees to accompany her new co-worker Jake Cooper on a Stag cross-country promotional tour. He may have an infamous playboy reputation, but Alexis is surprised to find out that there is more to him than meets the eye. And she likes what she sees. . .

Jake promised Alexis’s brother that he’d be an absolute gentleman. Of course, that was before he and Alexis hit the road, and they both agree that what Alexis’s big brother doesn’t know won’t hurt him. The plan: to keep their fling confined to the RV, and everything will go back to normal once they head home. Things progress in ways neither of them could have imagined, and Jake realizes that he and Alexis make a perfect mix. Can he convince her that he’s ready to shake things up and give true love a shot in Maybe for You?

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Alexis has lost her fiance in a helicopter crash and she forms a friendship with Jake her brother's friend. Jake has insecurities as he was not a bright student and wants to prove his worth in his business. It was a slow building heartwarming story of friendship to romance.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the eARC

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As a KC resident this book was especially appealing to me. Cute romance with great characters and a worthwhile story line.

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First, thank you for the opportunity to read and review this title. Access to review copies is always appreciated.
Unfortunately, I have chosen not to finish and review this title. I was not able to connect with it, and instead of finishing a title I was not connecting with, I have chosen to move on to another title.
Again, I appreciate the opportunity and look forward to the next title.

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2018; St. Martin's Paperbacks
(Review Not on Blog)

Alex has lost the love of her life, right before their wedding and a new adventure in their professional careers. She decides to go away for a year and get her heart mended as much as she can. What she does not expect is to be friends with her brother's "playboy" friend, Jake. Jake loves the ladies as much as they love him and enjoys touring around and promoting his business. He does not expect to become friends with his business partner/friend's little sister. The more they talk and spend time together, the more confused they get. Can Alex really have another love of her life?

I thought this book would have been my favourite of the series, but I would say it's my least favourite (in the sense I liked it but didn't love it). This book didn't have the conflict and fun I was expecting. It was a fun predictable read. I am excited to try another series by McLaughlin.

***I received an eARC from the PUBLISHER via NETGALLEY***

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This book is full of angst. It's centered around someone's grieving process. It's also about support, friendship and love.

Jake is a confirmed batchlor and part owner of the Stag distillery. He is very sentive to the fact that he is the odd one out. Something that stems from his childhood.

Alex is in military and just before she gets married, tragedy strikes. This has really left a mark on her and it shows.

Jake and Alex have been in correspondence with each other and he knows more about what she is going through than anyone else. They soon become best friends and when Jake is doing one of his promotional tours, Alex accompanies him. They soon become best friends and that friendship turns into friends with benefits. Jake has never been in a relationship and Alex is scared of getting close to anyone. She feels that getting involved seriously with someone is a form of betrayal. Besides, she has suffered so many losses that she is afraid of letting anyone get too close. Will Jake change his womanising ways and take a chance on what's developing between them?

Jake is the portrayal of a good and supportive friend. He is a good listener and always knows what to say. Alex is so stuck into her failed plans that she would rather wallow in her grief. When something unexpected occurs, she is forced to have a more positive outlook on her future. This story is quite intense and full of angst, but eventually gets to the desired outcome. It's well worth reading.

I was kindly issued with an eARC from Netgalley and the views expressed are my personal opinion.

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Alexis’ life changed when her fiancé was killed in action. Trying to move forward with her life she moves back home and begins working for her brother. Feeling at a crossroads she rekindles a relationship with Jake and offers to help him help promote the Whiskey distillery. They were what both needed at a time when their lives were falling apart. Great story on how life changes when you least expect it.

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This was a new author for me. I had not read the previous books in the series, but I had no problem reading this story as a standalone novel. The story is well-written, and the characters are interesting and likable. This is a feel good story filled with emotion, hope and love. I will be checking out other books from this author.

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I read this book some time ago and do not remember how I felt during reading it. I would not be able to give it a proper review. I did give this book 5 stars on GoodReads.

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i was not actually able to get far in this book. withing the first few chapters i lost interest, im sorry for my lack of review

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I truly enjoyed this book/ It's the first I have read by Nicole McLaughlin. She did an amazing job. I am very glad I read it

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I enjoyed this story of friends becoming lovers with a fun road trip in an RV as a bonus. The characters and story are well written, and the pacing of the romance, first friends then lovers, makes sense. Even though it is part of a series, it is a good standalone novel. The characters are all given depth by the author and their back stories are filled in enough that you don't feel like you've missed anything by not having read the other novels. I plan to go back and read the first two novels in the series. This is a new author for me and I will look out for other books by her to add to my collection.

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Given that I am only a few months out from my own wedding, I was feeling a little scared about the premise going in but I can say that I ended up loving it! Alex's story is so emotional and full of highs and lows. I felt intensely sad, happy, and hopeful at different points and truly loved how emotionally invested I became in her story. I really love romances that center around two people not looking for love but finding it in unexpected places. I will definitely be going back to read the first two books in this series and recommending this to my romance lovers!

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I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for my review. I have read all three books in the Whiskey and Weddings series, and really enjoyed all three of them. This one, being the last in the series I believe, was the most predictable-as are most books at the end of a series. It features the soldier Alexis, who lost her fiance a week before they were to be married. After spending her last year on a deployment for the military, she is ready to put her grief behind her and move forward with her life. She has decided to do a marketing run for her brother's whiskey company and brings one of the partners, Jake Cooper. They both have issues that make a committed relationship a challenge, but maybe this time they will both succeed! This was a good story. I liked the fact that it wasn't set in the same location as the other two books. It is a good ending to the series.

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Maybe for You by Nicole McLaughlin is the third in the Whiskey and Weddings series. I have now read the second and third books and thoroughly enjoyed both, especially this one. The story starts with Alexis, the main character, heading off for Italy to serve one last year in the military. She is doing this fresh after losing the love of her life, Nate. Jake Cooper, the last remaining bachelor at Stag, also co-owner, turns out to be a wonderful and caring texting friend to Alexis. Once Alexis is back stateside, will the friendship continue or will Alexis meet someone new to help heal her broken heart? You will just have to read this book to find out. I would highly recommend all three (although, I still need to read the first one, but if it is as good as two and three, it will be worth it!)

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This is a sweet romance between Jake and Alex. Jake, Dean and TJ run a distillery business together and Alex is Dean's sister. After Alex loses her fiancé only weeks before the wedding, she leaves for Italy on deployment. During this time, she develops a deep friendship with Jake. I would have really liked the build up of their relationship during this time. That would have really enhanced this romance for me.

* I received this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher for an honest review*

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