Member Reviews

The book has a good plot even though never like it when people have to deal with grief. I did end up loving the story and my favorite character is Alexis. The story is about Alexis whose fiancé Nate dies two weeks before their wedding. Her brother offers her a marketing job at the Stag distillery and Alexis agrees to accompany her new co-worker Jake Cooperon a Stag on A promotional tour for the company. Jake and Alexis agree to do a no strings attached kind of relationship while on the road. I hope you like the book as much as I did.

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Alex has never been lucky in love. She lost her parents in a car accident and her fiancé died weeks before their wedding in a helicopter accident. When she goes back home to mourn the loss of her fiancé she becomes friends with Jake a her brothers friend and coowner of The Stag. When she leaves on deployment to Italy for a year Jake and Alex before best friends.
When Alex comes home after a year in Italy everyone is shocked to find out how close her and Jake have become. When Alex finds out what that Jake is going out on tour for the distillery she decides that she is going to go with him so she can get out of town.
When they are out on the road they both start looking at each other in a different way and start to think that they should have a fling on the road. But the minute they get home what they have started on the road will be done. Alex and Jake both start thinking to themselves that maybe they want to stay together. But than they decide that they are just going to stay friends.
When they get back from the trip they go out to celebrate for landing a huge deal and Alex becomes very sick and they all think that she has food poisoning. But when Alex founds out they she is pregnant she freaks out. She didn't want to have a family with anyone but her fiancé. Can she and Jake make it work? I loved this book and am so glad that Jake and Alex finally got their happy ending! Thanks Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC of this book. I can't wait to read more books by this author!

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Alex has had a difficult time, but while waiting for her next job to start she helps out Jake while he’s on the road selling their liquor label. I loved how the characters weren’t perfect and didn’t have all the answers, but worked it out as the book continued. I also loved the secondary characters that were included in the book and the epilogue. Great read no matter what season!

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This is the first book I have read by this author.

This worked fairly well as a stand alone book though readers of prior books will undoubtedly get more out of it.

Alex was annoying and whinny for most of this book.She needed a therapist not a relationship.Her reactions to things came off as immature to me.She got better but I preferred other characters.

Jake was better but came off as a bit flat.He was the more mature of the two.His transformation from a playboy to one woman man seemed fairly realistic. Though the tension between Dean and him because of Jake's attraction to Alex grew tiresome.

I didn't connect to the hero and heroine in this book.I adored Charlotte though.As I haven't read the others this is based on this being read as a stand alone.

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Alexis and Jake have a chance to really get to know each other when they decide to correspond with each other during her one year tour in Italy. Alex is still in mourning after losing her fiance', Nate, 2 weeks prior to their wedding. She views going to Italy as a chance to mourn him while also making future plans that are based on what she wants. When she returns home, she and Jake go on a road trip for the business Jake, her brother (Dean) and TJ have called "The Stag", which sells their home made brews. Jake is considered a commitment phobe and actually takes some flack from his business partners prior to his departure for his womanizing ways while on tour with their product. Jake takes their criticism seriously and vows to change his ways. Alex offers to go with him and tells the others it will help so she can babysit him. Jake has always felt inferior and there were times that Alex didn't take that into consideration at all. Their relationship really was kind of one-sided with her demanding what she wanted and not giving much thought to how others around her felt. She was kind of childish at points and it rubbed me the wrong way at times. Yes she suffered a great loss, but she didn't get to throw toddler tantrums whenever she felt overwhelmed by life. I thought Jake was a great guy throughout and felt he was more than deserving of happiness. It was nice to see him grow as a person.. I hadn't read the other books in this series but had no issue following along. It was a good, solid read and had me intrigued with the other books in this series.
I received an ARC from St. Martin's Press for my honest review.

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To me the Whiskey and Weddings series, centered around three hunky men who own a distillery, has been amazing. Dean, TJ and now Jake are realizing they cannot live without their special women, Charlotte, Jen and Alexis, by their side. Jake has been the most interesting in that he seemed to be the most misunderstood of the three guys. He, obviously, has issues from younger days that make him feel 'less than' Dean and TJ, but he does not realize they do not feel that way at all. Each of them brought their personality and strengths to The Stag.

We first met Alexis in book one during Dean and Charlotte's romantic journey. A year after the death of her fiance, she is ready to move on with her life for the most part. Unknown to brother Dean, she and Jake have kept in touch during her year deployment and have a friendship through social media. Jake has supported her, unconditionally, through her year of mourning making a special place for him in her heart.

Part of Jake's job is public relations and sales though the company RV. Alex had wanted to do some traveling before going to work for the CIA and asks to go along on his upcoming trip. Needless to say, stuff happens. They decide it is temporary and they are both adults. Well, their journey is a journey that leads to their HEA, but not without some difficulty along the way.

Nicole McLaughlin is truly one of my favorite authors. If you have not read any of her books, begin now!

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"Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review."

Loved this book very much. It had just enough sweet romance and the storyline was great! I highly recommend!

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This is a favorite author and I have read this entire series. This story continues the story told in book 1 with Dean, Charlotte, Alex and Nate and now Jake is coupled with Alex. I don't think it stands alone and to read and enjoy this story you should read book 1 first,

In the first book Dean who runs a brewery distillery/restaurant with his 2 best friends has a younger sister in the Army and she gets engaged to Nate. They are overseas and military and so she asks Dean to work with wedding planner Charlotte to plan the perfect wedding. The wedding never happens and Nate is killed. But Charlotte and Dean fall in love.

This story starts after Nate has died and Alex is a mess, Jake who is Dean's best friend realises she needs a friend so he offers to text with her when she decides to go to Italy for the year while she finishes up her stint in the Army.

Then the story picks up one year later. She comes home with a job starting in a few months with the CIA. She is stuck living with Dean and Charlotte and can't take it anymore and asks to go traveling with Jake as he does some marketing for their company.

As you can guess platonic best friends decide to explore their attractions and thats when this story get interesting.

I mostly enjoyed this story. I LOVED Jake. He is a wonderful, fun loving, sweet and caring guy. Alex I had a tough time liking. She seemed very weepy to me. I get that she lost her fiancee and it is hard to move on but everything just seemed to make her cry. It really was annoying.

Even as she starts being attracted to Jake she still is all weepy and everything causes her to cry. She was a little too introspective and tries to understand every single feeling all the time that she kind of irritated me. That said it was a very well written story and I could not put it down.

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Maybe for you by Nicole McLaughlin; is the 3rd Whiskey and Weddings novel.

Alexis, parents died when she was fairly young and was raised by her brother Dean and his wife, but then they split and then also Partner was killed only weeks before they were to wed. After his death she spends her final 12 months of her military career in Italy.

This book is a friendship. to lovers, with her brothers best friend. Second chance romance, heartbreak, and moving on.

I was gifted an e arc copy to review this for an honest review.

Overall It was an ok read, it was a little too long and Liked where I thought this was leading but in the end there were a couple things that annoyed me.

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Army engineer Alexis Parker is devastated by the loss of her Air Force fiancé who was killed in a helicopter crash just weeks before their wedding. Even after a year, Alex still struggles to find closure and get on with her life. Little reminders lurk and linger, catching her off guard, sending her back into mourning. Thank goodness for a patient friend like Jake Cooper.
Jake is the publicity manager for Stag Distillery, a business he shares with two partners, including Alex’s brother Dean. Jake’s job requires frequent travel to events and festivals all over the South, earning him the reputation of a hard-partying lady’s man. But he’s a different person when it comes to Alex, always available with an understanding ear no matter where he or she happens to be in the world.
Over-protective Dean isn’t sure he likes Jake getting so involved with emotionally vulnerable Alex, even though they’re just friends texting across the miles. But when Alex returns home and starts helping out around the distillery the closer proximity to Jake changes everything, for both of them.
Book 3 in the Whiskey and Weddings series runs the gamut from grief to happily ever after, with entertaining stopovers in platonic-ville and hanky-panky town. Some would say fate intended Alex and Jake to be together all along. No argument here.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this story. I was nice to visit again the characters from the prior books. While it would be more enjoyable to experience this book having read the other books in this series, I do not think it is necessary to understand and enjoy it.
This book is the story of Alex and Jake. Alex has had so much sadness in her life, having lost her parents in an (auto) accident and her fiancé’ in a military helicopter accident. She is at a point in her life where she is trying to decide who she wants to be and what road her life will follow. Jake has had a history of feeling that he did not belong anywhere; his family, his school and currently his co-owned partnership in the whiskey distillery. He carries his insecurities with him in his professional and personal life. He was, for most of his adult life, drifting from woman to woman as a way to not committee and just have fun.
When Jake sees how vulnerable Alex is at a party soon after her future husband died, he is overwhelmed by her sadness. They become great friends and then more. I really enjoyed this story because I like the friends to lovers stories so much. I think good relationships are based on friendship.
We see into Alex’s feelings through many journal writings, which I thought was a nice touch to the story.
The author continued the wonderful character development that she began with the series. With each book, the characters were more multi-layered and interesting. I liked that the story evolved to a plot that focused mainly on Alex and Jake and their relationship away from the other main characters. It was nice to focus on just their growing relationship.
I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher. I want to thank St. Martin’s Press for giving me a wonderful journey into the world contained in the pages of this book. I enjoyed the book and wanted to write a review to share with potential readers. Enjoy!

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There were so many emotions experienced while reading this story...finally with Jake getting his own story, with Alex, was bittersweet. With Jake having been in the background for the first two stories, and his carefree, unhindered lifestyle in the forefront, his transformation through what started out as a friendship with Alex, made their relationship so much more passionate as the story progressed...with Alex pushing him away, made their story so much more heartwarming. The ending could not have more perfect...for everyone who played a part in this couples’ HEA..

This ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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The continuation of the Stag Distillery men was full of excitement, passion and love. Being able to overcome tragedy and find love is difficult at best but Nicole handled the story beautifully with her emotional desriptions.

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Alexis Parker has never been lucky in love, her parents were killed in a car accident, she was brought up by her older brother Dean and his wife Amy as if she were their daughter, until the two of them separated over Dean's infertility, and then her fiancee Nate is killed only weeks before their wedding. After Nate's death she spends the final 12 months of her military career in Italy trying to make sense of her life.

Alex's brother Dean owns a whisky distillery with his two best friends TJ and Jake Cooper. Dean and TJ have recently found love but Jake is still a carefree bachelor. He is responsible for business development, promotions and marketing which usually takes the form of touring festivals and shows with an RV of promotional gifts and free whiskey. Unfortunately the distillery's instagram account and twitter feed are starting to appear more frat party than serious business.

Despite his playboy reputation when Jake comes across a crying Alex on the eve of her departure for Italy he can't help but comfort her. Over her 12 months abroad their friendship flourishes through sporadic texts - Alex feels safe telling Jake how she really feels about Nate's death and moving on.

After returning home Alex feels crushed by everyone's need to look after her and constantly check how she's doing. What better way to get away from the smothering than a two week road trip with Jake? But as their friendship segues into a friends with benefits arrangement are they really going to be able to walk away after two weeks?

I enjoyed this, I thought that there was sufficient angst and obstacles without being a ten handkerchief sob fest. Alex and Jake were both relatable and infuriating by turns - I understood the reasons why they came together, and why they pushed each other away, I even understood the reasons why each of them became angry on occasion.

Overall, despite the tragedy in Alex's past this was a life-affirming novel about second chances and the human capacity for love.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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I love when you can dive into a book and immediately become invested in the characters. The emotions that bleed off the pages of this book will get you.
I am a sucker for the friendship turned more story. Though there was some predictable parts (in the best of ways) there were some amazing twists that made me love this book even more.
A good heartfelt romance with a bit of real life possibilities. I think that is why I enjoyed this book so much, I felt there was so much of a real possibility of this happening.

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2.5 stars

Overall, this story was okay. I liked Jake and seeing him grow as a character was a highlight, but Alexis I lost all respect for due to her reactions when crazy events happened. Catching up on the rest the gang-Charlotte is a saint for handling Dean!-was nice and I wished we had more time with them. I am glad I held out and finished the story as things did get better. The ending didn’t necessarily make up for the drawn out drama, but it went a long way.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Alexis was still recovering from her fiance’s accidental death two weeks before their weddin when she met Jake, her brother’s business partner. They liked each other immediately and corresponded while Alexis was out of the country for a year. They became close friends during that year and became friends with benefits after her return. Unexpectedly, Alex became pregnant. She wasn’t sure that she wanted the baby at first, but realized that she did after a miscarriage scare. However, she shut Jake out due to her fear of losing him as she did her fiancé. Eventually, she realizes that she loves Jake and wants a future with him. This book was the third in a series that focused on the three owners of the Stag distillery and their girlfriends. It was nice to catch up with the other two couples during this story.

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This was a quick & fun romance to read this summer! It tackles some sensitive subjects, learning disabilities & death, but it was still a light & easy to read romance.

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Nicole McLaughlin has become one of my favorite authors over the past couple years. After reading the first two books in the Whiskey and Weddings series I was looking forward to Jake's book. Maybe for You definitely did not disappoint!

Loss and moving on have been part of Alexis's life since her fiance died a year ago. She is finally returning to the states after her final stint in the military in Italy. During the time she was gone, she struck up a friendship with Jake.

Seeing how much Jake cares from the very beginning was so sweet. He only wants the best for Alexis, and I liked getting to see more than the glimpses of the flirty playboy we've seen in previous books.

Jake and Alexis are surprisingly great together. Their journey to happily ever after feels realistic and they are easy characters to connect to.

I hope there are more books to come from this series!

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3.5 stars.
Having an insecure hero, who masks and copes with the insecurities in a very believable way, was the most original aspect of this story. It’s so refreshing to read about a hero who, despite being handsome and successful – a charmer -, is also vulnerable and dealing with lasting insecurities! Nicole McLaughlin handles really well the balance between self-image and external image and I loved it.
I also think this is a great friends-to-lovers story dealing thoroughly with serious issues such as grief and coping with the loss of a loved one. We have a vulnerable still hurting and trying to figure herself heroine and a kind, tender and considerate… playboy, paradoxically dealing with deeply rooted male insecurities.
I thought the author, handled this with sensitivity, without relying on easy solutions and developing the plot and the characters mixing all these dimensions. I found the friendship between Jake and Alex was a great introduction to their future chemistry as a romantic couple (although this part wasn’t as developed as the previous).
I adored Jake, he’s such a sweet and earnest man behind the mask he developed to hide his fears. But he’s surer of his love than Alex and that made me like him more.
I also loved the dynamics with the other male characters and between the siblings (Alex and Dean) but was not that interested in some of the female characters conversations.
It was endearing how Nate and his family played a role in the plot too.

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