Member Reviews

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving a free copy. This is the first book that I have read by this author. I really enjoyed this book! Alexis is still mending a broken heart after her fiance was killed in an accident. She is recently discharged from the military and ready to begin a new life. She decides to help her brother and his friends with drumming up new business for their brewery while trying to decide what she wants to do with the rest of her life. little did she know that spending a few weeks traveling in an RV to promote the business will lead to love. Alexis finds the love of her life during this trip! I cannot wait to read more books from this author.

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This book was cute and a follow up to Jen and TJ’s story. I liked Alex and Jake’s story but some of it was too predictable and formulaic. I also wish there was more on Jake as it felt like everything was based on Alex and her terms.

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I have read all the books in this series and this is the 3rd one and my favorite. I loved Alex and Jake.

Alex is Jakes best friends little sister, who he is also in business with. Alex has just lost her fiancé 3 weeks before her wedding. Her and Jake share a moment when she comes to an event at the business that Jake, TJ and her brother Dean own. After the event she leaves to go to Italy on her last tour with the military. Alex and Jake start emailing and texting while she is gone.

The story really starts when Alex comes back to the states and Jake picks her up. They are just friends with real no interest in each other. However Jake does the marketing for the business Stag. Alex is about to go crazy with her brother Dean who is hovering so she goes with Jake on the marketing tour. The more time they spend together on the road and in the camper interest on both sides starts to happen.

This is a sweet story of two people who don’t expect love find it. Also Jake is beyond patient and sweet with Alex while she tries to figure out how to deal with the grief of her deceased fiancé and be Alex again.

I received an advanced copy for an honest review.

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A sweet fun romance. I enjoyed the unique distillery setting.

Many thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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The third in a romance series and if you are new to the romance world, most books in a series are mostly self contained and each book focuses on different characters in the same town or setting. This series has focused on a distillery and the men that work there and the women that come into their lives. As I say in most reviews of romance books, it is obvious the ending of most romance books but the joy is in the journey!

This story centers on Jake Cooper who is the last bachelor to work for Stag Distillery and Alexis who is the little sister of one of the other owners of the distillery. Alexis has made a few appearances in the previous books, but this book takes a deep dive into her life and what has happened.

I loved these two. Their story wasn't all sunshine and rainbows and it had distinct ups and downs. I like it when the path to romance in a book isn't super easy. This may have been my favorite so far for this series.

I hope this author has more from this distillery, I like the town and the venue. I could imagine myself hanging out there and being friends with the characters - I love when a book makes me feel that way.

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Maybe For You was a great read! The concept was not your typical formulaic romance novel. Ms. McLaughlin did an excellent job of developing characters that drove the story including the background characters. Additionally, the standard problems that cause complications in relationships were realistic and conveyed accurately and believably. I would highly recommend Maybe for You as an uplifting, unique romance novel!

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Nicole McLaughlin is quickly becoming one of my favorite contemporary romance authors! Maybe For You, number three of the Whiskey and Weddings series, is a prime example of why. Her stories always have an emotional pull whether it's overwhelming happiness or heartbreaking circumstances. Alexis and Jake's story is like that. There are so many layers to their relationship that kept me on the edge of my seat. There's so much going against them and for them. If you love emotional drama then this is the story for you! I would recommend Maybe For You for fans of Catherine Bybee or Jamie Beck.
*ARC provided in consideration for review*

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I voluntarily read an advanced review copy of this book

Alexis has been through a lot, she recently lost her Fiancé and with a brother that has become slightly overbearing as he tip toes around her trying to help her deal with her loss.... there is only one person she can talk to...Jake

Jake has spent his life being considered the playboy and everyone's best friend. So it is not hard for him to step in and be there for Alexis...

But what is he supposed to do when everything starts to feel like more.... when for once he wants to be seen less as a boy and a friend but more as the perfect man for Alexis? Read and find out!

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I really liked this story and though it was very well written. Jake and Alexis were wonderful together and I didn't want to put this book down once I started reading it.

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In Maybe for You, we have two very different individuals – Alexis, a widow reeling from the her husband’s death – the man she thought she would spend her whole life with and Jake, a man who never had any plans on settling down with anyone.

Alexis is still very much in pain over the loss of her husband throughout the story. She feels that there are not too many people she can confide in with her pain and emotions but one person surprises her – Jake. Jake never seemed to be one high on emotions and talking but he becomes her confidante and sometimes counsellor. He helps her see the positive in every moment without ever dismissing her feelings, her love and her past with her husband. He allows her the room she needs to heal without protecting her from the world and holding her back from accomplishing her goals. She still feels hindered by all the plans she had made with her husband and feels lost with what her next steps should be – should she move back home like they had planned and get a normal 9-5 job or should she start a new and build her career?

Somewhere along the way, these two discover that there is so much more to each other than meets the eye. Alexis realizes Jake uses the playboy/joker image to hide a lot of hurt and pain from his childhood and Jake sees Alexis as more than just his friend and co-owner’s little sister. They try to keep their relationship at just a small fling level but both come to realize that they feel a lot more than just a casual fling. What is the struggle then? Neither is ready to let go of the past, nor have the strength to deal with the future together. Can they learn to talk it out, to work towards a future and can they tell the people who mean the most to them about this new relationship without destroying those relationships? Maybe for You is an excellent read that you will not want to put down!

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Jake and Alex’s story was absolutely beautiful. I loved these two so much and they were exactly what each other needed!

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Amazing romance by Nicole McLaughlin!!! I enjoyed this book and look forward to more of her books!!!

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased opinion.

Alex Parker has just returned home from the year in Italy she was supposed to have spent with her new husband, except that he died a couple of weeks before their wedding. She has a few months before she starts her job with the CIA, and she decides to go with her brother's best friend and business partner, Jake Cooper, on a cross-country promotional tour for the distillery they own. Alex and Jake became friends talking over Facebook Messenger while she was in Italy, and she looks forward to doing some traveling with her time off. On the road, they both feel more than friendship for each other and decide an on-the-road-only fling will be a good way to pass the time.

This was a cute, easy-to-read story; I read it all in a day. I love romances that start out as friendships first. My only complaint is that at times Jake came across as a little too good to be true.

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What is grief? Is it a feeling or a state of mind? Is it a new existence or a prison sentence? Alexis Parker lost her fiancée in a helicopter accident. She is no stranger to losing the ones she loves and is hesitant to ever put herself out there again and make herself vulnerable. She has found a friend in Jake, one of her older brother’s best friends. He has been a constant in her life and a sympathetic ear. But now that she is back from her year long stay in Italy, will she finally admit that he is more than just a friendly shoulder to cry on?

Jake Cooper has always been a player. With his good looks and laid back attitude, he has never been at a loss for bed partners. Until now, that was all he was willing to be. But can he honestly deny the attraction that he feels for his best friend’s sister? A woman who is still grieving the love of her life?

I have to admit that there were times that I got a little frustrated with Alexis, but then again I have been lucky enough not to have lost someone as close as Nate was to Alex. Alexis is a deeply wounded and fragile woman who believes that with Nate’s death she has also lost the chance to love and have a family. But life rarely goes as we want or plan it to go and we just have to make the best of what it offers us and in this case it seems that life is offering Alex a second chance and with someone she never imagined.

A deeply poignant romance that shows you that life always opens a door when you least expect it and offers you a second chance. Not to be missed!

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Talk about a romance that'll hit you right in the feels. I mean, first we have Alex who just lost her fiancé. Now that she's home and surrounded by happy couples, it is hard for her to grieve properly. When the opportunity to do the Stag tour with Jake, she see's it as the perfect challenge to jump start her future and to just have a little bit of a breather. Of course, that also means spending a lot of one-on-one time with Jake. Who wouldn't want to spend glorious alone time with him? Yes, Jake is a playboy, but he's tired of being counted out. When his two friends and co-owners doubt his ability, it hurt him. And now he has the opportunity to prove himself on the tour and he's ready to show everyone that he's not the fuck-up they think he is.

I adored the previous book in Nicole's Whiskey and Weddings series and I friggin' loved Maybe for You. It was such a thoughtful and beautiful romance between two characters that I loved from the very first chapter. They're not looking for love, but they found the one person that makes them whole. And I appreciated that they're romance didn't end with just a happily ever after. Instead, Nicole took us on a journey as Jake and Alex discover their future together, through the ups and downs that define every relationship. I loved that part of the book.

I am so glad I found Nicole's Whiskey and Weddings series. I haven't read the first book yet, but it is one that I would love to pick up before the end of the year. Plus these covers are gorgeous. I need them in my library.

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I enjoyed this book very much. Alexis and Jake are perfect for each other even though they didn’t think they would be more than friends during and after the promotional tour. The unexpected pregnancy threw them both for a loop, but they worked through everything to get their happily ever after beginning.

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Let me start by saying that the cover for the book is beautiful...

Whiskey and weddings. How good do they go to together? If you are like me, then you would say," very well" and you, my friend, are wonderful and correct. Although I would love to talk about whiskey and how great it is, we are here to talk about book three in the whiskey and wedding series titled, Maybe for You. This is book three in this series and it evolves around Dean's sister, Alex, and his friend and business partner, Jake. I read book one and I must say that this was much better than Charlotte and Dean's relationship. Yawn!! Anyways, if you read book one then you know that Alex fiancée died in a helicopter accident and she went to Italy for a year with the military. While away, her and Jake became very close and he helped her with her grief for such a tragic loss. Jake is the co-owner of The Stag along with Dean and T.J and his part of the team is marketing and social media. He drives a RV around the country to promote the product and to acquire contracts. Alex decides to go with Jake on this tour to get her mind off of things and to escape the love nest of her brother and fiancée, Charlotte. Spoiler alert if you haven't' read book one. Sorry!!

This book was okay and their relationship was a bit entertaining with a dash of chemistry. When I say dash, I really do mean dash. They had a friendship before they began to have sex and they just did not have the kind of chemistry that I was looking for. I really dislike stories where characters act like a couple, but goes out of their way of making it known that they are not a couple. Now don't get me wrong, I liked the fact that Jake was her ear and helped her through her loss, but I was looking for a different kind of chemistry. Right around the 70% mark, was when it got interesting and this story gave me a surprise that I was not expecting. Even though the ending felt a bit rushed, I enjoyed this story and its characters. One other thing that annoyed me was the huge amount of monologue. This was the same issue in book one and it made the story too wordy. The author totally skipped over details that would have made this story a little bit better and there was a lot to be desired for these characters. Alex and Jake had more chemistry than Charlotte and Dean, that's for sure!! I recommend with just a cup of tea, no blanket required. It was really hard for me to rate this because it wasn't quite a four, but it wasn’t a 3 star neither. I want to say 3.5 and since most places don’t have such a rating system, I will give it 4 stars. Barely.!

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This one really surprised me. And lately I haven’t been sure that could happen. This friends to lovers tale doesn’t go the way you might think, there is one big ‘ole twist right in the middle. Of course I’m not giving any spoilers, so keep reading.

The first half, I thought, there is a lot of pages left for what I already feel like is a complete love story, or maybe just a few more pages to finish it up. But no, she throws in this curve ball from hell–maybe heart–I’m not sure where it came from, but it really made me want to keep reading. The two characters in this one have a lot to deal with, death, self confidence, age differences. I’m sure the list is longer but those are the biggest ones I think. Nicole deals with all of them in very good ways that feel like reality and not HEA land. She shows how working through your struggles can make you a better person and more aware of who you are. It also makes you better for the people around you.

There are a couple of things I wasn’t so crazy about though: 1. You should never, I mean never, read someones private journal, no matter the circumstances. 2. If you are an adult, why are you hiding things from your family? Ok, my two peeves for this book. Onto the reading recommendation: if anyone you know has dealt with the death of a partner, this one may cause some triggers. The personal development of the two characters it truly swoon worthy though if you can handle it. I loved Jake and Alexis’ story so much. This one will stay with me for a while so, of course, it gets a 5 of 5 from me. This writer is definitely on my want to read list. I loved her style.

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What could be a perfect recipe for a relationship that is totally unexpected.
Jake is part of 3 guys who have a whisky distillery. They have been promoting it and making it work. One of the fellows has a "sister "who has been having a very difficult love life. Her fiancee died just before the wedding. Piper decides to go for a year to Italy as she finishes her military service.

While away she develops a sort of friendship with Jake via emails and texts. They share real personal feeling they would never talk about in person with anyone else. When Alex comes back, the two of them go on a road trip promoting the business and as the saying goes...
Even though Jake has been warned to keep his Di@k in his pants by her brother, Alex and Jake agree, what happens in the RV stays in the RV.... Kinda like Vegas.

The story becomes real when both connect and have to decide if they want a to pursue a relationship.

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I received Maybe for You written by Nicole McLaughlin from NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. This is the third book in her Whiskey and Weddings series, but is the first book I have ever read by McLaughlin, and can be read as a stand alone.
Alexis Parker is struggling a year later after losing her fiancé just weeks before the wedding. Working through her identity as unattached for the first time in her life, she contemplates between her new ambitions and old desires. The only constant is the growing friendship between her and Jake Cooper.
The typical player, Jake is at a loss of why he is so willing to help Alexis and listen to her discuss her... feelings of all things. But, when Alexis returns and hits the road with him during a brief stay with her brother, he is more than willing to lend his shoulder for her to lean on amongst other things. But when his feelings begin to build during this fling, must convince Alexis they are the real deal.
This was an ok story. The relationship between Alexis and Jake felt stented and forced. I would have liked to seen some of the messaging going on between them the year prior to add depth to their relationship. Slightly two dimensional, Slow paced and boring at times, I really struggled with finishing the book. It felt that McLaughlin struggled showing Alexis as a strong independent woman with feelings. And the relationship between Jake and the two co-owners of the distillery really felt like they treated him as a high schooler instead of an equal owner. I have to admit, I was mad FOR Jake at one point and I am not a big "player" fan.
All in all, the ending really made up for a lot. Sorry, I never give away spoilers but I was happy that it wasn't Alexis that had to give it all up as is the case a lot. I would be happy to give McLaughlin a second try. #MaybeforYou #NetGalley

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