Member Reviews

I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. This is this story of Alexis (Alex), who has just lost her fiancée, and Jake, one of her brother’s best friends and co-owners of the Stag. Alex deploys for a year to Italy and they message back and forth for the entire year. When she gets back, they have a kind of weird close friendship. When Jake needs to go on a business trip, Alex decides to go with him. During the trip, they start sleeping together. Things get better and more interesting from there! This is a great book that I thoroughly enjoyed. I will definitely be reading the next one in the series & going back to read the first one!

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I very much enjoyed this book.

I liked the writing and the characters. This is one I have already recommended to a few friends .

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Jake is one of the partners in Stagg Distillery and he truly wants to be a friend to Alex, Drake's sister. Alex is grieving the tragic death of her fiancée and she thinks that Jake is a nice guy who allows for her feelings. A year has passed and Alex is trying to take control of her own life and she doesn't want to return home and live with her brother. Jake invites her along on a road trip for Stagg Distillery business and they become very good friends until Jake wants to take things further. Will Jake and Alex find a way to meet in the middle?

Thanks to the publisher and to NetGalley for an ARC; all opinions are my own.

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I love the setting for this series - a distillery in KC that has a room used for weddings et al. Stag Distillery - owned and operated by three guys who were of course single when the series started. The first two books took care of Dean and TJ, now it is Jake's turn to meet his fate. Of course like most books, the road to true happiness is set with land mines and in this case it is Alex's memories of her dead fiance that was killed just weeks before their wedding. Sure it has been a year but she is dealing with a lot of emotions and guilt that she is still alive (even though she was no where near the helicopter crash) and living life.

The great thing about this relationship is that it starts off as a friendship over email, text, etc since Alex is in Italy and Jake is in the states. I firmly believe that a good relationship should be based in friendship first because it will get you over the tough times. Now that doesn't mean that Jake and Alex don't have issues because they do in spades! She still has her hang up over Nate and Jake has some of his own baggage from his childhood. And then there is Dean, Alex's brother and Jake's friend and business partner. Dean is a bit protective of his younger sister which can cause problems if he doesn't remember that Alex is an adult. Thankfully Charlotte (Dean's fiancee') steps in to calm the waters.

I enjoyed the story between Jake and Alex and was surprised at how one sided it appeared. Jake was there for Alex but was Alex there for Jake? Sometimes. BUT Jake wasn't as open as he could have been about what he was feeling. That's a guy for you. However, he did open up more especially when he realized he knew what he wanted in life and that was Alex.

There were some great scenes with Nate's family - he may be gone but they still welcome Alex in their home and their lives because while she wasn't able to marry Nate, they had a long relationship before his death and they considered her family no matter what.

I also enjoyed the witty comments from Joel, Dean's father, and his sage advice to Alex.

This is a fun series to read and while you don't have to read in order it is suggested since the characters are intertwined in the books and it makes more sense than reading them out of order.

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"Maybe For You"
By Nicole McLaughlin
St. Martin's Paperbacks

Contemporary Romance -- Release Date: August 28, 2018

Book three in the Whiskey and Wedding series has Alexis Parker home from her military position. She is still grieving the loss of her fiancé, Nate who perished in a helicopter accident while in the Air Force a year ago. Now with three months before she starts her new job with the CIA as a geospatial engineer, she decides to help her brother with his business. He, along with two of his buddies own Stag, a distillery, which is also a venue for weddings and other affairs.

While Alex was away completing her duties in the Army, she befriended Jake, one of the Stag owners. They emailed each other, and she felt comfortable opening up to him about her life and the pain of her sorrow over losing Nate. Their relationship equals a great friendship and can talk to him about anything.

As part of a marketing campaign, Jake takes the company RV out to different areas promoting Stag's products. He got into hot water at one campaign when he hooked up with a young woman, allegedly shucking his duties and causing some comments which got back to the other owners, They were not happy about the situation, and this also caused some between them. Jake wouldn't admit it, but his feelings were hurt and he lost confidence in his position within the business.

Now, Jake's about to go on another tour and Alex suggests she accompany him. She's been staying with her brother and his soon-to-be wife, and it's making her sad seeing them so happy. She also believes she's the third wheel, though it's not been said. At first, Jake is surprised she wants to go with him, but he agrees after Alex's brother, Dean, makes him promise there'll be no funny business between the two of them. Alex pooh-poohs him, stating they are just good friends. But isn't there a saying that "good friends make the best lovers?" Steamy and sensual, the emotions are spot on giving the novel depth.

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Alexis Parker had been mourning the loss of her fiance', Nate, for over a year. Nate had died just days before they were to be married and she didn't think she could go back to the life she had always dreamed of having. Her life had been full of tragedy. Her parents had also died when she was very young. She just couldn't go through another loss again so she was determined not to ever have a long-term relationship again. That way she could avoid the pain and heartache from losing those you loved. The only one she had left was her older brother, Dean. But then there was Jake, who had been her friend over the past year. He had been willing to listen to her talk about her loss and bare her heartbroken soul. He just listened and cared for her through texts and emails. He never pushed or tried to fix her. He just patiently became a close friend.

Now, she was back in the states and had in just a couple of months she would be heading to Virginia where she had accepted a job working for the CIA. Jake Cooper was her brother's business partner in the Stag Distillery. Jake oversaw the marketing and social platforms for their brand. When he left to go on the road for a "road tour" of their product, Alex wanted to come along to get away. While on this two week trip, she saw Jake as the amazingly handsome man and wonderful friend he was. She decided a no strings fling would be just the thing she needed before she left again. Would she and Jake be able to do that without their hearts getting involved? Would it be easy to just walk away when their time was up?

This is the second book in this series that I have read. There is a fair amount of descriptive sex and foul language, which is a turnoff to me, but I enjoyed the story. Unfortunately, because of the sex and language I probab

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This is my first time reading this author and I am a fan. I didn’t read this in order and was still able to follow along starting with book 3.

This is such a sweet romance and I really enjoyed it. Alex is starting her life over after her fiancé passed away. She is now starting her life over. Jake was an easy character to like even with his playboy reputation. These two had there up and downs at times but the chemistry you couldn’t deny.

I enjoyed this book and need to go back and read the other books in this series.

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Maybe for You by Nicole McLaughlin, book three in her Whisky and Weddings series is a sweet, romantic and sexy story about friendship, family, heartbreak, love and moving on. It is a story of two people, not looking for love, who find it in the most unexpected place.

When life doesn't turn out how you planned, it might be time to head in a new direction. Maybe For You is a tale of heartbreaking loss, surprising new beginnings and witty dialogue. McLaughlin presents the ultimate road trip for a brokenhearted almost bride and playboy on the mend. Alexis is learning how to live again after a tragic loss. Her second chance comes in the form of a dashing coworker with a reputation for playing the field. Jake and Alexis take a business trip that changes the course of their lives when their hearts become fair game for love. Maybe For You is a sentimental tale that brings out the laughter and perhaps a few tears.

Ms. McLaughlin London wrote a wonderful and emotional story; filled with sexual chemistry, fun dialogue, and endearing characters. I highly recommend this outstanding book to other readers.

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Whiskey and Weddings #3, In the first book Alexa Parker lost her fiance, he died in a helicopter crash. Still active in the military she opts to continue with the original plan and go to Italy for her remaining year just like Nate and her planned instead of transfering closer. Even though such a big event happened in the first book this can be read as a standalone. Her year in Italy was a year of mourning and healing and trying to figure out what she was going to do with her life since Nate was no longer a part of it. Before she left her and Jake Cooperon, one of Stag Distillery's co-owners and one of her brother's best friends, became friends and during that time they managed to become very good friends texting back and forth with each other. Alex felt comfortable talking to Jake he listened when she just needed to sort out her emotions and just acted as her sounding board.

Jake was a bit of a ladies man, but ever since he got closer to Alex he found himself not as interested as he use to be. Yes, he found Alex attractive and he liked her but he also understood how much in love she was with Nate and is willing to be the friend she needs him to be. After her year in Italy Alex comes back home a civilian and with a job prospect of working in the CIA with several months before she needs to report to duty with the CIA she decides to work with her brother at Stag Distillery. In the meantime her and Jake keep getting closer and closer and when the opportunity comes up to travel with Jake on a promotional tour their friendship turns into something more. Jake realizes he's full and ready to pursue a relationship with her, Alex is still coming to terms with what she wants out of life and if she can even let herself love again. Fate has a funny way of working things out and making you look at things from a different perspective.

Overall, this was a real emotional book. Alex deals with quite a bit and Jake is just as supportive as ever. I did enjoy this one more than the last book but JT was kind of an idiot. Jake and Alex are great characters with plenty of depth and what they go through really pulls on the heart strings. It was nicely written story with a good narrative and characters you can connect with on an emotional level.

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Maybe for You was a satisfactory ending to this series of three books. I really love the setting and the story lines a great deal. McLaughlin's dialogue often begins a bit stilted, but either she gets into it more as the book progresses or I do, because I quickly forget to notice. I really loved Jake and Alex, especially Jake. I love seeing a playboy fall hard and Jake really does. Alex is so well written, and has every reason to be terrified of falling in love, but at times she was a little hard to like, she really should have come clean with Jake much much earlier. Dean remains a favorite. If there was one thing I didn't like is was that this book both spoils the previous two in the series AND doesn't give enough information about what it's spoiling, so you can't really read it without reading the first two, but now it's gone and spoiled them for you. Thankfully, I'd read the first two so it wasn't an issue.

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Alexis lost her fiance weeks before the wedding and ultimately decided to continue with her plans to do a year's tour for the Army in Italy. Her brother and his friends still owned Stag, a whiskey distillery and event venue, and Jake Cooper is considered the no strings attached bachelor. Alex returns stateside and will take a job for the CIA, but in the meantime accepts a job as Stag's online marketer. That puts her in close proximity to Jake, who had been her online friend while she was in Italy. Of course, the two have to do a marketing gig together, and that's when the sparks between them start to fly.

This story really plays up the "Oh no, s/he's hot" trope in a fun way, because Alex and Jake start off the story as friends, and he had helped her cope through grief. It still comes and goes throughout the story, even as their attraction builds, adding a realistic thread to Alex's story. Grief does ebb and flow that way, coloring even happy and content moments, and this story doesn't shy away from that at all. The supporting cast in the story adds to the initial conflict because there's Jake's concern about having a fling with his friend's little sister, as well as the business being affected by the playboy persona he had built up unintentionally online.

We get a chance to see Alex and Jake with all of their flaws and good traits and see why they connect as well as they do. It's more than just on a physical level, and they do have a lot of support from friends and family, though they don't always use it. There seems to be unnecessary added drama at the end of the book, but it ends on a strong note that promises a good future for the two of them together. It's an honest ending for this contemporary romance, and I really enjoyed it.

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This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. This book will keep you reading long into the night. If you are looking for a great book, then you need to read this book. I am looking forward to reading the next book by this great author.

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This book was a little more risque than I usually read. I prefer clean romance novels. The plot was cute and the story was romantic, just more details than I like.

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It's been the year since the death of her fiance and Alexis and having a hard time dealing. Right before going on tour she talks to Jake my brother's friend and coworker and they form a sort of overseas friendship. She's back now helping helping your brother out with a marketing job. Now she's taking on the task of going cross-country for a promotional tour for The Stag Distillery with Jake. Things start to heat up the longer they hang out with each other on this tour.

This was a pretty good book. I thought it was interesting seeing how Alexis was dealing with her grief. I really like that when it came to Alexis and Jax friendship it was somewhere they just jumped in the sack they had a friendship building up for a long while until they finally saw each other. And being in close quarters it was only a matter of time. I thought this book was very well written and I enjoyed it. It was so much going on as long as a couple steamy scenes to keep the readers interested. Overall it was a pretty good book I really enjoyed it.

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Alex and Jake's story by Nicole McLaughlin grabbed me by the heartstrings from the very beginning. The first chapter alone had me tearing up and reaching for the tissues.

The book flew by and honestly I had a hard time putting it down.

Nicole did a great job of building up the relationship between Alex and Jake. Jake was adamant he didn’t want a relationship, and Alex still felt guilty betraying her late fiancé.

This book deserves five huge stars. Adore it. So well written and a great storyline. Nicole McLaughlin has a true fan for life now!

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Behind all the passion, is sweet story of recovery and redemption. Although she was dealt a terrible blow, Alexis manages to keep moving forward while still giving her loss a place of honor in her heart and in her life.

Meanwhile, Jake seeks to provide comfort, physically, at first. But then, he comes to realize how much a part of his heart belongs to Alexis. How to convince her the path to love lies forward?

A very well-crafted story of blending old and new to finally heal and live again.

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I really liked this story, and the fact that it wasn't rushed. You have Alex who is still grieving her fiance. While she has been away for the Army in Italy she keeps in touch with Jake.

He is a friend of her brother, and co-owner of a whisky distillery. They keep in touch the whole year she is away, building a friendship. When she comes back she is trying to figure out her next move. She ends up working with Jake for a road trip promotion tour for the distillery. Learning more about Jake and how much of a nice guy her is in person they find themselves attracted to each other.

The chemistry is hot, Jake is super sweet to the point you ask yourself is he real and if so can you clone him, please.

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This was a great book that deals with a woman who lost the love of her life, and even though her brother is close with her she is having a hard time dealing with it. When she starts confided in one of her brother's business partner Jake she starts to handle things slowly, however she still needs that push to go over the edge. When she goes with Jake on a promotion trip to try to sell their whiskey things come to prospective for her.

This is a heartfelt story. I enjoyed it.

** I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review**

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This book is slow moving and the dialogue needs a little more pizzazz. The plot line was very predictable and I really wanted more early on in the book from Jake and Alex. Some type of messages that he showed he was interested in her, it was just so slow moving of a book.

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After a year of mourning her fiancé, Alexis Parker has worked hard to rediscover what she really wants out of life. She’s fresh out of the military and back stateside where her big brother wants to take care of her as he always had since she was orphaned at 7 years of age. Consequently he offers her a marketing job at the Stag Distillery his business whom he partners with three of his best friends. Unbeknownst to him Alexis has preliminarily accepted a job working for the CIA. The new job would be starting in 3 or so months and knowing it would just be for the summer she agrees to work for the Family business taking it on as a challenge and a change. After all Alexis would be accompanying her best friend and email pal Jake Cooper on a Stag Distillery cross-country promotional tour. Jake may have a playboy reputation, but Alexis is surprised to find out that there is more to him than meets the eye. And along the road, she is beginning to like what she sees. . .

Jake promised Alexis’s brother that he’d be an absolute gentleman. Of course, that was before he and Alexis hit the road, and they both agreed that what Alexis’s big brother doesn’t know won’t hurt him. The plan: they’re consenting adults and what happens on the road and in the RV stays on the road and in the RV! Although ‘crap happens’ and Jake realizes that he and Alexis make a perfect mix. Can this notorious playboy convince Alexis that he’s ready to shake things up and give true love a shot?

Absolutely a really heartfelt romance, with a best friend who thinks he doesn’t deserve the girl but wants her anyway, knowing of the love she is still holds fast to and still grieving over the finance she lost. This story definitely has a strong emotional pull and the romance and sensualness are really over the top! Loved it.

Marilyn Rondeau

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