Member Reviews

The Stag Distillery is often used as a venue for various functions. This evening, Alex has arrived to join in celebrating the success of the distillery. Alex is still reeling from the death of her fiancé, Nate, who was killed in a helicopter accident. Alex is in the Army and soon to be deployed to Italy for a year. Her friend, Jake, is very solicitous of her and wishes her a safe journey, wanting to stay in touch with her while she’s gone.

Now, Alex is back from her year in Italy and Jake is picking her up. She is hoping to get a job at the CIA in Arlington. Back staying with her brother and his fiancé, being surrounded by their happiness as they plan their own wedding, only seems to increase Alex’s depression as she continues to mourn Nate.

At loose ends and waiting to hear on her job, Alex agrees to accompany Jake when he goes on tour in an RV promoting the distillery. Her brother, Dean, Jake, and another man own the distillery. It has come back to Dean that Jake tends to hook up with women on these tours. This type of behavior does not bode well for the company’s reputation as the distillery is also a wedding venue and must keep a good, clean reputation.

Being in close quarters with lots of togetherness results in an attraction and resulting intimacy. Back home, Alex and Jake try to keep their relationship secret until something happens to blow it out of the water.

This is a fairly clean, sweet romance that I’m sure will be a favorite with contemporary romance readers. I enjoyed reading the first book in the series as well.

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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3.5 Stars

After a slow start, and a pleasantly meandering middle, Maybe For You ended well.

Jake and Alexis forged a friendship through emails and Facebook Messenger while Alexis was stationed for a year in Italy. The friendship couldn’t have come at a better time for Alexis. Having just lost her fiancé in a helicopter crash, Jake was there for her to work through her emotions and as sounding board for her thoughts and feelings. He was a safe place to share because unlike her older brother - who co-owns a business with Jake - he didn’t feel the need to fix things for her. He just let her share, and feel all the feelings, with no judgement.

When Alexis finally comes home back to Kansas City, she’s making plans for her new life out of the military. She’s imagining a new future, one without the man she loved dearly, one she can decide all on her own. But the new job she just accepted doesn’t start for three months. With nothing to do, she decides to accompany Jake on a two-week tour of the south to peddle the Stag’s bourbon. In an RV. You don’t need me to connect the dots on how the rest of this story goes down.

I’m not usually a fan of the best friend’s younger sister trope, or the friends-to-lovers trope. Both were represented in this book. But Ms. McLaughlin never wrote any of the things that drive me bonkers about those tropes (namely, repetitive writing about how the older brother is going to hate the friend, or how the couple doesn’t want to ruin their friendship by becoming more…). Yes, when a friend, who has previously been known for his playboy antics, gets involved with the sister, there’s a legitimate concern there. This concern was expressed, but it wasn’t harped on over and over and over. There was never a mention about their friendship being ruined by getting involved. HOORAY!!! Bravo to Ms. McLaughlin for moving the story along without continuing to beat the same monotonous drum.

Also, I appreciated that while the author may have gone the cliched route with the storyline, she stayed away from the cliched reactions and the unnecessary angst. (Being intentionally vague here - don’t want to spoil anything!) While I’m a huge fan of the big gesture, there really wasn’t one here. Instead, the person who was wronged didn’t hold it against the other person when push came to shove. And I really liked it!

There was so much that worked for me in this book, but I would have liked to see the author give us more about our hero. Jake’s insecurity played a large part in who he was, and while we as the reader were privy to his feelings, I would have like to see him hash things out with Alexis. She was so open with him about her feelings, I would have like to see them spend some time dealing with his.

All in all, this was another enjoyable book by Nicole McLaughlin. She’s quickly becoming an author I can count on to write a solid, entertaining book that doesn’t annoy me by filling her pages with redundant thoughts or actions. Her dialog is great. I adore her heroes - they are manly and have strong opinions, but don’t act all alpha with bossy, grunting directives and chest pounding. The heroines are strong and relatable. You can’t ask for much more than that!

* thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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McLaughlin writes a heartbreakingly tender tale of the loss of love, and the joy of discovering that it can be found again. Alex’s fiancé died just before their wedding, and she has tried to move on and rebuild a life afterwards. Her brother, and the people who love her have supported her and encouraged her to move on, but she is still in deep mourning. Her brother’s best friend has unexpectedly become her best friend through email exchanges, and when she returns to her hometown, its time to discover if that friendship holds something more.

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Wow, did I adore this. I loved the progression of the relationship, but I am also glad I read the first one because otherwise her brother would have TOTALLY TURNED ME OFF because there's overprotective and then there's this guy. But because I got his story, I wasn't as annoyed. Overall, great brother's-best-friend story!

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Although part of a series, Whiskey and Weddings, by Nicole McLaughlin, this is a good standalone book. This storyline deals with Alex, who after the sudden death of her fiance, decides to go to Italy to finish military service. Before leaving Alex becomes friendly with Jake, who is one of the partners in her brothers' bar. Now returning home, Alex is trying to decide how she wants to move on with her life and becoming involved with Jake was not in the picture (or so she thinks). Life is interesting and love abounds.

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Maybe for You by Nicole McLaughlin is book Three in the Maybe for You series. This is the story of Jake Cooperon and Alexis Parker. I haven't yet read the previous books, so for me this was a standalone book.
Alex had her life planned out with her future husband but he died before they could marry which left her lost and heartbroken. Now out of the military she working to try and start over. After building a connection with Jake she goes with him to help promote Stag Distillery. Of course Alex's brother want Jake who has causal flings/no commitments to not do so with their sister. But what happens during the road trip they plan on letting that stay there. But things don't go as planned when they attraction starts to turn into more.
Really enjoyed this sweet romance!

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She just needs to heal and she finds friendship in the least likely place. Can she find the peace she's looking for and can he show her he can be her friend without something more?
This is powerful for sure, You will laugh and cry and laugh some more. This book is about finding healing in loss and finding hope when all else seems loss. While Alex is trying to find hope and continue living after the loss of her fiancé she also feels like its best to not get to close to anyone. This book is a quit read and I had a hard time putting it down from page one to the end. This book was such a sweet love story with not just Alex and Jake but it also follows up with TJ, Jenn, Charlotte and Dean, which was so nice to find out whats been going on with them. This book does have adult language and adult situations but this book was so worth the read and I hope there is more to come from Stag Bar. I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley. I was under no obligation to post a review and have given my honest opinion

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and I am voluntarily reviewing it.

First off getting an ARC there are sometimes issues with format. I understand that as I'm not getting a final copy. I do hope that the final copy gets another edit. It was frustrating at times to have to re-read a sentence because the word "from" was "form". Also there really isn't a word "grinded". It was little things in the story that I hope will be caught before a final release.

Now to the actual story. It was a good one. I really felt for Alex and the loss of Nate just before their wedding. Her response was natural. Some people may have thought it when on for too long but everyone deals with loss different. Jake was wonderful in my eyes. His insecurities just made him some so much more human than some male protagonists.

This story is written in a dual POV which helps the reader (okay me at least) to better understand the characters. This was a story that flowed nicely and I was sorry to see it end. I will have to go back and read the other stories in this series. Not because I have to but the characters were wonderful and I would love to read their HEAs.

Highly recommend!

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This is a great story from beginning to end. I have read most of Nichole McLaughlin's books and this rates up there as one of the best I have ever read. Can't wait to read more from her.

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Alexis is still getting over the death of her fiancé, while she was in Italy he was a confident. Now she is back in the US and ready to start her new job at her brother’s distillery. She ends up going on a promotional tour with Jake and their friendship turns into more. Can they get beyond their pasts and move forward with each other? This is a fast-paced emotional read with plenty of drama and great chemistry. The characters have plenty of depth and the story really draws you in. I liked it.

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I enjoyed this friends-to-lovers romance by new-to-me author Nicole McLaughlin and was entertained and engaged from beginning to end. I really liked the chemistry and repartee between Jake Cooper, co-owner of Stag Distillery who has a playboy reputation and Alexis Parker mourning the death of her fiancé just a few weeks before their wedding a year ago.

Maybe For You is written with so much love and emotion, I felt like I was with Jake and Alex through every step of their story. Even though this is the third book in the Whiskey and Weddings series, I had no problem reading it as a standalone and highly recommend this beautifully written contemporary romance.

I received an advance reader copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and this is my unbiased review.

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I have enjoyed the Whiskey and Weddings series so much, and now it's time for Jake's story. Jake's reputation as a player, flirt and all around women's man is... well, deserved. Unfortunately, that reputation is hurting the Stag Distillery, the business he created with his best friends. So, an unusual decision is made - Jake will head out on a good-will, promotional tour to be the face of Stag Distillery to various venues and business opportunities... and he'll behave himself. That's guaranteed by the addition to this tour of Alexis who has become close friends with Jake through their messaging and support of each other. Jake just acquired a babysitter, a very beautiful, vulnerable babysitter who just might be the saving grace of his life.

Alexis is still reeling over the death of her fiancé shortly before their wedding. Over the past, difficult year it's been Jake's understanding ear, his messages that have helped keep her sane... and maybe starting the recovery process as well. Alex returned home awaiting her new job to begin when she agrees to be Jake's babysitter... or companion on this promotional tour. They're friends, they can do this easily - and if Jake and Alexis begin to feel that spark between them grow into something more passionate, well, who is to know what happens on the road? You might be surprised.

Maybe for You is a slow burn romance, a friends to lovers story of two people who let down their guard around each other and show their true selves. If at times Alexis came off as a bit over the top in her reactions, I put it down to the emotional strain of losing the man she had loved to death which is never a fair closure, and discovering that life goes on, even loving someone else is possible. Jake allows Alexis to see the man underneath the surface mask that he wears. With her he can be tender and caring, something that he never allows anyone to see. I liked them both, their slow burn was believable and while I hurt for them both at times, I also cheered them on to find something solid together.

If you love a really good slow burn, friends to lovers, second chance at love romance... then Maybe For You is a story that you would definitely enjoy. I've had fun in this world, and would not hesitate to recommend the entire series to any Romance reader.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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Having loved books 1 & 2 in the Whiskey and Wedding series, I was so excited to get Maybe For You in my hot little hands! Our hero, Jake, is a playboy and the least confident in his role at Stag Distillery. But he is the man who is there for Alex after her fiancé is killed in an accident not long before their scheduled wedding. During Alex’s year long deployment in Italy, the two become close friends and modern day pen pals. A relationship, either between them, or with anyone else, is not even on their radar.
But things change as Alex joins Jake on a two week distillery business tour. Suddenly, feelings develop, first physically, then emotionally...which is something that Alex is not reading for. In fact, she might never be.
This book had it all for favorite trope, a hot and sexy hero, a strong heroine (even if she doesn’t see herself as such) and a great supporting cast of characters. I love Nicole McLaughlin’s smooth writing style and dialogue. Sexy without being raw or raunchy, her characters grab you by the heart and make you think and feel. While this is the third (and last, I believe) book in the series, it can be read as a standalone. Grab this book if you’re looking for a beautiful story with a couple to root for!

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4.5 STARS!

Beautifully well-written, entertaining, fun, emotional and much more! Alex and Jake's chemistry is palpable and their connection believable. All secondary characters are great and likeable!

Maybe for You is an enjoyable read that I highly recommend. If you haven't start the Whiskey and Weddings series, I recommend you do with book 1!!

ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

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Jake and Alexis are two of my favorite characters in a while! This is the first time I’ve read this author but I’m completely in love! And I don’t mean Maybe!!
Jake has a bit of a playboy reputation. Ok not a bit. A lot. Alexis has been away in the military and has been mourning the loss of her fiancé a year ago. She comes back to the states to work at her brother’s company, where Jake also works. They end up having to do a promotional tour together. Obviously they spend a lot of time together and Alexis begins to see that there’s more to Jake than his reputation. Jake begins to think that he may be ready to let go of his old ways. But how can he convince Alexis that the guy who should be the wrong one, may actually be perfect for her?

I tried not to give too much away but with this book you’ll need a box of Kleenex and a fan!! Those love scenes are steamy!!
After reading this book, I’ve learned that this is the third book in a series. The other two are: “Maybe I Do” and “Maybe This Time”.
This book was provided to me by St. Martin’s Press through NetGalley for my review.

#MaybeForYou #NicoleMcLaughlin #WhiskeyandWeddings
#StMartinsPress #NetGalley

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I absolutely loved this book! It was such a great emotional and romantic love story. I fell in love with the characters and the story from the start. The writing was wonderful and so powerful I felt all the emotions as if I were there with them.
“Maybe for You” had everything I look for in a book. This is definitely one that pulls you into the story and lets you forget the real world for a while. I highly recommend this book!

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There are some really good indepth reviews here that I cannot top. I will say that this series is very good. It has heartbreak, a sweet new love and friendship and family. Alex lost her fiance and was having trouble not being sad. After being pen pals with Jake for a year while she was in Italy, they then were slowly beginning a relationship. Sweet story. I loved it. I got this book from NetGalley for an honest review.

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Alex was at Stag distillery when her brother Dean and his two partners TJ and Jake were having a party to celebrate opening up and bottling their first batch of bourbon they themselves had made. Just over a year ago this was supposed to have been where ALex and Nate would have had their wedding reception if he had not been killed in a helicopter accident just before they were due to marry. Alex was in the Army and Nate had been in the AIr Force. The Stag hosted a lot of events and receptions. Dean,TJ, and Jake had gone into business to make small batch liquor, But fate had its own plan for this business and it also ended up becoming one of the most successful wedding and event venues in the Kansas City metro area. This was the first time Alex had ventured out into public since Nate’s funeral being dressed and makeup on and her hair done. Then Alex heard Jake call to her and he asked if he could get her a drink and she accepted. Jake stayed by Alex’s side until their barmaid Jen - who was seeing TJ cut herself at the bar and needed to go to the ER to get stitches and Jake took Jen's place behind the bar. Eventually out of nowhere a panic attack started to build Alex went into a room but Jake came in after her and held her as she cried until she got herself together. Alex and Nate had been brought together by the military and after so many years in the Middle East they had been excited to spend a year in Italy before coming back and settling down into family life but that would never happen now. After much thought Alex decided to go ahead and deploy to Italy as she had been offered to be allowed to stay stateside. Jake and Alex became close friends while she was in Italy and she could tell him anything she wanted and feel whatever she was feeling and he was just there for her while she was in Italy. To surprise Dean she ahd Jake pick her up at the airport.Dean and Alex were extremely close as when she was thirteen when her parents and his mom died in a car accident- his now ex wife and Dean took Alex in and raised her until she became of age. Alex read maps- she was a geospatial engineer and had already accepted a job with the CIA in Arlington that would start in a couple of months. Alex was not prepared for how handsome Jake really was and she had noticed when she got off the plane. Jake as a friend over the last year had been a vital part to her healing process. Jake had been the playboy of the three men who owned the Stag and TJ and Jake had been bestfriends since Little League but he was now also very close to Dean. Jake was the marketing and publicity guy for Stag Distillery and went on the road doing tours and trying to find new people ei sign up to sell their alcohol. But some one had complained about Jake hooking up so much and it didn’t really look good for business and when TJ went to Jake all his old insecurities hit him again as TJ was very smart and rich and Jake had learning disabilities and had come from a different type of environment even while growing up best friends with TJ. Jake had stormed out of the building and would not answer the texts, calls or even email from his partners he had been hurt with the way T J had said things.. Alec went to check on Jake and made him feel better then found out he was soon going out on tour for two weeks and asked if she could go as she loved to travel and he let her.
This was a great sweet, easy and emotional read and I love it. I loved Alex and Jake together and how they interacted with each other. I loved how close Dean and Alex were and how close Alex was with her friends and how she interacted with everyone such as Charlotte. I felt like I was there with Alex and Jake and everyone. I didn’t want to put this down it held my attention from beginning to end. I loved the plot and pace. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend.

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ARC for honest review with no compensation given by NetGalley and St. Martin's Press. 4.5 stars

This is book 3 of the Whiskey and Wedding series while a standalone I understood the flow from the prior books even though I have not read them.. I will most definitely be checking them out!

Jake is a partner in the Stag Distillery with his two best friends. He is the "Promo Guy" and playboy extraordinaire. A complaint has been lodged against him so it's decided that on the next promo tour he take Alexis along to keep him out of trouble. Little does he know that this may not be the way to make that happen...

Alexis has finally returned home from the military, while also spending the past year mourning the loss of her fiancé who just weeks before their wedding was killed. She now needs to pick up the pieces and find her direction in life. Her brother and part owner of Stag Distillery offers her a job and she agrees to do the ride along with Jake as they have been pen pals during the past year and there's more to Jake than meets the eye.

What starts out as friends turns quickly as the heat rises, friends become lovers and when you least expect it love shows us what has been missing all along!

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This book was a very enjoyable book to read with the great character and storyline development which kept me totally captivated until the very end!

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