Member Reviews

Maybe For You is a great friends-to-lovers romance. I loved that Jake was super supportive of Alexis, & I really enjoyed their fun and playful relationship. They were the perfect match! Nicole McLaughlin perfectly blended Alexis's tragic past with her future to create a beautiful love story. I hope there will be more books in the Whiskey and Weddings series!

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Some may say that this past year has been really crappy for Alexis Parker. Not only did she lose her fiance to a horrific accident, it also happened two weeks before their wedding. Now out of the service, Alex heads to Italy for a year before starting her new life because this was the plan they had, their big dream. Just before leaving, Alex has a heartfelt talk with Jake Cooper, one of her brother Dean's best friends and co-owner of his whiskey business. It felt nice to just talk to someone who would listen and not judge. Throughout the past year Alex and Jake have continued this friendship unbeknownst to everyone else. They have shared secrets that no one else even knows about.

A year later, Alex is back in Kansas City, KS and Jake is excited to see her again. Dean offers her a job at Stag Distillery and she accepts for the time being. Alex is nervous seeing Jake. He tends to be the playboy of the group but she finds out she is pleasantly surprised by him. When the opportunity for Alex and Jake to go on a 2 week road tour for Stage Distillery arises, she jumps on the chance. What Alex was hoping for is that Jake could help her get "back in the saddle", after all, he is a playboy! What neither of them expected was for anything to lead to more than just a fling.

As these two come to grips with with who they are, and what they are together they take a long journey throughout their pasts to finally be able to find their happy ending.

I just adored this story. Both characters were wonderful. Alex was having a hard time with finding direction in her life while at the same time Jake felt like he was stuck in a rut. Together they really made each other complete.

I have never read a Nicole McLaughlin book before and I was deeply surprised. This story had such heart and wonderful characters and I am sure I will be reading her books again.

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Maybe for You is captivating heart warming story about finding love when you least expect it. Alexis is finally learning to live again after losing her fiance just weeks before her wedding. Starting fresh gives Alexis a chance to try things she never thought she would, like having a fling, but sometimes what we think we really want isn't what we need and life has a way of putting what we need right out of reach. Jake is carefree and just the person to show Alexis what she's been missing, only things don't go according to plan and feelings get involved. Jake helps Alexis find out who she really is, and Alexis shows Jake that sometimes life is better when we give in to the things in life we didn't realize we wanted.

Maybe for You is a sweet story that I want to read over and over again. In fact it's one that I will probably know by heart in a matter of months. Nicole did an amazing job with this story and if I didn't already love her stories I'd be a fan for life.

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What I liked:
The writing style
Most of the characters
Friends to lovers
Part of a series: Whiskey and Weddings

What I didn't like:

I had a hard time staying interested in this book.

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I read the first two books of the series. The first one I really enjoyed. The second one not quite as much and this one I could never really connect. I felt like Alex and Jake had no chemistry - the whole story just felt bland. I found myself skipping through large passages. I think this one just wasn’t for me. As much as I like the first one I would buy this author again, but I would skip this one.

Net Galley provided a copy of this book for a review.

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This was a fantastically written story, that was heartbreaking, heartwarming, and filled with emotional real life issues. This had my heart melting, and me crying and rooting for these main characters. This is my first story by Nicole McLaughlin and it definitely, will not be my last.
Alex Parker has suffered great loss in her life, with the latest being her fiancé, Nate, two weeks before they were to be married. When she comes to celebrate her brother and his partners’ company’s fifth year in the Bourbon and Whiskey distillery business, at the same venue where she was to get married, her grief is not only noticed, but also felt by Jake Cooper, one of her brother’s partners. Coming to her aide on this difficult night, Jake and Alex soon find themselves becoming close friends, as over the course of a year, as she is deployed in Italy, their keep in close contact with each other.
Jake Cooper has always felt he didn’t belong, not with his intelligent siblings, in his school and he is now feeling like his current partners don’t take his marketing of their business seriously, even though his traveling and Playboy ways, has gotten them a lot of new accounts, as well as made their social media accounts interesting and popular.
So, when Alex returns home after she leaves the service for good, living with her brother and his girlfriend and constantly witnessing them being happy is just too much for her. When Jake is to go out on tour, Alex takes that opportunity to go with him. But soon these two decide that a fling between them, while on the tour and until she moves across the country to her new job is something they both want. But is it? You will have to read to find out.
I loved this story of healing and opening your heart and letting love in. I couldn’t put it down.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Emotionally charged romance. Jake and Alex are a great pair. Friends to lovers is one of my favorite romance troupes. I love that they started im ing with each other first getting to know each other. I love how is there for her during her mourning period. Need tissue

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I totally enjoyed this book. They both. had growing to do, which they did together. This whole series was a joy to read and this story was right there. Who knew giving out whiskey samples could be such fun. Read this book.

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I received an ARC of this book from the publisher through NetGalley to read in exchange for a fair review. Maybe For You is the third book in Nicole McLaughlin’s Whiskey Weddings Series. The hero in this book and the other two books are co-owners of a small batch distillery. Alexis Parker lost her fiancé in a helicopter crash shortly before their wedding. She’s spent the past year in Italy fulfilling her commitment to the army and has now returned home unsure of her place in the world. Jake Cooper one of her brothers partners has become a good friend over the course of that year listening to her hopes and fears and letting her move through her grief at her own pace. Jake too has been struggling feeling left out in the decision making process for the distillery and unappreciated in his role as marketing director. With both of them needing some space from family and friends Alexis tags along with Jake as he embarks on a promotion and marketing tour and their friendship turns into something more ... Jake is handsome and charming but not one to be tied down or is he? Keep a box of Kleenex handy. Fairly steamy. Publishing Date August 28, 2018 #MaybeForYou #NetGalley #stmartinspress #nicolemauthor

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This is the second book by Nicole McLaughlin that I've read and the second that I've thoroughly enjoyed. In the previous book I found the characters unique and interesting and this book was no exception but in a totally different way. Both Alex and Jake have some complicated baggage. Alex is still grieving the loss of her fiancé a year earlier and trying to navigate a life completely different from the one she expected. Jake has some pretty serious insecurities from childhood struggles with learning disabilities. McLaughlin walked a fine line between making the baggage realistically complicated and messy without making it feel angsty and melodramatic.

The road trip vibe was really fun. I really liked how the friendship between the two had grown up at the beginning of the book but the road trip really put the spotlight on them. Not only did they have to sort through their own personal issues but they also had to deal with the bond they had and what it meant both in the moment and in their real life.

This is book 3 in the series but as with most romances there is no issue starting here. I am anxious to go back and read the first two so I can get to know Dean, Charlotte, TJ, and Jen better. I absolutely flew through this one and enjoyed getting to know Alex and Jake as well as the community at Stag Distillery. This a great romance that's light but with heart and with characters you can't help but root for.

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This was a sweet love story for Alex and Jake.

Alex's heart was crushed when her fiance died, sure she'd never love again. Jake took what he thought was a safer path by never risking his heart in the first place. Now these two friends have to share tight quarters on a two-week road trip that forces them both to examine their hearts and lives and determine just what they want their futures to look like.

I loved that these two started as friends, their romance building slowly over time as Alex patched up her heart and began to live again. Jake's emotional journey was no less difficult as he had to ask himself the tough questions about his life choices and ultimate goals. Their relationship was sweet, funny, and truly heartwarming.

I really enjoyed the secondary characters, too. I haven't read the previous books yet, but this one works great as a standalone. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

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3.5 stars

I'll be honest, the first chapter or so, I was a little too bummed about the circumstances of the heroine- losing her fiance. (no spoilers, it's known from the very beginning).

But as the new hero came along, their chemistry sparkled and I was drawn in to see how Alex would shift from grieving widow to friends with Jake, to lovers, and then to finally having a relationship.

Some cheese moments, but they're the best in romance.
This is a cute second chance contemporary romance and I was drooling over Jake, and glad Alex finally did, too.

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When life doesn't turn out how you planned, maybe it's time to head in a new direction. Maybe For You is a tale of heartbreaking loss, surprising new beginnings and witty dialogue. McLaughlin stages the ultimate road trip for a brokenhearted almost bride and playboy on the mend. Alexis is learning how to live again after a tragic loss. Her second chance comes in the form of a dashing coworker with a reputation for playing the field. Jake and Alexis take a business trip that changes the course of their lives when their hearts become fair game for love. Maybe For You is a sentimental tale that brings out the laughter and perhaps a few tears.

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This was a great read. There is a sweet romance that develops after starting out as a fling. It's been a year since Alexis lost her fiance Nate and while she wants to move on and start over it's been hard. Now she's back from Italy and has a new job lined up that will start in a couple of months. To pass the time she's working at Stag Distillery. Hitting the road with Stag's resident playboy Jake Cooper wasn't how she expected to spend her time but being with Jake and experiencing life again may be exactly what she needs.

This is a wonderfully done story and I loved watching how both Jake and Alexis change through their journey. I highly recommend this one.

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Maybe for You (Whiskey and Weddings, #3) by Nicole McLaughlin ...I thought the first two books were great..but this was fantastic.... thanks to the publisher and #NetGalley for letting me preview this book and series. Alexis Parker and Jake Cooper both have history or hang ups...but they are so perfect for each other ... this is a real friends to lovers story...he helps her get over a tragic loss and she helps him realize his self worth. So many feel.. happiness, grief, sadness, fun, sex, great friends and family we get to revisit...and of course a very HEA... Nicole always makes me feel like I am part of the story and it is so hard to leave....

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She’s never had a no-strings fling. He’s never had anything else. After a year of mourning her fiancé, Alexis Parker has worked hard to rediscover what she wants out of life. Fresh out of the military and back stateside, her brother offers her a marketing job at the Stag Distillery. Ready for a new challenge, Alexis agrees to accompany her new co-worker Jake Cooper on a Stag cross-country promotional tour. Jake promised Alexis’s brother that he’d be an absolute gentleman.
This is the third book in the series but could be read on its own. The characters are likeable & have plenty of depth. The story flows well & kept my interest all the way through. It’s quite a rollercoaster of a journey to the HEA especially as Alex has to move on from her fiancé's death. A well written story of finding the courage to love again

My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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Maybe for You by Nicole McLaughlin, book three in the Whiskey and Weddings series. A heart-warming story of friends to possible romance. I enjoyed the characters and storyline in this book. I look forward to reading more by this author.

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I am fairly certain this is my first experience with this series. The sorrow in our lovely protagonists life is extensive. I shed a few tears along the way. She shed many! I did skip over the steamy scenes. The growth of the friendship prior to the sex was great. Some surprises and tense moments.

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Not only is this a story about finding love again after tragedy and grief, this is also about finding the courage to remain alive each day. It is about finding your place in the world and your purpose.
Alex is mourning her love who died shortly before their wedding. She is also mourning the plans they had made for life after their tour of duty commitment was complete. Making new plans feels like a betrayal.

Jake is the only unattached male of the trio of distillery owners. While he tries to be a gentleman, respectful of women, being unattached he hasn't had to shy away from the advances of women. His job just happened to put him in the crosshairs. Because Alex happens to be the sister of one of his partners, his best friend's sister, and is mourning her fiance, she is vulnerable. Jake would never take advantage... unless the situation was irresistible.

Told with class and honorability, this is a friends to lovers story that goes much deeper.
No one is taken advantage of here, and emotions and possibilities are dealt with honestly and compassionately. I enjoyed the characters and how their relationships changed over time.

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Maybe for You broke my heart. I should have known that this book was going to make me cry by the first chapter. Alexis's pain over Nate's death was gut-wrenching. It came off the pages in waves. My heart broke for her. She needed to start healing. The first step to doing that was her taking the post in Italy. What I liked is that the author didn't detail Alexis's time in Italy. All I knew is that when she came home, she had somewhat healed and was starting to live again. Which was great and set the tone for the rest of the book.

I liked Alexis. What I liked is that she was human. She wasn't perfect. She made mistakes. She had the same insecurities. It made for a more believable character. I connected to her. Mainly in the last half of the book. Everything that she felt, I felt. She did have her flaws. She kept pushing Jake away. She kept him at arm's length. She was confused about what she felt about him. I loved it!!!

I liked Jake. He was exactly what he presented. The only thing is that he liked the ladies and the ladies liked him. I did think that it was messed up that the father of a grown woman complained to his business partners about Jake sleeping with his daughter. I also found it a little creepy. I liked that he was there for Alexis no matter what. I did agree with what he said when Alexis found out what she did. He wasn't perfect. He had a temper. He had a rep as a playboy. But it was those imperfections that made his characters.

I loved that the romance in this book wasn't Instalove. I don't have anything against Instalove but it gets old in romance novels. So, when I see a novel where the relationship is built up, I love it. So, yes, I was happy with the romance in this book. Jake and Alexis had a year to build a relationship via text. For some people, that might not be enough but Jake and Alexis talked every day for a year. A relationship was built. I also liked how the author chose to have Alexis and Jake overcome their relationship issues. They fought like normal people but they always ended up talking it out.

Like the romance, the chemistry between Jake and Alexis grew during the first few chapters. I did have one small complaint. Not even a complaint, an observation. But how did she not feel hin when she was grinding up against him? I mean, its pretty obvious. Not talking from experience or Anyways, that chemistry leads to some red-hot sex. I needed a fan after the first scene. The other sex scenes, while not as hot, were still hot in their own sense. But nothing was like that first scene.

Now, I haven't read the other books. The author did a great job at keeping the other characters, Dean and Charlotte/T.J. and Jen, in the background. I liked it. So yeah, the author did a great job at keeping them in the background where they belonged. Saying that, though, the secondary characters did make the book. If I had to have favorites, it would be Charlotte and Regina. Charlotte because she didn't take crap from anyone. Regina because she was sweet and understanding.

The secondary storylines added depth to the book. Instead of taking over a book and leaving questions, they added to it. The author was able to tie them to the main storyline by the end of the book.

The end of the book was fantastic. I won't lie, I had tears running down my face. It was that moving and a perfect ending for this book!! Also, the epilogue made me cry too. Ugly crying for the last half of the book FTW!!

What I liked about Maybe for You:

A) Alexis's healing

B) The romance between Alexis and Jake

C) The epilogue

What I disliked about Maybe for You:

A) Alexis's keep pushing Jake away

B) Jake's temper

C) The other sex scenes weren't as hot as the first one.

I gave Maybe for You a 4-star rating. The characters were relatable and the plotline was engaging. I did think that the sex scenes, after the first one, lacked some of the heat of the first one. I also didn't like Alexis pushing Jake away many times. But other than that, it was a good read.

I gave Maybe for You an Adult rating. There is sex. There is language. There is some very mild violence. I would recommend that no one under the age of 21 read this book.

I would reread Maybe for You. I would also recommend it to family and friends.

I would like to thank St. Martin's Paperbacks, St. Martin's Press, and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review Maybe for You.

All opinions stated in this review of Maybe for You are mine.

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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