Member Reviews

Nineteen year old house maid Rose Gallagher works for Thomas Wiltshire, businessman in 1886 New York. When he disappears she decides to investigate.
I didn't really take to the characters and when it turned into more of a paranormal story than a straightforward murder mystery I did lose interest. It just is not my sort of story though I suspect other readers will enjoy the book.

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Fans of cozy mysteries will enjoy this book that blends suspense with murder and the paranormal. I struggled with this book - partially because it felt like a slow moving story but also due to my disinterest in the paranormal storyline. However, I can certainly see how others would truly love it and appreciate the characters.

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Rose Gallagher splits her time between home in Five Points and work on Fifth Avenue as a housemaid for her mysterious employer, Mr. Thomas Wiltshire.

When Mr. Wiltshire disappears, the police brush it off as the whim of a wealthy man.  Rose finds that the friend who reported her employer missing, Mr. Burrows, is acting a bit suspicious himself.
Fed up with the police, Rose takes it upon herself to find Mr. Wilshire, who she fears may be involved in some shady business.
Rose's entire life changes when she rescues a kidnapped Mr. Wiltshire from a warehouse on the wrong side of town.  She learns that not only is Mr. Wiltshire a Pinkerton detective, he's part of a small precinct investigating paranormal cases.

Rose finds herself involved in a mystery involving the wealthy residents of Fifth Avenue who all have a little luck on their side.  And when I say luck, I mean they have... powers.

"Luck is simply a generic term for any type of extraordinary ability.  There are many different forms of it, all of them hereditary." *

All the wealthy families of New York - the Astors, Rockefellers, and Vanderbilts to name a few - they all have secret extraordinary abilities. 

"Fewer than one percent of people have luck.  That's among the general population, of course; among high society, it's closer to twenty percent." *

Mr. Wiltshire's kidnapping is related to the deaths of two wealthy brothers, Jacob and Frederick Crowe, both of whom were involved in obtaining highly sensitive manuscripts containing information about a portal between the living and the dead ... and with a large amount of ghosts suddenly showing up in the city, the portal may have been opened before the Crowe brothers died.
Mr. Wiltshire and Rose must work together to find out who has the manuscripts and where the portal is located so they can close it before more of the dead cross over.

Full of historic Gilded Age details of Manhattan, ghosts, a budding romance, and some (paranormal) luck, Murder on Millionaires' Row is an entertaining debut to a new cozy mystery series.  I loved Rose's intelligence, tenacity, and the fact that she came to the rescue of the man rather than being the damsel in distress!  There are several characters introduced and more mentioned in this novel so there's an opportunity for many great subplots and future storylines.

Thanks to Minotaur Books and NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review.  Murder on Millionaires' Row is scheduled for release on October 2, 2018.

*Quotes included here are from an advanced readers copy and are subject to change upon final publication.

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Available Oct 2: Murder on Millionaires' Row by Erin Lindsey
**** 4.5 stars: Loved it and probably stayed up all night reading and developing real feelings for fictional people.

Recommended readers:

If you like novels with history and drama
If you want an action-packed mystery
If you like strong female characters
Here's my Rankings:

5/5 for characters
4/5 for plot
4.5/5 overall
During the Gilded Age in Manhattan, Rose Gallagher is a housemaid, living in one of the worst areas of the city and dreaming of better things - when her employer goes missing. Young, ambitious and inspired, Rose begins to search for him - discovering a fascinating world of magic, ghosts, mystery and romance - and even some secrets about her intrepid employer.

Murder on Millionaires' Row has a multi-genre feel with an expertly woven story of mystery, supernatural, romance and thriller. It helps that I love the Gilded Age era - it's an interesting time where classes are starting to blend and entrepreneurs are starting to bud. In Erin Lindsey's debut novel, you'll fall in love with Rose, despite her flaws and step into her shoes to uncover many mysteries. Murder on Millionaires' Row is a must-read and one of those books that you're happy to have stumbled upon.

Available Oct 2: Murder on Millionaires' Row by Erin Lindsey

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Loved this! t was a combination of historical mystery and fantasy - my two favorites! Loved the characters, who were very well developed and almost feel like friends by the end of the book., Rose was a great "narrator"! The setting was obviously well researched and as soon as the paranormal aspect came in, it continued to be a fun read from there. I can't wait to pick up her next book!

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Thinking this would a series along the lines of the Gaslight Mysteries by Victoria Thompson I was surprised at the paranormal content in the book.
It is like reading a per-cursor to the Ghost Buster franchise. They solve paranormal mysteries/ crimes as a special branch of the Pinkerton Detective Agency. Fans of ghost stories and historical fiction will get a kick out of the original hybrid.

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I am a lover of historical fiction, particularly historical mysteries. When the opportunity to read Murder on Millionaires' Row arose, I was incredibly excited. An intelligent lead female character who rises above her perceived station to solve the mystery- well count me in.

I enthusiastically dug into the book and after 30 to 40 pages felt disappointed. Rose's fascination with her employer' Mr. Wiltshire and the time she was able to step away from her job to try and find him felt unrealistic to me. I struggled connecting with her due to this and became frustrated with the story.

However, once that part of the mystery resolved, I felt that Rose really came into her own . It was as if she could see the value she brought to the situation. Suddenly the power structure changed and Rose was on equal footing with Mr.Thomas Wiltshire. She had more then proved her worth - she proved she was capable of solving problems on her own.

This balance led to an intriguing match between the two and helped guide the mystery along. . I am not always a huge fan of supernatural elements but I felt this one worked well and was essential to the story.

By the end of the book I had come to really like Rose. She came from a difficult background but was smart, curious, and loyal. Her friendship with Clara and their willingness to ensure the best for the other was heartwarming.

Overall, this turned out to be an engaging and entertaining read for me. I look forward to further adventures of Rose, Thomas, and Clara..

Thank you NetGalley and Minotaur Books for the opportunity to read an advance e-arc of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Entertaining story of a maid who helps her master solve a case and the antics this provides. Sometimes whimsical and sometimes enchanting, but a very nice read.

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Thank you netgalley for this ARC in exchange for my review. From the cover, and even the synopsis, I thought it was going to be similar to Victoria Thompson's novels told from the point of view of a Five Points girl working in a Park Avenue mansion. Which was true. BUT I wasn't expecting the level of paranormal/sorcery involved. I enjoyed the setting, and the characters, but wasn't really "in" for this walk on the wild side.

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"Murder on Millionaires' Row" has an interesting mix of mystery, paranormal and witchcraft that helps to make the book an unique cozy read. I enjoyed the inclusion of the supernatural element that is quite a pleasant surprise. There are plenty of action scene to make the overall reading experience exciting but the numbers of twists and turns, at times, are distracting. Towards the last 1/3 of the book, I found myself trudged through the never-ending hurdles to get to the bottom of the truth. And forget about doing the sleuths work; "Murder on Millionaires' Row" is not the convention whodunit type of mystery book.

I would give the book a 3.5 star rating based on my overall enjoyment and engaging level.

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3.5 stars!
MURDER on MILLIONAIRES' ROW was not the book I expected it to be! From the cover, and even the synopsis, I thought it was going to be similar to Victoria Thompson's novels told from the point of view of a Five Points girl working in a Park Avenue mansion. Which was true. BUT I wasn't expecting the level of paranormal/sorcery involved. There wasn't just a touch of the supernatural, there were whole swaths. SO. That said, I really enjoyed the obvious level of research Erin Lindsey did before writing this novel. As she writes in the afterword, her NYC locations (and some characters) were inspired by actual locations/people. I also appreciated Rose's pluck and determination - I really enjoyed her as a protagonist, and hope that there are more adventures for her to explore.
I received this book through NetGalley - from St. Martin's Press/Minotaur Books - in exchange for an honest review.

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I picked up Murder on Millionaires' Row because I adore historical mysteries and I loved the fact that this one focused on a young maid, Rose Gallagher. Rose is drawn into an intrigue when her handsome employer, Mr. Thomas Whiltshire, goes missing. Rose is a young woman who is looking for more out of life than simply being a maid, so when its clear that the police are not invested in searching for Mr. Whiltshire, Rose decides to launch her own investigation. Naturally, Rose encounters much that she did not expect and the adventure is much more than she bargained for, such as ghosts, conspiracies, and the paranormal.

When reading Murder on Millionaires' Row I was immediately put in mind of Juliana Gray's A Most Extraordinary Pursuit, which also unexpectedly (and successfully) incorporates the fantastical (time travel) in a more conventional historical mystery. I found Murder on Millionaire' Row to be less engaging. While I don't mind the incorporation of the paranormal, I wasn't really sold not the paranormal elements to the New York of this novel. I would have looked past that, but I found the characters to be lacking a spark and I can't quite pinpoint exactly what the "spark" is. The premise was great, but I wasn't the characters to be more engaging; the romance to be more tense, and for me that just wasn't there.

Murder on Millionaires' Row was an okay start to what I presume will be a series. I'm not sold on the alternative world of New York or the characters, but I would be curious to see what happens with Rose considering the ending and her future employment options.

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This book totally surprised me; I opened it expecting it to be a historical mystery, but it took a wild turn into the paranormal. I enjoyed the setting, and the characters, but wasn't really "in" for this walk on the wild side.

The characters were very engaging and I particularly enjoyed the lively domestic staff rising to the occasion as women of action (when the need arose). This novel sets up very nicely to be a series and I and I can imagine it would be very well-received by readers looking for quirky adventures with a little more than a hint of the paranormal.

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Unlike any other mystery I have read before. Immediately engaging, the beguiling narrative wraps tightly around you so that Rose becomes an immediate friend.

The luscious world of upper class New York is at brilliant odds with the beautifully portrayed grit of Five Points in a clash that becomes even more staggering as the mystery unfolds.

Each character ---from the manor house where Rose works to the people who populate her life---are developed deftly. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough.

There is a hint of romance, of course, and told by Rose is just the funniest, most identifiable and bewitching thing. But, and here the book really shines, there is also a thread of the paranormal where shades and ghosts glisten the Gilded Age detective story.

There are Pinkertons and a delightful Italian named Pietro and everything feels like it is the best meeting of Deanna Raybourn, Elizabeth Peters and Rhys Bowen.

I was dazzled by how fresh this was and fell off my proverbial chair at the surprising twists of expert narrative. I have read nothing like this before (despite my propensity to gobble up historical mysteries like all-you-can-eat sushi) and Lindsey has found a die-hard everlasting follower for life.

With thanks to Netgalley for the review copy.

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I loved this book. It was extremely well written and entertaining. The characters were fun and relatable. The storyline was interesting and flowed nicely from chapter to chapter. I can’t wait to read more from this author, highly recommend!

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Thank you netgalley, st martins press, and minotaur books for this ARC in exchange for my review.

Rose is a maid for a very attractive young bachelor named Mr. Thomas Wiltshire. In fact, she is completely attracted to him herself. The book starts off with Thomas gone missing. Rose becomes a detective on her own, trying to find him missing in New York City. She not only finds him, but digs up deeper mysteries, incountering a ghost along the way. Now, Rose is knee deep in detective work alongside Thomas, trying to figure out if this paranormal activity has anything to do with murders happening around town. 

Oh my gosh, I love this book! I did NOT expect any of it! It started as your typical murder mystery, but it gets crazy! When I started reading it, I had totally forgotten about the ghost aspect until it creeps up on you. That made this book reach to a whole new level of amazing for me. The character development is phenominal and I fell in love with each and every one of them. You NEED to read this book when it comes out in the fall. Honestly, I can't wait to read it again I had so much fun with it! 

5/5 Stars

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