Member Reviews

I love it , I love it. This series i hope is a series is so inspiring that I could not put it down unless I was at work. The next battle will be hard to top this but knowing how this amazing writer is it will just be as good of not better.

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This is the third book in the Genesis Series. I honestly was looking forward to reading it since I so enjoyed the first two. Actually, I have read all of Ali Vali’s novels, short stories, and fan fic stories and have never been disappointed. However, this book was disappointing.

The story is a paranormal romance. Putting these two themes together can prove to be a difficult task. In all of her previous books, Ms. Vali has accomplished this task
This series is highly complex with multiple characters. There were so many people introduced and scenes taking place that the average reader would have trouble with the transition after waiting five years between book two and book three. I would recommend this book only if the reader reads book one and two just prior to reading Force of Fire. A “cheat sheet” of characters might be helpful. Ms. Vali is a great writer, but this book was very confusing. I rate this book 2.5 out of 5 stars.

I was given this ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

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Force of Fire by Ali Vali is a fantasy, and the third book about immortal guardians of peace. In this case, the story focuses on those immortal guardians of peace who happen to be women who love other women. The scope of this book has widened, and edges into sword-and-sorcery themes. The main characters, Kendall and Piper are wonderful together. Kendall is the ultimate warrior and Piper is a unique seer. Overall, the characters are great, the romance is strong and there is plenty of action…
As a third installment, I don’t believe this book should be read as a stand-alone. There is too much context and background provided in the first two stories. This book was harder to get into, as if all the new stuff didn’t quite fit together as well as it might have. Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable read, particularly as part of the series. Recommended.

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This is the third installment of Ms Vali’s Genesis Clan #3 and for the many fans who enjoyed her first two books in this series they won’t be disappointed with this offering. Piper and Kendal are home with their first child believing that at last they can just be a normal family. Meanwhile the Fuego have found the tablets that will help them finish the incantations and awaken the great treasures, the dragons sleeping deep in the rainforest. Alejandro Garza’s family are true believers intend on releasing the dragons. So much for Piper and Kendal’s plans. It would surely help following this book by reading the first two. Good read.
eARC via NetGalley

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After reading the first few chapters of this book I decided to stop. Not because I did not like it, quite the opposite in fact. I stopped so I could reread the first two books to remind me of the story and the characters. It had been quite a while since I had read them so honestly it was like reading a new book. I loved them the first time, but after a second reading I decided I loved them even more.

If you pick up this book my advice to you is to read the first two first. This can be read as a one off but some things will make you question. It is definitely a fantasy book with Gods, Vampires, Werewolves and Slayers. But it definitely made me want to be one.

It is good versus evil with good winning. I loved every word. It makes you smile, makes you want more. Giving this book 5 stars was a no brainer. Vali involves you from word one. Her characters are very likable with the exception of one. He is a bad guy in the truest sense of the word.

I would recommend this book without a single doubt. It has action, adventure, travel, love and friendship. Ali writes sequels like no other. I hope she has another in the pipeline I'll be there first to read it. Enjoy!

*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

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I was really looking forward to the next installment in this series, and I was particularly interested in seeing what Vali does with the babies now involved in the action.

On the whole I wasn't disappointed, I think this was a good follow up to the second book and it had a stronger storyline than the second book but not as strong as the first book.

I do feel like a lot of the book was spent on the characters having sex wherever they could but I was a lot more satisfied with this series continuation that I was with the last Cain Casey installment.

*3.7 stars

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Intriguing plot that combines many different myths creating an interesting paranormal world. There are a lot of different characters, which can be a bit confusing at first, especially as some of them have previous lives as well. But the back story of the first two books in the series are summarised, and reminders are given about who the different characters are and how they relate to the ensemble making it easier to follow. Imaginative and well written, but maybe a tad over ambitious.

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Talk about the most confusing book I’ve ever read by Vali. She has a tendency to have too many characters and she doesn’t do a good job of developing them all. Like Hill for
Instance one minute Kendal hates her, the next she likes her, and then for good measure they throw in a jealousy story line so that she has something to do I’m guessing. Charlie is another character whose entire existence is always explained with the qualifier of him being a former space that this white woman saved and now everything is okay.

So for the story it was confusing and there were a lot of plot holes. She tried to do too much in one story which makes me think this is the final one (?). Overall it was an interesting topic but definitely not as good as the first one. I mean they never explain how the order of Fuego got the pictures and history of Kendal. They never explained why the small dragon creatures other than the order made them Up a while ago. And if Aphrodite could save Diego and Pauline why not save the girls(?). I had a lot of issues with this books and I read all three of them over the past week so it was a lot of fantasy all at once. This book just didn’t seem to fit in with the other two. Like why did they need to be werewolves whose story was so cliche.

I gave this book three stars because I finished it but it’s really like a 1.5 Stars.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books.

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What an amazing book and wonderful series. I really enjoyed the first two books in the Forces series and didn't think it could get any better. I'm glad I was wrong. The characters are likable and the story is simply intriguing. The pages just turn themselves. It's always great to revisit with old characters too. Loved the story, loved the chemistry and really enjoyed the authors twist on the paranormal experience. I recommend this book.

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3.5 Stars. This is the third book in Vali’s Genesis Clan Series. This book was better than book 2, but not as good as the first book. When it comes to reading these books I highly recommend reading book 1 first. However, I do think you could skip the second and move on to this one. The main thing that happened in book 2 is explained right at the beginning of this book so you would be mostly caught up. Of course it is always better to read all the books in a series but I think book 2 is the one you could miss if you had to.

With the addition to Piper and Kendal’s family, their world seems complete. But evil never sleeps and this time the whole world could rest in the balance. Kendal must call on her old friends (werewolves) and old enemies (vampires) to help her fight their newest foe. Can they all work together to fight what may be the toughest battle yet?

In book 2, the word dragons kept popping up, but what actually happened was a bit of a disappointment to me. When the word dragon popped up again in this book, I was much happier with the results. I also enjoyed the addition of the werewolves. They added a little bit of paranormal fun to the book. Same with seeing some of the vamps we met in book 2. While this book wasn’t packed full with excitement, it was more exciting than the last one.

I read book 1 years and years ago but I remember liking the chemistry and heat of the romance between Kendal and Piper. In this book they are almost sickening sweetly in love and it grated on me at times. How many ways can you say “your mine” and “I’m yours for all eternity”? It just got to be a bit much. And they are constantly horny which I’m fine with but sometimes it didn’t seem like the best time to be having sex, since the world is on the brink of collapse and all.

There were also a few storyline issues. There is a big deal made about Pipers family and her grandparents. I thought they were actually going to be important to the story, but they weren’t. Also, the “bad guys” can’t do something unless the “good guys” do their part first (I’m trying to be vague here). So I kept thinking to myself than why would the good guys do it? Why let the bad guys closer to their goal? Vali tried to briefly explain this but it just never made any sense to me.

This book was entertaining. I had to force myself to stop reading to sleep last night. But it’s not perfect and is bumpy in places. If you are a paranormal fan or a Vali fan, you will probably like this. Book 1 is still definitely my favorite of the series.

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I usually quite like Ali Vali's books, in fact I own every single one (and quite a few on audiobook as well). This, however, is utter shite. Normally if I'm leaving a negative review I'll contextualize it by saying, "it just wasn't my thing", or "I can see what this author was trying to do but it didn't quite work", not this time. Force of Fire is badly written, poorly edited and actually very dull. While the first book in this series had some half way consistent world building, this latest offering (and indeed parts of the second book, which I had to re-read to remind myself what was going on), have some spectacularly lazy plotting. Backed into a corner? Here's a never before mentioned magic sword. The lesbians have been together for two books? Have a magic-orb baby. Things need to be more exciting? One character can now see the future and just never mentioned before that her great grandmother could too.

Give your loyal readers some credit please.

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