Member Reviews

I absolutely loved this book! I loved the storyline. I loved the. Characters ! I recommend this book

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I am seriously blown away with EVEN IF I FALL. Even as I was captivated to this page-turning book, a part of me didn't want to read too fast because I didn't want it to end so soon. Abigail Johnson tackled a difficult subject and she imbued her main characters with the maturity needed to bear and cope with the experience. Tragedy could make a person grow up fast, but while the characters could descend into whining or endless wrath, Heath and Brooke decided to overcome their anger/guilt to understand the other and forge something that heals them both and also their families.

I was mainly drawn to this book due to the potential angst and conflict--Brooke's brother confessed to killing Heath's brother. How are Brooke and Heath going to deal with each other? I find it interesting that their meet-ups were conscious, deliberate decisions on each of their parts--a need to talk with someone about their respective brothers and that fateful night without barriers. Their feelings and family situations were realistically drawn--though I've never thought in detail before of how murder affected both families' daily living in its aftermath. I also feel so much for Brooke--for her guilt towards Heath, her inability to reconcile the loving brother she knew with the killer he'd become, her heartache over her broken family and the responsibility she put on her own shoulders to mend them.

If I could give this book 10 stars, I would. Brilliant and full of raw emotions, EVEN IF I FALL is a compelling read suitable for mature teens and beyond.

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I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Harlequin Teen in exchange for my honest review.
I am completely blown away by this book. I had all the feelings and am in awe. I loved the writing style and was completely absorbed in this story. My heart broke for Brooke and her whole family .It was so painful to see how everyone suffered, but so worth it to see how they came through in the end. A magnificent story and I can’t wait to read others by This author. I just ordered some!! I will have a review on my blog soon!!

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You guys, this book, oh my god this book.

I received an e-arc copy of Even If I Fall in exchange for an honest review and you guys I'm about to get real honest with you.

First of all you need to know that even though this story is Young Adult, it touches some really hard subjects such as grief and the not very talked about issue of family shame.

I don't know where to even begin with this you guys.

From the moment I started reading this story I knew this wasn't a fluffy love story about two teenagers who shouldn't fall for each other. What I wasn't expecting is just how real it would be, I mean the reason why they shouldn't be together is legit, it isn't an old family feud or the rich girl/poor guy scenario. This is a legit reason that everyone would understand.

Brooke and Heath are for real not mean to fall for each other. Her brother killed his brother, for unknown reasons, well, there are reasons (supposedly they got drunk, got into a fight and her brother killed Heath's brother), but Brooke believes there is more to it and I felt like that as well while reading the book.

And let me tell you, yes there are other reasons and they are all heartbreaking.

But aside the fact that he should basically hate her, and she should just try to stay away to avoid any kind of humiliation, both of them need someone.

Someone who understands their pain and someone to actually talk to and not guard anything they say for the sake of others. 

Obviously against their will and every rational thing in their being they begin to fall for each other and it's painful.

Johnson has a way with words that engage you and make you feel everything that is happening in the story.

The raw pain expressed in every word when Brooke talked about the tragedy of what happened it's just so overwhelming, like you can actually feel their pain when reading and it's such a bizarre feeling for me, because not always do I get to  actually feel so much when reading a book. I mean yeah, I see and understand how the characters are going through something, but in this one, it just felt like it was me who was dealing with so much pain. I mean I just freaking loved it!

I don't know for sure if Heath and Brooke are meant to be together forever or if their love will be long lasting, but they fight for it in the book, they are determined to see it through and make the best of it.

Even If I Fall is an incredible inspiring story full of heartbreak, pain and ultimately hope.

Hope for the future and hope that things will get easier to live with.

This story is just wonderful and I completely recommend to everyone!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Abigail Johnson and Harlequin Teen for my free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

"Even If I Fall" by Abigail Johnson is a hauntingly beautiful YA novel about love, family and forgiveness.

As the synopsis says, the story follows Brooke, who (along with her family) become social pariahs following her brother Jason's murder of his best friend, Calvin. Brooke's family is shattered, and each member struggles to deal with the loss of someone who is still alive, but admitted to committing an unspeakable crime. Also dealing with the loss of a brother, enter Heath, Cal's younger brother.

One day, Brooke offers Heath a ride into town. And that's how the story of Brooke and Heath begins. Both are struggling with the loss of a brother, though Brooke knows Heath's pain comes from the decision of her own brother. There are so many layers of loss, sadness and struggle. There's also a good deal of anger and resentment. It's a lot for our main characters to deal with, but I thought it was all very realistic and thoughtful.

After several other encounters, Brooke eventually asks Heath with his help training for an ice skating tour, as Brooke is an excellent skater. Heath ultimately agrees and they being spending more time together, but not before agreeing to keep it a secret from their respective families.

While it was fairly obvious what some of the main plot points were going to be, it didn't make the story any less enjoyable. I adored both Brooke and Heath and their slow-burn relationship. It was so well done and the build up was great. I also enjoyed the cast of characters around Brooke. They were all well-defined and added so much to the story. I would love to see a novella or long-form epilogue some day, as I'd love to see what everyone is up to after some time has past from the book's ending.

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I finished this book I a few days ago, but I haven’t had the time to write the review. Now that I’m sitting in front of my computer, all the feelings I had when I read the last word are back.
I’ve read many heartbroken books, like a lot, but Even if I fall is extraordinarily sad.
From the first page, there is this anguish, guilt, and lost. It was hard to find the threat of hope every story has, but it was there, finally.
Wait, don’t be scared, this book is amazing, with a deep complex plot, more of what it seems to be from the quick look of the blur.
The narrative style is great. Also, it’s the descriptions. The author has the ability to make the reader feels exactly what the character is feeling.
The characters are well done portrayed, each one of them has their own voice, and they’re effective in the part they play in the story.
And the story, well let me tell you, it has a lot. Drama, yes, of course. Romance, kind of expecting but it isn’t the cute kind, it’s intense, tormented and healer. And tragedy, this story tells about two destroyed families by a single act resulted of a growing snowball.
The unfairness of a society, a cruel reality that sometimes we don’t want to see.
There is a message too. It remains us that our action not just affect us but every single person surrounding us, especially our loved ones.
And the twist, OMG. The entire time I was expecting something else. It was a surprise.
What I didn’t like? Repetitions. The Main character was going on and on with the same thoughts, and I think it wasn’t necessary. The reader gets it. And we spend a lot of time inside the MC minds, it can make lose track of a conversation or a scene.
But overall, this book is one of those that you need to read. There is so much emotion in every page that it’s going to make release a huge sigh at the end.
100% recommended.

I received an ARC from Harlequin Teen (US & Canada) through NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. And I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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*** 4 Stars***
Expected Publication: Jan 8th, 2019

What an emotional story this was. Brooke's older brother Jason, confessed to murdering his best friend Cal and is in prison. Brooke ends up offering to help Cal's younger brother, Heath, with a ride in the rain. From there a friendship and quite unique relationship ensues. Reading the pain that Brooke is dealing with what her brother did and Heath's pain from losing his brother, you can only imagine how damaged these two people are and why they may in some way be able to understand one another better. I will admit this story was slow and hit a point where I didn't understand where this story would go. BUT, then when the final mystery is revealed, I was literally jaw dropped. I had so many theories and I wasn't even close! The ending was incredible, tears were streaming down my face; definitely worth the slow burn to get there. Highly recommend this!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Inkyard Press for allowing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I didn't know what to expect when I first started this book, because even though the synopsis sounded pretty interesting when I read it for the first time, I completely forgot about it when I decided to pick it up, and I must say I ended up being pleasantly surprised with this book, and at how much I enjoyed it.

The author did such an incredible job at writing the portrayal of loss and grief. I haven't experience any of the things these characters were going through, but it felt so real to me reading about that in this story, and I think that was so well done and you could see a clear picture of what both families were going through and how they dealt with all those feelings.

I also really enjoyed the relationship between the two characters. Their dynamics were complex and realistic, and I liked how slow paced it was, and how it was a progressive relationship and romance, and not a rushed one. Their connection was so pure and beautiful, and I adored how they relied and found some type of solace in the other.

Another thing that I liked seeing in the book and added a more realistic touch to it was the relationship between our main character's family. You could see glimpses of the interactions between the boy's family, but since it was told from the point of view of Brooke, we had a more clear view of what her family was going through. I loved the development of the relationship between Brooke and her sister, and how each member of the family dealt differently with everything that happened, and I think that was a nice touch.

Overall, I think Even if I Fall was a very raw and beautiful story that dealt with loss and grief in a very realistic way. I really enjoyed the character arcs and their interactions throughout the story, and the progress and evolution of their relationships.

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Can I nominate Even if I Fall by Abigail Johnson to be the next implausible, but satisfactory young adult love story for the big screen? Netflix are you listening? With a little character expansion, Heath Gaines can be the next Peter Kavinsky. Thanks Netgalley and Inkyard Press for the complimentary e-galley!

Brooke Covington has no one, not since her brother confessed to murdering his best friend last year. But this summer she’s found a friend new to town who doesn’t know about her family’s shame. And she’s found the only other person who understands her pain of not knowing exactly what happened that night, the murder victim’s brother, Heath.

I have to say, I didn’t connect much with Brooke, she seemed like a bit of user. Sure, she wanted to help her sister open back up after the trauma of their brother’s crime, but it seemed like she wanted to do it for herself, not for Laura. She wanted to help Heath find something to make him feel alive, but mostly she used him to practice for her figure skating audition.

On the contrary, the author writes Heath as tender and tortured. The rage and restraint that both come from this single character is as unlikely as it is enjoyable. I love how YA books give me the chance to explore the world with characters that are often the better versions of what we are in real life.

Author Abigail Johnson appears to have a bright and distinctive voice in the melodrama teen romance scene that transcends singular description—this book was dramatic, suspenseful, and even sweet. Highly recommended, 4 stars!

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This book was a pleasant surprise. An enjoyable and emotional ride with relatable characters that truly make you feel.

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What an amazing book. I was impressed from the very beginning, and really got sucked into the book. The characters will engage you, the ending will surprise you, and you won't be able to put it down. I particularly loved the relationship between Brooke and Heath, and the impossible situation that they are both in. I felt like I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I would definitely recommend this book, and will for sure be seeking out other stories by the author!

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This is the first book that I have read by this author. This book was so good. I stayed up all night reading it because I wanted to know how the story was going to end. Immediately after reading this I thought that it would be an amazing movie because I don’t think that I have watched one like it.

This is an emotional, heartwrenching story of two families torn apart, after the effects of a violent crime. One family lost a son to murder and the other to prison.

Putting the pieces back together is never easy and when more details are discovered the pain only becomes more intense.
This is definitely a can't put down kind of book.

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The Quick Cut: A year later, a girl is still adjusting to life after her brother admitted to killing his best friend. Chaos ensues when she connects with the younger brother of the best friend who was murdered and a connection is made... Along with truths unraveled.

A Real Review:
Thank you to Inkyard Press for providing the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Infamy can be difficult to live with, but when it's caused by your family committing a crime... is there a good way to cope? Becoming a bane to society is never something you expect to happen, but how to adapt after it happens all depends on the people who are around you. This is the part of Brooke's life that gets thrown completely off its axis in this surprisingly sweet contemporary.

It was a year ago that Brooke's brother Jason admitted to killing his best friend Calvin and ended up in prison. One confession and her entire world turned upside down: her entire family is now a social flaw that everyone seems excited to stomp out, she's given up on her skating dreams, and no family member appears to be coping well all this time later. Life has completely shattered.

Heath feels the sympathy of the community after his brother Calvin was murdered, but he can't move on. No one understands the pain he is in and it has changed him so much. He's so isolated... until he has a chance encounter with Brooke.

This book does so much with the material, it's impressive. Not only does it discuss the impact of violence in a community and grieving, but it also adds in standing for those you love, chasing the truth, and finding solace in places where you don't always expect.

The story really stuck with my from the start and although there were a few slow spots, it surprised me how wonderful a job they did at not painting either side of the family as evil. Admittedly, I never thought about the impact before on criminal's family members. I can only imagine how often people get demonized for being related (as if that is something you could control or change).

Brooke and Heath make a great pair because they manage to overcome their differences that should be insurmountable to understand one another. In fact, they even begin to learn from each other and build a relationship. I don't know if I would be capable emotionally building the bond they eventually create, but it's a beautiful thing seeing them thrive. Not only do they find someone who understands them, they each grow.

With a deep story and plenty of complex characters, this book is one to read.

My rating: 4.5 out of 5

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Of all the fascinating, heartbreaking, compelling storylines - this one just might take the cake. I was drawn to the premise immediately, and the writing sucked me right in. It's an interesting story, and the writing is smart and relatable and the whole thing felt so REAL sometimes.

That said, it wasn't a flawless read for me. I felt like the pacing was a little off and there were times I felt things got bogged down and maybe a little repetitive. It was also downright depressing sometimes. Which, I mean, given the subject matter should not be surprising and, while I didn't love the way this made me feel, I did appreciate that it felt very real. I felt like Ms. Johnson did a great job capturing the stages of grief and fallout for all the people touched by this sort of tragedy.

In all, it was well worth the read, even if it was a little tough to read sometimes. It's not quite a romance, though there is a romance featured. It's more a story of a family learning to grow and heal after a tragic event that rocked their worlds. While I never felt super connected to Brooke, the writing and the storyline itself always kept me wanting to know more and I felt very satisfied with the ending, which delivered on the hope I'd been yearning for throughout the entire story. ~ 3.5 Stars

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I want to thank Netgalley for the ARC of this book so that I could give an honest review.
Even if I Fall was not as good as I expected after reading all the high reviews.
When I rate books I look for several things. Did the book pull me in from the beginning? The book had a slow start from the beginning, starting with the relationship between Maggie and Brooke. It picks up a bit introducing the brother who is in jail for murdering Calvin. Another thing I look for is a good story line. Is it unique. I do think this story line was unique but not believable. The sister of the convicted brother and the brother of the murdered man become close? I think it's weird how it was set up that they met as painful as it was to comfort themselves.
Alot of people loved this book so I may be alone in my opinion. However I did not love this book. I didn't hate it either. I do respect the creativeness that went into the story and character development. I give it 3 1/2 stars.

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I received an ARC of this book via the publisher from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

OMG all of the feels. I can't even fathom what being in Brooke's situation would be like. But man Abigail Johnson did an amazing job at making you think you feel some of it. Many tears were shed at both the sad and happy moments. There was so much growth in this book. Not only in the main characters, but some of the side characters also. Plus I am a sucker for a good forbidden situation. So I was pulling for her and Heath. And Laura, I wanted to bundle that girl up in my arms and hug her until the next day. Overall an amazing book and highly recommend the read.

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I LOVED this book. It was everything I needed at the time I read it. I am so grateful for the opportunity to read it.

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Even If I Fall by Abigail Johnson
I have to say this book just didn't do it for me. To me there was perfect opportunity for a great story but it just fell flat. I think if the author would have went deeper into the story instead of hit and miss in the important parts it would have been so much better. I think if there was more back story of Jason cal and the girl that tore them apart would have helped. I would love to read a follow up book on what's going on with their lives and how the town reacts and everything!

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Brooke has given up on her dream of being an ice skater. She's too busy trying to keep her family together in the wake of her brother's devastating crime. Since he confessed to killing his best friend Cal, things haven't been the same, or even remotely okay. Her brother Jason is in jail, her sister Laura all but stopped talking, and her parents... well, her mom just cries. Her father seems angrier than ever. And Brooke? She's just trying to keep it together.

When she spots Heath, Cal's younger brother, on the side of the road in a rainstorm, she offers him a ride. What begins is a shaky friendship based around mutual despair and anguish. His family talks about his brother like he isn't gone. Hers pretends like Jason never left. But no one seems to be willing to talk--about how things really were, about how things are now. They bond over their need to talk to *someone*, even if it's someone neither of their families would approve of. And when Brooke and Heath start to develop feelings, things get even more complicated.

What can I even say about this story? It's full of heartache, of questions, and, ultimately, of healing. It took a while for me to get into it (I hate when everyone else knows the full story, and the reader has to figure out piece by piece, even if it makes a good story!) but when I did, I couldn't put it down. I really felt for Brooke and her family. And the end (view spoiler)

If you like mystery, or forbidden romances, this one is for you.

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I received this ebook from Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion. I LOVED this story! I loved Brooke and her character. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to be in her shoes. She was so brave and handled this situation beautifully. I feel like I would be a mess all the time just thinking about my brother being in jail. I’m glad she got all the answers she was looking for, as well as Heath (whom I love).

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