Member Reviews


#15 in the Eternity Springs series


Plot - 5 stars - At Christmas when a young boy calls Santa on a cell phone, Devin Murphy is unable to tell him he has a wrong number, so he plays along. He and Jenna "meet" over the phone, but anonymously, sharing a few conversations and that's that.
Later, however, when Jenna and her young son are terrorized by an unknown stalker, they go on the run, ending up in Eternity Springs, where Devin just happens to be visiting.

Writing - 5 stars - March has built a wonderful world filled with warmth and love and wishes. I always feel good when I go back to Eternity Springs since it's been slowly developed and now feels familiar and comfortable.

Characters - 4.5 stars - The characters are great. As the only new characters to the scene--Jenna and her son--both are sweet but strong, sticking close together to outrun their stalker. Riley has grown beyond his years, having had to hide his identity and learn to adapt to his changing circumstances. They are great together, close but not annoyingly clingy. The only adjustment for me was Devin. We've known him as the young adoptive son of Cam Murphy, with the Australian accent, street smarts, and very different lifestyle. It took me a while to get used to him being the romantic lead character. When Lori became the lead character, it was easier since we'd "watched" her grow throughout the other books. But we've seen less of Devin, so it took longer to change his portrait. But eventually, he became such a great character. He's very family-oriented--who doesn't love a guy who's close to his family? And his skills with people and his sense of humor are strong selling points.

Title - 5 stars - Another of Celeste's ideas that help Jenna and Riley focus their dreams and help to make them come true.

Cover - 5 stars - A beautiful winter scene. Nothing to complain about there.

Overall - 5 stars - Each story is unique and interesting, involving its own romance but also including a mystery or history of some sort. This one was a doozy and kept me guessing until the end. I particularly like that there is so much overlap with previous books and their characters. Each addition only enhances the setting of Eternity Springs and makes it feel like home. My favorite part, however, is that March always makes each book feel good. Even when there is adversity or some sort of problem, the ending is always happy, but not sugary. This one included an awesome grand finale with Santa. The Maternity Springs ending was a little cheesy, but it wrapped everything up nicely and satisfyingly. Another winner!

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Jenna Stockton adopted Reilly when her best friend died. She loves him and although she works a lot, she’s a great mom. Troubles begin when someone starts sending things to her house she didn't order, she receives anonymous phone calls and is finally the recipient of Swatting, where she is injured, then Reilly is. To save herself and Reilly, she packs them up in a camper and heads out on the road. She ends up in a campground in Eternity Springs, where she has spent time before and always felt welcome. On an earlier Christmas trip there, Reilly was given a cell phone number by Celeste Blessing that she said belonged to "Santa". He reached Devin Murphy who plays along. Devin is in Eternity Springs spending time with his family, but he lives in Australia where he runs a fishing business. He feels for the little boy who just wants his mom to work less and find a man who can be his dad. At this time, Devin is visiting his family once again, and he realizes who they are. He calls in his family, several who are in law enforcement, to help Jenna solve her problem once and for all. The problem is that the more time Jenna spends with Devin, the more she develops feelings for him.

I have enjoyed several books from the Eternity Springs series and enjoyed them all. This one did not disappoint. I love the community and how people are quickly pulled in to the families and friends. The "Christmas Wishing Tree" was in the background of the story, as it is set over a year or so. This is definitely a romantic suspense as Jenna is dealing with a stalker and she is on the run for part of the story, but everything I love about Eternity Springs is here. The three main characters, Reilly, Jenna and Devin are so darn likable. Reilly wants Jenna to be happy, but he also wants a dad so badly. He is a sweet kid who cares about others, which I loved. Jenna was a great mom despite some critical remarks on her parenting skills at the beginning of the book. She worked hard, but spent a lot of quality time with Reilly as well. You can tell how much he loved her, even though it seemed he thought she spent too much time at work. Devin was swoon worthy. It isn't until close to the end of the book that we find out what he is running from. He wants to do what he loves, but also wants to be with his family, so he is torn. I love the way he deals with Reilly, it is obvious that he would make a wonderful dad. There is always Christmas magic that leads everyone to their happily ever after, and once again brings two wonderful people together, well, make that three. A book I recommend that can be read anytime during the year.

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Jenna, a sweet but hard-worked mother, has been plagued by a stalker. And it’s not stopping, despite moves to other states, changed phone numbers, and other precautions.

Her son, though, is also hurting. But in a different way. His most feverent Christmas wish is to get a father for Christmas. After receiving a card at an outing, he calls the number to reach Santa Claus. Devin, from Australia, answers. They have a great little talk, and at that moment I was so endeared by Devin. He does try to get in tough with Reilly’s mom multiple times, but she never returns his calls.

But Reilly keeps calling “Santa”.

Devin is given a phone by the mystical and magical Celeste in Eternity Springs while he’s visiting his family for the holidays. It is the number that Reilly is calling. Devin has his own family struggles, torn between coming home to Eternity Springs where his family is and returning to his life in Australia and his sea-faring ways.

Finally, Devin is able to connect with Jenna. They set up a plan for future phone calls and one final call before he returns to Australia, when the phone will no longer work.

Except the call never comes. The stalker isn’t relenting, and this time law enforcement is involved – and not to assist Jenna.

Jenna and Reilly decide to go “off grid”. They travel the national and state parks and by happenstance wind up in Eternity Springs. It wasn’t the plan. They weren’t going to stay. They weren’t going to connect with anyone. But Eternity Springs is a little bit of a different place, full of loving, welcoming, and helpful characters.

I loved Devin’s character. He has such heart and genuine concern and care for Reilly, a kid he had never met. Reilly is also a little cutie! He and Jenna experience Celeste’s “Wishing Tree” tradition and carry it on for themselves. I loved that part!

This was a great angsty and suspenseful, but feel-good read. I also found out after reading that it was a series, but it reads like a stand alone.

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This series is slightly too touchy feely for me to get into enough to get caught up on it. I've read the first few books and not come back.

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This is book 15 in the Eternity Springs Series. Devin is home visiting his family when he gets a strange phone call. A little boy who thinks he is talking to Santa calls and asks for a special wish. When he continues to receive the calls, Devin asks to talk to the little boy's mom. As things play out, sparks being to fly between Devin and the boy's mom. Can a Christmas wish come true?

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I loved the characters and the storyline development of this book. It was absolutely one of my favorites so far and I can't wait to delve in to the next one that this author writes. The storyline was simple, enjoyable, and entertaining.

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3.5 stars. Cute story about Reilly mistakenly calling Devin thinking it’s Santa’s number and the relationship that builds between them, Jenna, and the rest of Eternity Springs. That said, the mystery had me hooked in the first half and the resolution was a big let down. I wanted something bigger or more shocking.

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It's been a long time since I've read Emily March. Being Christmas, there's no better time to return to Eternity Springs.

I don't know where to start. The Christmas Wishing Tree owned my heart with a little kid calling Santa and accidentally dialing the wrong number, only to have the fake Santa talk to him. There is something so special about Eternity Springs, which encompasses love and something magical. The Christmas Wishing Tree has a little suspense.

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What a delightful storyline! I love An Eternity Springs series book they are so full of hope. This charming story will just twist your guts in knots with Jenna and Reilly's horrible situation. Then... it will beat with excitement at Devin's intervention to help them.

The male primary character is Devin who is a very caring and loving friend, son and brother. But he has a big heart and is careful with Reilly's as he tries to help him when Reilly mistakes him for Santa. The main theme to Devin is he's not ready for marriage and a family so though he wants to help Jenna and Reilly he doesn't want to get involved emotionally.

Jenna is one protective mom and she is trying everything she can to protect herself and her son from the evil that is out to get her. How she negotiates this and finding a safe haven for them is handled with finesse and thoughtfulness. Her trust issues is evident when you read the book and very understandable.

Celeste, the manager of Angel's Rest Healing Center & Spa, makes a huge appearance in the book creating Angel magic everywhere she goes. This addition to the story plus Eternity Spring's motto "Where broken hearts come to heal" throws the reader into a wonderful world of hope, possibilities, friendship and love.

I give this 5 STARS for it's emotional feel good vibe.

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The Christmas Wishing Tree by Emily March is a sweet installment to Eternity Springs, capturing the essence of the entire series. Eternity Springs is the place where broken hearts go to mend, and that could not be more true of our two main characters Jenna Stockton and Devin Murphy. Spanning nearly two years, the story begins when a little boy makes a call to Santa asking for a father for Christmas.

Jenna Stockton is a physician in Nashville, TN. While busy, she is a great mom to her adopted son Reilly. Reilly however is lonely on the nights his mother has to work which prompts his phone call to Santa. Jenna is saddened by this, but knows there is truth behind his request. I love Jenna. She puts Reilly’s needs ahead of her own, always building him up. When a stalker scares Jenna and Reilly from their home in TN, they make their way to Eternity Springs where they meet Reilly’s Santa Claus.

Devin Murphy was home visiting family when he received the first phone call from Reilly. Not wanting to ruin the kid’s Christmas, he played along with him and pretended to be Santa. One phone call led to several more until he truly began to care for the little guy he’d never met. This led to phone calls with his mom which led Devin to question who this woman really was. If I like Jenna, I love Devin. He resides in Australia, living the life a seafarer. Eternity Springs doesn’t have a seacoast, but it does have his family which brings him there often. Devin puts family first and himself second, and this made my heart melt for him just a little.

The plot of the story really focuses on Jenna and Devin’s relationship as much as Devin’s relationship with Reilly. The stalker adds an edge to the story I didn’t expect from Emily March, but it isn’t overpowering or even suspenseful. It just helps to move the plot along and gets Devin and Jenna in the same town. I love their relationship, how they met, and Reilly. Oh how I love Reilly! He is the same age as my own son, and I found myself smitten with the young man. His enthusiasm and love for Jenna is infectious. This story is as much about Jenna as it is him.

Amy Landon narrates this one, and I love her. Devin’s accent is subtle, but believable. Her tone and inflection bring the characters to life. I almost finished it in one sitting, listening on double speed because I did not want to stop!

Overall I really enjoyed The Christmas Wishing Tree. Jenna and Devin’s story is sweet and steamy, but Reilly is who really steals the show. If you enjoy holiday romance, I highly recommend you grab this one. While it is the #15 in the series, it can be read as a standalone.

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A return to Eternity springs has readers following Devin Murphy on a new adventure towards love. Engaging.

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Is there anything better than a Christmas romance. I look forward all year to the Hallmark movies. I love being able to read them before Christmas time it gets me into the season. I loved the idea of a small town romance. I could not put this book down. It was the perfect amount of romance with a little bit of suspense thrown in there. This is my first book by this author and I can't wait to read more.

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A solid Christmas Romance. I was a bit disappointed the mystery portion, I felt it was a bit of a letdown, the premise was good and all the way through the book I wondered who it could be but when we found out who caused the mystery I thought "That's it?" Not satisfying.

As I said, the romance part was good. I loved the interaction between the main characters and the ending was everything I could have hoped.

Would have been 4 stars if not for that mystery, and I think it could have been left out. Read if you love Christmas & Romance but maybe skip if you are a serious mystery lover.

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Lovely festive feel good read. Enjoyed it very much. This is one to curl up in front of the fire with in the winter. Flowed well. Was easy to read and thoroughly enjoyable

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March's Celeste Blessing is a true gem. This book draws you in to a world of love, working through grief, and new beginnings, and gets you into the Christmas spirit no matter what time of the year you read it

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What an awesome book. Reily calls Santa, but it is actually Devin. Devin plays along for the 7 year old. Jenna is Rielly's mom. Do santa znd jenna hit it off, Are they able to make a relationship work. After all Devin lives in Australia and Jenna lives in the states.

I highly recommend this book.

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's press for allowing me to read this title for an honest review.

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Despite the differences between Jenna and Devin during a special part of the year, they were able to connect and build a trusting relationship. Each needing the other and building a family. This is the first book Ives read in the installment and it was absolutely amazing.

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I Love Christmas stories and this one did not disappoint Thank you for the chance to read '.Devin and Jenna have a wonderful story , Devin gets a call for Santa and decides play Santa He then finds out Jennas secret and helps her find away to keep Reilly safe and happy . Come join the ride in this Christmas magic story

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A beautiful story of hope and finding love where you least expect it, least of all in a wrong call from a young child!

Devin has always been a wild child, loving the water and freedom. He is kind and good-hearted but never lets himself become too close to anyone. His family would love to see him settled down but also respect his free nature and need to roam. Jenna on the outside seems to be the complete opposite. She is a doctor who has dedicated her life to children. Her world revolves around her adopted child, Reilly, and when someone threatens their lives she picks up everything to keep him safe. This is how she finds herself in the beautiful town of Eternity Springs.

Despite their differences, they are very attracted to each other in many ways. Jenna loves the way he makes her laugh and hope again and Devin loves everything about her and her child. Jenna, despite her feelings, is worried to trust him – especially with the danger she faces. But when she finally opens up it is Devin who would do anything to protect her.

This is a beautiful novel from start to finish of trust, hope and finding love where we least expect it. I loved every moment of their beautiful story and would love to see a part two.

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I jumped into the middle of the Eternity Springs series when I received a copy of The First Kiss of Spring from Netgalley a couple of years ago. When I finished it, I knew I'd be reading more. I went back to the beginning and have read (or listened to) quite a few of them. It's been nice to read these from the beginning and follow the lives of the characters as they're introduced and then reintroduced in subsequent books, but it's not absolutely necessary because these are the types of romances that aren't a mystery - you know how they'll end, the pleasure is in following their path to that ending. This one is no exception - I'm not caught up to this point in the series but it didn't matter. Devin is a familiar character from previous books, Jenna is a newcomer. Their story is sweet and spicy and nice to read any time of year, but particularly nice to help the reader get into the Christmas spirit. And now I look forward to going back and reading that "next up" book in the series.

My thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for providing a copy for an unbiased review.

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