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I received a free, advance copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review.

This is the 1st book I have read from this series. And I must say, I cried. The story was really good that each page was s bit too full of events but, the overall effect was not lost.

I love the conversation and the way the events unfolds. It was like peeling several layers of skin to get to the main core and it heals and satisfy you.

Since the book will be out on the 25th of September, I have to leave this review like this. But as the 1st book that I have read..Five stars is the best rating for me.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was sweet amnd happy and gave me the feels, I would happily recommend it to my friends

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This was freaking adorable!! Devin makes an incredible Santa Claus. It was tragic what they went through but of course tragedy is what leads you to Eternity Springs where " broken hearts heal".

Loved getting to catch up with everyone too!

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The Eternity Springs Series has been and will always be one of my favorite series. This title certainly does not disappoint and this "magical" title is another winner. Written and read with joy, happiness, sadness and tears--it reminds us all that an incredible writer, a little bit of magic and Christmas do indeed bring miracles! Thank you for the opportunity to have read this title prior to publication--it was delightful!

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This is the first book I've read by this author.
I loved the small town community atmosphere of this book. The characters are likable and kind - the likes of which we need more of in today's world - and it's really well written!
It felt like an honest story of making friends, falling in love and the spirit of Christmas. You will enjoy this page turner and will be left with a smile on your face!

I received an ARC for my honest review.

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This is another great edition of the Eternity Springs series. Loved seeing Celeste again. Devon, Janna, and Riley were great

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This book had a little mix of everything! There’s a slim thread of suspense from the stalker who is scaring Jenna and her son, Riley. Then there’s the romantic tension between Jenna and Devin. There’s Christmas magic-like major mojo as Devin reminisces about the Eternity Springs’ couples as he compares to his own life. Then there’s the slew of characters I can choose from to go back and read how they’ve all become intertwined. Of course, the best part is the sweet, chaotic vibe of living in a small town, surrounded by loving family and friends. Some things required a stretch of my imagination, but overall, I enjoyed this introduction to Eternity Springs and her colorful residents!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I truly loved this book. A little boy, named Reilly, and his mom, single parent, Dr Jenna Stockton are being stalked. Reilly got a telephone number for Santa. He calls Santa, Devin Murphy, by accident. He asks for a dad because his mom is busy and a dad can still do things with him when his mother, Dr Jenna is busy. The stalker harasses them so much they have to move. They go to Eternity Springs to have Christmas & to heal. They end up moving there, a year later, because the stalker won't stop & they don't know who it is. They meet Devin, aka, Santa. If you want to know what happens, read it. It's a feel good book. It's about magic, believing and healing

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A small town romance with lots of characters from previous books and a romantic couple formed by a single mom running from a bizarre stalking and a charming commitment-phobe.
I enjoyed how the romance between Jenna and Devin began (although the hero’s reluctance to commit is a bit annoying) and Devin’s kindness with Jenna’s son was endearing.
Reilly sometimes speaks and is spoken to by his mom like he was an adult, although his non-stop talking is quite funny and appropriate for an eight-year-old boy.
This is not my favorite kind of story at the moment, and although I’ve finished and enjoyed it, it just didn’t move me that much. Readers looking for a small town atmosphere with a solid community spirit and nice, kind characters will appreciate it.

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Really enjoyed reading this book. Characters were all great as was the story line. I love that Reilly never figured out who was Santa.

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The store clearly needs better employees.

All that fuss over an errant snowball?

Her son is adorable.

Okay, this is starting to get really disturbing.

Wait, is Devin adopted or something?

What the hell! If there really was a traumatized child in her house, the police just injured him!

Celeste is ten kinds of spooky.

Mother. Fluffer.

Poor boy.

Way to freak her out, Devin! She came out of the hospital to a security briefing.

Haha, that's how everyone sang "Happy Birthday" when I was growing up!

Get it, Cam! Heyyy!

A kid, terrorizing a kid.

I'm with Cam. Why not be surprised, anyway.

Hahaha. What did you do that for, Boone?

Well, at least it saved everyone making a separate trip...?

I want to know who won the pool.


I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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