Member Reviews

Eternity Springs #15, Finally, I have been waiting on Devon Murphy's story since he first showed up as a teenager in book 4, Lover's Leap. I love Emily March and this series it's another series I buy in paperback. The whole theme for the series is that Eternity Springs is a place where broken hearts come to heal, so you know it's going to get emotional, I was crying a quarter of the way into the book. Another thing you know about this series is that it will be funny at times with quirky characters and even sillier dogs but also hope; the characters always remind each other there is always room for hope and that things have a way of working out for the better especially when there is trouble everyone is willing to pitch in to help.

I love it when characters kind of fall for each other before they meet face to face, in Devon and Jenna's case it's through phone calls. Jenna's adopted son Reilly was given a phone number to Santa who he ended up calling was Devon. With it being Christmas Devon didn't want to break a little boy's heart so Devon plays along. Devon calls back hoping to get Reilly's Mom but the phone goes unanswered when Jenna finally answers the phone it's clear she's distraught after confirming his story with Devon she agrees to play along too and Reilly can continue to call Santa. Jenna and Devon continue to talk too only knowing each other as Santa and Reilly's Mom. But on New Years Eve something horrible happens and Jenna cuts off contact with Devon before he can say goodbye to Reilly.

Having heard all about Eternity Springs from "Santa" Jenna decides Reilly needs a little heart healing after what happened the previous year and they spend Christmas at Angel's Rest in Eternity Springs. After meeting Celeste and seeing Reilly turn back to the boy she knew before she understands why "Santa", Celeste, and just about everyone else calls Eternity Springs the place where broken hearts come to heal. But two months later and once again something happens to send Jenna and Reilly running. Later that summer Jenna and Reilly are living in an RV off the grid and under assumed names come back to visit Eternity Springs hoping no one recognizes them. Not only do they run into all the friends they made at Christmas they meet "Santa" face to face for the first time. When Jenna finally confesses what's been happening Devon and everyone else in town go above and beyond to help her and Reilly and stop their tormentor.

Devon and Jenna's romance was slow burning but the spark was instantaneous starting back with the phone calls. Jenna knew how good of a person Devon was especially with her son and how much he loved his family and his home when she met his family the next year she fell in love a little bit more and then she met him and she was a goner. Devon always felt divided between his family and Eternity Springs and his love for being out on the ocean and his first home Australia. He fell a little in love with Reilly and his Mom and even though it was supposed to be goodbye he kept his Santa phone just in case Reilly made contact again and since then no one could live up to the fantasy of "Reilly's Mom" until he meets her in person and she exceeded his fantasy but he doesn't think he can take her away from her new life and up root Reilly and take them to Australia so he tries not to love her but it's easier said than done. Overall, this was a wonderful read. I absolutely adore this series. I loved Reilly and his thirst for knowledge he is such a cute kid. Boone McBride, oh well, maybe the third time's the charm.

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What a sweet Christmas story! I loved this story and Eternity Springs. I wish Jenna's stalker had a better ending, it seemed a little anti-climatic to me. Devin is ready and willing to do what it took to help save Jenna and Reilly from the stalker, but didn't make Jenna feel helpless in the process. I didn't realize this was #15 in a series, I'll have to go look for the rest of the series and catch up!

This review is based on an ARC from NetGalley, courtesy of the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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The Christmas Wishing Tree by Emily March is a holiday visit back to the small town of Eternity Springs. For one main character it is a returning home but for another it is a new start. The small-town atmosphere at the holidays gives the story a magical quality that make it such a pleasure to read.

The plot is well written with the emotions of the characters coming clearly through. That is one of the strengths of Emily March’s books. The reader doesn’t just get to know the characters but comes to appreciate their perspective and outlook. More than a simple Christmas romance, there is suspense, family and reflection on one’s life. A wonderful story that could be enjoyed at Christmas but also anytime of the year.

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Enjoyed it

What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
Part of a series: Eternity Springs

I look forward to reading the other books in this series.

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If you enjoy feel-good, contemporary romance that tickles your funny bone, tugs at your heartstrings, and surrounds you with a whole community of people with whom you'd like to be friends, there really isn't any better fictional town to visit than Emily March's Eternity Springs.

In this 16th book of the beloved series, March brings readers another second generation love story when unlikely Santa, Devin Murphy finally meets his match in Dr. Jenna Stockton.
I really enjoyed these two. They are likable characters who come to know one another through unlikely calls to Santa made by Jenna's son long before they ever meet in person or even know one another's names. I enjoyed how March created the connection between them, allowing it to build over time before they actually become part of one another's lives, and bringing them together when Jenna and her son have both lost hope. Of course, their path to love is not without some major roadblocks, including the stalker Jenna's running from, her traumatized son, emotional baggage from Devin's past, and the tiny obstacle of Jenna and Devin living on different continents. It's going to take a whole boatload of family and friends (thankfully, Eternity Springs is bursting at the seams with them) to vanquish Jenna's tormentor and help them find their way. Mostly, though, it's going to take two people having the courage to believe, the willingness to compromise, and the strength to fight for their happiness. Luckily for us, Eternity Springs is a place of hope, a place of joy, a place where hearts heal, and unspoken Christmas wishes come true. It's a place I never tire of visiting and a stop I encourage you to add to your holiday reading list.

Don't let the fact that The Christmas Wishing Tree is the 16th book in this long-running series scare you away. While fans of the series will undoubtedly enjoy catching up with Eternity Springs residents (exciting news for many of our favorite couples!), those new to the series should have no trouble enjoying Devin and Jenna's story on its own merits.

4.5 Stars

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I really loved this book! I though it was a wonderful romance and I loved this Christmas theme. The suspense and drama give it that little edge that keeps you anxiously flipping the pages desperate to see what will happen next. My heart broke for Riley and the trauma he suffered at the hands of the stalker and his antics. But, my favorite aspect of the story was definitely the romance and “Santa” and the message of hope and believing.

I thought this was a beautiful story and this is absolutely on my list of books I want to read again and again.

**Thank you to the author, publisher, and Netgalley for an advance copy of The Wishing Tree. These are my unbiased thoughts and opinions.**

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I was hooked from the minute "Santa" answered the call on his cell phone and started communicating with Reilly. Three people who are complete strangers become connected due to a simple phone call. A not so simple request for Christmas, a lonely young boy, a scared woman, and a man searching for something all come together to create a wonderful story about never giving up and believing in miracles, even when all you ever to do is give up..

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"Call me Santa Cupid." It takes both Santa and Cupid to get these two together!

Jenna and Devin's love story was sweet and heartwarming, and chock-full of breathtaking family moments that will soften any heart. Between her stalker and his job half-way around the world, it's no small wonder it takes two years for these two to finally find their HEA.

Even so, there's never a dull moment in this captivating book. I honestly couldn't put it down until I finished. It was an amazing book, filled with joy and extended family and a community that just sparkles with love and peaceful healing.

The writing is exceptional, really getting to the heart of the struggles Jenna faced with her son and her feelings for Devin. I thought his character was especially well developed, giving us such deep insight into a man who doesn't know what he wants until he nearly loses it. It's a story that will make anyone believe in the magic of the season. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

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ARC for honest review with no compensation, received from NetGalley and St. Martin's Press

This is the 15th book in the Eternity Springs series by Emily March and its a well written Christmas story that puts you in the Christmas spirit! !

Devon Murphy is back in Eternity Springs visiting his family and when his phone is dropped in the shallow river he is given a temporary replacement one. One evening he receives a call from a little boy asking if he is Santa and would he bring him his one wish, he wants a Dad? Little does Devon know that fate has opened the door to his heart.

Jenna Stockton is being stalked and when its taken to far and her son is hurt she moves but she takes her son to Eternity Springs hoping that being Christmas time and a new town will help her son get back to being the boy he was. When they return home it looks like they are safe until it happens again. This time she moves to Eternity Springs and meets Devon Murphy and the man she spoke to on the phone a year or so ago after her son dialed his phone by mistake thinking he was Santa. The stalker isn't finished with her yet.

The sparks fly between jenna and Devon but he knows that Eternity Springs is not really home to him and tries to keep his heart under wraps but fate has something else in mind and when the stalker starts on jenna and her son again, the town rallies around to make sure they are safe. Can Devon just up and walk away or will he fight all her demons and make them a family that they are meant to be??

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I want to start off by saying I have read every single book in this series. Ms. March writes small town stories that just make you feel good. The Christmas Wishing Tree was no exception. Dr. Jenna Stockton has adopted a motherless boy, Reilly, and is raising him the best she can. Reilly is not a token character, you feel his sadness, loneliness and fear. And Jenna is trying so hard to make everything normal. Our Hero is Devin Murphy. He has been interwoven throughout this series by way of his mother and father's story. He has his own demons he is trying to work through. He gets an unexpected phone call from a temporary phone he has borrowed asking to speak to "Santa." Because it is Christmas and the young boy seems so sad, he plays along. They exchange a few calls before Jenna is finally drawn in. I liked this. They got to know each other before they actually met. Jenna has a stalker who keeps sending pizzas, calling the police so they will break down her doors and doing anything to scare them. They have moved around a lot. They have now changed their names are are living off grid. Once Jenna and Devin actually do meet, the story just soars. I loved Jenna and Devin together. I loved how they worked together and learned to trust. I also enjoyed cameos by favorite couples and maybe soon to be couples. This is a book I will definitely read again. If you have not read any of Ms. March's, this is absolutely a perfect start! I highly recommend this book


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The Christmas Wishing Tree is the fifteenth book in the Eternity Springs series, written by author Emily March. Each book in the series can be read as a stand-alone, however, I strongly recommend reading the entire series. Every time I read an Eternity Springs book, it is like revisiting old friends and family. I have read every book in the series, and I especially look forward to the holiday books in the series. The Christmas Wishing Tree is a heartwarming story, and it perfectly captures the magic of Christmas.

Devin Murphy has just returned home to Eternity Springs, Colorado, to spend Christmas with his family. He may have been born and raised in Australia, but Eternity Springs is home as well. Christmas is a magical time in Eternity Springs, and he loves spending the holiday season in the small picturesque town. He offers to help Celeste Blessing, the owner of Angel's Rest, with putting up Christmas decorations on Christmas Eve. While Celeste is talking on Devin's cell phone (to his mother), an accident causes her to fall into the icy water of Angel Creek. Luckily, Celeste is fine, but his phone is out of commission. Celeste offers him a burner phone to use while she tries to get his phone back in working order. She also leaves him with a message telling him that when he hears the Christmas bells ring, do not fail to answer them. He does not completely understand her message, but later that day, when he hears the ringtone of "Carol of the Bells' coming from the temporary phone, he answers it. To his surprise, it is a young boy from Nashville named Reilly, asking Devin if he is Santa. Not wanting to disappoint him, Devin plays along, and listens to Reilly's request to ask for a Christmas wish...he wants a daddy for Christmas.

Dr Jenna Stockton lives in Nashville, with her six-year-old son Reilly. Jenna is trying to give her son an amazing Christmas this year...hoping she is not called away to the hospital. She is also a woman that is being harassed by someone, and she has no idea who it is. It all started in October, with hang-up phone calls and text messages. From there, it escalated to receiving orders she did not place, and the air being let out of her tires while her car was parked in the physician's area of the parking garage. She contacted the police, but with no leads, the police said it was teen pranks and random vandalism. After returning home from the hospital Christmas party, her doorbell rings more than ten different times with pizza deliveries of cheese and mushroom pizzas...and she definitely did not order them because she is allergic to mushrooms. When she begins receiving phone calls from an unknown number of Christmas Eve, Jenna ignores the calls, even though they continue over the next few days. Finally, frustrated and scared, she answers a call from the unknown number, only to find out that her son has been using her phone to call the man on the other end...Santa.

Once again, Emily March writes from the heart and pulls you in from beginning to end. She perfectly weaves together the many threads of this story, which slowly turns into another masterpiece to add to the Eternity Springs series. It begins at Christmastime, and continues on throughout the following year. Jenna and Reilly's story will tug at your heartstrings, especially Reilly wanting a dad for Christmas. Jenna is a wonderful mom, but something happens that causes her to worry about their safety. Over the course of the following year, Jenna is tried in many different ways, but her first priority is always Reilly. The love between Jenna and Reilly is a beautiful thing to experience through the pages of this story.

As for Devin, you will instantly fall in love with him once you find out how he handles the situation when Reilly thinks he is talking to Santa. It is obvious that he is a man with a heart of gold. Once he learns about Reilly's mom being harassed, it also brings out a protective streak, even though Devin does not completely understand the reactions over people he barely knows. In his own life, he is longing to to return back to Australia...and he knows it will be difficult to break the news to his family.

Over the following year, a lot is learned about the main characters, as well as having the opportunity to revisit with the wonderful residents of Eternity Springs. Eternity Springs is definitely a magical place during the holiday season, but this is a town that holds that spirit throughout each and every day of the year. Celeste Blessing is my favorite character in the series, and she is basically the town angel...always watching over everyone. After all, Eternity Springs is a welcoming safe haven for anyone in need of healing and a safe environment to live. This is a story about blended families, love and romance, as well as friendship. I hope you will give this story a chance, as well as the previous books in the series. Eternity Springs is a series that you will absolutely fall in love with, and one that always has a story-line that will hold you captive from beginning to end.

I would like to thank St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to read and review this book. My opinions are my own, and are in no way influenced by anyone else.

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This is the kind of story that would translate well to a Hallmark holiday movie. I won’t be surprised if I see it on the Hallmark channel in a few years. The idea is behind the book is sweet, and the story would translate really well to film. Jenna is single mother dealing with a stalker. Devin is a dashing Australian. It’s hard not to fall for these two.

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I received an Advanced Reader Copy from St. Martin's Paperbacks for my unbiased opinion of the book. I loved this book! This is the story is about Devin Murphy home for the holidays in Eternity Springs when Celeste gives him a few wise words and a burner phone after she falls into the water and Devin phone is destroyed after him rescuing her. When a child calls the burner phone looking for Santa, Devin happily lets this boy named Reilly think he's the real thing! Devin finally gets a hold of his mom Jenna Stockton and the sparks fly! I don't want to ruin the premise of the story. It will keep you on your toes from beginning to end!

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The Christmas Wishing Tree by Emily March is book 15 in the Eternity Springs series. This is the story of Devin Murphy and Jenna Stockton. I have read the previous book but feel this can be a standalone book if you wish to do so.
Jenna picks to live in Eternity Springs to keep her adopted son Reilly safe and herself. Devin is returning home in Eternity Springs where he ends up meeting Reilly and Jenna. Both pull at his heart strings and they feel the same with him. But there are some bumps in the road before they get their happy ending.
This was such a moving story! Loved it.

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This is one of those perfect Christmas plots.
Reilly was adopted by Jenna, and she wants to do her best to leave the past behind and give a new life opportunity to him and herself.
But everything changes when Reilly calls "Santa Claus" asking for a dad.

Devin was a man without a right place. He preferred to live traveling, but returned to the city of his family to spend the holidays.
He has the biggest surprise when a call by mistake makes him meet little Reilly, asking for a dad.

Meanwhile, the future of the three intersects and the year-end decisions become unexpected and romantic.
4 stars

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I just loved my visit to Eternity Springs, just like all of my previous visits!! This story will make you believe in the magic of Christmas. Riley makes a phone call to Santa, asking for his only wish a dad. Santa turns out to be Devin in Eternity Springs, who is there visiting his family. Many calls in sue between the two, until Riley's mom, Jenna intervenes. Now Jenna and Riley's lives are in jeopardy, and she decides to move to Eternity Springs, not knowing that Santa is from there.

With the magic of Christmas, family and friends of Eternity Springs makes for the perfect holiday read for this season. Oh, did I say babies and puppies too. A light suspense is also in the story line. I highly recommend this book!!

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I didn't realize this was #15 in a series! I've read a few of the previous books because characters started sounding familiar. That said, this book can definitely be read as a stand alone but if you think you want to read this series, then start at the beginning because a series is always best started with the first book so you can watch the personal lives grow.

This installment focuses on Jenna and Devin. They meet totally by chance but had spoken on the phone without knowing it when they met. Jenna's son Reilly called Northpole One to reach Santa to add a Dad to his Christmas list. It was a fluke that a burner phone that Devin had was that number. I have to admire Devin for playing along and not crushing a young boy's belief in Santa. He tried to reach Jenna to let her know her son was calling him, but Jenna would not answer. She had her own issues with a stalker and thought it was that person. Thankfully she finally answered and they got that squared away. I think it was at that moment that Devin fell in love with someone he didn't even know.

Jenna ends up in Eternity Springs because it is touted as a place to heal broken hearts. Plus she feels safe there when the stalker forces her to go off the grid to escape him/her. She just didn't realize that she would find her new home and potentially family there. Turns out it was a great decision for her. Plus since Jenna is a OB/GYN she was able to help all the women that seemed to have gotten pregnant during a blizzard in March. One of my favorite lines near the end - "After that, it was like dominoes. All six women...every last one of them...went into labor."

Another favorite line between Jenna and Devin - Jenna "Who starts a fight at a cakewalk? You smashed Maggie's cake!" Devin - "That was unfortunate. But since I as the winner, the only person I hurt was myself." (there was more but I just highlighted my favorite parts)

There are some tense moments for Jenna when the stalker initiates some pranks and (apparently) what they call swatting (prank calls to emergency numbers). I will say that the whole situation with this stalker fell a little flat. I realize it wasn't the main focus of the book, but once they discovered who it was it just ended and there wasn't any more mention of this person or what happened to them or if Jenna would need to testify against this person.

Overall this is a very enjoyable book and I can just imagine that one of the upcoming books will be about Boone. This book just hints that there is more to him than meets the eye.

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What a beautiful story of love and hope centered around a wishing tree. The magic of Christmas, a man with a sexy Australian accent, angels, family, the magical town of Eternity Falls, humor, and a mystery to boot. This book has it all and then some. When I was done reading I was smiling over the beautiful story of believing. This is one book I will surely read again! I received an advance copy of this book and I willingly chose to write an honest review.

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Although not the first Emily March book for me, she is still pretty new to me but quickly becoming a favorite. This book is #15 in her Eternity Springs series. I’ve read a couple of other books in this series and they’re just great. You don’t need to read them in order although I’ll probably want to now!
In this book, we meet Jenna, a doctor, and her young adopted son Reilly. Jenna works very hard to give Reilly a good life but young Reilly still craves an idyllic family. He decides to dial North-Pole-1 and ask Santa for a daddy.
Devin gets the call and decides it can’t hurt to play along. He’s surprised at the wish and decides to try reaching the mother. Jenna doesn’t answer because she’s been the victim of some phone and pizza delivery pranks lately.
Jenna and Devin finally do talk about Reilly and get to know more about each other, including the fact that although Devin now lives in Australia, his family lives in Eternity Springs and he considers it one of the best places in the world.
Eventually life takes them both to Eternity Springs at the same time. Devin is visiting family and Jenna is hiding from her prankster turned stalker who has gotten much more vicious in his pranks. She vows to keep Reilly safe.
Devin and Jenna are definitely attracted to each other but with Devin’s life waiting in Australia and Jenna’s stalker still out there, a romantic relationship isn’t feasible. But they’re in Eternity Springs where magic prevails and family is abundant. Will they be able to catch the stalker and keep Reilly safe? Will they find a way to love each other or part ways?
I really enjoy this series. There’s always a little magic in it and maybe you don’t believe but who can’t use a little magic in their life? Take the trip to Eternity Springs. You just may want to stay there!

This book was provided to me by St. Martin’s Press through NetGalley for my review.

#TheChristmasWishingTree #EmilyMarch #EternitySprings #CelesteBlessing #StMartinsPress #SmallTownRomance #NetGalley

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A pesar de ser el libro 15 en la serie de Eternity Springs, no me lo pensé mucho al momento de aceptar leerlo cuando me lo ofrecieron en Netgalley. La historia sonaba bonita y he andado con ganas de romance contemporáneo.

Supuse que no sería tan necesario haber leído esos 14 primeros libros y la verdad es que disfruté enormemente de The Christmas Wishing Tree pero si me quedé con un sentimiento de que podría haberlo disfrutado más si conociera a todos los habitantes del pequeño poblado de Eternity Springs. Y fue tanta la curiosidad por conocer a estas personas que ya terminé el segundo libro de la serie, no pude resistirme y con solo haber leído estas 3 novelas puedo asegurar que me encanta Eternity Springs Colorado.

El poblado en las montañas es un personaje más en estas historias y fue interesante ver que en el primer libro mencionan una población de menos de 900 habitantes y en The Wishing Tree ya son alrededor de 2000. Quiero ver el trayecto que los llevó de una cantidad a otra aunque ya sé que tiene mucho que ver con Celeste Blessings, una mujer que llegó al poblado a revivirlo y que ha ayudado a las 3 parejas que he conocido con grandes consejos. Realmente necesito una Celeste en mi vida.

Pero ahora vamos a concentrarnos en The Christmas Wishing Tree. Devin Murphy es uno de los personajes que conocemos a través de la serie (aún no me toca), no vive en Eternity Springs sino que se va a mudar a Australia pero su familia aún reside en el poblado de Colorado y va a visitarlos en Navidad. Gracias a un celular que Celeste le presta, Devin conoce a Riley, un chico que cree que Devin es Santa Claus y le pide que le traiga un papá para navidad. Devin se comunica con la mamá y se lo dice. Jenna está pasando por momentos complicados que solo se ponen peor. Devin quiere ayudarlos y recluta a todo el pueblo para hacerlo.

Mientras leía el libro sentí que le faltaba profundidad al personaje de Devin. El de Jenna se desarrolló bastante bien pero creo que me falta conocer más sobre el pasado de él porque solo se toca superficialmente. Esa fue una de las razones por la que me decidí leer los libros pasados.

Estoy muy contenta de haber leído este libro porque me dio toda una enorme serie para leer que se que voy a disfrutar. La escritura de la autora me gustó y me estoy enamorando de sus personajes. A tal grado que ya me regresé aún más y estoy leyendo otra trilogía de la autora llamada Brazos Bend para conocer a la familia del personaje masculino de Angel's Rest, el primer libro de Eternity Springs y también me está encantando. Creo que Emily March se ha convertido en una de mis autoras favoritas del género y afortunadamente aun tengo mucho por leer de ella.

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