Member Reviews

Emily March never writes a bad book, but this one was great! You've got a single mom trying to protect her son from an unknown someone who is stalking them and doing really bad things to them. Jenna and Reilly need to find a safe place and Eternity Springs seems to be the place.
Devin, a hunky Australian visiting his parents in Eternity Springs, really wants to catch the person destroying their lives. He came to care about both Jenna and Reilly through phone calls before ever meeting them in person, but now that he really knows them he can't live with the thought of them running again. Jenna knows there can't be more to their relationship than a short term fling, but that doesn't keep her heart for asking for more.If only Devin convince Jenna that he and others in the small town can keep them safe, he just might be able to provide what they need. But what do the really need? Someone who's running back to Australia, or a husband and a father?
The Christmas Wishing Tree is another great installment is the Eternity Springs series!

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This latest entry in the Eternity Springs series is sure to put you into the holiday spirit. While this book can be read as a stand alone novel, I highly recommend reading the series in order because all of the characters from previous books do play a role in this story. Although some are only mentioned in passing that they are now expecting babies which is a fun update if you've been reading the series. While Jenna Stockton finds herself involved with Devin Murphy a resident of Eternity Springs, by accident and then through a series of tragic events, she fits in perfectly with the town. While this is a perfect novel for the holidays, it is not necessarily a Christmas romance. In fact, the story takes place over the course of two years starting and ending at Christmas.
The novels of Eternity Springs always feature an element of romance and internal healing that the characters may or may not have even realized they needed. With plenty of heartwarming moments and likeable characters, I found myself pulled into the story immediately.

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This is quite a change from what I expected to read with a seasonal title. A bit of a thriller, a love story, and the required HEA all wrapped into one! Pleasantly surprised and definitely intrigued with this one.

Dr. Jenna Stockton and her adopted son Reilly try to live a normal life but her schedule always makes it tough. Her son just wants a daddy for Christmas. But when she starts receiving dozens of things she didn’t order, she knows that her life is never going to be the same.

A phone call to a Santa line by her son results in them visiting Eternity Springs where she finds friends and a man that she might be able to love. But that doesn’t always mean a happy life as she finds out. On the run, the return to Eternity Springs for the holidays with new names and a hope for a new life.

Devin Murphy wasn’t quite sure about the phone call he received from a little boy but he made the most of it. The kid deserved it if for no other reason that Devin could at least make him feel good around the holidays. He has no idea how those conversations will bring him face to face with some life decisions. And for a carefree guy with no long term relationships, that’s a pretty intense thing.

This is one of those stories that need tissues at times and laughter at other. Just can’t say how talented of a story teller this author is with this one!

I received a free, advance copy of this book from the publisher. This is my unbiased and voluntary review.

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Ok. I have read I think every story in the Eternity Springs series and I have decided that I want to move there! Yes, it's fictional, but I wish it was real. Heartwarming and charming characters just make this book a delight to read.

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The Christmas Wishing Tree is the fifteenth book in the Eternity Springs series and is full of love, family, and community spirit. When a stalker drives a single mom to Eternity Springs via a phone call to Santa Claus, the mantra "where broken hearts come to heal" could not become more true. This newest book from Emily March is a warm, cozy holiday read and does not disappoint.

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Perfect title for this novel. This was a new to me author and I enjoyed reading the book, even though I am not a big fan of romance. It bothered me that this was another story about "woman in jeopardy". This is too real in these modern times.

This novel is essentially a romance with a drop of mystery.

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This is a huge post for us, release, review, giveaway, Q&A.  I'm sure you all have found something to spark your interest in it.  But for our avid fans, I know you are just dying to hear my take on the book.  This is the first Christmas book of the season for me!! I'm so excited.  I love Christmas!!!  I'm just bummed these come out so early.  I'm worried the titles will decrease the closer we get, so I'm enjoying each and everyone as they come to me.

This one was a little different than I expected.  I don't know, I think I thought historical, but it really is a contemporary romance and honestly it doesn't take place exclusively at Christmas.  It actually takes place over several years at different times of the year.  Christmas does play the starring seasonal role though.  This also isn't exclusively an adult romance.  There is a child involved.  It wouldn't be Christmas if there weren't children.

Jenna and Devin don't even meet until way into the book, so that was another unexpected point in the story.  Jenna and Devin form this relationship over the phone blind to what one another look like and that makes it so much cuter when they meet in person. There bond is much stronger this way I think.  It's like they already know one another and are ready to take it to the next level when they do meet.

Of course we get some Celeste Blessing magic involved in the whole book and of course you get your HEA even for Riley.  Emily just keeps making Eternity Springs a little more refined and a lot more mysterious with each novel she brings to us.  The last one I reviewed was First Kiss of Spring and I loved this little town.  It has found a place in my heart and the rest of the books in the series will definitely be on my TBR pile.  For all of those reasons, this is a 5 of 5 read for me.  Hope you all enjoy it as well...

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This was a sweet small town romance with and added dose of suspense.

Devin was a playboy with a big heart. I loved his interactions with Reilly. Jenna was doing her best to hold their lives together after being chased from their home by a stalker. I loved that she returned to Eternity Springs for help.

Overall a good, slowburn romance.

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Oh, how I love these forays back to Eternity Springs. This absolutely has to be my favorite small town of contemporary fiction and this book was a sigh of satisfaction when I started to read it. I love revisiting the town, the people, most of all Celeste, and I always know that there will be a romance that will pull me all the way in. Take an Aussie, a young boy, threats, action, and a very protective mom and get a puppy along the way, and I am sunk! Loved everything about this book and even if you have never read an Eternity Springs book by Emily March which i almost can’t imagine, this is a perfect standalone contemporary romance and absolutely perfect to me.

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The Christmas Wishing Tree by Emily March

A beautiful small town romance with a smattering of suspense. 15th in the Eternity Springs series. Can be read on its own.
I so love this town. By 15, you’d think enough already. Not so. The author brings fresh people with their own heart-to-be-healed issues, with different occupations and needs together into the community. And that community wraps them in love and acceptance.
This one is pure heart.
From a boy placing a telephone call to Santa Clause to a town angel and the concept of a Christmas Wishing Tree is a wonderfully heartwarming story.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley. I also purchased a copy of the book because it’s a favorite author and I want to share the experience.

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. This book had a mixture of everything but think I should have read it nearer the season and would have appreciated it a bit better.

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From the description of The Christmas Wishing Tree, I expected a feel-good, Christmas-themed romance. It does open with Dr. Jenna Stockton getting ready to celebrate Christmas with her son, Reilly. Through a twist of fate, Reilly calls a number for Santa and reaches Devin Murphy, who goes along and listens to Reilly's Christmas wish for a Daddy. The wonder, joy, and promise of Christmas and the New Year is then overshadowed by the suspenseful elements weaved through the story. Jenna and Reilly are stalked for several months and harmed by the actions of an unknown person. They eventually wind up on the run, living off the grid in a camper.

The romance definitely takes a back seat, as Devin and Jenna's lives don't actually intersect until 18 months later in Eternity Springs. Even as Devin and Jenna's relationship finally develops, they have to deal with the fact that Jenna's stalker is still a threat and Devin actually lives in Australia. The inhabitants of Eternity Springs help to finally find the stalker and allow Jenna and Reilly to feel safe again.

This was not an easy read, as the suspense/stalker element was totally incongruous with the Christmas theme. Emily March does write well, and I liked how she brought Eternity Springs to life with vivid descriptions. I finished the book; however, I can't honestly say that I totally enjoyed it.

I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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"The Christmas Wishing Tree” will have you believing in Santa Claus all over again. This really is the sweetest romance I’ve read this year. Devin is a world traveling bachelor with no plans to settle down. But Eternity Springs magic works against all of his plans, and before he knows it he is Santa Claus to a little boy who badly needs a man in his life. Jenna Stockton is doing her best to raise her son, but she is being harassed by a stranger, and Eternity Springs offers them a sanctuary. The power of family and community are strong and heart-warming. This is a lovely contemporary romance.

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The Christmas Wishing Tree by Emily March is a 2018 St. Martin’s Press publication.

Devin Murphy’s heart is torn between Eternity Springs, where his family lives, and the adventure of the open sea. Returning to Eternity Springs from Australia for the holidays, he receives a phone call from a young boy who thought he was calling Santa. Devin goes along, thinking the call was a one off. But, the kid sort of got to him, because instead the hottest toy or gadget, this kid is asking for a daddy.

Jenna Stockton adopted Reilly and although she works a lot, she’s a great mom. But, when she acquires a stalker, she must protect her son at all cost. To that end, she packs up and heads to Eternity Springs. But, amazingly, Reilly’s ‘Santa’ happens to be there, too, and he’s the sexiest Santa Jenna has ever laid eyes on. Once Devin realizes the danger Jenna and Reilly are in, he offers to help discover who the stalker is, so she can finally have her life back. His offer is tempting, but being close to him tempts in ways she doesn’t want to think about…

I say this every year, but it bears repeating. I always bite off more than I can chew when selecting my holiday themed novels for the Christmas season. I want to read all the new ones and re-read old favorites, and never manage to get them all read before we ring in the new year. (And sometimes I over indulge to the point of burning out on Ho Ho Ho’s!) But, no matter what, I always make a concerted effort to read the annual Eternity Springs holiday romance by Emily March.

This story has a very slight edge to it because of the stalker Jenna is on the run from, but mostly this is a terrific story that captures the spirit of Eternity Spring- especially during the magical holiday season. I loved this story because Reilly is a great kid, with interest beyond video games and iPads, who wants something on an emotional level, instead of a materialistic level. I’d say Jenna was a super cool mom despite some critical remarks on her parenting skills at the beginning of the book.

I also liked Devin, who was true to himself, but adult enough to realize he doesn’t have to be one dimensional or pigeonholed. Jenna’s love for Reilly, and her level-headed parenting scored points for me. I loved the way Devin and Jenna showed firmness, but sensitivity to Reilly, and the way they made concessions, working out ways to live their individual dreams and still share a life together.

Once again, Eternity Springs works its special magic and brings two awesome people together, with the help of a super cool ‘Santa’, who eventually comes through, granting a little boy his most fervent Christmas wish.

Overall, this book would be a great way to kick-start your holiday reading. It is heartwarming, with a hint of magic, and loads of charm, and a truly awesome love story. You’ll be dreaming of snowfall and Christmas trees…. And sexy Santas!!

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Welcome back to Eternity Springs. A place where strange and magical things happen. As Devon Murphy says, woo-woo. Devon has come home for the holidays. His family wants him there all the time but water has called him and that is where he feels alive.

Jenna Stockton is a pediatric doctor raising her 6 year old son Reilly. This little boy will wrap his arms around your heart and won't let go. For Christmas he told Santa what he wanted but he forgot one thing. So when an Angel gave him the number to call Santa directly, he calls without his mom's permission. As they say, it is the start of a beautiful friendship between Santa and Reilly's mom. Till it all collapses. Not once but twice. Now they are seeking shelter from the storm. No better place than Eternity Springs. Where a little boy discovers the magic of Christmas again and Mom gets her HEA.

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This was an interesting book to read. After the initial setup of Jenna's life and situation, it took a very different direction than I'd expected, and then circled back around to end up where I would have originally thought. It's part romance, part thriller/intrigue and part women's fiction, and does justice to most of each part. I thought the thriller storyline ended a bit abruptly and would have liked more development of that situation but overall it was interesting and I enjoyed reading it!

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This is a really sweet Christmas romance. It can be read as a stand alone even though it is the fifteenth book in the series.

I loved the relationship that developed between Devin and Reilly over the phone as Devin pretends to be Santa Claus in answer to Reilly's phone calls.

The stalker story line was quite exciting in places and I got a sense of the threat that Reilly and Jenna were facing. I was disappointed however in how that storyline was resolved as it fizzled away into nothing and was quite anticlimactic.

The romance between Devin and Jenna was cute. I liked how he tried pushing her in the path of another man in order to stop himself from falling in love and then getting all jealous when she starts spending time with someone else. It led to a few humorous incidents.

All in all, this was a nice holiday romance and I would quite happily read more of the series starting from the beginning.

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The Christmas Wishing Tree, to no one’s surprise, is another treasure from author Emily March. It’s the fifteenth novel in the Eternity Springs series and the perfect story to get you into the Christmas spirit. Whether this is your 15th visit to Eternity Springs or your first, you’ll find it’s a magical place, where family and friends, love and loyalty are the most important things in the world. The Christmas Wishing Tree is the story of a little boy with a special Christmas wish, of Devin Murphy, whose heart is in Eternity Springs but whose work is in Australia and of Jenna Stockton, a doctor who is desperately trying to keep her son safe and who isn’t ready to give her heart to anyone or any place. Until everything comes together in Eternity Springs.

Author Emily March is a master. Just a few paragraphs in and I was totally caught up in the story and the characters. And when the action moved to Eternity Springs I felt as if I had come home, a place where I was loved and surrounded by beauty and the joy of Christmas.

This is a sweet story filled with people you immediately feel a connection with and want as your friends and family. But it’s also a suspense-filled mystery with a strong, smooth plot, well-developed characters with depth, and a pace that will keep you turning pages. It stands alone with just enough information about the businesses and people in this beautiful town and their history for you to understand the depth of their loyalty, devotion and discretion, and to what lengths they will go to protect someone in need. But if you have read any or all of the previous books in this wonderful series you’ll see the threads expertly pulled together, how folks have grown, relationships developed, problems been resolved. You’ll feel like you are visiting old friends in an oh so comfortable home.

The Christmas Wishing Tree was the first holiday story I read this year and it was the perfect tale to get me in the spirit: majestic forests of trees, babies, dogs, delicious desserts, beautiful decoration, adventure on the high seas, and of course romance. What Jenna and Reilly had already endured made me sad, and the very real danger to them had me truly scared for their safety and grateful for the many loving souls with huge hearts and open arms willing to help – and love – them.

I received a complimentary ARC edition from the publisher St. Martin's Press via NetGalley. I was not required to provide a review, but I recommend The Christmas Wishing Tree without hesitation. I felt the danger and suspense, and I also laughed, cried and smiled. It touched me, and when I was finished I felt happiness, love and hope.

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Adorable story that reads like a Hallmark movie in long format! Single mom Jenna and her son Riley are being harassed by an unseen assailant and who rides in to save the day-Santa! in the form of Devin Murphy. Loved the fictional town of Eternity Springs where everything appears magical and neighbors are there for each other. I would recommend this book highly to other readers of March's Eternity Springs series as other characters pop up for updates and to get in on the action. My only confusion was around trying to keep them all straight initially as this book was my first foray into this community. After I stopped trying to figure out who everyone was and whether they were significant to the current story, I was able to let the confusion go and just enjoy the developing romance between the two main characters.
Thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the ARC in return for my honest review.

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Ok, that's it. I want to move to Eternity Springs! After reading THE CHRISTMAS WISHING TREE by Emily March, I have fallen head over heels in love with this magical place and its amazing community who care so deeply for each other.

Jenna Stockton will do whatever it takes to protect her son Reilly and when a stalker seems to up the ante and her little boy gets hurt in the process, Jenna realises that they must disappear. Remembering a special phone call that her son had made to Santa, they soon find themselves in Eternity Springs and this special place soon begins to work its magic on both of them. But the stalker isn't ready to give up yet...

Devin Murphy is footloose and fancy-free and that's the way he intends to keep it. All he needs is the ocean and his family but he knows he is going to break their hearts when he tells them he is leaving Eternity Springs for good to move to Australia. When he accidentally picks up a call one day from an unknown number, it will bring Jenna and Reilly into his life and that of his family. And it isn't long before sparks fly between Jenna and himself. But commitment isn't something that is on his radar and he isn't meant to be someone's dad, no matter how much Reilly yearns for one. But when danger threatens those he cares about, Devin may just realise that love matters more than anything else in the world.

Engaging, festive, magical, and simply stunning THE CHRISTMAS WISHING TREE by Emily March is everything you could ever want in a Christmas novel. The characters are strong, intelligent, kind, and completely loveable and the element of danger from Jenna's past really adds a tension to parts of the story that had my stomach in knots. The community of Eternity Springs bursts to life on every page and I fell in love with the people as much as the beautiful scenery.

If you want a novel that will burrow into your heart and just make you feel warm and fuzzy inside then look no further than THE CHRISTMAS WISHING TREE by Emily March where family, friendship and discovering where you belong, is the order of the day.

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