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4.5 Stars

“Because I choose to live my vision, not my circumstance.” – Celeste Blessing

The Christmas Wishing Tree was the perfect way to gear up for the holiday season, leaving me with a happy heart and firm belief in the magic that Emily March has created in Eternity Springs.

I have only read three books in this series, but it didn’t take more than a few pages of the first to know that I was going to love the small town “where broken hearts come to heal” and the little bit of magic that seems to have embodied itself in the form of Celeste Blessing, “Eternity Springs’ very own angel.”

This book focuses on Devin and Jenna, two people who don’t reside in Eternity Springs but find themselves in need of the comfort and healing it provides. And it wouldn’t be Eternity Springs if Celeste didn’t also add in a bit of her magic and wisdom, which helps these two find their way to one another – who knew a burner cell phone with a number advertised as the Santa Hotline would start a chain of events that would lead Jenna and Devin right to each other and fulfill a child’s ultimate Christmas wish?! And even though their road to finding one another was not easy, Eternity Springs provided all the right support for Jenna, Reilly, and Devin, as they unraveled the mystery of Jenna’s stalker and find a way to become a family.

Emily March has such a way of embedding true emotion into each of her characters. We are treated to glimpses of many of the residents of Eternity Springs, and each one has been brought to life with their own unique personality and character, guaranteeing that each story in this series is one that will warm your heart and renew your belief in true love. The little details that she also adds to the story, like the Christmas Wishing Tree, and her ability to convey that family feeling the entire town has, adds to the warmth of the story.

This is book 15 in the series but can easily be read as a stand-alone. When needed, the author gives enough background to each of her characters to ensure continuity of the story line – but let me warn you, she’ll also give you just enough to make you want to go and read them all! So even though you can read this on its own, I would recommend starting at the beginning so you can enjoy each book in the series – something I wish I had done!

I can’t say enough about this series – Eternity Springs has quickly become one of my favorite small towns and I have fallen in love with Emily March’s writing style and voice. I look forward to reading more from this author!

A definite must read for everyone!

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The Christmas Wishing Tree by Emily March
Eternity Springs #15

“Believe!” is just what Devin Murphy tells Reilly when he calls Santa’s hotline asking for one more Christmas wish even though it is the night before Christmas and time is running out. Devin is in Eternity Springs for the holidays, has been given the phone and is suddenly giving advice to a lonely boy who wants a father. Well, Devin knows he needs to let Reilly’s mother in on the fact her son has called Santa but Dr. Jenna Stockton has a stalker and fears that the unknown number calling her is…the stalker. Finally they do end up talking on the phone but Jenna and Reilly are “swatted” after having already experienced much “doxxing” and are on the move again trying to evade the stalker.

This story does eventually bring Reilly, Jenna and Devin together but it takes time as they seldom seem to be in the same place at the same time and then when they are there are numerous logistics to be dealt with. How they achieve their HEA is a great story to read that reminded me a bit of Peter Pan, quite a bit of Miracle on 34th Street and also a number of wonderful Hallmark movies.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4.5 Stars

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Will appear at Romance Reviews Today site first part of Oct:

An Eternity Springs Novel
St. Martin’s
ISBN: 978-1250-131720
October 2018
Contemporary Romance

Eternity Springs, Colorado – Present Day

Devin Murphy left his small hometown of Eternity Springs for adventure and a career that he loves. However, he loves returning home to visit his family, and one Christmas, his phone is waterlogged and resident “angel” Celeste Blessing gives him one of her burner phones. Later that day, the phone rings and on the other line is the voice of a small boy asking Devin if he is Santa Claus. Going along with the ruse, Devin soon realizes the boy, Reilly, is lonely and wants a daddy for Christmas. The boy keeps calling and Devin decides to contact the mother. He does, and learns that she is a single mother, and for a few days during the Christmas holiday, they are phone friends. Even though he doesn’t know it yet, he’s attracted.

Dr. Jenna Stockton has a stalker, though no one can find him (or her). She’s trying to keep Reilly happy and as Christmas arrives, she begins to relax. That is a mistake as she is “swatted” and it ends up with Reilly breaking his arm during the ruckus. (Swatting is when someone anonymously calls the police to report a serious crime at your house in order to bring in the SWAT team) Jenna moves to another city, hoping her stalker will be deterred, but more than a year later it happens again. Jenna and Reilly hit the road in a camper exploring the country and keeping off the grid. She and her son had already visited Eternity Springs the Christmas before (Devin had mentioned it while talking to her) and during their sojourn across the country, they end up again in the tiny town. Jenna figures she won’t run into Devin because he is now living in Australia. But then Devin returns home for an extended visit…

It’s a return to the magical town of Eternity Springs in Emily March’s latest, THE CHRISTMAS WISHING TREE. The title refers to a Christmas tradition of Celeste’s where a special tree is displayed at which you can make a wish. Devin loves the sea and built a boat charter company first in the Caribbean, then in Australia. But he also loves his family and looks forward to coming back to Eternity Springs for visits. Of course, Devin being the nice guy that he is, doesn’t hesitate to help out Celeste at her spa. However, it’s during one of these visits that she accidentally ‘dunks” his cell phone, which leads to his getting a burner one from her. Little Reilly Stockton wants only one thing (well, maybe a puppy too) and that is to get a daddy. Jenna had adopted Reilly after his mother died (the father is in prison and signed away the rights). Life has been good for her—except for an unknown stalker making her life miserable. After too many attempts against her and Reilly, it’s time to hit the road. Literally.

While visiting Eternity Springs this time, Jenna and Reilly try to disguise themselves but are soon outed, with Devin right there. It turns out telling the truth is the best answer as she opens up to Devin, which leads to him and others in town to devise a plan to draw the culprit out. Changes are soon in store for Jenna and Reilly…and Devin finds himself attracted to her. But his plans are still the same: he’s returning to Australia. The ensuing days spent together are magical as their attraction grows. Will it end unhappily when he has to leave? Will Jenna’s stalker make a fatal mistake that leads to their capture?

As always with an Eternity Springs book, there is hope and love, along with a spiritual warmth that leaves you happy and smiling. In THE CHRISTMAS WISHING TREE, everything is covered, along with a little dose of Christmas cheer. While part of an extensive series, this tale could be read as a standalone, though plenty of characters from past books make appearances. It’s always nice to catch up with them and learn about the newest child. Readers looking for a feelgood read need to grab a copy of THE CHRISTMAS WISHING TREE.

Patti Fischer

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The Christmas Wishing Tree was a delightful read. I always love returning to Eternity Springs, and this time I was hooked by the tension engendered from what Devin might do. Would he remain in Australia or fit in with a special person and live in Eternity Springs?

Jenna and her son Reilly are being harassed quite seriously by a stalker, and after some nasty experiences they have ended up in Eternity Springs. And of course that's the right place to come to when you are hurting. Celeste for a start will have something up her sleeve and there is a whole arsenal of very capable people who can look into this matter.

I enjoyed the characters, Devin of course is as soft as marshmellow - when it counts and Jenna is such a great mother. Reilly is delightful and his journey of discovering all about how Christmas counts and what its all about is perfect.

I loved the humor, as well as the range of emotions the story evoked in me. It was full of beloved characters from Eternity Springs, yet easily could be picked up as a stand alone.

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4 1/2 out of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this sweet story and even though it’s a Christmas story, it’s a year round enjoyable read because it’s all about believing which doesn’t just need to happen for 30 days at the end of the year!

Jenna is a single mom struggling with life - working, making time for her son, and a crazy stalker. Devin is a carefree guy determined to be single forever. When Jenna’s son, Reilly, calls Devin begging Santa for a daddy for Christmas, Devin can’t help but play along.

There were some great quotes in the story including this one when Jenna was talking to Boone - another guy in Eternity Springs who Devin is desperate to set Jenna up with so that she isn’t alone and Reilly can have the daddy he wished for.

“It’s not the Aussie accent. It’s a long story and I’ll have to tell you when the boys aren’t around. Let’s just say I’m having Santa Claus issues.”
“On the Fourth of July?”
“Pitiful, isn’t it?”

But perhaps the best quote in the whole book and the one that really inspired me more than anything else while reading was this one. Reilly, who is only 7, just confessed to Jenna that he doesn’t believe in Santa anymore.

“Santa does a really import job because he teaches children a really important lesson. He teaches them how to have faith in something that they can’t see or touch. He teaches them to believe, and that is something important to have as you grow up.”

Overall, this book is a nice, clean romance with a little suspense and a lot of thought put into it. I would definitely recommend you give it a try!

*** I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This review was done without concern for grammatical errors since it was an advance copy before final edits had been done. ***

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Each year when I decorate my wishing tree, I make one special ornament that represents a particular challenge of circumstance I overcame during the past year and my biggest wish for the one upcoming...My wishes have a way of coming true...Because I choose to live my vision, not my circumstance...Circumstances are temporary; vision lasts forever."

This, just one of the many other powerful messages of goodness in the best Christmas's spirit that you will find in this precious and interesting book, The Christmas Wishing Tree: An Eternity Springs Novel by Emily March that will be launched next week Sept 25th by St Martin's Press.

You mustn't believe that the story will be just Christmas's carols, and a typical also if figurative Christmas's Picture with snow, a big fireplace, a warm house, a happy and united family.

No: this one is a book that will let you think a lot because it speaks of our modern life and problematic.

Jenna Stockton is a doctor at the local Children's Hospital located in Nashville, Tennessee; she asked for a lot of books for the sick children.
A bitter-sweet Christmas this one in this important hospital:everyone know that some children will survive, but not other ones and so, that for some families this one will be with their beloved kids the last Christmas that they will probably spend together.

Jenna, deluded in the past by love at the moment is alone but she is living a hard moment because someone is pestering her and she doesn't know who that person is, and most important, the reason why that person is acting in such disgusting way.
She adopted a kid, Jenna, Reilly. Reilly's mother died and the kid was all alone; the dad of Reilly was a person no one could trust. This one was a promised made by Jenna to Reilly's mother. Jenna loves this kid so badly and she would want to do all her best for keeping him safe and happy.
At the same time Reilly is a happy son. He is healthy, plenty of life, but he needs a dad.
With some urgency. He finds somewhere a telephone number. You know: some men during the Christmas's Time are available for playing the role of Santa by phone, chatting with children, receiving their list of gifts for the upcoming Christmas.

Just...If in the past children asked for a doll, for a little train, now gifts are becoming a serious problem for Santa.

Devin Murphy is an adventurer. He spent a lot of time distant from home. He visited many foreign places, fell and missing Australia so badly and yes, he is a citizen of the world.
Returned at home for Christmas, in the small town of Eternity Springs Colorado, he decides to be one of the Santa's phone. Telling to you the truth he didn't received any call at all, but wait...
The day before Christmas, he receives the call of Reilly. Reilly asks for a dad.
Devin doesn't know what to think of this weird "gift." He thinks this world and the other.
That maybe the kid is sick and wants someone close to him, or that there are other difficulties behind this request.
He tries his best for contacting Jenna but Jenna, experiencing problems with the stalker, changed smart phone's number and added just few contacts. That telephone number isn't in the list of her contacts. Maybe that one is the number of her stalker?
After many other chats with Reilly, amazed by the gifts Santa brought to him in the while, (so he thanked him as well) and his desire for a daddy, Devin will be in grade to speak with Jenna. At first it's a colored chat, because according to Devin, Jenna doesn't understand the desire of her kid.
Jenna didn't know the frustrations accumulated by Reilly in the while, but maybe it is normal because unfortunately lately her worries because of this phantom in grade of altering her tranquillity has changed her mood, and so concentration less focused on Reilly's problems.

Once that she discovers that Devin is a good man she opens her soul to him, letting him understands that the latest moments haven't been so simple or cheerful. Devin knew that because Reilly talked about this weird phantom pestering his mother.

A terrible episode after Christmas will convince Jenna to move on in every sense and she will afford to Eternity Springs in search for that peace and serenity for her and Reilly.

Will it be possible to find love, peace, discovering the name of the stalker behind the dark scenario that we met during the first pages of this book?

Of course, you must just wait for the happy end!

Emily March is in grade to present us the gift of Christmas in the most beautiful ways.

Highly recommended.

Oh, and please, follow me, American readers. A giveaway is waiting for you!

I thank NetGalley and St.Martin's Press for this eBook.

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WOW!!! AMAZING!! I just loved, loved, loved reading The Christmas Wishing Tree by Emily March. Devin Murphy returns to Eternity Springs to spend a short Christmas visit with his family. After a phone mishap, he willingly plays along when a you boy phones Santa to ask for a very special gift. Jenna Stockton adopted Reilly when he was in need of a mother and her life goal is to keep him safe; especially after an unknown person has been wreaking havoc on her life. Jenna figures that moving across the country to Eternity Springs would be a good place to hide from their past; at least until they are discovered by Devin and he learns their secrets. Devin creates an investigative team of Eternity Springs’ residents to find the person making life difficult for Jenna and Reilly.
Jenna’s strength helped her cope with her life demands and made her a wonderful mother. She feared that Reilly would never be able to live a normal life, enjoying school, making friends, or playing sports; but living in Eternity Springs, allowed for this. Devin was ruled by the sea. As much as he loved his family and life in Eternity Springs, he loved adventure and the open sea to get his blood running and make his living. Devin and Jenna had to work out their conflicts before a relationship could be established between them. Devin and Jenna never guessed that a wrong number would have the potential to make everything in their life so right.

Ms. March wrote a wonderfully sweet and moving story that is not to be missed. It was a story filled with sexual attraction, fun dialogue, and endearing characters; along with a baby boomlet in the town. Reading this story had me catching up with many of the residents of Eternity Springs, but you do not need to read the previous books to enjoy this one. I highly recommend this book to other readers and look forward to Emily March’s next book.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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3.5 stars -- A quick little Christmas story with a twist. Our leading lady has a stalker! Can Santa save the day? Will Christmas Magic prevail? In the magical town of Eternity Springs, anything can happen. This is the 15th book in this series, but still reads as a stand-alone. You do meet previous characters but they don't take away from this story, just adds more layers. I did take issue with the stalker, so that did bring my rating down.

**Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley in exchange of an honest review.**

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I received an e-copy of #A Christmas Wishing Tree by Emily March from #Net Galley for my honest opinion. This is the latest book in the Eternity Springs series. Fans of the series will see some favorite characters from previous books. This story centers around a little boy’s wish for a dad. It is a heartwarming story that will bring out the inner child in all of us who believe. I always enjoy my return visits to Eternity Springs and this Christmas edition was no exception.

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I loved this book. Thank you for allowing me early enjoyment. The story line was perfect and it was great to see old friends. I never get tired of this series. Adversity does not stop true love and happiness here.

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I had to make a confession here, I've never read Emily March before I read The Christmas Wishing Tree. I've always wanted to try her but because she was so far in her series I did try. If you know me then you know I like to read books in order. Heck, I even read authors who don't do series but when their book was published.

What can I say, it's a little OCD issue I have.

But when the The Christmas Wishing Tree came up for review and I was given a opportunity to read it I decided to give it a try.

I'm glad I did. I enjoyed much about this book. Of course for me it felt like it was closer to women's fiction then romance but it had enough romance to make me happy.

I liked the characters in the story and the story line. It really sucked me in and kept me there. She had a nice little mystery going on and I really wanted to know who was doing what. It also dragged prior characters into the story so I was getting a feel of them.

As a whole this was a really good story and I enjoyed it. I think my only problem was that I didn't like how he wasn't even living in town. Of course that didn't really matter since for a bunch of the book she wasn't in town either. This is why I felt it was more women's fiction then romance. Didn't stop me for like it but it did stop my from loving it.

I enjoyed it and would have to say that one day I might try another book in this series. There are many characters that you meet in this one that I'd like to know.

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The Christmas Wishing Tree (Eternity Springs, #15) by Emily March I can't believe I'm on #15 in this series... Thank you Emily, the publisher and #NetGalley for taking me to my favorite place Eternity Springs.. These stories always pull back to the town and the wonderful people who live there and their stories. This is Devin Murphy (he answers a spare phone and becomes Santa to a little boy) Jenna Stockton ( she adopted Reilly) It is great to visit with all the great friends I've made in Eternity Springs and Celeste who makes another wish come to pass. The is some violence, plenty of love and laughs, some tears happy and sad and of course a very HEA. I almost for got Sinatra ... Maybe Boone will get the next story.

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Emily March’s The Christmas Wishing Tree is set in Eternity Springs, Colorado. The characters, setting, romance and the mystery drew me into this warm, feel good story. The novel’s message of spreading hope and love throughout the year touched my heart.
While helping Angel Rest’s owner Celeste Blessing decorate for the holidays; Devin Murphy rescues her when she slips on ice and falls into Angel Creek. Celeste is unharmed but Devin’s cellphone is ruined. Celeste has a special Christmas message for Devin; she tells him not to give up on his dreams. She hands him a prepaid cellphone and she tells him answer the phone when he hears Christmas bells. Six-year old Reilly Stockton calls Santa hotline and tells Santa/Devin that he wants a Dad for Christmas. Loved the conversations between Devin and Reilly—who tells Devin an angel gave him Santa’s phone number.
Emily March carefully weaves in a cyber doxing thread into the storyline. Although the harassment is targeted at Reilly’s mom, Dr. Jenna Stockton; the stalker terrifies Reilly and shakes both Reilly and Jenna to the core. Jenna’s primary concern is for her son’s safety. Emily March’s mother-son dialogue is fabulous; I could feel the strong bond between Jenna and Reilly. I was moved to tears when the Stockton family was swatted. Jenna and Reilly head to Eternity Springs to for Christmas. They meet Celeste and she shows them to their cottage and invites them to choose a Christmas tree from her property.
Loved the magical chapter when Celeste introduces the Stocktons to Cam Murphy and his son Michael; who are Santa/Devin’s father and brother. Celeste, Jenna and Reilly enjoy their sleigh ride with Cam and Michael as they search for their Christmas tree. Emily March’s descriptive voice shines as Celeste explains the spiritual story of the Christmas Wishing Tree.
Devin, Jenna and Reilly meet when the Stocktons return to Eternity Springs after a second swatting incident. Jenna confides in Devin about the harassment and stalking incidents. Devin assembles a group of friends who uncover the identity of the stalker. I liked that the romance between Devin and Jenna was a slow burn. Devin surprises Jenna with a cruise when they head to Bella Vita for a wedding. The chapter was fabulous and oh so very romantic!
I adored the characters and the small town community in The Christmas Wishing Tree. Celeste’s magic and healing powers strengthened the bond between Devin, Jenna and Reilly. Although Devin’s business was in Australia; he travelled to Eternity Springs to celebrate family events and holidays. He considered Eternity Springs home. Jenna and Reilly were looking for a safe haven to call home and Eternity Springs welcomed them with open arms. The novel is well -paced and the story lines blend seamlessly. Emily March does a wonderful job balancing the stalker thread, the multiple pregnancies and Devin and Jenna’s journey from friends to lovers. Living in Eternity Springs had such a positive effect on Reilly-he became more confident in himself and he believed in himself. The conclusion to the novel was perfect! I laughed, cried and smiled as I read the last pages.
The Christmas Wishing Tree is a perfect holiday read! It’s got all the feels; a beautiful setting, engaging characters, romance and a little boy’s Christmas Wish! Celeste’s magic brings three people together and teaches them to believe in the Christmas spirit all year long.

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♫❅ It's the most magical time of the year ❅♫

Yes, it is the time of year that Christmas books start turning up on my kindle!

I have only just realised that this is book 15 in the Eternity Springs series, but that didn't make a lick of difference to my enjoyment of The Christmas Wishing Tree.

Jenna, Reilly and Devin's story is a wholesome, lovely story. It is the perfect blend of sweet and tender, with some mystery and intrigue thrown in. My heart hurts for Jenna and Reilly as their story unfold, but full of hope as the town of Eternity Springs embraces them. There is a great sense of community that I just adore.

I love the "wrong number brings them together" story line. This really is a different take on "secret santa!"

I have to say, Reilly is a scene stealer. I adore all the characters, but this little guy just grips you by the heart and doesn't let go.

The Christmas Wishing Tree is a great way to get that Christmas spirit ramping up. It is my favourite holiday, and this has just made me love it more.

I will be going back to read the earlier books in this series now.

I can't wait to see what Ms Grant brings us next.

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One man comes home to the place that holds his heart. One woman finds safety in the haven that is Eternity Springs, as her son’s belief in the miracles of Christmas and Santa Claus finds a way to make dreams come true, even if it takes a little time. All they had to do was “believe.”

THE CHRISTMAS WISHING TREE by Emily March brings the magic of the season to life as the love of a town envelopes all who enter in hope for the future!

Sweet and endearing, two people will find more than they could have dreamed of and it all started with one little boy’s wish to Santa and a throwaway phone. There’s magic in the air in Eternity Springs and at Christmas, it simply sparkles!

Start your Holiday reading off with a smile on your face and in your heart!

I received a complimentary ARC edition from St. Martin's Press!

Series: Eternity Springs - Book 6
Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks (September 25, 2018)
Publication Date: September 25, 2018
Genre: Holiday Romance
Mass Market Paperback: 320 pages
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
For Reviews, Giveaways, Fabulous Book News, follow:

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A Professional Young Woman who has adopted a little boy is finding that raising a child is difficult, but it can be even more difficult when outside forces come together to cause an issue.

Jenna Stockton and her son Reilly are making a good life for themselves even though she has a heavy work schedule as an obstetrician. Reilly loves his mom but he would love to have a dad. So, one day someone tells him that he should call Santa Claus and give him his request for Christmas. They tell him to dial North Pole One. So, young Reilly does and low and behold someone answers.

Then there is Devin Murphy a young man who is also adopted. He runs a charter fishing business but has had some tough times because of a hurricane sinking his boats. He is at home in Colorado in a small town visiting family. His phone gets damaged but Celeste Blessing gives him a disposable phone to sue while she tries to fix his. The phone rings and there is a little boy, Reilly, on the line wanting to talk with Santa Claus. Devin plays along and their friendship starts.

Through a huge series of events Jenna and Reilly flee to Eternity Springs when they are being stalked by someone. They want what Devin, Santa Claus, has told them about the small town.

Serendipity happens and they all meet. Love happens, but not all at once. Or is it love or just an overly protective Devin on the prowl.

The book is well written. The story line is very believable. Can a fairy tale romance really come true?

I was so engaged by the book I had to finish it as quickly as possible. Now I want to read more from this author. I would love a second book about Devin, Jenna and Reilly. I want the adventure to continue.

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Springs. I am glad to get Devin's story. Devin is fun-loving and doesn't want to be tied down. He doesn't seem to want to live in one place for very long. He loves Colorado, but he also loves Australia. On a trip home to Colorado for Christmas, Devin is helping put up some decorations when his phone gets dropped into the water. He is given a burner phone to use while his dries out. Devin answers the phone and it is a little boy in Tennessee who wants to talk to Santa. He plays along and they develop a relationship. He knows he needs to tell the boy's mother that the boy is asking for a dad for Christmas.
Jenna is a doctor and works a lot of hours and her son thinks that if he had a dad, they could hang out while she had to work. Jenna and her son are dealing with a stalker and have to leave their life behind. They end up in Eternity Springs where broken hearts are able to heal. Will they be able to heal after the trauma they experienced? Devin finds out Jenna's secrets and the whole town bands together to help. Jenna is falling for Devin, but will he stay in Colorado?

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“All you have to do is believe.”
The Christmas Wishing Tree is a sweet story with a reluctant romance and a bit of mystical tone. There’s a bit of mystery/suspense, holiday spirit, and healing. The town people of Eternity Springs are welcoming and generous. They really embraced Jenna and Reilly and it was the perfect place for them to heal. The story covers over a period of time and not just the Christmas season. It gives the relationship time to develop and grow. This is the first Emily March book I’ve read, so it can definitely be read as a standalone read. All the characters were wonderful and I will have to go back and read their stories from previous Eternity Springs books. The setting and characters come to life and I really enjoyed the story. Loved the ending – the phone call was perfect.

ARC provided by St. Martin’s Press via Netgalley
Reviewed by Comfy Chair Books/Lisa Reigel (September 17, 2018)

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Ms March always does a fine uplifting novel - something we can surely use in these trying times.
through a series of errors a man answers Santa's phone only to hear a boy asking for a dad for Christmas. The boy's adoptive mom will do anything to keep the boy safe, all the while being stalked. She has been to Eternity Springs and feels safe there, so the two of them change their appearances and away they go. Ass always a lot happens in Eternity Springs but there are also a lot of good Samaritans who will do everything in their power to protect Jenna and her son. A community that comes together to help someone who is " not one of our own" is a great community indeed.

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There is minimal cursing (no f-bombs) and no on-page sex in this one.

While the Christmas Wishing Tree is a huge part of this story, this isn't actually a traditional Christmas story like you might be expecting if you judge a book by its blurb and its cute, cheerful cover. The story spans the course of a couple of years, culminating on Christmas, but there isn't a lot of the typical hot-cocoa-fluffy-snowball-fights kind of Christmasy stuff you might expeect in this story. This is a mystery/suspense story with a romance story. This book is also part of a larger, town-centered series. While you do not have to read the other books first, if you're the kind of person who doesn't like to read a series out of order because of spoilers for previous couples, you definitely want to start at the beginning because there is a lot of mention of previous book characters. If that doesn't bother you, you DO NOT have to have read them to enjoy this one – it completely stands alone.

I enjoyed this story for the most part, despite how much my heart broke for Reilly and Jenna as things got more and more traumatic for them. I loved that sweet Celeste's meddling brought Jenna and Reilly to town, and the way that Eternity Falls played such a part of helping Jenna and Reilly heal. I really loved their scenes in Eternity Falls, and the way that the whole town surrounded them with love and support. I could not get enough of that part of this story and I wish that Eternity Falls was a real place because I'd move there in a hot second. I also really loved the idea of the Christmas wishing tree, and how much Reilly embraced the idea.

The biggest issue I had with this book, and the thing that cost it two stars, was Devin. He was a good guy for the most part, but his hot-and-cold whiplash act where Jenna was concerned was incredibly off-putting. I didn't really feel the emotional chemistry between them at all, though the sexual chemistry was there, so when he would just randomly think about how he wasn't a “relationship guy” and he wanted to go back to his “harem” I found myself wishing that Jenna and Boone would get together and Devin would just go back to Australia and his alleged harem of one night stands so he would stop jerking her around. His grand gesture was cute, but by then I didn't trust Devin to not change his mind again, so it wasn't the happy-sigh-warm-fuzzy moment that I wanted it to be. Honestly, I would have been fine if it hadn't happened at all, so long as Jenna and Reilly stayed in Eternity Falls.

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