Member Reviews

Trust Again is another New Adult novel that deals with “tissues” of a relationship its fun, light and entertaining. I would recommend to anyone looking for a good new adult.

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3.5 stars 🌟🌟🌟
Y.A. Friends-to-lovers/ College Romance. (Translated from the original German edition though the story is coincidentally set in the U.S. )

While you could consider this a standalone novel, it’s also the second book in this series and it should be noted that Dawn and Spencer were also characters from that first book- which is why they have previously met already and do in fact have an established friendship - at the start of this book (so please consider reading that one first - "Begin Again" ).

What I mainly like about this author's writing is the "emotional" feel of her stories and also the vulnerability of her vivid and engaging characters . There is definitely a feeling of real warmth you get when reading her books and I do find that very appealing.
Occasionally though, I have felt that her books do suffer very slightly from translation at times....there are some rare moments that appear stilted or unusual but overall I really do like these Y.A. romances they are fun and entertaining reads that contain many poignant scenes.

I would really like to read book 3 "Feel Again", if I can find an English translated version. I do believe it is about Sawyer and she was a character from this book that really piqued my interest .

I received this book from Netgalley (quite a while ago) in exchange for an honest review and sadly it got overlooked on my kindle up until now.

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I liked Trust Again more than Begin Again, it has some elements that make the story more interesting. I unfortunately have to admit though that Spencer and Dawn were not what I hoped for. I also dislike the huge family and ex dramas that always repeat themselves and only get solved in the last 50 pages. The story fell a bit short for me.

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The story was very light and a good read. It was kind of extremely fast paced, which wasn't bad but in some parts the story didn't seem to flow naturally. The characters are very well put together and nicely written. I loved the fact that our main character was actually a writer, I enjoyed her process so so much. We can't forget about Spencer! I loved this character so much, the dialogue between them was amazing.

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What I think about ...:

... the story:
Just as the first book this one drew me completely in from the very first page.
I just loved the story around Dawn and Spencer and couldn't lay down the book..
All this small subtle hints just made me want to read on and on.

... the characters:
Dawn and Spencer were already introduced in the first book in this series as the best friend to Allie and Kaden.
Already in Begin Again I really came to like both of them and their interactions, thats why I was more than happy when they both got their own story.
Dawn is such a lovable person. She is such a good friend and supports Allie in whatever she does. She loves harmony and can't cope to well when she has to face dispute with other people.
At the same time she is quite shy concerning some things, like her writing. She does not tell anyone about it, because she is embarrassed of what she is writing.
She also didn't tell anyone about what happened between her and Nate - not even her dad, with whom she is very close.
It is delightful to see how she slowly opens up to other people and tells them the truth - especially Spencer and her Dad.
Spencer is a friendly, kind, lovable person who is quite good-looking. He is always there for his friends and tries to help them were he can.
But if you look underneath the surface you'll learn that there is way more to Spencer than you think and that he is carrying quite a package.
And as a couple I loved them even more. They were the perfect fit for each other.

What I liked the most:
The story, the characters, the setting, the writing style, all the emotions... This was just the perfect book in my opinion. I laughed, I cried, I loved the book.

What I didn't like:

Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars
I just loved the book and can't wait to read the third one.

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“Trust Again” by Mona Kasten follows Dawn and Spencer, two broken-hearted souls trying to break free from their pasts, but it won’t allow them. As they struggle to learn to love themselves, one side effect is that they learn to trust again which in turn slowly paved the way for a happily ever after. Dawn and Spencer tug at your heartstrings and you cannot help but cheer for them.

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Second story of Trust series about Spencer and Dawn.
Dawn and Spencer is best friend to Allie and Kaden (1st books). They hang out with each other since their best friends are a couple. Spencer has been pursuing Dawn for awhile but Dawn couldn’t go out with him.
Both had a lot on their shoulders. Dawn had her own issues that she couldn’t share with anyone else. Even though Spencer seem playboy and outgoing, he had his own issues.
Once they decided to give it a try, everything seem to falling into place except they won’t trust each other enough to open to each other. They are facing many issues with their own families yet they have trust issues.
They have to find way to trust again but will they be able to.

This book is more emotional than first one yet it was good. Spencer and Dawn are perfect for each other. They were dealing with so many issues and they couldn’t share with many people, They finally decided to open up to each other and relieve some of their burdens.
Both books were great read.
thanks to Netgalley and Bastei Entertainment for my ARC in exchange for honest review.

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I always enjoy a book where not everything is handed in a silver platter and this was one of those books. Definitely recommend. A very good read.

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Trust Again

by Mona Kasten

trust again
Rating: ♥♥♥♥

Pages: 400

Publisher: LYX

Publishing Date: 10 Juli 2018

Synopsis: Happy End? Das gibt es doch nur im Film! Da ist sich Dawn Edwards ganz sicher. Seit sie ihren Exfreund in flagranti mit einer anderen erwischt hat, hat sie Männern abgeschworen und sich stattdessen ganz aufs College und das Verwirklichen ihrer Träume konzentriert. Vor allem für einen Weiberhelden wie Spencer Cosgrove ist in ihrem Leben kein Platz. Da können seine Annäherungsversuche noch so kreativ sein. Doch eines Tages entdeckt Dawn durch Zufall eine völlig neue Seite an Spencer und stellt fest, dass hinter seiner humorvollen Fassade ein dunkles Geheimnis steckt und er viel mehr als der Aufreißer ist, der er vorgibt zu sein …

Mini – Review: Dieses Buch hat mir sogar noch weitaus besser gefallen als begin again. Natürlich habe ich Kaden im ersten Band vergöttert, aber ehrlich gesagt sind Dawn und Spencer für mich Charaktere gewesen, die ich verstehen und nachvollziehen konnte, und die ich somit zu lieben gelernt habe. Wenn man den ersten Band der Reihe gelesen hat, kann man sich bereits ungefähr vorstellen, was einem in diesem Buch erwartet. Zwei komplexe Charaktere, die wir schon in der ersten Geschichte kennengelernt haben, die ihre Geheimnisse gekonnt verbergen und sich ineinander verlieben. Erstmal nicht weiter überraschend. Doch dann kamen Spencer und Dawn und haben gemeinsam mein Herz erobert.

Dawn ist für mich ein super komplexer und liebenswerte Charakter und hat mir deutlich besser gefallen als Ally, die doch sehr nah am Wasser gebaut war. Dawn war mehr wie ich selbst und wurde damit schnell zu meinem Lieblingscharakter. Sie ist stark, vorlaut und kümmert sich gut um ihre Freunde. Sie ist ein kreativer Mensch der das Schreiben liebt und den Männern abgeschworen hat. Kurz gesagt die Protagonistin war toll geschrieben und man hat gemerkt, dass die Autorin sich vermutlich in Dawn widernden konnte, weshalb sie sehr viel realer schien 🙂

Und dann war da noch der spaßige Spencer, der ein dunkles Geheimnis zu verbergen hatte. Er hat mir besonders gut gefallen, weil es gezeigt hat, das Personen oft sehr viel tiefgründiger und facettenreicher sind, als der erste Eindruck vermitteln mag. Im ersten band hat man wirklich noch geglaubt er wäre einfach ein lustiger Spaßvogel, während man nun endlich erfahren hat, was hinter dem großen, dunkelhaarigen Künstler mit den blauen Augen steckt. Hach wer steht bitte nicht auf einen geheimnisvollen Künstler?

Mir hat die Aufteilung und die Schreibweise des Buches wirklich sehr gut gefallen und es waren tatsächlich einige Überraschungen dabei die mich perplex haben Luft schnappen lassen! Ich fand es besonders gut wie ie Autorin beschrieben hat, wie Dawn sich fühlt, weil sie von ihrem Ex betrogen und verlassen wurde, wie das Schreiben ihr dabei geholfen hat das zu verarbeiten und wie schwierig es sein kann nach so einer Begebenheit die Mauern wieder einzureißen. Auch Spencers Geheimnis ist ein ganz Besonderes und zu keiner Zeit habe ich geahnt, welche Bombe am Ende platzen würde. Das Buch war rundum eine positive Überraschung und ich habe sofort das Hörspiel zum dritten Band der Reihe gestartet. Denn Ally und ihre Clique haben süchtig gemacht!

(26. September 2018)

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I did not like it that much, i tought the writting was poor, it lacked Something. I was not taken at all by the story

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2.5 Stars
Trust Again tells the story of Dawn and Spencer who fight their growing attraction and feelings for each other. Dawn is scared of getting hurt again so throws her self into college life and studies while Spencer is dealing with pain not even his friends know about and trying to protect those he loves most. Learning more about Spencers issues was both sad and enlightening.
I thought Dawn and Spencer made an adorable couple and their friendship was caring and real. Unfortunately a lot of the rest of the story fell flat for me. I felt like I didn’t connect as much as I would like to with the characters and some of the writing and dialogue felt cliche. Things felt, not so much predictable as having not enough backstory and being resolved and tidied up all nice very quickly.
I has a promising and sweet story line with potential but just doesn’t quite come together. I did enjoy the previous book in this series so would still give this author a shot again.
Thanks to Netgalley, Publisher and Author for ARC

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Okay i really liked this book but i felt like it had too much extra context which i was not willing to put up with. I was skim reading, skipped pages with all the cringy love parts but the story was great! Definitely worth a summer read while youre traveling.

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An enjoyable read.
The story of Dawn and Spencer. They are attracted to each other but even at their young age they both have a secret in their past which is holding them back.

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I enjoyed this book very much! Dawn and Spencer's story is a friends to lovers romance rife with complications and reluctant attraction. It was really well done, feeling much more authentic than the first standalone in this series had. Nothing felt forced, it was all a very natural progression, sometimes angsty, consistently entertaining. I even laughed in parts because the banter was strong. Kaden and Allie's story fell a bit short for me but i'm glad I kept reading Mona Kasten because I couldn't stop reading this one. Looking forward to what's to come from this author.

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An amazing second book! Oh my! I absolutely LOVE LOVE this series so far!
Cannot wait to read more! I'm super excited!

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I liked this book almost as much as the first one and with two new characters I wasn't to sure if I would or not. Yet again Mona introduces us to two main characters that do not click. One is shy and reserved and the other is cocky and full of himself. The two well lets just say that things don't start out great for the two of them. One part I really enjoyed was how Allie and Kaden from the first book are in it all be it fleeting characters but they help push our two main characters (Dawn and Spencer) together. It was nice to see the author touch base with her first pair and see how they are doing in this story. The tension between the two characters in unimaginable, and the desire that they each have for each other, its crazy to think that they didn't crack sooner. This story is all about how the two fall in love and the struggles that they face along the way. A simple read but such a cute story none the less. If you enjoyed the first book then this is one you will enjoy as well because even though it has different characters it had the same kind of story line. Not similar enough to think I've read this" but close enough to get the drama behind their relationship and the struggles that they face. I really liked the main character Spencer and just like the first novel I liked how there weren't to many characters besides the two main ones. With there being not a lot of secondary characters it really lets the reader bond and get to know the main characters. I have to admit though I though the main characters in the first novel were written better and easier to relate to. Cute read and the best part is it stands alone from the first one, the only thing you get is a back story on other characters so if you read this one before number one you aren't missing huge plot points which is nice. Really good read and I'm glad I got the chance to check it out.

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Dawn has tried really hard to restart her life. After a nasty ending with her longtime sweetheart she goes off to college to regain confidence and become a real and true writer. Dawn secretly writes erotic novels and publishes them online. She has quite a following. Fearing judgement from her family and friends, her writing has become an outlet for dreams and desires in a fantasy world where no guy can break her heart ever again. With a feisty roommate named Sawyer and her best friend Allie at her side, Dawn is finally coming out of her shell. Another in their small group is named Spencer. Although he is handsome and smart, Dawn cannot allow herself to be become more than friends with him after her recent heartache with Nate. They share a fantastic friendship and can both feel the romance building. This is a coming of age struggle between trust and love, one’s learning of how to protect and take care of yourself - but leave the window open enough to let others be a part of it. This is book two in a series by author Mona Kasten. I appreciate her writing and simple but meaningful relationships. Translated from German, it can be a standalone but I have really enjoyed reading them in order. Third one is yet to hit the bookshops here but I look forward to it. Thanks NetGalley!

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I really enjoyed the chemistry between Dawn and Spencer. Trust Again is a book about learning to love after heartbreak. It was really good and I can't wait for more!

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Let me start this by saying that when i read this i did no know at all that this was the second book in a series.
I only noticed that when i went on goodreads to mark it as read... ?

So clearly that shows that the author did a FANTASTIC job in writing basically a standalone romance and nobody needs to read this series in order.
I mean i have no idea if the first book adds something to this book, since i haven't read it... but this book was so great in itself that i am guessing that its perfectly fine to not read this series in order (just for anyone else that wants to be a rebel and NOT read them in order as i did accidentally)

Its a very nicely done romance, with super easy to read but very enjoyable writing and good characters.

What i really enjoyed was that neither of the two main characters where pushovers in any way.
They learned, they developed and changed throughout the story (but not in an unrealistic way at all)
But Kasten did such a good job in making the entire romance seem realistic, seem as if it could actually happen and that the characters are actual real people...

It was a really enjoyable read and romance in general.

If you want something fun and easy, but still very well done from the romance genre?
Or want to read a translation or try a german author?
Highly recommend this book and i am now more than interested to see if i enjoy Kasten as much in german as did in english and will try her "original" works in german in the very near future!

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I really enjoyed this follow on to Begin Again.

I loved Dawn and Spencer and was happy when they finally got together. It was a change to see the h be more reluctant than the H. However, Dawn had her reasons not to be trusting and you really felt for her and what she had been through. Spencer was far from a simple character he had been through a lot too. When they both opened up and were able to just be was great. The side characters was as per the last book highly entertaining too. I look forward to reading the next one!

I was provided with a copy by NetGalley for an honest review.

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