Member Reviews

The author writes about sexuality as a whole, and not just from the LGBTQ space. He covers the topics of identity, gender, singleness, marriage, and same sex attraction. The over arching question for each topic is "how do I honor God with my _____." The author writes as a Christian who struggles with same sex attraction. This book is filled with scripture and his own personal experiences. Highly recommend!

Filled with biblical references, I appreciate how clearly this book lays out the primary understandings of anthropology and ecclesiology through the framework of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation as depicted in the Gospel story. Regardless of the various stances that Christians may take on what constitutes holy sexuality, the author provides an undeniably compelling case for why we need to turn to the Bible to define sexuality rather than relying on culture, which can fuel some of these variances. The overarching theme that we need to die to ourselves as disciples of Jesus Christ supercedes any other identity that we may cling to, putting singleness and marriage in their proper context. This book offers both a theological foundation and practical advice for how Christians can engage with people who define themselves by their sexuality.
This book's strength is in how logically holy sexuality is presented and why this matters for the Christian church. This is likely one of the best resources I've come across on how churches should function, why we need churches, and how Christians can embody the love of God to those different from us. Holy Sexuality and the Gospel has much to say about biblical sexuality but extends this concept to a longing for eternal companionship that is completely fulfilled by God. If you want a book that challenges your paradigm of singleness and marriage and calls Christians to a more enduring promise that extends beyond this life, Dr. Yuan paints the most beautiful picture of the church as the bride of Christ that calls people from all backgrounds to draw near Him as disciples and as a spiritual family.

Interesting, compelling read that made me think differently about homosexuality, sexual sin, and sexuality in general - in a biblical sense. Yuan has lived through it, and speaks with authority and intelligence. Recommended.

I had some concerns with the attitudes against LGBTQ people promoted by the work in Holy Sexuality. My faith has me being respectful, understanding, and caring to people with all sexual identities. Love is love and God is Love. Interesting read.

Rating: 3.5 stars
I was really excited to read this book, and when I began reading it; I enjoyed it. This topic is one that really intrigues me. Christopher Yuan sets out to unfold how, as Christians, we are not called to heterosexuality or homosexuality but to holy sexuality.
I appreciated how Christopher really delves into sexuality and looks at what scripture teaches regarding our sexuality and how we identify ourselves. However, the book kind of dragged on and I lost interest in continuing it at certain points, but I’m glad that I finished it through. This book had interesting and helpful truths not only about sexuality, but about love, community, and identity.

I thought this book would be a more general analysis of a traditional Christian sexual ethic and what the Bible says about sexuality. I was surprised to find that it is much more focused on sexual identity and homosexuality than I expected. The author makes helpful contributions to this topic and I will recommend this book to those wanting to better understand the traditional sexual ethic on sexual orientation. It just wasn't what I expected given the book's title/subtitle and description.

No no no no no no no no no no no no no
Just don’t read this just don’t just don’t read this
It is no just it’s bad
This book is extremely homophobic. It is doing that new evangelical thing or telling people that are LGBTQ of any kind
Mostly not trans because they’re barely talked about here or asexual people to be frank
But you know God for bid you fall in love with somebody who happens to see the same gender identity as you
That that is wrong being attracted to them that’s not wrong anymore but wanting to be in a stable healthy marriage is wrong apparently
Just do not read this just don’t

One of the biggest issues in our modern world is in the area of human sexuality, in particular, homosexuality. This topic has divided many parts of society. Whether it is between tradition and modern convention; older generation vs younger generation; East vs West; or any distinctive people group, it is a controversy that has torn apart many relationships. For Christians and the Church, it hits home at the heart when members of our Church or even our families confess they are gay. Even the theological community has been split in the interpretations or re-appropriation of the Bible verses that speak about homosexuality. Even love has many different definitions and expectations. For many, it is a theoretical and theological exploration on what God is saying with regard to homosexuality. For others, it is using the Bible to defend what they believe in. However, for those who are trapped in the middle, it could be arduous and tormenting. In 1993, author Christopher Yuan announced to his parents that he is gay. Due to his family's conservative Asian background, it is particularly hard on their relationship. Worse, Yuan after coming out into the open about his sexuality, his new found "freedom" led him to some destructive behaviour including promiscuity, illicit drug use, drug peddling, and unbelief. He was subsequently caught and jailed. This was the moment that forced Yuan to spend more time reading and praying over the Bible's teachings. Right thinking must come before any intentions. Any relevance or pragmatism must never come at the price of Truth. This book is Yuan's personal journey to discover this Truth, believing that "right knowing" comes before any action or behaviour.
"Holy Sexuality" was first described in Yuan's earlier book, "Out of a Far Country" which he co-authored with his mother. This book expands on this to give readers greater insights about his journey to discovering what God is saying about human sexuality. First off, he notes that sexuality does not define us. Neither should we let any sexual inclination or orientation define who we really are. In other words, we are not what we feel. Our core identity is not based on our sexuality but on our identity in God. Yuan then goes through some basic theological tenets of faith about humans being created in the image of God; the effects of sin; anthropology; covenant; etc. He notes that there are many Christians who have blindly accepted same-sex attraction as a root cause of their identity. He asserts that "Homosexuality isn’t a psychological disorder or a developmental problem" but deeply related to sin. Even as he states that, he addresses two common approaches that Christians with same-sex attractions take that are also erroneous: "be ex-gay or celibate." The key problem is that such approaches still consider sexuality as the core identity to deal with or to solve. The only way out is not to run away from our sexuality but to run toward the gospel. With the gospel, we are reminded that neither marriage nor singlehood; neither heterosexuality nor homosexuality; neither gender nor behaviour; will lead us to heaven. It is the gospel that is our salvation. He highlights the importance of a loving spiritual family who would accept us as we are, as sinners saved by grace. Most importantly, lest we misread Yuan's intent and thesis, the author asserts that "actual sin" is not the capacity for same-sex attractions or temptations, but a "persistent pattern of sinful desires or behaviours."
My Thoughts
Written in a manner that is part-memoir and part-theological, Christopher Yuan relates his painful beginnings and how he manages to climb out of his dark tunnel toward the hope of the gospel. While his own story and experience might not be refutable, his theological understanding might be controversial to some, especially those who hold a "progressive" pro-biblical view of homosexuality. For instance, just talking about homosexuality being linked to sin would have generated mountains of protest. If that is so, that only goes to prove Yuan's observation that our "feelings and thoughts were distorted by sin." Erroneous thinking could lead to lots of pain and suffering on all sides. On the one hand, conservative parents of homosexual children might start blaming themselves (nature) or their environment (nurture) for the sexual inclinations. On the other hand, progressives or pro-justifiers of same-sex attraction might treat homosexuality as a badge of honour to be proud of. Indeed, that is an important distinction, lest anyone of us turn our sexuality, whether heterosexuality, homosexuality, or any other types of sexuality, into an idol in itself. It is our "acting upon" any form of sexuality that leads to actual sin. Original sin is not some neutral concept but an evil desire that makes us act on it, triggering a flow of sins via warped thinking, derailed living, and immorality.
There are books that talk about both sides of the same-sex divide. Some try to make a balanced approach before proposing their prescription. Others are more explicit in supporting or opposing the particular form of sexuality. In this book, Yuan begins with a personal story about his own life and his own journey through the different perspectives encountered. He has heard about gender therapy, genetic studies, psychiatric association, and other tools popularized by the media. Regarding "conversion therapy," it works both ways. If one bans this form of therapy from "solving" homosexuality, one needs to ensure the ban applies the other way too. Whatever position we take with regard to same-sex matters, it is beneficial to take note of Yuan's warning about this dangerous idol: "The idol of our historical epoch is this: your sexual desires define you, determine you, and should always delight you."
Right thinking leads to right adjustments. The gospel is the direction for all, regardless of our forms of sexuality. Let not cultural sensitivity or societal pressure squeeze us into their mold. Instead, learn from Yuan's thesis, that our identity is not shaped by us but by God, in particular, through God's grand story of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation.
Dr. Christopher Yuan has taught the Bible at Moody Bible Institute for over ten years and his speaking ministry on faith and sexuality has reached five continents. He is currently a Professor-at-large with Moody. He speaks at conferences, on college campuses, and in churches. He has co-authored with his mother their memoir, Out of a Far Country: A Gay Son’s Journey to God, A Broken Mother’s Search for Hope (100,000 copies sold and now in seven languages). He is also the author of Giving a Voice to the Voiceless. Christopher graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 2005, Wheaton College Graduate School in 2007 with a Master of Arts in Biblical Exegesis and received his doctorate of ministry in 2014 from Bethel Seminary.
Rating: 4.5 stars of 5.
This book has been provided courtesy of Waterbrook Press and Multnomah via NetGalley without requiring a positive review. All opinions offered above are mine unless otherwise stated or implied.

I got some nuggets of what should Biblical sexuality looks like.
For my reading, I had to keep feeling overwhelmed by the questions that he asked
in his book. This book is not easy, or it's super quick read in a day. The author is very
logical(especially with the biblical terms and all those theological). It felt like a theology textbook
rather than a spiritual book. I kind of wanted his testimony and how he was able to get out of sexual issues and problems, but it was more like the theological side of the book. (which is fine). On his approach with the
leading people into wholeness, he wrote it in a very evangelical, gospel-centered way. Me coming from
inner healing and deliverance and accepting faith integrated psychology, I could not agree with some of his ideas because, my experience, and belief, and even my biblical stance showed me we need spiritual sided help well
as just knowing biblical statements logically. I am not sure if the author had experience with Holyspirit,
but it was too much information with the theological wording and the terms. It was informed, but not sure if it is life-transforming for me. Although I highly honor his vulnerability to write this book.

One of the most divisive issues in my church in recent years has been the push to be inclusive and accepting of the LGBTQ lifestyle. We've lost many members, on both sides of the issue, because we've held to the belief that God says no to this. It's tough, when you truly love someone who is fighting this battle, to stand by, love them, and yet, call their desire sinful. Christopher Yuan, in Holy Sexuality and the Gospel, asks us to look at sexuality with a different slant.
As the book description says:"Dr. Christopher Yuan explores the concept of holy sexuality--chastity in singleness or faithfulness in marriage--in a practical and relevant manner, equipping readers with an accessible yet robust theology of sexuality. Whether you want to share Christ with a loved one who identifies as gay or you're wrestling with questions of identity yourself, this book will help you better understand sexuality in light of God's grand story and realize that holy sexuality is actually good news for all."
As a gay man himself, Yuan has concluded that the Gospel calls all of God's people to holy sexuality, not heterosexuality. While he agrees that homosexual relationships are sinful, he also points out that heterosexual relationships outside the bonds of marriage are also sinful, and there should be no distinction between the two. He states that "any sin (such as same-sex sexual practice) or any struggle with sin (such as same-sex desire) has only one root cause: original sin." He then goes on to point out that "All sinful temptations and behavior present us with a real struggle and fight."
Yuan writes with great grace for all sinners, whether their struggle is with gossip, or dishonesty, or sexuality. He speaks hope that, "When we're born again, the old has gone, and the new has come - we are a new creation. Our sexuality is no longer who we are, but how we are." That distinction is important throughout the book.
For churches struggling to minister to the world around them, Yuan's book will be an important reference. I can definitely recommend reading it. No matter what your viewpoint is, Yuan clearly, and firmly backed by Scripture, explains how he came to his conclusions.

Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God's Grand Story
"Holy sexuality: chastity in singleness and faithfulness in marriage." This definition is repeated multiple times throughout the book. "This term holy sexuality is meant to simplify and disentangle the complex and confusing conversation around sexuality. The truth is that God's standard for everyone is holy sexuality: chastity in singleness and faithfulness in marriage. Different expectations for different people are not only unfair; they're unbiblical."
Christopher Yuan is a Christian who struggles with same-sex attraction. He and his mother wrote a book together called "Out of a Far Country" which gives the story of his journey through the gay lifestyle and his conversion to Christianity, along with the journey of the mother who prayed for eight years for his salvation. Now Chris is back with a book about what the Bible has to say about sexuality.
First off, Christopher helps the reader figure out their identity. In the case of same-sex attraction, the reason we often hear is this is who I am and I can't help it. Christopher helps us debunk that theory both for same-sex attraction and for every other issue we may face in life. "True identity is not what I do. Nor is it how I am. True identity is who I am." And we are made in the image of God and as such we represent God. Gender and sexuality is not our identity, it's what I am and what I do, but not who I am. And when we let "experience supersede essence - what I feel is who I am. In other words, psychology usurps biology. When anyone embraces this ideology, truth is no longer absolute. Truth becomes what I think and what I feel." Our first step must be to place our identity in Christ and recognize that we are made in His image and need a Savior. And then as Christians to, out of that knowledge, treat all humans with dignity and respect.
Another thing he debunks is that sin is a result of our upbringing, he was speaking primarily of same-sex attraction because that is the gist of his book, but I think it could apply to many sins. If we say it was our upbringing that made us sin or made us struggle with sin, then we are not acknowledging the sin nature within us and we are basically saying that we don't need Jesus, we just need a better environment.
I could go on and on quoting things from this book. It was so good and eye opening for me. I was made to recognize that sin is sin. Chris gave the example of a mother weeping brokenly for her son who had turned to the gay lifestyle and wondering why he couldn't be normal like his brother who had a steady girlfriend and a baby on the way. Chris' point was that both boys were in sin, why was one so much worse than the other. He also gives a really good chapter on desire and temptation, but I don't have the space to go into it right now.
One thing I really appreciated about the book is how every topic went back to the Bible and was dissected and based on what the Bible had to say. Chris didn't sugar coat anything. While he struggles with same-sex attractions, he doesn't make any allowance for acting on it, just as he doesn't make any allowance for acting on your desires for an illegitimate relationship with the opposite gender.
Towards the end of the book, he does give some pointers on relating to those friends and family who struggle with same-sex attractions. He gives some dos and don'ts for relating to them. I am not going to go into all of them, but to say that to listen without condemnation or pushing them away is the first step. He also has different pointers based on if they are non-Christian or Christian as well.
If you haven't figured it out yet, I recommend this book. I think it is worth the read especially in the culture we live in. I also highly recommend reading "Out of a Far Country" as well.
I received this book from Multnomah through NetGalley and was not required to write a positive review.

I was given a copy of this book by the publisher with no expectation of a positive review. What I expected from the title was not what I read on the pages inside. I read a book which was basically telling LGBTQ people to deny their sexual attractions and live without love and passion. As a mother and stepmother of people who fall into that segment of the population, I was disgusted by that "solution," even though it is presented in a "Christian" way.

This is the best book I have read all year, hands down.
From the unique perspective of someone with same-sex sexual attraction, Christopher Yuan gives the reader a greater understanding of several issues. The first issue is how we look at sexuality and being, where we generally understand the two as one, where we should understand who we are in relationship to Christ. Yuan makes this point better than anything I have seen to date. The second issue is that same-sex desires are not sin, but can lead to sin. Third, that we don't need to fix people who have same-sex attraction, rather we need to introduce them to Jesus Christ and then help them see their need to surrender their sexuality to Christ the same way would someone who was involved in any type of sexual sin. Fourth, that we need to learn that the best way to help someone to see their need for change is to live according to the Bible, acknowledge our sinfulness and need for help, pray for them, and be accepting of them. Finally that as we accept them we need to be willing to disciple them and be available for them for the long haul.
While this book deals mainly with same-sex issues, I can see this book being a valuable resource for so many other issues, especially other sexual issues.
With his ability to speak from his personal experiences Yuan lovingly and carefully provides a way for followers of Christ to honestly embrace those who we know and love who are facing same-sex attraction; whether they have acted on those feelings or not.

This was a very insightful book. It didn’t give some of the answers you come to expect on this topic and it really spun my thinking around a bit.
Christopher showed that these desires that people are following are really all about stealing our identity. The enemy wants nothing more then to trick people into believing they are what they feel and instead of they do what they feel. They become what they feel and this isn’t what God intended.
There were many great qoutes in this book here are a few:
“We don’t need to find our identity,; our identity is give by God.” Location 241
“The imago Dei is the only true foundation of human rights” Image of God. Location 370
“Instead of determining how we ought to live based on enduring patterns of erotic desires, God’s call for all humanity, quite simply, is holiness.” Location 783
There is much more to this book then these few quotes but it was very eye-opening. If you find this topic interesting I recommend this book.
A copy of this book was given to me through Netgalley.com. All opinions are my own.

My first impression of “Holy Sexuality and the Gospel" by Christopher Yuan is that it is touching. Yuan is able to bring a unique experience to the discussion, his own struggle and past with same-sex attractions. He does so beautifully and soundly, not sacrificing scripture in favour of this experience but instead presenting one of – If not the – most theologically rich books on the topic of human sexuality written in the 21st century. Towards the beginning of the book, Yuan lays the foundations of theological anthropology, rightly claiming it as a necessity for the right understanding of biblical sexuality without slipping into distortions of the truth. The book dances with topics beginning with who we are, biblical sexuality, marriage and singleness, sanctification, and ending with how to compassionately reach those we love with same-sex attractions, all rightly centred around the Gospel.
Each of us knows someone who is gay or struggles with unwanted attractions. This book has quite honestly been so eye-opening, and at times convicting as I found myself to be guilty of some one or two things. If your child or loved-one has recently come to you with a confession of homosexual desire this book will equip you understand the root of the problem and what your role in witnessing to them is.
Regarding the categories of heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual and other terms, are these truly accurate representations of what God has called holy? Yuan offers another choice, one that does not define people by their sin or put people in categories that are not only unbiblical but include all forms of immorality. Heterosexuality is too broad of a category which includes sinful behaviour. Perhaps there is another category to be considered: holy sexuality.
Yuan puts it perfectly:
“This term holy sexuality is meant to simplify and disentangle the complex and confusing conversation around sexuality. The truth is that God’s standard for everyone is holy sexuality: chastity in singleness and faithfulness in marriage. Different expectations for different people are not only unfair; they’re unbiblical. Instead of determining how we ought to live based on enduring patterns of erotic desires, God’s call for all humanity, quite simply, is holiness.”
Yuan recognises the unfortunate reality of the incorrect way in which homosexuality is often viewed in the church. Too often homosexuality is viewed as some unforgivable sin or worse than other sins. though individual sins look a little different the problem in every case is sin and the answer is the same, new life and daily renewal in Christ.
There is so much more the book has to offer, these are only a few things Yuan writes on. I have been highly impressed with this book, even if you don't experience same-sex attractions this book will both equip you to witness to one of the most unreached people groups of the 21st century and is likely to aid you in what holy sexuality means for your own walk. “Holy Sexuality and the Gospel" has much to offer every person, whether same-sex attracted or married heterosexual.

Christopher Yaun’s “Holy Sexuality and the Gospel,” is a thought-provoking, deeply biblical, robustly theological, profoundly Christological, and compassionately practical book on holy human sexuality. While I don’t agree with all of his conclusions, this is a must read for those who are wanting to enter into one of the most important conversations of our time—conversations around sexuality, identity, God, church, and mission.

This book wasn't entirely what I expected. While the premise is excellent - we need to move away from just tackling "issues" to having a robust theology surrounding "holy sexuality" - I didn't feel that this book accomplished that.
I felt that the issue of homosexuality, which was largely at the center of this book, was much too oversimplified. I understood the power of the Gospel that Prof. Yuan was desiring to communicate, but I felt in his passion, he neglected to address the practical. Sure, it's great to say that we need to move away from sexual identity to identity in Christ - but what does that look like practically?
I'm glad I read this book, but it wouldn't be one I recommend to people looking on this issue.

I am very grateful for resources like this, that allow us to understand better and we can also give it to people who need to know about their wonderful design. Also I am excited to explore some other titles of this topic in the extensive bibliography that the author uses in the book.
I am very excited! I received this book for review and comment prior to its publication (I really like to read and let you know about awesome books!). This new copy of Christopher Yuan will be published on November 20, 2018, WaterBrook & Multnomah. I recommend that you pre-order it here.
I liked it because this issue is not only important for people who are attracted to the same sex or who identify themselves as LGBTQ. Identity is an issue that includes all of us. We all have a continuous war with the idols of our hearts. What we like, are atracted to, captivated by, how we define ourselves, finally captures us.
The book makes us think and reflect that we live in an era in which there is a constant narrative that dictates: "your sexual desires define you, determine who you are and will satisfy you", this book explains how dangerous this position is and where it could guide us.
The first time I heard from Christopher was at a conference he gave years ago.
Later in the program of Revive Our Hearts you can listen to part of its history in a series of 6 programs in English: "Out of a Far Country, with Christopher & Angela Yuan". This series is also available in Spanish on the Aviva Nuestros Corazones ministry in the series: Desde un país lejano.
You can encourage you to read this book by listening to these free audios of the same series, with Christopher and his mother. Personally I think there is nothing like reading the book. In an audio or interview you can never go deeper as you can do in the book.
Since I heard about the story of Christopher Yuan I was very moved. It is very necessary to address these issues from other points of view, not only what we see in social networks, series or movies.
There are people who are facing similar situations and very open, clear and real perspective of people who have been. It is very needed. Personally, people I love very much know what it is to be there and I have also seen what their families and their relationships face.
What culture is currently questioning about homosexuality is: "Why would God make me this way and then not allow me to be who I am?" This and other questions are answered in the book. His arguments will surprise you! (I promise I won't give you a spoiler). You will find much about identity, the importance of anthropology (the consequences of ignoring who we are), sexuality, temptations, the anatomy of desire, sexual orientation, marriage, singleness, comparison and much more.
It seemed to me very useful that at the end of the book they included an 8 week study guide. The reader may use it to examine the topics in more depth and reach their own reflections and conclusions. To make it more enriching it can be done with a small group or a reading partner.
P.S. You can read his first book here: Out of a Far Country: A Gay Son's Journey to God. A Broken Mother's Search for Hope Out of a Far Country.
Out of a Far Country: A Gay Son's Journey to God. A Broken Mother's Search for Hope. by [Yuan, Christopher, Yuan, Angela]
Christopher is brave to detail his conversion. His mom also shares very vividly from her perspective. He went from being an agnostic gay man who put his identity in his sexuality to being a faithful follower of Jesus. Now he has placed his identity in Christ, has a completely biblical and theological perspective on sex, his desires and relationships. This is his story of redemption.
"Christopher Yuan's story of redemption and restoration has inspired thousands worldwide. Now he offers in-depth biblical and theological teaching to help explain the core of his convictions. Holy Sexuality and the Gospel is for every reader curious about what God says about human sexuality and the spiritual realities of embodied personhood. Yuan writes that holy sexuality is chastity in singleness or faithfulness in marriage. Whether you're wrestling with questions of identity yourself, or wanting to share Christ to a loved one who identifies as gay, this book will equip you with the truth you need, as well as the coaching necessary for loving and charitable relationships."
#HolySexualityAndTheGospel #NetGalley

The emphasis in this book is about the Gospel and and how, because of our love for Christ and His love for us, we should be living a holy life. The author documents his love and belief in the Bible as being the inspired Word of God, and that we should follow God’s instructions in all areas of our lives very carefully. Through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, we can and should avoid sexual sin. Christopher Yuan does a masterful job in explaining theological terms and Scripture in a way that I could completely understand. The author doesn’t hold back on the issues we face in today’s society, but helps us see that the answers for those issues that are found in God’s Word.
Christopher Yuan is completely open and honest as he shares his own struggles and testimony. I also appreciated the suggestions he gives for ministering to and talking with those who are struggling with sexual sin. My heart was moved by the godly example of his mother, a true prayer warrior who never gave up on her son’s accepting Christ as his Savior and turning from his sin. Through her example, I’ve been challenged to pray fervently and consistently for others.
There’s a study guide included at the end of the book that is very helpful for those reading as a group or for individual study.
This is an excellent book that made me think deeply and Biblically about these issues.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

I thought this book would be more balanced in its discussion of sexuality as presented in the Bible, but much of the book was about same-sex attraction. That's an important topic, but it wasn't really indicated in the title.
There's lots of scripture and analysis of scripture here, which is important. I suggest changing the title to make it more clear what this book is primarily about.