Member Reviews

Lysander "Fitz" Fitzgibbon is a bus driver living a fairly uneventful life. In between work and television his sometimes bed partner, Jerry, pops by for a quickie; usually leaving Fitz feeling unsatisfied and used. So when Jerry falls in love with his neighbor, Henry, Fitz finds himself alone. One day on a walk in the park, Fitz comes across a body dumped in the bushes. While being questioned by the cops, he meets Detective Holland Simms; who seems intent on visiting Fitz as much as possible even when off the clock.
It would have been nice if Fitz and Simms had more time to build their chemistry other than Fitz getting annoyed with Simms' brash attitude and punching him (which would have turned into a VERY different story if Fitz was African-American and not Simms). "Hey, I think you're hot!" isn't quite enough for me to get as invested as I thought I should have been. The back matter of the book says Walker likes to keep things short but I feel it was to this story's detriment. It's so short, the whole thing is over before you can get to know the characters. This could have been on the level of C. S. Poe's gay mystery novels if given time to grow. As it stands its around a 2.7 or 3 out of 5. I'm torn between the two.

I saw the synopsis and said 'what the heck'. It was also a super quick read which can be the perfect read sometimes. This book was quick maybe too quick. and did have sweet elements but it was also a bit forgettable once it was finished.
Lysander "Fitz" Fitzgibbon has his issues and one of them is being insecure. It starts with Fitz being used by a some guy and then Fitz having a crush on his neighbor to the guy using Fitz and the neighbor getting together. To then Fitz stumbling onto a dead body till the lead detective questioning Fitz to them being together. It felt a bit random but it did have some sweet elements to it as well.

Being Fitz by J.D. Walker is a novella. Lysander "Fitz" Fitzgibbon used to teach at a university, but quit when his father grew ill and needed someone to take care of him. Years later, after his dad's death, Fitz has given up on his dreams, drives a bus route, and endures twice monthly visits from Jerry, who can't really be called a friend, and barely a benefit. Fitz is lonely, overweight, and figures life won't be getting any better. Then Jerry falls for Fitz's neighbor, Henry, and Fitz stumbles over a dead body in the park. As if life couldn't get any worse, he has a run-in with Detective Holland Simms, whose infuriating arrogance and brash behavior provokes Fitz to punch him. But strangely enough, Fitz feels more alive around Simms than he has in a long time, though Fitz finds it hard to believe that the confident Simms would want anything to do with him.
Being Fitz is a short romance. It was a quick. enjoyable read with some serious feels. My biggest issue is that I wanted more. Fitz has plenty of angst in the beginning, and the initial courtship between Simms and Fitz was pretty great. However, then we just kind of cut ahead to Fitz getting his life together, and it felt like the heart of the matter was glossed over. I loved seeing Fitz find happiness, but I feel like This could have easily been fleshed out to a full length novel, with more relationship development, and more of Fitz finding his value in tangible ways rather than because Simms and his coworker telling him that his is more than he thinks. I liked the read, but really wanted more, I wanted to see Fitz grow not just have it glossed over and be told that things work out. I wanted to see him move towards it and grab his future with both hands rather than just reacting to things that come his way.

-2.5 stars-
Initially, the cover of this short story had me taking a second look. I like well written shorts, so when the blurb for Being Fitz sounded promising, I was all in. Unfortunately, this story held a solid plot with good characters that simply didn’t live up to its potential for me. I found Fitz’s character to be well-flushed out at the beginning of the story, with a good amount of background and insight into his personality making me feel like I got to know him. However, as the book progressed, the timeline felt increasingly rushed, especially once Fitz and Simms get together. Maybe it’s just me, but my interest in a romance- be it a full length novel or a short story- is in the couple coming together and falling in love, and those were the parts that were glazed over in Being Fitz. I wanted some depth and development; so while I got hints of that and the author delivered a sweet romance with a happily ever after, I repeatedly felt underwhelmed when reading this short story.
*eARC received via Netgalley. The author and publisher had no influence over this review*

I wish the author had taken the time to develop this extremely short story into a longer, better book. As a short story, it lacks depth and development. The relationship happens way too fast, and I thought the dialogue was awful and unrealistic between two strangers. There wasn't enough story to make readers feel invested in the outcome.